The Complaint Thread

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I have a poster who has PM'ed me and stated that he is having problems posting on the forum. He signed up in November of last year, which was around the time when we were experiencing issues with the IP addresses, however he is able to sign in to his account. He simply can not post any longer. He has 8 posts under his belt.

His user name is "Gregory Helms" and this is his account.

Here was a PM exchange he had with me:

Gregory Helms said:
I get a message saying:
Gregory Helms, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1.Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?

2.If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Yet I have recieved no email or I forgot which email adress I signed up with :p Sorry to be a pain. :)

He has had one Alt before "RKO for King" which was closed for being an Alt. However, I have no idea what his original account was (he says he lost the password to a prior account so had to make an Alt but was banned for it), or if that is even related to this particular issue he is having with this account.

Could IC or Sly please look into this?

Thank you.
Ok I'm getting tired of being told I'm Spamming just because my responses are only 2 lines long. All I did to get a warning from my last "infraction" and I use that word and the word spamming in the most liberal fashion possible was tell a guy that I didn't understand where he was coming from and the intent of my message was to be a mea cupla sorta speak. NOW HOW THE HELL IS THAT SPAMMING. by the way don't bother posting that response on here cause I won't be checking this thread, if u want send me a PM
I'm not going to bother PMing you, as each moderator who has warned or infracted you has also sent a PM explaining the infraction, and our spam rule, which I'm guessing you've taken no notice of. Therefore, I'm not going to waste time doing it.

The spam rule is simple. Give an opinion, or position on the topic at hand, and give a reason for that opinion. If you have a post in mind which has been infracted, feel free to post it here, with the opinion bolded and the reason underlined, and I'll look over it.
Ok I wrote something, put a lot of work into it actually. Putting it together took a lot of effort.

Then it's labeled "spam" and trashed, because of a technicality, and I get an infraction.

My question is, if it's spam, why wasn't it put in the spam zone?

Why was it trashed instead? And why was it locked?

If you think something is spam, why not just stick it in the spam zone?

What's the point of the spam zone, if stuff you label "spam" isn't put there?

Yes, I might not have put it in the right area, but that doesn't necessitate trashing it.

That just means putting it in the right area, right?
Your thread was spam and was terrible. That's why it was trashed. And there's a thread for this already called the complaint thread.
That doesn't answer the question of why spam shouldn't go into the spam zone.

Yes, why shouldn't it? This is SO ironic.

Well, first, because your thred was shit. Second, because you handled the whole thing immaturely. I have no thoughts regarding you yet you PM another mod to complain I'm biased against you because we disagree on everything? Which is news to me, by the way. You break the rules, I'll put your thread wherever I want to put it. You spam, you'll get an infraction. You coninue to not read the rules, you'll end up banned.

It's not bias, it's honesty. You've handled it immaturely, and your thread was spam, and you broke the rules. Is the moderator who infracted you biased, also?
I have not insulted one person.

I have questioned the motivations of mods in the name of protecting the rights of being able to post. There is nothing wrong with trying to figure out what you can and cannot write!

You guys on the other hand are insulting and denigrating.

It's disgusting.

Enforcing the rules is one thing, but being insulting about it is quite another.
I suggest you leave the matter as it's getting you nowhere....

You spammed, it was dealt with in the appropriate manner. If you wanted the thread in the spam zone then go make it in the bar room, it's not that hard now is it?
I didn't say you were insulting, I said you immaturely handled the situation. However, implying I don't do my job properly actually is insulting. Not because I don't make mistakes, but because you seem to assume I'm being biased towards you. Do you think I'd have allowed the thread to stay if it was another poster? I didn't even infract you for it, though it was well in my rights to do so. Now, if I was so against you, don't you think I'd have infracted you? Don't you think other mods would be disagreeing with my decision?
I didn't say you were insulting, I said you immaturely handled the situation. However, implying I don't do my job properly actually is insulting. Not because I don't make mistakes, but because you seem to assume I'm being biased towards you. Do you think I'd have allowed the thread to stay if it was another poster? I didn't even infract you for it, though it was well in my rights to do so. Now, if I was so against you, don't you think I'd have infracted you? Don't you think other mods would be disagreeing with my decision?

That's the whole point. I wanted to verify that it wasn't bias against me the best way I knew how. By verifying it with another mod.

It was nothing personal at all. It is a fact though, that we disagree on many things. I don't want our disagreements to get personal. Or for it to come to the point where you used your power against me simply because we disagree.

So that's why I was verifying everything.

You may call it immature, but if I weren't to question everything, then some people might end up abusing their power and I end up being on the receiving end.
You do realise that every Mod move is under supervision of the admins and other mods. There is pretty much a zero chance of anyone abusing their power here. Stick in the rules and things will run smooth.
That's the whole point. I wanted to verify that it wasn't bias against me the best way I knew how. By verifying it with another mod.

It was nothing personal at all. It is a fact though, that we disagree on many things. I don't want our disagreements to get personal. Or for it to come to the point where you used your power against me simply because we disagree.

So that's why I was verifying everything.

You may call it immature, but if I weren't to question everything, then some people might end up abusing their power and I end up being on the receiving end.

Ok, look dude. I read up on this and I think I have a handle on it.

First off, the idea of bias and poiticking on a wrestling forum is pretty sad. In fact, I am charging you one man card for suggesting something like that. You have 4 remaining.

Second, you need to realize that posting a thread of just other people's quotes on here doesn't cut the mustard. I once posted a statement by a wrestling personality and then simply wrote "thoughts?" below it. You know why my post was spam? Because I didn't take a position, I didn't assert anything, and as a result, I merely let someone else do my talking for me. If I am not mistaken, same thing you did.

So instead of spending time in here and PMing mods, why not re-do your thread with YOUR thoughts IN ADDITION TO the quotes? Dear God man, have some backbone. Have some pride. Show us what YOU are capable of, not what someone who isn't a registered member of our forums can do. We don't care about them. We wanna know what YOU think. In YOUR OWN WORDS.

Hope this helps, but everyone let's please try to put this one to bed, K?
Everyone takes themselves too god damn seriously. Its a friggin internet forum. For example in the wrestling section you cant even post something that just a sentence, it seems like every time i read a thread everyone is in there writing paragraphs and essays about their thoughts. NOBODY wants to read all that!! Just give me some sparknotes or something.

Another thing is the mods. Like seriously I've been on an e-feds and forums and the mods here are the most uptight anal retentive I've ever seen. I wish I can show you the inside of my inbox its nothing but warnings and infractions. I got a warning because I asked for a qutoe from HBK when someone claimed he said something....WTF?!?! I just got my thread deleted and another warning when they claimed I was advertising something when in reality I was just posting an article about wrestling.

I already know whats gonna happen here, members are gonna come in here and say "well if you dont like it leave", or something like "stfu" or some other sheep following shit. Then a mod is gonna come in here and delete my thread and then ban me for speaking my mind. But I just wanted to get this off my chest so whatever happens, happens.
It's really quite simple to follow the rules Mareek. Maybe you don't want to read paragraphs, but the rest of us REALLY don't want to read one line responses that contribute absolutely nothing to the topic at hand.

If you don't like our forum, you don't have to post here. Simple as that. We have thousands of posters who are able to follow the rules and enjoy the forum, I'm sorry you don't want to do that.
If you want people to address your complaints properly, please be respectful.

First of all, our rules really are not that difficult to follow. If you posted "I didn't want Shawn Michaels to retire because I grew up watching him and he did a lot for the business." that's one line and it isn't spam.

Second of all, the mods are the best I've seen on any forum. They're chosen from the best posters and re routinely checked by the administrators. They know the rules 100%, and if they infract something which ISN'T breaking the rules, the admins will reverse it.
Everyone takes themselves too god damn seriously. Its a friggin internet forum.
And here you are, complaining about said forum. Me thinks pot is calling kettle black.

For example in the wrestling section you cant even post something that just a sentence
Sure you can. Well, maybe YOU can't, but most people with an IQ above 75 can.

it seems like every time i read a thread everyone is in there writing paragraphs and essays about their thoughts. NOBODY wants to read all that!! Just give me some sparknotes or something.
I'm sorry we don't dumb our forums down for your limited attention span.

Here's an idea. Take up a hobby, like "reading" for example.

Another thing is the mods.
We're great, right?

Like seriously I've been on an e-feds and forums and the mods here are the most uptight anal retentive I've ever seen.
Damn, I was wrong. Who would have thought people who can't follow the rules wouldn't like the mods who enforce them? I mean really, who saw that coming?

I wish I can show you the inside of my inbox its nothing but warnings and infractions.
That's because no one likes you, not because we're anal retentive.

I got a warning because I asked for a qutoe from HBK when someone claimed he said something....WTF?!?!
WTF?!?!? You mean you got Warned/Infracted 9 months ago for posting something that contributed absolutely nothing of value to our forums, and broke the rules which have been posted for years? They Warned you for that? The NERVE of some people.

I just got my thread deleted and another warning when they claimed I was advertising something when in reality I was just posting an article about wrestling.
Would you have preferred that I had given you the Infraction, citing Stupidity as the reason? I assure you, I'll be happy to go back and do that for you.

I already know whats gonna happen here, members are gonna come in here and say "well if you dont like it leave", or something like "stfu" or some other sheep following shit.
Well, I'm glad I gave you something different. Instead of telling you to leave or shut the fuck up, I casually mocked you and insulted your intelligence, all the while belittling you with a condescending tone.

What can I say? I do my part around here to help enhance the experience of people on our forums.

Then a mod is gonna come in here and delete my thread and then ban me for speaking my mind.
Why would we do that? For possibly the first time in your entire WZ posting career, you're posting something in the right place and not violating our rules. Congratulations, for once you weren't a failure! Good job!

But I just wanted to get this off my chest so whatever happens, happens.
Well, I know most of us are "sitting around" pointing fingers and laughing at you. What else would you like to have happen? As long as it results in your degradation and/or humiliation, I bet I could help you out.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, why could you not provide some damn spark notes or something for that novel of a post you just wrote? I mean, really!
I understand that the mod FromTheSouth is a little to the right of the political spectrum, but his response to ThrilledHer's thread was uncalled for. I am all for FromTheSouth expressing his political views, I would actually love to see him start more threads in the Cigar Lounge expressing rightwing views because I would find that entertaining. He however should not criticize members directly for creating a thread designed to create honest discussion.

This is the most absurd thread I have ever seen.

First of all, giving gym memberships away is the stupidest idea anyone has ever had.

As a mod, you don't shit all over another's member thread just because you disagree.

I've previously been the mod of two other forums, and criticizing members for making threads designed to promote discussion was the one thing you absolutely could not do because it discourages activity. People don't feel free to post.

Imagine this were the WWE forum and someone started a thread about pushing Dolph Ziggler. Even if you were in complete disagreement, as a mod you would never say "This is the most absurd thread I have ever seen.

Giving Dolph Ziggler a push is the stupidest idea anyone has ever had."

As a mod, it's just something that you don't do.
If it was a complete random person you would have a genuine complaint. The only time you would see a WZ mod say that would be to a poster they know quite well, this is one such occasion. FTS and ThrilledHer have a love/hate mentor/mentee relationship on here ala Danielson/Miz they're always making digs at each other.

If he were to have said it to you yourself then it would definitely have been a no no.

Hope that makes sense
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