Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

Shotaro makes another move and so do I.
Shotaro makes another move and so do I.

You moved skull left but said right...

Which one did you mean?

Might I suggest that people post in the thread rather than doing it all via PM.

I'm not accusing you of impropriety JJJ, I just think that the whole game should be transparent.
You moved skull left but said right...

Which one did you mean?

Might I suggest that people post in the thread rather than doing it all via PM.

I'm not accusing you of impropriety JJJ, I just think that the whole game should be transparent.

Skull is red and I moved him to the right. I'm green and moved to the left. I'm confused now.
My involvement in this is going to be limited for today. Quicker we get moves in the better. You can give me immunity now if you'd like because of the hard work I've done so far in the challenge. ;)
Crock makes his move
Skull has only one place to move
Shotaro continues his path
I make my move
JGlass is out of the challenge
Crock's turn again

EDIT: Crock will win immunity with two spaces remaining.
Barring any complaints, I'm willing to call this challenge a VICTORY FOR CROCK!

Guys got about 22 hours to PM me your vote (8 PM EST). Get on it.
DAY 33


The five remaining members in the game make their way to the tribal council area, with The Crock, back to back immunity winner, leading the way.

Megatron: Welcome back everyone. You all stuck together in an alliance to get you this far in the game. Now, you all have to play your own game and make some moves. Since Crock has immunity he is ineligible to be voted for. Everyone else is fair game. Let's get to the voting.

“Out of the people left in the contest he's done the least it seems.”

“I hate having to eliminate any of the members of my alliance, but there's no other option at this point. He just doesn't seem to have the time to really play anymore, so I guess that's why I'm voting for him.”

“I want to say congratulations to my four alliance partners on making it this far. We did everything we wanted to in this game. No hard feelings about this vote but you're simply a huge threat. You're a major challenge threat and would gather a lot of votes from the jury. Fingers crossed that this works!”

“I'm pretty sure he's the guy that self-voted last week and I don't think he's really in the game anymore.”

“Biggest threat to win at this point.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If someone has the idol and wishes to play it, now would be the time to do so...

Jon Jones Jobber steps up!

Jon Jones' Jobber: Well, since this is my last day I can play this idol, I'm going to play it... for DREW BLEDSOE!

A collective gasp is heard from both the jury members and 3 of the remaining castaways. JJJ gives the hidden immunity idol to Drew Bledsoe, who in turn hands it to Megatron.

Megatron: This IS the hidden immunity idol. Any votes cast for Drew Bledsoe will not count. I'll read the votes...

Drew Bledsoe
This vote does not count.
That's 1 vote for JGlass. It takes 3 votes to be eliminated.
Drew Bledsoe
This vote does not count.
Drew Bledsoe
This vote does not count. Unless the last vote is for Shotaro or Jon Jones Jobber, JGlass will be eliminated.

Megatron: Twelfth person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums and the fifth member of the Jury...


Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

JGlass grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron. Crock and Shotaro are stunned, while JJJ and Drew Bledsoe are doing some small fist pumps that their plan worked.

Megatron: JGlass, your tribe has spoken.

JGlass, who had laid low in this game, gets his torch snuffed in the toughest elimination yet in this game. Instead of fighting for the final 4, he'll now help decide the winner instead.

Megatron: Well, that certainly was interesting. You four should be commended for your strong game played. With only you four left, we will surely see everything left on the line. I give my congrats to you, and you can all head back to camp.

4 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
That's a bitch move.

EDIT: I mean, it's smart, but it's a knife in the back of someone who had done nothing but stay true to their word to you. At this stage, I was going to play the game straight up because we'd all worked together, but that clearly wasn't everybody else's plan.
Day 36 – Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Come on in guys!

The final four of Crock, who has won the past two immunity challenges, Shotaro, who has been as consistent in effort in challenges as there is, Drew Bledsoe, who was given a second chance after the last tribal council, and Jon Jones' Jobber, who has made by far the biggest move in the game to date, make their way to the challenge area. After a little extended break, these final four contestants are ready to fight for the Survivor crown.

Megatron: After 36 long days, you guys are now just two challenges away from having a seat at the final tribal council for a chance to win the game. You had to kill off one of your own in Jglass at last tribal council, and now it's time for you all to go up against each other again. You guys should be all rested up, so it's time to get onto today's challenge. Or should I say... challenges.

Megatron pauses before revealing the challenge board.

Megatron: Over the next 24 hours, you will need to send in scores for 5 games, which you can get to by following the links I provide here:

They can be played on any level, only the score is needed. Once you send me in with your scores (with Screenshots) I will order the scores from first to fourth place. The person with the best average finish will win immunity. Scores are due by 8 PM tomorrow (24 hours from now). Good luck.
Day 36 – Immunity Results

Megatron: Here is everyone's results from all 5 games:

Drew Bledsoe – 20240
Jon Jones' Jobber – 7780
The Crock – 7700
Shotaro – 6790

The Crock – 26
Jon Jones' Jobber – 34
Shotaro – 42
Drew Bledsoe – 64

Shotaro – 20145
The Crock – 9855
Jon Jones' Jobber – 8895
Drew Bledsoe – 5950

Space Invaders:
Shotaro – 23370
Jon Jones' Jobber – 19470
The Crock – 17910
Drew Bledsoe – 11540

Jon Jones' Jobber – 1089
Shotaro – 1013
The Crock – 809
Drew Bledsoe – 539

Average Finish:
Drew Bledsoe – 1, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 3.4
The Crock – 3, 1, 2, 3, 3 = 2.4
Jon Jones' Jobber – 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 = 2
Shotaro – 2, 1, 1, 3, 4 = 2.2

Megatron: As a result of an average finish of 2nd ... JON JONES JOBBER WINS IMMUNITY!

The man who made the bold play at the last tribal now gets a big win at immunity, guaranteeing himself of a one in 3 shot in the game. He jumps up and down and does a few fist pumps before walking over.

Megatron: JJJ, I know you'll want to have a safe hold on this.

JJJ gets the immunity necklace wrapped around, which he holds snugly onto his neck before he walks back over to the mat. The other 3 are disappointed, knowing that a better finish here or there and they would've been the one with immunity.

Megatron: It's been a long 36 days for all of you. After the results of the challenge, it's clear you guys are still leaving it all on the line. However, tonight will signal the end for one of you. Gather your stuff and head back to camp, I'll see you all at tribal.

OOC: Votes are due 23 hours from now, aka 8 PM EST Tuesday.

The four remaining members in the game make their way to the tribal council area, with Jon Jones' Jobber leading them.

Megatron: Welcome back everyone. You've all been here for 36 long days and have brought your best to the game. With that being said, one of you will have to go today. It's time to vote.

“You've survived every threat that has come your way. That's very impressive but now it's time for you to finally take a spot on the jury. You've played a great game and I really enjoyed our game conversations.”

“He'll probably get the most votes from the jury.”

“JJJ earned immunity, so I couldn't get him out this time -- it had to be [contestant].”

“I was urged to vote for [contestant] in the final push but a promise is a promise. Lets see if we get a draw for the first time.

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. I'll read the votes.

Drew Bledsoe
The Crock
Drew Bledsoe
That's two for Drew Bledsoe, 1 for Crock

Megatron: The final vote...

The Crock

Megatron: Well, it seems we have a tie. The rules of Survivor state that in case of a tie in the final 4, there will be one revote. If it remains tied after the revote, Crock and Drew Bledsoe will compete in a challenge off. Since only Crock and Drew Bledsoe are the only two eligible to be voted for, only JJJ and Shotaro need to send in their votes. If it's two votes either way that contestant is eliminated.
With that, we have ourselves a good ol' CHALLENGE OFF!!! Since this requires you to be online to do it, hopefully Crock comes on sometime soon.

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