The shoot

OH YEAH. If I remember correctly (clearly a big if) I was just trying to discredit you and make you look like a fool in the tournament. I do that to D-Man in Zack Ryder-based debates all the time, so clearly it's nothing personal.

And come on now, looking back isn't it a bit ridiculous that JBL even held his own against one of the best heels ever in Ted DiBiase?
Serious Jones entertained me here.

Seriously guys, just, leave it? You might tell me to shut the fuck up, but it looks like one massive implosion between you all is on the cards.
Well, I suppose it does depend on the criteria you use, but DiBiase was so much more significant, original, and flat out better than JBL that I have a difficult time coming up with any reason to vote JBL over him other than that JBL was granted more kayfabe success.
I didn't take part in the voting at all. Not when I saw that Zelda made it to the finals, and not FF7. I was never a Zelda fan, and found the games rather boring.. That could be due to being a Sony fan though. Seeing 2 Nintendo games in the finals? Nah. not interested. If I would have voted, would have been for Mario Kart though. That game was fun
Serious Jones entertained me here.

Seriously guys, just, leave it? You might tell me to shut the fuck up, but it looks like one massive implosion between you all is on the cards.

Clearly you don't know how things around here work, or the difference between an implosion and explosion.
Meh, the shoot was good. The 16 pages of argument... not so much. Oh, and i side with Coco, when I was a kid and never read reviews or watched trailers of videgames I would buy a game based on the box-art. It's human nature.
So this is about computer games? Yeah, I'm not reading this.

The OP? No, very little mention of it. Actually, he said a few things about you even. It's worth a read. The rest of thread was about everything from Video games, to people annoying other people.
The thing about Coco is that he can troll the hell out of people but still make points that are completely valid (e.g. HBK vs Angle is an awful match, here are the reasons why...). I didn't read the post that Lee deleted, but i did read his thread complaining about its deletion and I thought he raised valid points in among the "ignorance is a proud forum tradition" parts (and even then he justified them).

That said, Lee was the guy running the tourney and it was his call what flies. If he thought you were posting just to fuck with it, then that's what he should do. That was his job until he posted the shoot. I don't think that some of his calls in this tourney were the right ones (I don't think the final should have been held under different rules to the rest of the tourney or deleting posts that affected the outcome of the match), but I can see why he did what he did (to stop people PMing others to vote for the game they're backing and because you were being an arse. An arse who had a valid point, but still an arse). When you're in a job where you have authority of any sort you have to make calls that will be unpopular.

tl;dr I don't think Coco's post should have been deleted if it was within the rules but I can understand why Lee did so anyway.
Who's this "Coco" loser? Never heard of them, but if his/her post got deleted, it was because he/she violated the rules. Who's to say the vote wasn't counted? And if it was, 1 vote means fuck all when the matchup was decided by much more then 1 vote.

making the finals count only with a non-spam post was smart, because it eliminated the idea of people campaigning for votes, or anything like that. If you like a game better, give a valid reason why you liked it better without being a fucking dick and your vote is good. If you don't give a valid reason (such as this GAME is better because of the boxart) and/or you act like a dick your vote isn't counted. Nor should it be, because it violates the rules clearly posted in the OP.

I think I'm in love with this photo.
And the winner of this fucking thread is Serious Jones.

Again. For fucks sake...he posted a cat...playing the fucking piano...and still managed to make everyone here look stupid.
Who's this "Coco" loser? Never heard of them, but if his/her post got deleted, it was because he/she violated the rules. Who's to say the vote wasn't counted? And if it was, 1 vote means fuck all when the matchup was decided by much more then 1 vote.

making the finals count only with a non-spam post was smart, because it eliminated the idea of people campaigning for votes, or anything like that. If you like a game better, give a valid reason why you liked it better without being a fucking dick and your vote is good. If you don't give a valid reason (such as this GAME is better because of the boxart) and/or you act like a dick your vote isn't counted. Nor should it be, because it violates the rules clearly posted in the OP.

There are so many things wrong with this post, I'm not even going to bother telling you how stupid it is.
There are so many things wrong with this post, I'm not even going to bother telling you how stupid it is.

But I will, and I'll do it in a NUMBERED LIST!

Who's this "Coco" loser? Never heard of them, but if his/her post got deleted, it was because he/she violated the rules. Who's to say the vote wasn't counted? And if it was, 1 vote means fuck all when the matchup was decided by much more then 1 vote.

I was only going to bold your mistakes, but this paragraph was just one giant fuck up.

1) Don't be glib, you know exactly who Coco is. I know you do on the account that you have stated your hatred towards him on numerous occasions.
2) You switch from the plural in them to singular in his/her and he/she.
3) Who's to say the vote wasn't counted? How about Lee? Not to mention the fact that the vote wasn't counted.
4) It's been proven that had Coco's vote not been deleted other members would have been more willing to vote. However, because of Lee's tyrannical way of running the tournament, they withheld from voting.

making the finals count only with a non-spam post was smart, because it eliminated the idea of people campaigning for votes, or anything like that. If you like a game better, give a valid reason why you liked it better without being a fucking dick and your vote is good. If you don't give a valid reason (such as this GAME is better because of the boxart) and/or you act like a dick your vote isn't counted. Nor should it be, because it violates the rules clearly posted in the OP.

1) How does it eliminate the idea of campaigning votes? People can still PM other people asking them to go vote for the game of their choice. I think what eliminated the threat of people campaigning for votes was the fact that it's a fucking video game tournament.

2) Who are you to say what a valid reason is or not? Are you the king of video game analysis? No? You're just some douchebag with an internet connection? Well then, don't you look silly?

3) Coco wasn't acting like a dick, which you'd know if you read the post. He simply stated that Mario Kart's cover art was more tantalizing than the plain cover art of Zelda, and therefore he was more likely to pick up and enjoy the game. You come off as much more of a dick in this post than Coco did in his video game tournament post.

4) Let's review the rules... shall we?

1) There will be no poll, votes will only be accepted with a non spam post. In order to have your vote counted it MUST have Vote: *Game title* in bold. You can only vote once and must follow that pattern. Just putting the game name in bold won't do.

2) If a post is classed as spam your vote will not be counted as will troll posts.

3) If you get banned or imprisoned your vote will not count.

4) Flaming will also result in your vote being unaccounted for.

5) The deadline is Wednesday 20th July at 10pm British Summer Time which is 5pm EST.

6) In the event of a draw the organisers of the tournament will pick the winner.

The only rule that Coco even arguably broke was rule two, but once again, that's bullshit. Lee said it was a troll vote not because he thought it was a trolling attempt but because he was mad that Coco voted for the game he didn't want to win in a way that he didn't approve of. Oversensitivity and unfounded vote tampering made this the absolute worst tournament in the history of WrestleZone forums.

On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to point out that Lee closed and archived the entire tournament immediately after the voting was closed, probably to prevent people from discussing how the entire thing was one giant lie.
making the finals count only with a non-spam post was smart, because it eliminated the idea of people campaigning for votes, or anything like that.

Yes, because making only written votes count completely stops people campaigning for votes. It's not like I could've said 'Hey guys, why don't you come and write a short post about why Mario Kart is an awesome game and in return I'll give you some rep' is it? Foolproof. Absolutely foolproof.
1) Don't be glib, you know exactly who Coco is. I know you do on the account that you have stated your hatred towards him on numerous occasions.

The joke is that he's put Coco on ignore.

3) Who's to say the vote wasn't counted? How about Lee? Not to mention the fact that the vote wasn't counted.

and you're angry about this because?

4) It's been proven that had Coco's vote not been deleted other members would have been more willing to vote. However, because of Lee's tyrannical way of running the tournament, they withheld from voting.

Because a video game tournament on the internet MATTERS, DAMMIT. Chill the fuck out.

1) How does it eliminate the idea of campaigning votes? People can still PM other people asking them to go vote for the game of their choice.

But when I got pmed by Becca to vote in the best poster tag team tourney I couldn't be arsed to make a decent post to explain why. People who don't have an opinion on the matchup aren't going to make a nonspam post explaining why Mario Kart > Zelda. That was the point of it.

I think what eliminated the threat of people campaigning for votes was the fact that it's a fucking video game tournament.

Because nobody's PMed for votes in other irrelevent tournaments here. Oh wait...

2) Who are you to say what a valid reason is or not? Are you the king of video game analysis? No? You're just some douchebag with an internet connection? Well then, don't you look silly?


3) Coco wasn't acting like a dick, which you'd know if you read the post. He simply stated that Mario Kart's cover art was more tantalizing than the plain cover art of Zelda, and therefore he was more likely to pick up and enjoy the game.

And that's got precisely nothing to do with whether or not one game is better to another. Coco knew that, which is why he wasn't surprised it was deleted. He was trolling, plain and simple. He stuck to the rules, but that's your next point.

You come off as much more of a dick in this post than Coco did in his video game tournament post.

And you come off as more than both. Funny how being angry about trivial shit a day later makes you come off.

4) Let's review the rules... shall we?

The only rule that Coco even arguably broke was rule two, but once again, that's bullshit. Lee said it was a troll vote not because he thought it was a trolling attempt but because he was mad that Coco voted for the game he didn't want to win in a way that he didn't approve of. Oversensitivity and unfounded vote tampering made this the absolute worst tournament in the history of WrestleZone forums.

Well, it's not like Coco's capable of being a dick within the rules is it? There's no way that he's picked up infractions for "abusing the report button", or banned because IC25 had enough of him being a douchebag in the Cage Bar Room, and that was his EXACT reasoning. Go ask him about that next time the NJexus meets up if you want that confirmed.

Coco is many things. One of them is being in the top 10% of posters in the forum. The other is a masterfully dickish troll. Don't white knight for him here, he's not an innocent victim. Lee thought he was trolling and deleted the post. End of story. You disagree? Take it up with him

On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to point out that Lee closed and archived the entire tournament immediately after the voting was closed, probably to prevent people from discussing how the entire thing was one giant lie.

Have you tried PMing him to ask why he closed it so soon? I mean it's not like he was going to have a chance to after he posted his shoot.

Now sit down, take a deep breath, calm down and shut the fuck up.
The only rule that Coco even arguably broke was rule two, but once again, that's bullshit. Lee said it was a troll vote not because he thought it was a trolling attempt but because he was mad that Coco voted for the game he didn't want to win in a way that he didn't approve of. Oversensitivity and unfounded vote tampering made this the absolute worst tournament in the history of WrestleZone forums.

On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to point out that Lee closed and archived the entire tournament immediately after the voting was closed, probably to prevent people from discussing how the entire thing was one giant lie.

10/10, raging hard
And that's got precisely nothing to do with whether or not one game is better to another. Coco knew that,
I still don't recognize the legitimacy of your point of view. Rohan seems to agree with me on this, and I know I don't have a whole lot of influence over him yet. So there. I'm not the only one who has this point of view.

which is why he wasn't surprised it was deleted.
Actually, I was. Like I said, I didn't think Lee was one of those guys.
Remember when Doc called JGlass pathetic? Nice to see JGlass proving he was right. Seriously dude, your usually a pretty cool guy but right now your being a fucking tool, raising a big stink over a fucking VG tournament on a wrestling forum... fucking really?

If something as fucking stupid & pointless as a vote not being counted in a VG tourny on a wrestling forum bothers you this fucking much then maybe you should get up and step away from the forums for a few days, ya know just take a lil' break. I promise this place will still be here when you get back.

No one person is bigger than WZ forums:thumbsup:

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