The shoot


Goddamn straight.

Hey wait a min... Wasn't the green and white ranger the same person? HA!

I think you belong on the special bus after posing this incomplete sentence. I can only assume you meant, "if you think Link not being as recognizable as Mario is because of box art," which is never what I was getting at. It's the fact that Mario is so recognizable that makes him being on the cover of a game sell better. Link doesn't have the same drawing/selling power as Mario, and that's a fact.

Did I not say that selling power and game sales in general have nothing to do with the game itself? Like, am I dreaming or something?
Does it really surprise anyone that this happened? Cuz it shouldnt.

Look at the facts:

Lee starts Video Game Tournament.

Lee likes Zelda games. (see his sig choices/avatar)

Coco appreciates box art.

Coco likes Mario Kart (as do alot of people)

Lee dislikes Coco.

This was going to happen eventually. A man went against the grain & used freedom of thought to make his choice. Kim Jong-lee decided he wasnt happy with said free-thinker & then this all went downhill, causing others not to vote due to unfair practices.

Also, i wasnt aware the tournament was taking place in North Korea. This was not stated in the rules.
Oh boy you just wait for my shoot fellers. All of your precious ideas about KB shattered. Sly's true identity revealed. The REAL father of D-Man's bastard child. Oh the secrets.
Oh boy you just wait for my shoot fellers. All of your precious ideas about KB shattered. Sly's true identity revealed. The REAL father of D-Man's bastard child. Oh the secrets.

Shoost on me too!!!

I knew there was something missing for a while. Drama is needed to help balance the world. Thankfully we are in the right spot so people can be dicks to each other.
No shit. Now which new rule negates the previous statement that I can vote based on whatever criteria I want?

Oh. Right. None of them.

Does it really surprise anyone that this happened? Cuz it shouldnt.

Look at the facts:

Lee starts Video Game Tournament.

Lee likes Zelda games. (see his sig choices/avatar)

Coco appreciates box art.

Coco likes Mario Kart (as do alot of people)

Lee dislikes Coco.

This was going to happen eventually.
I was surprised. Mostly because of a fact that you overlooked:

-Coco likes Lee :(
I'm gonna take my reference as the obligatory Colt Cabana reference

1) Video games are produced to make money. This is the only reason 90% of titles in this tournament exist.

2) Something is good when it does what it is supposed to do.

3) Video games are good when they successfully make money.

4) Box art contributes to a video game's ability to make money.

5) Box are is a valid aspect of consideration when determining the quality of a video game.

Now, that being said, box art is a pretty goddamn stupid thing to base your vote on. But you know what else is a really stupid thing to base your vote on? The idea that handheld games are intrinsically inferior as expressed by Loveless, or better yet, the notion that Pokemon was ripping off the idea of "Cut" from Zelda because Link uses a sword. Those posts were exactly are ******ed as anything Coco might have posted, but were correctly overlooked. So were the dozens of people who were quite content to vote for or against games that they had never even heard of.

The rules were that people could vote based on whatever criteria they wanted. If Coco or Lee wanted to make idiotic arguments to justify their votes then there was a perfectly serviceable thread for people to call them out on it. There was no reason, outside of Lee's personal agenda, for posts to start getting deleted.
Lee left so I'm not sure exactly why JGlass is wasting his time trolling him and annoying the rest of the forums he supposedly cares so much about int he process, please dude just SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!, tournys done, prolly never going to be another one, & Lee is gone (at least for the time being) so why continue to be a massive fucking douche & turn people that used to enjoy talking to you against you, seriously man stop being such a raging ******** already. I'm sure it looks real good to new members when the staff is flipping out on a poster who's left, I'm sure they sit here reading this & think "WTF, why the hell would I ever want to continue to be a member of these forums with assholes like this in charge" BTW JGlass of all the people on staff you are the only one that is still going off about this... think about that, stop acting like a massive fucking douche and start being a little more professional god dammit.
No shit. Now which new rule negates the previous statement that I can vote based on whatever criteria I want?

Oh. Right. None of them.

Lee said:
2) If a post is classed as spam your vote will not be counted as will troll posts.

Coco's vote was considered a troll vote.

I'm just utterly amazed that you guys aren't seeing through the bullshit. Utterly amazed.
I'm familiar with the concept of the fifth wall (that which lies between critics and regular people); I'm not convinced that a sixth has been discovered yet.
I still don't recognize the legitimacy of your point of view. Rohan seems to agree with me on this, and I know I don't have a whole lot of influence over him yet. So there. I'm not the only one who has this point of view.

*shrug* I don't play video games, and it's part of a mod's job to determine whether a post follows or breaks the rules. I don't envy them for it. Lee thought your post was on the wrong side, and that's where the buck stops.

Actually, I was. Like I said, I didn't think Lee was one of those guys.

But you did accept the possibility that your post would be deleted because of derailment/falling foul of the troll rule.

I'm assuming you realise I was being sarcastic.

I'm voting Mario Kart because I like racing games better than RPGs.

There's a non-spam post. Winner.

And yet, more people click a button and move on than type one sentence posts and move on. It's a good idea in theory, but one that doesn't work well in practice

Further proof that this is one of the more irrelevant tournaments.

And yet here we are having an arguement about a tournament I didn't participate in because a post I didn't read was deleted. But this is slightly more interesting than writing about drugs.

I didn't realize trying to treat everyone equally was douchey. Woe is me.

I was calling you a hypocrite, but you can go ahead and believe what you want.

It has everything to do with it. Without good cover art some games would likely go unnoticed by consumers. If a game goes unnoticed by most consumers it won't get the recognition it deserves. Because Mario Kart's cover art featured gameplay examples and the characters in the game people were more likely to pick up and enjoy the game.

And that has nothing to do with whether or not the game in question is any good. To put this another way great book in a shitty cover is still a better book than a shitty book with a great cover.

I don't understand why people think I'm angry here. I'm merely defending the rights of our everyday posters. I am the voice of the voiceless.

Punk was a kayfabe hypocrite too.

You don't honestly believe that, do you?

That Coco can be a dick without breaking rules? Sure he can.

My friends don't like Coco, so I guess I shouldn't either. Now I understand why you continue to let Lee anally penetrate you: neither of you are capable of independent thinking.

My point, which you have seemingly missed is that Coco can be a dick without breaking any rules. Tell me where the rules governing use of the report button are, or the ones prohibiting being an ass to staff mambers in the bar room. What Lee did in the tourney was well within his rights as a moderator.

You're a mod, and I assume you do your job. Now have you ever been PMed by someone you infracted because they didn't think they did anything wrong? Lee did his job, and Coco and you disagreed with his call. Lee didn't do anything wrong there. I don't think deleting the post and disallowing the post was the right thing to do. But what's done is done.

Troll? Or truth warrior? I'm hardly white knighting for Coco, merely riding alongside him into battle in a war against oppression and lies.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I prefer to conduct my business out in the open for all to see. You need to air out your dirty laundry to get rid of the stench.

Haven't people lost their mod spots for doing that?

Already sitting.
I'm not out of breath.
I'm not angry.
Go fuck yourself, if you think anyone with an independent thought on this site gives more than a shake of their dick about what you have to say you're shitting yourself.

Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a mindless puppet. It couldn't be that you're just being a complete dick. Seriously JGlass, drop this bullshit and move on. The tournament's over, Lee's not on staff any more, so go and infract some posts in the HOF section or gloat in the bar room or something.

I'm done with this.
Coco's vote was considered a troll vote.

I'm just utterly amazed that you guys aren't seeing through the bullshit. Utterly amazed.

There's no bullshit here, just a huge bowl of Kool-Aid that you seem to have consumed half of. Additionally, what you said makes no fucking sense. By your logic, Coco was trolling because he was voting by his own criteria, something Lee explicitly said was okay, and never explicitly said is against the rules.

Get that weak ass shit out of here. Maybe drinking more of Lee's Kool-Aid will help you make a better argument.

Spoiler Alert: It won't.

PS. I peed in it.

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