Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

Also Survivors the Game thread/rules should be up by 1 PM ET (aka in an hour). You do not have to be here immediately, but the quicker you respond, the better.
Best way to do this would be to lock all the participants in this thread for the duration of their stay in the game. No other threads. No PMs. No outside contact.

KB, get on that.

Trying to get a leg up on our WZCW match, eh?
Best way to do this would be to lock all the participants in this thread for the duration of their stay in the game. No other threads. No PMs. No outside contact.

KB, get on that.

But then how are we supposed to form alliances?? Plus those of us in WZCW will need to be able to post our RP's.

In fairness to me, it is an administrator, and if he wasn't some teams first pick, we're all taking a one way trip to Lucy the Rabbit's kitchen
Which is interesting, because the guy who's synonymous with the Bar Room, and the administrator who's always here, haven't made a pick yet
The suspense is killing me to see which team i'll end up on.

Haiku, KB is a good choice man no worries. If we ever have a wrestling triva challenge you just won it as long as he doesn't get voted out early.

I just hope that being one of the biggest survivor nerds on the forums helps me. I should have known that triva question but I took it as, who played the perfect game which made me think Boston Rob was the answer. Didn't think of it as someone who didn't have any votes against him otherwise I would have known to say JT.
The only reason I knew was because I'd been looking up random facts about Survivor the night before (because I know very little about the show) and came across JT and his perfect game.
Does KB even know it's his pick now? Cause he's probably been online since it was his pick.

If I was captain I honestly don't know who my first pick would have been. It's hard to say what skills will come in handy. KB would have at the very least been under consideration.
I guessed Cochrane which was obviously wrong but a decent guess because he did have a perfect game too, he just wasn't the first one to do it.
What does a perfect game even entail? Never being up for elimination until the end, and then receiving every vote?
Not receiving a vote during the elimination tribal councils and receiving all of the votes in the final tribal. In essence, he ran the table.
What does a perfect game even entail? Never being up for elimination until the end, and then receiving every vote?

Never having a single vote cast against you for an entire season. Never having a single vote cast against you in regular tribal councils throughout the season, and winning final tribal council unanimously. Several people have come close but only two have done it.

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