A Shoot You're Not Very Interested In




*Insert picture of Coco*
Alright, here's a take from a former creative guy.

I always, always voted better RP wins. It wouldn't matter if it was random new guy vs. the World Champ, if the random new guy wrote the better RP, he wins. Matches like that would be written to protect the higher up guy if the situation called for it, but almost never were matches decided by storyline purposes and never by who was in it.

I personally loved Hunter Kravinoff. I always looked forward to reading your RPs, and you were consistently one of the best. I must disagree with you, however, as I also really enjoyed reading Big Dave's RPs. I really thought that everyone was where they deserved to be on the card during my time. I did find Reynolds and Everest to be overrated, but I never felt that they were in positions that they didn't deserve to be. WZCW was always good about the talent rising up and the less talented guys staying in the lower card, I felt.

As for a spot on Creative, I really felt as though you deserved a shot on the team. I said as much when I stepped down, but it was just a suggestion that I gave to the others. I could tell that you loved the fed, and Coco in WZCW is very different from Coco in the rest of WZ, for better or worse. I can't say that FunKay is a bad choice either, however.

I really hope you don't end up leaving, because you are a great asset to the fed and I would love to have a chance to work with you whenever I come back. Ultimately, that choice is up to you and the Creative team, and I trust that all of you will do what is best for the fed because I know all of you truly love it.
Phew, no one mentioned my name. Glad I'm still under the radar on everyones list.

......... Really, Coco don't go.
Forget making points. If you guys are really all about letting the best RPers go over, I'll give a million dollar RP every round from now until the end of time and force you to vote for me again and again. And I will love it.

That is if we're willing to let bygones be bygones here. Trust me, I don't want to let you down. Are you going to let me?

There's much to be discussed but if you want to stay around, then showing up with a top drawer RP would be in your favour. You're capable of it in your sleep. If anything this has now worked in your favour because I currently have no motivation to finish my RP.

There's so much I want to say but in fairness to all involved I won't. You covered a lot of points which I could but wont address, but some were valid, though not regarding current staff.

Btw Thriller speaks the truth, the guy barely ever voted for me. But I think it was mutual.
Btw Thriller speaks the truth, the guy barely ever voted for me. But I think it was mutual.

And that's what always made the team great. I knew that if you didn't vote for me, it was because you thought my opponent did better, and same if I didn't vote for you. If there was some kind of Creative clique, I was missing out on it
What is this that I'm reading?

I could have sworn this thread just went full circle. From Wicked being in the WZCW to leaving because he doesn't want to kiss ass but he is willing to slobber on a knob to get pushed? The finish result on this is that he is most likely going to be back... in the exact role he was before.

Unless I have missed something.
You kids and your fuckin' e-fed drama, Jesus, you guys have more drama than a real wrestling promotion does.

This is why I stopped RPing years ago. People get so involved in it and things get personal and it's nothing but drama. Shit's supposed to be fun, isn't it?
You kids and your fuckin' e-fed drama, Jesus, you guys have more drama than a real wrestling promotion does.

This is why I stopped RPing years ago. People get so involved in it and things get personal and it's nothing but drama. Shit's supposed to be fun, isn't it?

There hasn't been real drama for over 2 years. Even this isn't anything close to what it used to be
Shit's supposed to be fun, isn't it?

That's what I also thought. Instead it has now come down to people just not willing to separate themselves as a poster as opposed to a RP'er. It's sad really. It's like a wrestler who is stuck in his gimmick simply because they feel it is a better lifestyle. Basically... taking this shit far too serious. Or not.
What is this that I'm reading?

I could have sworn this thread just went full circle. From Wicked being in the WZCW to leaving because he doesn't want to kiss ass but he is willing to slobber on a knob to get pushed? The finish result on this is that he is most likely going to be back... in the exact role he was before.

Unless I have missed something.
Yeah. Based on what's been said privately, my goose is good and proper cooked. Don't worry. This is nowhere near full circle.
Would it be a semi circle with several broken lines?
More like a semi-circle of cocks in my ass.

I guess it's a win for you if you got what you wanted in the end.
I don't know. Do you think evidence that I can't speak freely without repercussion is what I wanted? It's not exactly the rarest jewel in my crown.

Also I WILL read the RP's from you and Ty when that match happens.
The match won't be happening. Fedding will be a futile endeavor for me with this creative team. Don't let that put you off it though.
More like a semi-circle of cocks in my ass.

That's a turn on. That's a positive thing, right?

I don't know. Do you think evidence that I can't speak freely without repercussion is what I wanted? It's not exactly the rarest jewel in my crown.

We'll you'd hope so...

The match won't be happening. Fedding will be a futile endeavor for me with this creative team. Don't let that put you off it though.

Why bother with it then. It's almost like it's more of a hindrance than anything else.
You kids and your fuckin' e-fed drama, Jesus, you guys have more drama than a real wrestling promotion does.

This is why I stopped RPing years ago. People get so involved in it and things get personal and it's nothing but drama. Shit's supposed to be fun, isn't it?

And this is the type of reaction I was afraid of. That motherfucking dark cloud everyone remember when we've been on track and doing great for quite some time now.

Fuck it, someone put a bullet through my brain please. Unprovoked drama, physical sickness, me wanting to kill my coworkers for making me the primary (read: only one) taking phone calls all day.

Should have just stayed in bed all day.
It's just a fake fed on an internet wrestling forum. To take it as seriously as any of you do is quite ridiculous. I dont care about the drama, I know all about that. It's on this site for one reason only, to have fun. That's all anybody should care about. Don't fret shit that's said about it, go on about your day and have fun with it.

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