WZ Big Brother Season 1

I can't speak for Blade, but I never lied about who was in the group, I just wasn't overly forthcoming. Thinking it was just me and him +1 wouldn't make sense from a voting perspective anyway.

Getting it to 2v2 would've been risky, but I was confident that Blade or I could win at least one of the two challenges and that we both were 100% committed to us being the final two.

At first, when the alliance was me, Thriller, Pancake and Fallout, everyone knew what was going on, more or less. But that all fell apart when Pancake and Fallout had to leave the game, and Thriller and I had to rebuild essentially from scratch.

With the new alliance, I kinda lied through omission. I never let anyone other than Thriller know exactly what I was doing and who I was talking to. At some point or another, I'm sure that A11, M and KB all thought they were the solid number 3. In reality, I didn't know who was number three, but it didn't really matter to me.
At first, when the alliance was me, Thriller, Pancake and Fallout, everyone knew what was going on, more or less. But that all fell apart when Pancake and Fallout had to leave the game, and Thriller and I had to rebuild essentially from scratch.

With the new alliance, I kinda lied through omission. I never let anyone other than Thriller know exactly what I was doing and who I was talking to. At some point or another, I'm sure that A11, M and KB all thought they were the solid number 3. In reality, I didn't know who was number three, but it didn't really matter to me.

That last sentence is the important part. I would've been happy with any of the three being the 3rd guy, but A11 made himself a target, M made himself impossible to read, and KB was both of those things.
That last sentence is the important part. I would've been happy with any of the three being the 3rd guy, but A11 made himself a target, M made himself impossible to read, and KB was both of those things.

Yeah, KB was a target from day one just because he was KB.

Also, for the record, I don't want to make a rebuttal to either finalist. I'm just looking forward to hearing their closing statements.
Convince us why your way of doing things is more deserving of a victory & dont just say 'Its how they do it on the show'.

Now that I see your edit I'll answer it.

While it is true that's how they did things on the show, my playing both sides is probably what got me past that double eviction week and in turn lead to a major power shift in the game with Spidey gaining MVP. I also feel Spidey wouldn't have made the final 4 if I didn't use the veto on him because Blade would've voted for him while I voted Milenko leaving a tiebreaker up to M and I think M would've gotten out Spidey while he had a chance since he knew I was working with him. While I could be wrong here, I'm pretty sure that's how things would've gone down.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out that Spidey did not play this game to win, he played to have fun. While there is nothing wrong with that, does someone like that really deserve to win? I did everything I could to win this game and that meant playing both sides.

I dont know of i can use my rebuttal on someone elses question but i'm going to anyway. Why would you feel it neccessary to throw a challenge and do you have proof that you didn't just suck at said challenge? In the context of this game its not really that bad but i find it seriously wrong to throw a challenge, there is nothing more I hate in a game of Survivor than when someone throws a challenge.

I do have proof of one comp I threw which was the first HOH comp with the words. I could've easily come up with more words than I did but I didn't want the first HOH because I didn't wanna get a target on my back so early in the game. That's not to say I would've won, I don't know that for sure but I could've done much better than I did.

I can't remember which week it was, but there was one other comp I threw because I didn't wanna expose my spot as playing both sides just yet. Even if I did know what side I was on at this point because I knew Thriller and Blade had more numbers on their side and I felt I was at the bottom of a 5 person alliance.

You heartbreaker you Spidey. </3
Big Brother 8 is my first season, so I only have Survivor to compare it to, but Dick's social game is pure genius at times.

Edit: It may also be terrible at times. It's hard to know when he's genuinely getting pissed off at someone, and when it's just part of a gameplan to fuck with people...
At first, when the alliance was me, Thriller, Pancake and Fallout, everyone knew what was going on, more or less. But that all fell apart when Pancake and Fallout had to leave the game, and Thriller and I had to rebuild essentially from scratch.

With the new alliance, I kinda lied through omission. I never let anyone other than Thriller know exactly what I was doing and who I was talking to. At some point or another, I'm sure that A11, M and KB all thought they were the solid number 3. In reality, I didn't know who was number three, but it didn't really matter to me.

At first i thought fallout was 3, then when he went and KB went. Leaving me, you, thriller and M. I didnt really think about who was 3 and 4 because I knew you and thriller we're clearly 2 so i needed to get M to create a 2v2 but he gave me a "we'll see how the game plays out"
A11, to be fair at that point splintering off would have put a pretty big target on our backs + at that point we were percieved as victims by the majority with Blade not wanting us to turn on him so waiting a while made sense to me at least.
A11, to be fair at that point splintering off would have put a pretty big target on our backs + at that point we were percieved as victims by the majority with Blade not wanting us to turn on him so waiting a while made sense to me at least.

I meant splitting at 4 just like Blade and Thriller would have
If every season of Big Brother has a player like Amber, then FUCK this show. I can't stand the cunt. Literally all she does is cry and talk about God. At least Jameka has some balls.
If every season of Big Brother has a player like Amber, then FUCK this show. I can't stand the cunt. Literally all she does is cry and talk about God. At least Jameka has some balls.

There's always players who do nothing, aka floaters. But she was one of the biggest crybabies I've ever seen on the show.

Also gonna work on my closing statements now per JAM's request.
My Closing Statement-

Finally this shit is over. What a beast of a game. If Survivor was anything like this then damn. The fortitude everyone here has is admirable. So I just want to take this time to say kudos to each player that stuck with this thing since Day 1. I've had loads of fun and hope you all did, too.

It is true that I played this thing to kill time and just goof around with you all. That's who I am outside of the forums. I'm the laid back hippie type that's here to have a good time. A win for me may not be as important as a win for superfan Rated R. But would I welcome it? Hell yeah.

I'm on one. You wouldn't believe where I am right now. I'm with a group of New Agers bout to do some late night drum circle. That was part of my traveling escapades. No bullshit. If I can get around to it, I'll post a pic or two over in the GSD. They're laughing their ass off over The Pickle God thing. But I'm sure they would be laughing at anything right now...

Vote for me. Don't vote for me. You guys do what you think is right. I'm not gonna vie for your affections like a small town beauty queen. You're all fucking cool in my books and wherever the votes go, I'm aight with it. Like I've said many times, I've had a great time in this and would love to play again. Hope you all feel the same way too.

I played a clean game with a few moves here and there to get to where I am. Rated R at one point played each one of you, including me. If you think the honest player should get it, I'm your man. If you think the game player should get it, Rated R is your huckleberry. Whatever the case is I'm about to get lifted higher than a fucking zeppelin so see you guys later.

Your friendly neighborhood Spidey
My Closing Statement:

Guys, it's been a hell of a fun season and I had fun playing with all of you. I'm not gonna keep campaigning to try and earn votes for two reasons. One being I'm sure by now most of you have your mind made up and the other being I've said all I can think to say about the way I played this game.

Spidey and I took very different paths to get this far and there is nothing wrong in my eyes with the way either of us played. No hard feelings if you guys wanna vote for Spidey but I'd love it if you gave me your vote. I know some of you may think I took this game too seriously and maybe I did, but I tried to play hard and play dirty like I would in the actual Big Brother house.

It's been a fun season and I'm glad it's coming to an end. Thanks for being good sports about evictions guys and thanks to JAM for running this. Good luck Spidey.
Sounds like you are having a blast Spider. Just remember your horror movie survival skills if you get lost in the woods.

Alright. I think everyone has had their say. Thank you everyone!

Jury Members, please PM me your choice to win this game: Rated R Enigma or Spidey. You also NEED to give me a reason why you're voting for this person. It can't be "because I wanted to." It has to be a legit reason. Sound good? Message me as soon as you can with your votes! PM away!
Well gentlemen, we’ve come to the end. The end of the Big Brother game. How quick was that huh? Going into this, I really didn’t think I’d be successful in getting that many people to join this game. But 13 people signed up and while I had to PM a few of them to join, or forcibly join, I still believe the game was a success. This game saw a lot of twists, turns, and some drama to go along with it. Who doesn’t want to be a part of this game, am I right?! To be honest, I’ve HAVE NOT seen a full season of Big Brother if you guys can believe that. I’ve only seen a couple episodes but have been able to get the gist of it. I’m watching my first full season with Big Brother season 16 right now though. It might be a little boring but what can you do right?

I just want to thank all of you for being part of the inaugural season of Big Brother here on WrestleZone Forums. I had a lot of fun hosting this game and being called Satan from a select few of you :p I might’ve been Satan but you all played Satan’s game so joke’s on you, ha! But really, thank you all for participating this season. I’m hoping we get a season 2 where we’ll see some of you back along with a few new people. Again, I want to thank you all. Enjoy this recap.


There were many challenges in this game. While not every challenge was fun and was actually quite daunting, you all pulled through. For the first challenge, I made you all come up with as many words as possible from the phrase, “WrestleZone Forums Big Brother Game.” There was confusion at first regarding Google that I had to clear up. So yeah, we started the game kinda bumpy but we finished strong. M won the first HOH challenge before nominating Cereal Killer and A11. Thriller won the Veto by having the least amount of candy being given to him. Before long, Thriller decided not to use the veto. When the votes were cast, Cereal Killer was sent packing.

Challenge number two was a little better with the challenge being Tetris. It was also at this time that Pancake disappeared from the game before being replaced by nightmare! The move angered a few people but as a host, I thought it was necessary to replace Pancake to keep the game going smoothly. Rated R Enigma won the HOH challenge that week. He nominated Dynamite and nightmare that time. Already at this point in the game, I could see alliances starting to form. We then proceeded to the veto challenge which had a 4th of July theme. Again, this was won by Thriller. Early on, Thriller was a favorite to win this game with his consecutive wins in the veto challenge. When it came to eviction night, Dynamite was sent home with a vote of 6-3. Lines were clearly being drawn here and it was just the beginning of the game!

The next cycle, I threw out my first twist. In this cycle, everything was doubled. Two HOH’s, four nominees, two veto winners, and two evictions. KB and Fallout won the HOH challenge which spelled disaster for all of the houseguests since they didn’t know where KB and Fallout’s allegiance were at. When it came to nomination night, Spidey, nightmare, Rated R Enigma, and Milenko were all put on the block. One of my favorite challenges, the auction was the game for the veto challenge. Spidey and Milenko won the vetoes and used it on themselves. Because of this, the people on the block were Rated R Enigma, TLC, Blade, and nightmare. This vote was a close one. I had to go to KB and Fallout for a tiebreaker. In the end, TLC and nightmare were sent home, just missing the chance to be on the jury.

The next HOH challenge tested the houseguests on how well they knew their fellow houseguests. Here, they had to answer questions regarding facts about the other people in the house. Emerging to victory here was KB with a perfect score of 10/10! KB immediately nominated one of his alleged allies in Fallout along with Rated R Enigma. However, hours later, Fallout decided to drop out of the game due to real life commitments. But if Fallout was leaving, he was going out with a bang. Fallout then posted some inside stuff going on in the game and basically threw everyone under the bus. With all that Fallout said now out in the open, I’m sure it forced a lot of the houseguests to reconsider their strategies. Because of Fallout’s sudden exit, there were no other evictions that week. Not only that, but nightmare was officially named the first member of the jury.

The next HOH challenge was a tournament where houseguests went head-to-head. Choosing between shield, grenade, or nothing, this was another one of my favorite challenges. In the end, Milenko defeated KB by doing nothing while KB chose to use a shield. Milenko proceeded to nominate KB and Thriller. With their lives hanging in the balance, both nominees failed to secure the veto in a Snake challenge. However, A11 won the veto and used it on Thriller in a shocking turn of events. Revealing his hand, everyone now had an idea where everyone else’s allegiance lied. The new nominees for this cycle were KB and Blade. Seeing their chance to take out on the biggest, if not the biggest threat in the game, the votes were unanimous. With five votes to leave, KB was eliminated from the game, thus becoming the second member of the jury.

KB’s presence was soon felt though as I tasked him with creating a quiz about wrestling trivia. Despite the difficult questions KB threw at the remaining houseguests, Rated R Enigma and Thriller tied with seven correct answers. KB made another quiz and finally, we had our HOH, Thriller. At this point, the Pickle God, created by Spidey had taken over the house. Annoyed by their antics, Thriller put Spidey and fellow Pickle God follower, Milenko up for nomination. In another surprising twist, A11 was put up for nomination due to a mystery MVP. Blackjack was the game for the veto challenge. While many came close, Spidey won the veto. The veto was used once again and the new nominees were Milenko, A11, and M. With no votes cast against M and one vote cast against Milenko, A11 was eliminated because of the two votes he received. Now, the jury welcomed it’s third member in A11.

The next cycle was again filled with controversy. Space Invaders was the game for the HOH challenge. Everyone but Milenko all had the same version due to Milenko only being to access internet through a phone. When Milenko’s score was much higher than the high score in the WZ Arcade, there were complaints everywhere and I had to make a decision. My decision was to dethrone Milenko and crown M as the new HOH but not without giving Milenko something. Milenko earned an advantage in the veto challenge. Sure enough, because of that advantage, Milenko won the veto challenge and used it to save fellow Pickle God follower, Spidey. Thriller and Rated R Enigma then became the new nominees. At the end of this cycle, Thriller was eliminated from the game, causing a shift of power in the game.

We now had our top five. But that joy of being in the top five was cut short when I announced that the upcoming HOH challenge would be hosted by KB. Though I received some complaints from a few houseguests, the HOH challenge was a success. Despite the time it took and it’s difficulty, the game appeared to be fun and offered a new experience to the houseguests. Again, the Pickle God enthusiasts were put up for eviction by the HOH winner, M. Rated R Enigma won the veto challenge where you’d need to come up with an image about the Big Brother game using only letters and smilies found on the forums. With the veto in hand, Rated R Enigma used it to save Spidey. The new nominees for that cycle then became Milenko and Blade. With an obvious alliance at hand, Milenko was never in any trouble as the duo of Spidey and Rated R Enigma sent Blade packing, the fifth member of the jury.

My favorite challenge of the game then came, the RP challenge. With everyone left in the game having been part of WZCW at one point in time, I thought this was the perfect time to throw this challenge out. After reading through the promos, M once again emerged victorious, solidifying himself as a competition beast. M nominated the Pickle God followers once again here in Spidey and Milenko. The veto challenge tested the remaining houseguests on their knowledge of the host, me! While some questions were quite obvious, others were hard to find. In the end, Spidey and Rated R Enigma tied. In a tiebreaker, we went to Blackjack once again. The winner of that was Rated R Enigma. After being an underdog in the game for so long, he couldn’t make it to the end, Milenko was eliminated from the game. It came down to the final three, M, Spidey, and Rated R Enigma.

The final HOH challenge of the game was a special one, a three-part challenge. Here, the remaining houseguests competed in a typing challenge that involved zombies, a new kind of Tetris, and jury questions. Spidey won part one of the challenge, advancing to the finals. M and Rated R Enigma duked it out in Tetris with Rated R Enigma blowing M’s score out of the water. It was Spidey vs. Rated R Enigma in the finals. Spidey scored a point higher than Rated R Enigma and got himself to the final two! His job wasn’t done yet though, he had to pick between Rated R Enigma and M to bring to the final two with him. After a few hours, Spidey decided to bring Rated R Enigma to the final two!

And now, here we are, the final two, Spidey vs. Rated R Enigma, two allies from very early on in the game. The seven jury members consisted of nightmare, KB, A11, Thriller, Blade, Milenko, and M. The jury came up with some tough questions for the final two to answer. After the allotted time given, Spidey and Rated R Enigma were able to answer the jury’s questions to the best of their abilities, hoping to sway the votes in their favor. Here we are. Let’s get to the results.


The stage was set. Two allies. Two friends. One was a spider and the other was Rated R. Only one would emerge victorious as the first winner of Season of WrestleZone Forums: Big Brother.

The cameras cut to the stage where we see our deviliciously handsome host, JAM! The roar of applause from the studio audience is audibly loud with a few whistles here and there. Dressed in a blue, three-piece suit, the cameras get a close up on the big brother host.

JAM: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s crown the first winner of the inaugural season of Big Brother on the WrestleZone Forums!

Cameras once again cut towards the eliminated houseguests on one side of the stage while the jury is on the other side. The final two are seated inside the Big Brother house on the nomination chairs. Rated R Enigma is dressed in a pair of jeans along with a nice shirt and coat on. He grins at the cameras thinking that he has this game in the bag. We get a shot of Spidey, who is clad in a Spiderman suit, the whole shebang. You’d think he’s the real Spiderman though, the only thing missing from his suit is the mask itself. Nonetheless, the applause for both men from the audience and fellow houseguests is strong.

JAM: Hello once again Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m the host of the Big Brother game, JAM. Folks, I’d like to thank you all for joining me in making this game a success. Why don’t you all give yourselves a big round of applause?

Applause ensues for a good amount of time before JAM is able to speak again. JAM has an envelope in his hands which contains the winner of the game.

JAM: We have our final two in Rated R Enigma and Spidey. Here in this envelope, I hold the name of our first Big Brother winner. But before that, I’d like to turn it over to the jury who have made their votes. Here’s what we’ve been waiting for folks, the final verdict.

nightmare (Jury Member #1)
“My official selection is:

Spidey. Besides being my homie, he showed that you can play this game with integrity and still get to the finals. You can have a good time & make alliances or stir up shit, without backstabbing or lying. Because he played this dirty game in an honest way, I choose Spidey as the winner.

Bless the Brine.”

KB (Jury Member #2)
“Spidey. He didn't tell me about some big alliance and get on my nerves.”

A11 (Jury Member #3)
“I'll whack my vote for spidey because he firstly invented the pickle god and despite how it first annoyed me i came around to enjoying it. Also he played the honest game. I'd place my vote with spidey because of his handling of the jury questions/ opening statements etc., i found Rated R to be arrogant and Spidey to be humble and honest.

And finally i'd like to vote for spidey, as he so many time said, fuck it alcohol.”

Thriller (Jury Member #4)
“I vote for Spidey to win. Spidey was a target the whole time and still managed to make it to the final two. Rated hid in the background and snuck into to finals that way.”

Blade (Jury Member #5)
“I vote for Spidey to win the game.

I think he played a great social game, and what now seems like a very underrated strategic game. Despite Rated R being in contact with everyone at some point during the game, it seems that Spidey better understood exactly what was going on at all times.

Rated R did play a very interesting and entertaining strategic game. But he clearly didn't find the social aspect of the game important enough, and at times his lack of awareness, not just of his position, but of everything going around him, was blatant. Rated R puts too much stock in strategy, and not enough in being social, and just stopping to see what's going on around him. And that has cost him my vote.”

Milenko (Jury Member #6)
“I’m going with Spidey. He stayed true to himself and what he wanted til the end.”

M (Jury Member #7)
“I vote for Spidey to win.

Spidey spearheaded an alliance from the very start and still managed to make it to the end even though he was the biggest target in the game by a mile. Add that to how entertaining he was with everything he did "in house" and it becomes a big ball of fun. In my personal opinion he made the game worth playing and that makes him deserve whatever it was he'd get as the prize. +1 respect to Spidey.”

JAM appears on the screen for Rated R Enigma and Spidey to see.

JAM: Hey guys, the jury has made their decision. Are you ready to hear who won?

Rated R Enigma and Spidey nod at JAM as two shake hands. After a few moments of suspense, JAM finally announces the winner.

JAM: It’s a unanimous vote! With seven votes to zero, Spidey is the first ever Big Brother winner on WrestleZone Forums!

Spidey drops to the floor crying as his name is announced. Rated R Enigma picks him up and embraces his friend while congratulating him. Spidey regroups himself and leads the way out with Rated R Enigma following behind. The jury is on the right and the houseguests not in the jury are placed on the left. Nonetheless, both groups storm the final two and begin hugging both of them.

Confetti drops down from the rafters and Spidey is handed his huge check with monopoly money promised to him. Hell, monopoly money begins falling from the skies! The eliminated houseguests give Spidey and Rated R Enigma a hug before embracing in a group hug. The applause from the studio audience keeps going for a long time. We see Spidey breaking away from the group so that he can make snow angels with the monopoly money he has won. JAM places a pickle jar next to Spidey who is in tears clutching the jar of pickles close to him. The last image we see is of Spidey standing tall and lifting his pickle jar for all to see while his fellow houseguests touch the elevated pickle jar causing the applause to level up even more.


Well, there it is guys. This is the end of the Big Brother game. Again, I’d like to thank all of you who participated in the game. You’ve all been a joy to work with. Without you guys, this game wouldn’t have been possible. Spidey, I’ll be repping you every chance I get since you won the game. EVERYONE GO REP SPIDEY! Sorry I don’t have a real prize, but at least you can now call yourself the first winner of Big Brother: WrestleZone Forums Season 1. I’m looking forward to the imminent season two of Big Brother. But for now, I bid you all bon voyage. Hope to see you all again on Big Brother!
Well, Damn. Appreciate you Jury members, lol.

Once again thank you all for making this thing so enjoyable in the first place. Big shout out to Jam for keeping this whole thing in line and special thanks to Rated R for bringing the competition to the end. Love to see you in the real house, R.

Unfortunately I'm not at my laptop and I'm still travelling a bit, so there's no badly photoshopped pic of Rocky Balboa and a pickle, so the last bit of insanity I wish to leave in this thread is a sing along. Pickle approved:



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