Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

Tiger Chaos Theory
kb (?)
Dagger Dias (?)
The Crock (?)
Stormtrooper (?)
Jon Jones Jobber
Mr. J. O'Material
Rated R Nightmare
Invader Skoodge
I Harm Walrus
Uncle Phatso

That's the list so far. If there's a ? by your name it's that you've said you are interested but you haven't confirmed you'd do it. That's 12 (assuming they are all going to play). Once we get to 16 I will lay out more of the ground rules. And I can't say it'll be first come first serve for those who still want to sign up, but as long as you haven't joined in like the past week with 12 posts you probably will be in. Most of the guys that have already confirmed or expressed interest are fairly active (on the site a few times a week) and that's all I expect.

So let's get 4 more people. Gogogo!
For certain challenges it shouldn't, but there may be a few where your team may need to carry you, or I post it early enough where you can at least say it (possibly around 3-5 ET, which would be 8-10 in UK if I'm not mistaken).
You'll learn of that as soon as we get to the magic number of 16. One step at a time. I have a plan but I won't spoil anything until we get 3 more.
Here's an idea:

A lot of guys are losing stupid bets these days, see where this is heading?
That early in the day? Errr, I work from noon sometimes till at least 9:30 on weekEnd . Put a ? By my name too. I'd like to see how this is laid out. Sorry, I just wouldn't want to let anyone down.
For certain challenges it shouldn't, but there may be a few where your team may need to carry you, or I post it early enough where you can at least say it (possibly around 3-5 ET, which would be 8-10 in UK if I'm not mistaken).

You would be correct sir, sign me up.
Actually there might be a hangup.

When will this be starting/ending and how much time will be required per day?
Starting sometime in the next week and there will be challenges every 2-3 days and then tribal. I'm guessing it'll be over by mid-July at the latest.
Some may be completed in as quickly as an hour or two (if some people from a tribe are on at once) and some may require a simple PM that takes place within a 24 hour window. I'll usually give a heads up when a challenge is going to be posted a few hours before.
Some may be completed in as quickly as an hour or two (if some people from a tribe are on at once) and some may require a simple PM that takes place within a 24 hour window. I'll usually give a heads up when a challenge is going to be posted a few hours before.
what are some examples of these "challenges" anyway? I honestly have no idea how one does a challenge in an internet forum Survivor.
It's hard to explain some of the challenges without directly giving any away, but I can say there will be ones involving trivia, one where each member has to play a game online and take a screenshot of their score (example: snake), ones involving some strategy, etc.

I know I explained that shittily but once I present the challenges you can ask questions and I'll be more than happy to try and help.
It's hard to explain some of the challenges without directly giving any away, but I can say there will be ones involving trivia, one where each member has to play a game online and take a screenshot of their score (example: snake), ones involving some strategy, etc.

I know I explained that shittily but once I present the challenges you can ask questions and I'll be more than happy to try and help.
Oh no you did fine. That works for me. I was just wondering how this works and that explains it enough without giving away the game.
That didn't help me. My laptop is pretty new so I have the newest version of windows which I believe is 8. All I know is I don't have a start bar. Worst comes to worst i'd take a picture with my phone and upload it to facebook for one of my friends to take a screen cap of for me.
Ctrl+PrintScreen should copy your screen, then paste it into Paint (or a similar program if Windows 8 is the first Windows OS to not have Paint), save it, and upload it to tinypic. Unless Windows 8 does not have a keyboard that should work.
That should work for me.

Hopefully this thing fills up fast, looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

Also if Survivor triva is one of the challenges, i should own at that.

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