Fuck IC25... I'm running my own mentor/mentee program.

2. People's Peep
I really like the way they said they want to be the guy that people not only stop to read but whose posts others look for. That's what I wish everyone on here would strive to be. I'm sold.

Well, I started watching wrestling again about a year ago after a break of about 7 years, so I have a lot to learn, but I want to learn. I pretty much learned all I know about wrestling in my short time here, so it shows that I'm a fast learner. Other than wrestling, I'm one of the "sports guys" around here, I occasionally post in the Movies/TV and Music section, and I consider myself one of the better sigmakers around here. I thinks thats all my credentials.
I haven't gotten around to choosing my mentee yet. Still waiting for others to give me reasons why.
Suggestion, there is a guy by the name of Blueshirt who is 55 posts down and has posted some very intriguing threads so far in the non-spam zone, worth a look-in methinks.
You should pick me because I have very little knowledge of wrestling outside of what is shown on TV,but what I do know I know it like the back of my hand. It doesn't take a word fort for me to get my point across in non-spam sections, and I would also like to learn everything I can about wrestling in general from someone who has been down that path.
You should pick me because I have very little knowledge of wrestling outside of what is shown on TV,but what I do know I know it like the back of my hand. It doesn't take a word fort for me to get my point across in non-spam sections, and I would also like to learn everything I can about wrestling in general from someone who has been down that path.

D-Man should draft Rox because he's awesome and I'd love to compete with him.
Rox is one of my favorite posters. Dude brings the lols wherever he goes. I'm honored he quoted me in his sig.
You're already a Lieutenant in the STP Remix and a damn good poster, you don't need a mentor.

That's why I was only thinking about it. I know that I'm a pretty good poster and that there are posters that could benefit from having a mentor a lot more than me, but on the other hand, there's always room for improvement and a mentor could point that out to me.
I should have a seeded position on any list of anything. I'm so dedicated to that idea that I haven't even read the first post of the thread. I assume it's just D-Man rambling about how much of a noob he is.
Damn, I was thinking about applying. Oh well, it's not exactly important.

You douche... you're too late. And you would've been up there on my list, too...

You're already a Lieutenant in the STP Remix and a damn good poster, you don't need a mentor.

...and this is exactly why you would've been up there on my list.

I should have a seeded position on any list of anything. I'm so dedicated to that idea that I haven't even read the first post of the thread. I assume it's just D-Man rambling about how much of a noob he is.

Don't be hatin, beeeeyotch. You know you want some-uh-dis...

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