Right, I have decided this is my last post.
Take it 4 what you will, but I have a few things I wanna get off my chest.
Every single time I come on this website, I am amazed at the lack of disrespect
YOU are showing this business.
YOU whine and complain and bitch about everything that's wrong. "John Cena should turn heel"..."We Hate The Rock"
NO.. John Cena shouldnt turn heel.
EVER. WWE is a fucking business.. They are and
ALWAYS have been entertainment first and entertainment makes more money then a wrestling match. And John Cena is entertaining and makes
MILLIONS of dollars. No, Im not a follower of his but I respect the man for carrying that company on his back
BY HIMSELF for the past 7years.
So, The Rock leaves for Hollywood for what? 7 years? And
YOU yes,
YOU ALL were screaming and jerking off at ur screens for this man to come back because "He will save us from Cena" then he returns to make WWE some money and entertain
YOU. Granted.. There are a few exceptions on this site but the majority that screamed for him to come back are screaming at him to leave again because "He's stealing another guys spot."
WAKE THE FUCK UP. If half of the roster had any talent near The Rock they wouldnt need to bring his ass back! This man
MADE the business what it is today. Sure, he wasn't quite Steve Austin, but this man took it mainstream. Something the WWE has been dying to be excepted as for
I dont care, if I get banned.. or get a spam notice from That jumped up asshole
"The Brain" because I Have a fuckin life other then jerking over Divas and bitching like A
FUCKING SMARKon these kind of sites.
The two guys on here who really make me laugh are
H.A.M. The big, bad Hamler!
Are they sat at their PC's wearing rubber red noses? Pair of clowns. Thats all I can say.. They havent a clue about this business.. they have never laced up a pair of boots so they dont have the right to act as high as they do.
I HAVE LACED UP A PAIR OF BOOTS. SO I HAVE THE RIGHT. I don't follow these sites every single day of my life, I occasionally check this site out from work now and again and my god, those two are a pair of muppets.
Oh, and Chair shot reality?
WHAT A COMPLETE JOKE! Justin Labar, you aint so bad, I like you. But Josh Isenberg...
YOU represent
EVERYTHING that is wrong with this site.
YOU all
ALLThese jumped up wankers Like
The Brain, Dragon Saga and fucking that pussy Hamletmake me ashamed to be a wretling fan for the lack of disrespect and the so-called knowledge you claim to have about this business.
YOU don't have a damn clue now
So, with that said. Im checking out. The majority of you guys aint so bad, I like some of your posts. But im off to drive my car to my girlfriend's and give her a good seeing to.
Something those guys mentioned have
NEVER done in their lives.
And whats the deal with AustinRayShawn Posting on every single article I read?