The shoot

Oh boy you just wait for my shoot fellers. All of your precious ideas about KB shattered. Sly's true identity revealed. The REAL father of D-Man's bastard child. Oh the secrets.

Oh please, you and I both know your end as a moderator will be the Prax sequel. ;)
C,mon...I'm not that bad!

I'd rather have 15 Sullys than one Lee. Sully might be a fucking idiot, but at least he's not malicious.

I'm assuming you realise I was being sarcastic.

More like I was realizing how unfunny you are.

And yet, more people click a button and move on than type one sentence posts and move on. It's a good idea in theory, but one that doesn't work well in practice

More people would have been more than willing to type out votes had Lee not exposed himself as a post deleting jackass.

And yet here we are having an arguement about a tournament I didn't participate in because a post I didn't read was deleted. But this is slightly more interesting than writing about drugs.

Two subjects you know nothing about. Why are you here again?

I was calling you a hypocrite, but you can go ahead and believe what you want.

I don't see why you're calling me a hypocrite. I've never deleted a post simply because the poster made a point that I didn't like or disagreed with, and trust me, there were plenty of those when I was modding the WrestleMania section.

And that has nothing to do with whether or not the game in question is any good. To put this another way great book in a shitty cover is still a better book than a shitty book with a great cover.

Criteria can be whatever you want.

Punk was a kayfabe hypocrite too.

Not in his latest run, he was just a bad ass.

That Coco can be a dick without breaking rules? Sure he can.

Not according to your last post, hypocrite.

My point, which you have seemingly missed is that Coco can be a dick without breaking any rules. Tell me where the rules governing use of the report button are, or the ones prohibiting being an ass to staff mambers in the bar room. What Lee did in the tourney was well within his rights as a moderator.

The rule that was broken was the don't annoy staff rule, but it should be used sparingly. There's a precedent for abusing the report button, and the banning was a work. What Lee did was not within his rights as Coco simply voted based on his own criteria, something that was written into the rules of the tournament.

You're a mod, and I assume you do your job. Now have you ever been PMed by someone you infracted because they didn't think they did anything wrong? Lee did his job, and Coco and you disagreed with his call. Lee didn't do anything wrong there. I don't think deleting the post and disallowing the post was the right thing to do. But what's done is done.

Except Lee DID do something wrong. He deleted posts simply because he disagreed with them despite the fact that the poster didn't break the rules. He silenced free speech, something that WreslteZone avoids doing at all costs.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

A good wank.

Haven't people lost their mod spots for doing that?

Dunno, I haven't really been part of the non-wrestling community for all that long.

Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a mindless puppet. It couldn't be that you're just being a complete dick. Seriously JGlass, drop this bullshit and move on. The tournament's over, Lee's not on staff any more, so go and infract some posts in the HOF section or gloat in the bar room or something.

How am I being a dick? By calling Lee on his shit?

I'm done with this.

Thank goodness, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
There's no bullshit here, just a huge bowl of Kool-Aid that you seem to have consumed half of. Additionally, what you said makes no fucking sense. By your logic, Coco was trolling because he was voting by his own criteria, something Lee explicitly said was okay, and never explicitly said is against the rules.

Until the rules were changed to disallow troll votes, and Coco's vote was determined to be a troll vote, by who? Oh yeah, the guy running the tournament. Coco didn't say anything about the game he voted for, so his vote was disqualified.

I don't even know why you're bitching about it considering you didn't even participate to my knowledge. Justin's right, you're being a huge asshole for no reason, in a situation that has nothing to do with you. Also, yes, what you're doing here is textbook white knighting, for the record.
Honestly, some of you people surprise me. Months ago, you gave me shit for the way I apparently rained a shit storm of cliquey bullshit down on Stormtrooper. Well I make one pointed, accurate criticism of the way Lee (a guy I fucking LIKE) is running his tournament, and suddenly every video game lover and member of the Doc nut-hugger clique is in here busting MY balls. And I'M the cliquey one?

Each and every one of you is an absolute two-faced git, and I see through it.
Until the rules were changed to disallow troll votes, and Coco's vote was determined to be a troll vote, by who? Oh yeah, the guy running the tournament. Coco didn't say anything about the game he voted for, so his vote was disqualified.

I don't even know why you're bitching about it considering you didn't even participate to my knowledge. Justin's right, you're being a huge asshole for no reason, in a situation that has nothing to do with you. Also, yes, what you're doing here is textbook white knighting, for the record.

So by your logic; had Lee decided that every single Mario vote was a "troll" vote and deleted them all... that would have been completely fine?

Incidentally; Coco did talk at some length about the game he was voting for, as has been aptly demonstrated several times in this thread.
Until the rules were changed to disallow troll votes, and Coco's vote was determined to be a troll vote, by who? Oh yeah, the guy running the tournament. Coco didn't say anything about the game he voted for, so his vote was disqualified.

Um, you just did a better job explaining why this is wrong than I did. Lee determined it was a troll vote why? Because he disagreed with the premise of it. Why did he disagree with the premise of it? Because it didn't follow a guideline that Lee never made clear. Coco had every right to vote based on box art because Lee never said he couldn't.

I don't even know why you're bitching about it considering you didn't even participate to my knowledge. Justin's right, you're being a huge asshole for no reason, in a situation that has nothing to do with you. Also, yes, what you're doing here is textbook white knighting, for the record.

I did, actually. I voted in many rounds of the tournament, including the final. And the situation has everything to do with me. Lee deleted posts for no reason other than that he disagreed with their content, giving a bad name to the mod staff. And finally, I'm white knighting for one entity and one entity only... the truth.
I fail to see why this discussion matters. Coco posted another poll to redo the Video Game Tournament Finals, and Gremlins 2 is taking it by a landslide.
I fail to see why this discussion matters. Coco posted another poll to redo the Video Game Tournament Finals, and Gremlins 2 is taking it by a landslide.

Another example of abusive mod powers. I blame Lee for setting a bad example.

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