WZ Big Brother Season 1

Aaaand here's the second half.

A11: (Comparison: Spencer Clawson)

Trusted his alliance to get him far in the game and wasn't too good at comps.

Thriller: (Comparison: Jeff Schroeder)

Much like Jeff, he drew the battle lines in the sand and you were either with him or against him. But sadly for him, just like Jeff he wasn't able to make it to the end despite playing a good game.

Blade: (Comparison: Matt Hoffman)

Played good and could've won the game if he got the numbers on his side.

Milenko: (Comparison: Britney Haynes)

Won a few comps and had a solid game going but in the end, he went out at the final 4 due to a sub alliance within his alliance.

M: (Comparison: Shane Meaney)

Was always a threat to win the comps but outside of his alliance, he didn't have much of a social game. In the end he ended up getting taken out near the end because of other deals in place.

Spidey: (Comparison: "Evel" Dick Donato)

Won a handful of comps and that combined with his gameplay earned him a spot in the final 2. Also, like Evel Dick he won the final HOH. Plus he kept us entertained all season with his antics.

Most of your points about me in this are extremely exaggerated.

1) The final 2 deal you made with me was out of nowhere for me. All of a sudden I started getting PMs from you about how we would be the final two, but I had no real input in that decision at all - as if revealing that Blade was my plan would do anything except put a terrible spotlight on me.

2) Again, one day I woke up to see some PMs saying that now I'm in some sort of final three deal with spidey? Was spidey informed in this? Why did spidey agree to this the day after I nommed him and thriller that time? I got nothing except a message about how the three of us would win which didn't make sense. Assuming alliances isn't the same as masterminding them - I should know, masterminding begins with M, but freely telling people your intentions was always going to be appreciated.

3) Fallout's little speech did nothing to me except extend the amount of time I'd be able to stay under the radar. Suggesting that I turn on Blade, if anything made me want to turn on you, but the pickle's majority saved you..... I probably should have told Blade about that PM. Whoopsie I guess haha

4) Spidey was the guy I was taking to the finale if I won HOH, just sayin' :p

If that sounds aggro it's not supposed to be, but there was a reason why I didn't mention any of those "alliances" in the RP thingy.

When you said you wouldn't put Blade up over me I knew right there you would've taken him to the final 2 over me, that's why I didn't go along with your idea for a final 4 with you, Spidey, Blade and I.

As far the random alliances, yes Spidey was in on the final 3 with you and we were hoping it'd get you to put up Blade and Milenko and our final 2 deal, I saw you were being played by Blade and Thriller so I decided to try and recruit you and make a final 2 deal with you. It may have been random but you did agree to it. I don't know if you really would've taken Spidey over me to the end, but either way I had no way of knowing that when I posted my opening statement.
In closing, I should win this game because I had what I like to think was a great social game, I flew under the radar to keep myself from being a huge target by throwing a few comps,

I think these two posts right here show your lack of self-awareness in the game. Compared to Spidey and M, your social game was non-existant.

I PM'ed you about getting rid of Spidey and Milenko, just to see what you would do. I knew at that point no one was going to take me to the final 2 because I was a pretty big threat, but I sent you those PM's to get an insight into your mind as much as I sent them to save myself. You showed that you were stubborn and inflexible. I mean, you didn't even pretend to entertain my ideas, even though you knew it was a 99% chance that I was going to end up on the jury. It's Survivor (and probably Big Brother) 101 that you humour the guy who's on the chopping block to his face, then vote him out.

As for flying under the radar, well, a few people in our alliance didn't trust you because after a few votes, and based on the PM's you were sending us, it became pretty apparent what you were doing. I'm willing to be M didn't trust you completely. I certainly didn't, A11 didn't, and so on.

And finally, you decided not to trust me and my alliance based on the fact that you got 2 votes when you were nominated. Cereal Killer, TLC and KB all had no alliances at that time, and any two of those guys could've cast the 2 votes that you received. Considering how much those two little votes affected your game, you took them way too personally. It wasn't a case of you deciding not to trust us. You didn't really have a choice, because we'd decided not to trust you early on. Except poor Thriller.

There's more I'd like to point out, but I wanna see how you'll answer my question first. But I think you're giving way too much credit to yourself, and not enough to credit to the sheer luck that you also got.
Honestly speaking, the three people that deserved to win this game the most were KB, Blade and Spidey. KB for his general game-plan and his challenge proficiency, and Blade and Spidey for pushing their alliances as hard as they could.

My plan from the get-go was to hitch onto an alliance, do as much damage as possible to any opposition and then take each other out. I got too overconfident that Spidey's alliance would go down while I remained under the radar. I got revealed far too early and I was caught between a rock and a hard place. If I didn't have to leave, I probably would have considered joining up with Spidey.
I think these two posts right here show your lack of self-awareness in the game. Compared to Spidey and M, your social game was non-existant.

I PM'ed you about getting rid of Spidey and Milenko, just to see what you would do. I knew at that point no one was going to take me to the final 2 because I was a pretty big threat, but I sent you those PM's to get an insight into your mind as much as I sent them to save myself. You showed that you were stubborn and inflexible. I mean, you didn't even pretend to entertain my ideas, even though you knew it was a 99% chance that I was going to end up on the jury. It's Survivor (and probably Big Brother) 101 that you humour the guy who's on the chopping block to his face, then vote him out.

As for flying under the radar, well, a few people in our alliance didn't trust you because after a few votes, and based on the PM's you were sending us, it became pretty apparent what you were doing. I'm willing to be M didn't trust you completely. I certainly didn't, A11 didn't, and so on.

And finally, you decided not to trust me and my alliance based on the fact that you got 2 votes when you were nominated. Cereal Killer, TLC and KB all had no alliances at that time, and any two of those guys could've cast the 2 votes that you received. Considering how much those two little votes affected your game, you took them way too personally. It wasn't a case of you deciding not to trust us. You didn't really have a choice, because we'd decided not to trust you early on. Except poor Thriller.

There's more I'd like to point out, but I wanna see how you'll answer my question first. But I think you're giving way too much credit to yourself, and not enough to credit to the sheer luck that you also got.

I was gonna take you to the final two :3

You're spot on about the sheer luck thing though, hes a luck of circumstance guy kept there since the actual dangers were rearing their heads. If it weren't for the Thriller mistake Rated R would have been gone a LONG time ago, but since that left the Blade alliance was always one man down in voting and it kept him safe. I campaigned strongly to get rid of Milenko because there was more of a chance of him winning due to people going "Milenko wins lol" or "Screw M" than the landslide that would be M v R.

Also I think I may have been one of the votes against R that time. Can't say for sure but I think I voted against him at least once. JAM clarify?
Also I think I may have been one of the votes against R that time. Can't say for sure but I think I voted against him at least once. JAM clarify?
I'm not too sure how many times you've voted against R because I think R was only put up on the block once or twice. But yes, you've voted against him.
Its probably super late to point this out but the Australian version of this show is completely different. Not that it has had or would have had any impact on the resukt. Over here we stick a bunch of muppets looking to become celebrities or "media personalities" and let them nominate each other with the top 3 being put up for nomination and the general public then text or call a hotline to vote people out. Which creates the balancing act of being popular amongst the housemates and the public. From what i gather, BB America seems like luxury Survivor (even though i think BB may have came first, i think key and peele did a reality tv sketch one episode and said BB come first) just without the whole tribes to begin with
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I'm going to be posting the question from the 7 jury members now. What happens here is pretty much the finale of all finales. After this question and answer portion of the game, it'll be time to vote for the winner of WZ Big Brother Season 1. This segment exists to give the jury, who ultimately decide the winner of this game, a background or a basis of why such moves were made or why the final 2 did things the way they did. Not only that, but it gets the jury to realize just how hard the final 2 had to work to get to where they were. So yeah, it's pretty much a basis of why either one of the top 2 should be the winner. YES, ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS ARE DIRECTED AT BOTH FINALISTS SO ANSWER ALL 7 QUESTIONS. YOU WILL ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN THE THREAD. JUST QUOTE THE QUESTIONS ALONG WITH YOUR ANSWERS. I'll let this go on for a few days. Jury members can rebuttle ONCE to each finalist's answer. Then the top 2 can also rebuttle the rebuttle of each jury member if they choose to do so.

Try to answer as best as you can to these questions because it could sway some votes for you from the jury. Like I said, Spidey is travelling so his answers might come a little later than R's answers but that's fine since I'm letting this 'question and answer' portion of the game go on for a few days. When I feel like all that needs to be said has been said, I will close this portion of the game. Then I will make a separate post recapping the game along with each jury member's vote. The jury member will need to say who and why they voted for this person to win.

That's all you really need to know right now. Are you ready? Because I am. Let's get this started.


nightmare (Jury Member #1)
What does The Pickle God mean to you and how has it affected your journey towards the finals?

KB (Jury Member #2)
What was the biggest lie you told in the game?

A11 (Jury Member #3)
If you had to have one different person in your alliance who would it have been, who would they have replaced and why?

Thriller (Jury Member #4)
Rated R, I believe the only reason you are in the final two is because I didn't listen when others advised me to get rid of you. Convince me I’m wrong.

Spidey, I believe you spent the entire game hiding behind other players and snuck into the final two. Convince me I'm wrong.

Blade (Jury Member #5)
I'm not asking the following question for the sake of my pride or ego. I'm asking it to find out about yours.

As has been mentioned briefly in the discussion thread, that triple nomination week was the turning point in this game where my dominant alliance started falling apart after A11 got voted out. But let's say that the plan went how it was supposed to, and it ended up being A11, Spidey and Rated R up for nomination, with M being able to vote. Bearing in mind M was a big part of our alliance at that time, or so he claimed.

If those three men were nominated instead of A11, Spidey and M, who would currently be the final two? Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Be honest.

Milenko (Jury Member #6)
Why do you want to win Big Brother?

M (Jury Member #7)
If you had to go back in time and play this game again what would you have changed about your game and why?
ooooooooooooooooooooo all good questions this is exciting
As far the random alliances, yes Spidey was in on the final 3 with you and we were hoping it'd get you to put up Blade and Milenko and our final 2 deal, I saw you were being played by Blade and Thriller so I decided to try and recruit you and make a final 2 deal with you. It may have been random but you did agree to it. I don't know if you really would've taken Spidey over me to the end, but either way I had no way of knowing that when I posted my opening statement.

We weren't trying to play M or A11. I mean, the end goal was for Blade and I to get to the final two, but I really thought the four of us would be the final 4.
We weren't trying to play M or A11. I mean, the end goal was for Blade and I to get to the final two, but I really thought the four of us would be the final 4.

This is what i know 3 of us thought, the only one that hasnt said anything is M. Blade was clear from the start that he and Thriller were strong and that there was another alliance, sure I blindly followed at first. But what choice did I have i was the complete unknown and the pickle alliance was formed.
This is what i know 3 of us thought, the only one that hasnt said anything is M. Blade was clear from the start that he and Thriller were strong and that there was another alliance, sure I blindly followed at first. But what choice did I have i was the complete unknown and the pickle alliance was formed.

Blade wasn't 100% sure of M's allegiance, but we still trusted him more than Rated.
I figured that the idea would be to go as far as you could go with the group, since any other method wouldn't make any sense. The idea of trying to get the guys to believe it was just Blade+Thriller+the outside guy was the most brilliant move in the game so kudos to which one of you thought that up, but the only flaw was that it was too easy to figure out that more people were in it.

The final 4 thing was weird, when A11 messaged me asking whether or not to fully trust you guys i think I told him that if we kept up the normal plan we'd end up as the final 4 and play off in a 2v2 style (A11 is that what I said after saying to settle down about Fallout's thingy and try to get KB out? My memory's not that great at 2am haha)
I can't speak for Blade, but I never lied about who was in the group, I just wasn't overly forthcoming. Thinking it was just me and him +1 wouldn't make sense from a voting perspective anyway.

Getting it to 2v2 would've been risky, but I was confident that Blade or I could win at least one of the two challenges and that we both were 100% committed to us being the final two.
I think these two posts right here show your lack of self-awareness in the game. Compared to Spidey and M, your social game was non-existant.

I PM'ed you about getting rid of Spidey and Milenko, just to see what you would do. I knew at that point no one was going to take me to the final 2 because I was a pretty big threat, but I sent you those PM's to get an insight into your mind as much as I sent them to save myself. You showed that you were stubborn and inflexible. I mean, you didn't even pretend to entertain my ideas, even though you knew it was a 99% chance that I was going to end up on the jury. It's Survivor (and probably Big Brother) 101 that you humour the guy who's on the chopping block to his face, then vote him out.

As for flying under the radar, well, a few people in our alliance didn't trust you because after a few votes, and based on the PM's you were sending us, it became pretty apparent what you were doing. I'm willing to be M didn't trust you completely. I certainly didn't, A11 didn't, and so on.

And finally, you decided not to trust me and my alliance based on the fact that you got 2 votes when you were nominated. Cereal Killer, TLC and KB all had no alliances at that time, and any two of those guys could've cast the 2 votes that you received. Considering how much those two little votes affected your game, you took them way too personally. It wasn't a case of you deciding not to trust us. You didn't really have a choice, because we'd decided not to trust you early on. Except poor Thriller.

There's more I'd like to point out, but I wanna see how you'll answer my question first. But I think you're giving way too much credit to yourself, and not enough to credit to the sheer luck that you also got.

That much I can agree with, I was stubborn and didn't do much to entertain the thought. Most of that was because I didn't trust you. However I did consider a plan to send Milenko out that week but changed my mind to make sure Spidey trusted me 100%.

I'm not cocky enough to think it was sheer skill that got me to the end of the game, to anybody who ever makes the finals of Survivor or Big Brother had to get lucky at some point. My luckiest moment came when Thriller messed up and nommed M instead of me. Also those two votes couldn't have been TLC or Cereal Killer, I believe they were already evicted by that time and KB was HOH.

Will answer those questions posted by JAM in a little while. Have some things to do first.
I figured that the idea would be to go as far as you could go with the group, since any other method wouldn't make any sense. The idea of trying to get the guys to believe it was just Blade+Thriller+the outside guy was the most brilliant move in the game so kudos to which one of you thought that up, but the only flaw was that it was too easy to figure out that more people were in it.

The final 4 thing was weird, when A11 messaged me asking whether or not to fully trust you guys i think I told him that if we kept up the normal plan we'd end up as the final 4 and play off in a 2v2 style (A11 is that what I said after saying to settle down about Fallout's thingy and try to get KB out? My memory's not that great at 2am haha)

Yeah thats pretty much spot on
I can't speak for Blade, but I never lied about who was in the group, I just wasn't overly forthcoming. Thinking it was just me and him +1 wouldn't make sense from a voting perspective anyway.

Oh, I thought the idea behind that was so the people in the group never banded together to overwhelm you two through sheer numbers. I think you could have made the voting part work if throughout the comp you told the +1 that you were trying to get someone else into the group (another +1) and told the +1 to abstain from voting them out until it was Thriller, Blade and +1s everywhere. Then I guess you'd turn the +1s against each other, but I can definitely see the dangers in that idea.
nightmare (Jury Member #1)
What does The Pickle God mean to you and how has it affected your journey towards the finals?

The pickle god and I have a love-hate relationship. I tried to turn it into relish once but after that we just didn't bother with each other. So I don't think it effected my journey towards the finals.

KB (Jury Member #2)
What was the biggest lie you told in the game?

Probably when Spidey recruited me to his alliance and I played dumb saying I knew nothing about it and I didn't have an alliance already. I was already working with Thriller and Blade, who at the time I planned to stick with all the way and I had known about Spidey's alliance since the beginning of week 2. I'm not sure if/when he knew I was working with Thriller too but this would be mine.

A11 (Jury Member #3)
If you had to have one different person in your alliance who would it have been, who would they have replaced and why?

Hmm my main alliance was with Spidey and then I had M in a different final 2 pact. If I could go back, I'd probably try to strike a deal with KB instead of M honestly. KB was a big threat right off the bat and while being in an alliance with him would put a target on my back, he'd probably remain a bigger target than me as long as he was in the game. The reason I'd replace M with him is M always seemed shady to me and I could never get a good read on the guy.

Thriller (Jury Member #4)
Rated R, I believe the only reason you are in the final two is because I didn't listen when others advised me to get rid of you. Convince me I’m wrong.

The reason you're wrong is because based off what everybody has said, it seems I was never target #1 in anybodies mind to get rid of. Your side of the house seemed to be targeting Spidey, Milenko, Dynamite and nightmare before me and I managed to convince Spidey and Milenko that you, Blade, KB and even A11 needed to go before me.

While Blade may not have trusted me, it doesn't sound like I was his biggest target at any point based off what I know.

Blade (Jury Member #5)
I'm not asking the following question for the sake of my pride or ego. I'm asking it to find out about yours.

As has been mentioned briefly in the discussion thread, that triple nomination week was the turning point in this game where my dominant alliance started falling apart after A11 got voted out. But let's say that the plan went how it was supposed to, and it ended up being A11, Spidey and Rated R up for nomination, with M being able to vote. Bearing in mind M was a big part of our alliance at that time, or so he claimed.

If those three men were nominated instead of A11, Spidey and M, who would currently be the final two? Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Be honest.

Assuming that would've lead to me or Spidey being sent packing, I'd say that'd lead to a final 2 of M and Thriller. I think you 4 would've continued to control the game and it would've been hard for Milenko and Spidey or I to overthrow you guys. Granted I would've tried harder in one of the comps that I threw (don't remember which but it was an HOH comp) and Milenko did well in comps but I think the final 3 would've been Thriller, M and yourself due to you or Thriller getting HOH and M saving himself with veto. I think you guys would've talked him into getting rid of whoever was left out of you three and then I think M would've won the final HOH and taken Thriller to the end.

Milenko (Jury Member #6)
Why do you want to win Big Brother?

This is easy. I want to win Big Brother because I am obsessed with the show and everything about it. I love watching it, I love playing it and I love talking about it. I treat this online version serious and try to play like I love seeing play on the actual show. I think I did just that with my dirty play.

M (Jury Member #7)
If you had to go back in time and play this game again what would you have changed about your game and why?[/QUOTE]

I would've played a very different game. Instead of laying low and waiting for someone to come to me for an alliance, I would've tried to get an alliance of 4 going with people I think would've done well in comps and I could trust. I'd ask them all to keep it secret and shoot for a final 4 with them. The reason I'd do this is because if I had gone out during the double HOH week, I would've been very disappointed with myself for playing a horrible game. But if I had formed an alliance and done everything I could to try and keep myself in the game but still went out, I'd have no shame in that.

Thank you for your questions guys.
The pickle god and I have a love-hate relationship. I tried to turn it into relish once but after that we just didn't bother with each other. So I don't think it effected my journey towards the finals.

Here is my one allowed rebuttal:

So basically you are saying that you disrespected him, yet you clearly used the power of his chosen people to help you get to where you are. Why then should I cast my vote for a sneaky, underhanded, non-believer- over someone who played this generally devious game with integrity & yet still made it to the end? If the 2 men in the finals took completely different paths & ended up in the same place, why should we all vote Dark Side, when we could vote Jedi?

Convince us why your way of doing things is more deserving of a victory & dont just say 'Its how they do it on the show'.
Here is my one allowed rebuttal:

So basically you are saying that you disrespected him, yet you clearly used the power of his chosen people to help you get to where you are. Why then should I cast my vote for a sneaky, underhanded, non-believer- over someone who played this generally devious game with integrity & yet still made it to the end? If the 2 men in the finals took completely different paths & ended up in the same place, why should we all vote Dark Side, when we could vote Jedi?

Because the dark side has cookies and the dark side did exactly what you're supposed to do in Big Brother.
Blade (Jury Member #5)
I'm not asking the following question for the sake of my pride or ego. I'm asking it to find out about yours.

Assuming that would've lead to me or Spidey being sent packing, I'd say that'd lead to a final 2 of M and Thriller. I think you 4 would've continued to control the game and it would've been hard for Milenko and Spidey or I to overthrow you guys. Granted I would've tried harder in one of the comps that I threw (don't remember which but it was an HOH comp) and Milenko did well in comps but I think the final 3 would've been Thriller, M and yourself due to you or Thriller getting HOH and M saving himself with veto. I think you guys would've talked him into getting rid of whoever was left out of you three and then I think M would've won the final HOH and taken Thriller to the end.

I dont know of i can use my rebuttal on someone elses question but i'm going to anyway. Why would you feel it neccessary to throw a challenge and do you have proof that you didn't just suck at said challenge? In the context of this game its not really that bad but i find it seriously wrong to throw a challenge, there is nothing more I hate in a game of Survivor than when someone throws a challenge.
I just got back from a hike and I'm so damn tired. You know what, rebuttal all you want for any question that you want. We'll keep this going for a few days.
Sorry for the late reply guys. Using a library's computer and still won't be on much. I'll answer as briefly & honestly as possible. No telling when I'll get to rebuttals tho.

nightmare (Jury Member #1)
What does The Pickle God mean to you and how has it affected your journey towards the finals?

The biggest move I ever made in the game was creating that glorious sumbitch. Without the APG, there would have been no Apostles. I don't believe I would have made it far at all if that jar of pickles didn't fall to the floor. Praise the pickle. Bless the brine.

KB (Jury Member #2)
What was the biggest lie you told in the game?

This will sound like some boy scout bullshit, but I never told a lie in the game.

My entire strategy relied on just having fun and playing it straight. Closest I came to lying in this was when I told Milenko I'd try and get us to Final 2. M put us both up and R decided to go with me after we decided to get a Final 2 going of our own. I didn't lie to Milenko even though I did make a plan to get off the block. Can't do much for a Final 2 when you're both on the chopping board.

A11 (Jury Member #3)
If you had to have one different person in your alliance who would it have been, who would they have replaced and why?

Good question. I would have wanted Blade for sure. When Rated R told me Blade wanted to get me out even after his alliance was gone, I knew Blade was the type of guy that wasn't going to take things sitting down. I respect that kind of player.

That and I'm sure M would have followed Blade's move since I was under the impression M & Blade were close, so that'd be a twofer.

EDIT: Didn't say who would be replaced. Possibly Rated R due to finding out about his other alliance shenanigans going around this time.

Thriller (Jury Member #4)
Rated R, I believe the only reason you are in the final two is because I didn't listen when others advised me to get rid of you. Convince me I’m wrong.

Spidey, I believe you spent the entire game hiding behind other players and snuck into the final two. Convince me I'm wrong.

When Milenko won HoH and put KB and yourself up, it was me Milenko went to to ask who should be up and who we would vote out. I told him KB would be out unanimously. I was right and we took what could have been the biggest threat out.

When I was nominated and became the Mystery MVP at the same time, my decision to put A11 up was a major move that nobody in my alliance could have made but me. I also won Power of Veto and used it on myself to secure my safety. Was it a fluke that I capitalized on? Perhaps. But I still did it on my own without hiding behind anyone.

The point of Big Brother is to get the numbers on your side. I believe you can understand this being in an alliance yourself. I didn't need a position of power like HoH throughout this game to do what I did either. When double eviction rolled around and KB & Fallout put the entire Apostle alliance on the block, there was no one to turn to. Milenko and myself won Vetoes and took ourselves off.

I believe if I was a weak asset to The Apostles, surely I would have been voted out before Jury and not in the Final 2.

Blade (Jury Member #5)
I'm not asking the following question for the sake of my pride or ego. I'm asking it to find out about yours.

As has been mentioned briefly in the discussion thread, that triple nomination week was the turning point in this game where my dominant alliance started falling apart after A11 got voted out. But let's say that the plan went how it was supposed to, and it ended up being A11, Spidey and Rated R up for nomination, with M being able to vote. Bearing in mind M was a big part of our alliance at that time, or so he claimed.

If those three men were nominated instead of A11, Spidey and M, who would currently be the final two? Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Be honest.

I can't answer honestly since I won Power of Veto that round and took myself off. But I can answer hypothetically. If I didn't win POV, it would have been me to leave. I have no doubt about it unless the rest of you felt Rated R was a bigger threat. I believe Thriller and yourself would have made Final 2.

Milenko (Jury Member #6)
Why do you want to win Big Brother?

For the thrill of it all.

No but seriously I never imagined I'd make it this far. I'd like to win to show you don't have to play a dirty game to win Big Brother. My competition, Rated R, played both sides which in reality is what is needed but on here, I think my strategy was more appealling. I stuck with my alliance even when it looked like the deck was stacked against us, and I made a few moves here and there that benefitted my gameplay.

I was the Anti-Player. I don't believe anyone has ever won Big Brother for playing like I did. I had the more difficult strategy to pull off gamewise therefore I believe I should win.

M (Jury Member #7)
If you had to go back in time and play this game again what would you have changed about your game and why?

I would have never aligned myself with the biggest superfan in the history of the show.

Love ya, R.

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