Skairipa Matrix
3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
Aaaand here's the second half.
A11: (Comparison: Spencer Clawson)
Trusted his alliance to get him far in the game and wasn't too good at comps.
Thriller: (Comparison: Jeff Schroeder)
Much like Jeff, he drew the battle lines in the sand and you were either with him or against him. But sadly for him, just like Jeff he wasn't able to make it to the end despite playing a good game.
Blade: (Comparison: Matt Hoffman)
Played good and could've won the game if he got the numbers on his side.
Milenko: (Comparison: Britney Haynes)
Won a few comps and had a solid game going but in the end, he went out at the final 4 due to a sub alliance within his alliance.
M: (Comparison: Shane Meaney)
Was always a threat to win the comps but outside of his alliance, he didn't have much of a social game. In the end he ended up getting taken out near the end because of other deals in place.
Spidey: (Comparison: "Evel" Dick Donato)
Won a handful of comps and that combined with his gameplay earned him a spot in the final 2. Also, like Evel Dick he won the final HOH. Plus he kept us entertained all season with his antics.
When you said you wouldn't put Blade up over me I knew right there you would've taken him to the final 2 over me, that's why I didn't go along with your idea for a final 4 with you, Spidey, Blade and I.
As far the random alliances, yes Spidey was in on the final 3 with you and we were hoping it'd get you to put up Blade and Milenko and our final 2 deal, I saw you were being played by Blade and Thriller so I decided to try and recruit you and make a final 2 deal with you. It may have been random but you did agree to it. I don't know if you really would've taken Spidey over me to the end, but either way I had no way of knowing that when I posted my opening statement.
A11: (Comparison: Spencer Clawson)

Trusted his alliance to get him far in the game and wasn't too good at comps.
Thriller: (Comparison: Jeff Schroeder)

Much like Jeff, he drew the battle lines in the sand and you were either with him or against him. But sadly for him, just like Jeff he wasn't able to make it to the end despite playing a good game.
Blade: (Comparison: Matt Hoffman)

Played good and could've won the game if he got the numbers on his side.
Milenko: (Comparison: Britney Haynes)

Won a few comps and had a solid game going but in the end, he went out at the final 4 due to a sub alliance within his alliance.
M: (Comparison: Shane Meaney)

Was always a threat to win the comps but outside of his alliance, he didn't have much of a social game. In the end he ended up getting taken out near the end because of other deals in place.
Spidey: (Comparison: "Evel" Dick Donato)

Won a handful of comps and that combined with his gameplay earned him a spot in the final 2. Also, like Evel Dick he won the final HOH. Plus he kept us entertained all season with his antics.
Most of your points about me in this are extremely exaggerated.
1) The final 2 deal you made with me was out of nowhere for me. All of a sudden I started getting PMs from you about how we would be the final two, but I had no real input in that decision at all - as if revealing that Blade was my plan would do anything except put a terrible spotlight on me.
2) Again, one day I woke up to see some PMs saying that now I'm in some sort of final three deal with spidey? Was spidey informed in this? Why did spidey agree to this the day after I nommed him and thriller that time? I got nothing except a message about how the three of us would win which didn't make sense. Assuming alliances isn't the same as masterminding them - I should know, masterminding begins with M, but freely telling people your intentions was always going to be appreciated.
3) Fallout's little speech did nothing to me except extend the amount of time I'd be able to stay under the radar. Suggesting that I turn on Blade, if anything made me want to turn on you, but the pickle's majority saved you..... I probably should have told Blade about that PM. Whoopsie I guess haha
4) Spidey was the guy I was taking to the finale if I won HOH, just sayin'
If that sounds aggro it's not supposed to be, but there was a reason why I didn't mention any of those "alliances" in the RP thingy.
When you said you wouldn't put Blade up over me I knew right there you would've taken him to the final 2 over me, that's why I didn't go along with your idea for a final 4 with you, Spidey, Blade and I.
As far the random alliances, yes Spidey was in on the final 3 with you and we were hoping it'd get you to put up Blade and Milenko and our final 2 deal, I saw you were being played by Blade and Thriller so I decided to try and recruit you and make a final 2 deal with you. It may have been random but you did agree to it. I don't know if you really would've taken Spidey over me to the end, but either way I had no way of knowing that when I posted my opening statement.