WZ Big Brother Season 1

That'd be cool.

Also to everybody who's been voted out, feel free to post stuff about your gameplay so I have an easier time coming up with a really good comparison for you to how an actual player played the game. Gonna try to get those done in the next couple days.

Well, I was the mastermind behind a big evil alliance that eventually got overthrown by an alliance of plucky underdogs due to circumstances outside of my control.
I was second in command of a big alliance that was running the game until circumstances outside the game cause me to lose focus and make a fatal mistake.
I also don't think anyone else would have had the courage to put KB (The favorite) up for elimination as soon as I did either.
I tried to backstab an alliance then got backstabbed for no reason before backstabbing everyone with moderate success.

Also, if Rated R wins, he has quite the forum game monopoly.

Also, anyone up for mafia after this?
I tried to backstab an alliance then got backstabbed for no reason before backstabbing everyone with moderate success.

Also, if Rated R wins, he has quite the forum game monopoly.

Also, anyone up for mafia after this?

I was gonna try throw together a new Survivor game. But if you wanna do Mafia, go for it, and I'll do Survivor after that. I have no idea what Mafia is, but I'll play.
I tried to backstab an alliance then got backstabbed for no reason before backstabbing everyone with moderate success.

Also, if Rated R wins, he has quite the forum game monopoly.

Also, anyone up for mafia after this?

You had really shitty timing. Blade and I were scaring everyone into breaking up the pickle alliance and I had just started talking to KB about it when you started talking to him about screwing us.
As soon as I knew you guys (Thriller & Blade) we're working together I had a plan in the back of my mind to break you up around the start of jury. I just went on a horrible losing streak in comps.
Admittedly I did. I wanted to get KB on board once we were in a safe zone (nightmare and Cereal being gone) so we could make plans ASAP. A11 and M probably would have jumped on board if I told them the plans to extend their life.

I knew going in that the plan would be sabotaged instantly if KB backstabbed me. I just didn't think he had enough reason to do it as it was a mutually beneficial situation (when it turned out that we both killed ourselves).

The plan was always to get rid of Spidey's alliance first, then you and Thriller, then M, leaving me, KB and A11 in the final 3. Either I won, my personal choice for MVP won or a newbie made a name for themselves.

If I wouldn't have done it, I honestly think it would've been you and Thriller in the final 2 now, unless KB, A11 and M conspired against us all.
What Blade and I were starting to realize is that we were leaving ourselves outnumbered for the end of the game since there was just the two of us. We trusted KB, but he got eliminated early. I let Rated R hang around for too long. He was actually the only one I was sure was going to screw us, but he never quite made it to #1 priority.
If I wouldn't have done it, I honestly think it would've been you and Thriller in the final 2 now, unless KB, A11 and M conspired against us all.

The problem with M is that he's so difficult to read. I have no idea what he would've done if our alliance had been the final 5 or 6.

Although, I would've likely bluffed to the rest of you at some point, saying I was ready to take out Thriller. Just so that he'd become the target before me in case the rest of you wanted to turn on us.

What Blade and I were starting to realize is that we were leaving ourselves outnumbered for the end of the game since there was just the two of us. We trusted KB, but he got eliminated early. I let Rated R hang around for too long. He was actually the only one I was sure was going to screw us, but he never quite made it to #1 priority.

Oh man, I was so paranoid right around the time KB got eliminated. I didn't trust Rated R, I didn't know if I could trust M, I didn't know if I could trust KB. The only people I totally trusted were you and A11. You because we were so tight, and A11 because he wasn't in a position to try anything game changing at the time.
The problem with M is that he's so difficult to read. I have no idea what he would've done if our alliance had been the final 5 or 6.

Although, I would've likely bluffed to the rest of you at some point, saying I was ready to take out Thriller. Just so that he'd become the target before me in case the rest of you wanted to turn on us.

And that's why I was hoping we could start picking people off, so it wouldn't come to that :)
Getting ready to post my opening statement/speech for why I should win this game. Just gotta look back at my notes and make sure I get my facts straight.
IT'S THAT TIME........​
Well folks, we're at that time. We're down to the final 2 houseguests: Rated R Enigma and Spidey. I've asked all 7 jury members to PM me questions that they'd want to us the 2 finalists so that they can have a better feel as to who they should vote for to win this game. I don't have all the questions just yet so I won't post it now. However, we're going to start with some opening statements. So R and Spidey, take it away.
I also don't think anyone else would have had the courage to put KB (The favorite) up for elimination as soon as I did either.

I wanted KB out, I just sucked at most HoH challenges. I wanted him out so bad that even after I fucked up by sending my messa Space Invader score to KB and even after he corrected me, I still refused to use the Veto power on him, it made me feel like a cunt but i soon got over it, only for thriller to make a fatal mistake and be sent on my way
The problem with M is that he's so difficult to read. I have no idea what he would've done if our alliance had been the final 5 or 6.

Although, I would've likely bluffed to the rest of you at some point, saying I was ready to take out Thriller. Just so that he'd become the target before me in case the rest of you wanted to turn on us.

Oh man, I was so paranoid right around the time KB got eliminated. I didn't trust Rated R, I didn't know if I could trust M, I didn't know if I could trust KB. The only people I totally trusted were you and A11. You because we were so tight, and A11 because he wasn't in a position to try anything game changing at the time.

Yeah once our alliance seemed somewhat tight i started planning for the long game, to make a medium sized move with M and take out Thriller and you, and go to final 2, would have worked too had M stuck to the plan, because M was unstoppable at HoH challenges
Alright here it is, my opening statement about why I deserve to win Big Brother over Spidey. I'll warn you guys now this might be a bit long but I have quite a few things to cover, so lets get started.

As you all know by now, Spidey was leading the pickle alliance at the start of the game with Milenko, Dynamite, TLC, Cereal Killer and Nightmare all pledging allegiance to him and the pickle god. What you may not (but probably do) know is when I won HOH in week 2, I accepted an offer to join the alliance. Going in my intention was to just know what they were doing and pick them apart from the inside. During my HOH reign, Dynamite went home and at this point I had both sides of the house thinking I was with them.

Then came the week from hell, the double HOH week where KB and Fallout took power. I was worried as soon as I saw they won HOH considering I had both on my radar as targets and of course I was nommed because someone told them I was really with the pickle alliance, which I wasn't. I made sure Fallout knew this by PM'ing him and telling him I was playing double agent and even sent PM's to Thriller, M, Blade and A11 with the hope that if they won POV they'd use it on me. I knew if I survived this week that I was gunning for KB and Fallout. Luckily I survived this week and even left it with a new sub alliance, a final 2 deal with M.

However when the eviction results for that week we're revealed I saw I had 2 votes against me and I was sure that Spidey's group didn't case them. That made it obvious in my mind who I could trust and at that point I decided to flip and be loyal to the pickle alliance with every intention to still bring M to the final 2 with the thinking that I could beat him easily.

Fallout quit shortly after this and exposed a ton of info, info I put to good use as I was quick to shoot M a message telling him he was being used by Thriller and Blade and that they planned to bring A11 to the final 3 and I believe I gained his trust further here by once again promising him I wanted to go to the final 2 with him, which again at this point I did.

So then came the MVP twist, having full trust in me Spidey revealed to me he was the MVP and asked me who he should put up. We debated between Blade and A11 since Thriller was HOH and in the end Spidey put up A11 in what was probably Spidey's biggest game move. I can admit this changed the game as we were able to get rid of A11 and I formed a final 3 deal with Milenko and Spidey. Also around this time I made a second final 2 deal, this one with Spidey with the thinking of "hey we're both superfans, lets make sure a fan of the show wins." This alliance was even named, The Chill Town Renegades after two of the greatest alliances in Big Brother history.

Getting Thriller out next was best for my game because I didn't think I could trust him anymore and I knew he would take Blade to the final 2 if he got that far. With Thriller out I thought for sure I could get M to turn on Blade and form a final 4 deal with me, Spidey and Milenko but he showed that wasn't the case when he nommed both of them. But luckily I won veto and saved Spidey which in turn forced M to nom Blade. M was blindsided by Blade going home and now I was in the final 4 with two people who I KNEW would bring me to the final 2 and Milenko, who I was pretty sure if I needed to I could convince to bring me to the end. Obviously that wasn't needed because M won HOH next and Milenko was sent packing as part of a final 3 deal me and Spidey formed with M. Which I masterminded by the way.

So now we're at the final 3, I know at this point I have a spot in the final 2 but that's not enough for me, I want the final HOH so I can get rid of M because I had a feeling if he was sitting here next to me I wouldn't beat him due to his many comp wins and no blood on his hands. Luckily me and Spidey fought it out for final HOH and while I may not have won, I made it here due to my Chill Town Renegade alliance.

In closing, I should win this game because I had what I like to think was a great social game, I flew under the radar to keep myself from being a huge target by throwing a few comps, yes I threw a few comps, I just didn't make it obvious. Spidey's biggest move was getting MVP and sending home A11, a move he couldn't have done without me. Spidey made it as far as he did because of me and Milenko watching his back and me saving him with veto, twice. My biggest move was flipping on Thriller and Blade or my final 2 deal with M that kept me off the block every time he won HOH. Every single person who's sitting on the jury right now (besides M because I couldn't vote and nightmare because I was nommed) I voted out of this game. Blade and Thriller say they didn't trust me fully from the start but yet when they got the chance to backdoor me they didn't because Thriller put up M instead of me. I had a great social game, I won veto a couple times, I won HOH one week and I almost won the final HOH.

Thank you for reading this long ass post and I look forward to the questions from the jury. Also good luck to my fellow Renegade, Spidey. Who by the way, said last week he doesn't care if he wins, he's just happy to have made it this far. Does someone who says that really deserve to win? Coming into this game I had 1 goal in mind, do whatever it took to get to the final 2 and have a strong case for why I deserve to win and I did just that.
Hey guys, so Spidey sent this to me before he had to go travel. He'll be scarcely online for around 4 days but he has assured me that he'll reply to the questions of the jury as best as he can even if they might not be lengthy answers. So here's Spidey's opening statement.


Spidey's Opening Statement

Members of the Jury,

Never thought I'd be in this spot to tell you the truth. Didn't care to win. Still don't care much. I just wanted to play with you guys and have fun. I achieved what I wanted from the game already.

You guys are all cool in my books and I don't think I made any real moves in the game that would put me in a seriously negative light. But then again I didn't win much of anything to be in a position like that. My strategy coming in was just to play cool and chill. In a real Big Brother Game, that probably would have had me out the door the first Eviction Night. Rated R played this thing exactly how BB winners generally play it- sneaky and at times dirty.

On the other hand, I did form the alliance Milenko dubbed The Apostles. Most of you that made Jury were either in the alliance that went head to head with us, or a member pissed you off one way or the other. I also played god by created an actual inanimate Pickle God. I can understand it if I offended any of your beliefs or just annoyed the shit out of you with it. It was all meant to be random entertainment.

In the end, you pick the guy who stayed honest but played it mostly safe, or you pick the guy that played both sides but took risks to make it to Final 2.

I've enjoyed playing with you guys and hope to do so again some other season.

That'd be cool.

Also to everybody who's been voted out, feel free to post stuff about your gameplay so I have an easier time coming up with a really good comparison for you to how an actual player played the game. Gonna try to get those done in the next couple days.

I just generally fucked around. My hijinks either made you laugh, or irritated you. The goal was never to win the whole thing, rather it was just to have a good time & help out a few of you guys. I knew I wouldnt stick around very long due to my style & allegiance to The Zesty One, so I just did what I could to keep my team in & make it entertaining along the way.

Mission Accomplished.
Alright here it is, my opening statement about why I deserve to win Big Brother over Spidey. I'll warn you guys now this might be a bit long but I have quite a few things to cover, so lets get started.

As you all know by now, Spidey was leading the pickle alliance at the start of the game with Milenko, Dynamite, TLC, Cereal Killer and Nightmare all pledging allegiance to him and the pickle god. What you may not (but probably do) know is when I won HOH in week 2, I accepted an offer to join the alliance. Going in my intention was to just know what they were doing and pick them apart from the inside. During my HOH reign, Dynamite went home and at this point I had both sides of the house thinking I was with them.

Then came the week from hell, the double HOH week where KB and Fallout took power. I was worried as soon as I saw they won HOH considering I had both on my radar as targets and of course I was nommed because someone told them I was really with the pickle alliance, which I wasn't. I made sure Fallout knew this by PM'ing him and telling him I was playing double agent and even sent PM's to Thriller, M, Blade and A11 with the hope that if they won POV they'd use it on me. I knew if I survived this week that I was gunning for KB and Fallout. Luckily I survived this week and even left it with a new sub alliance, a final 2 deal with M.

However when the eviction results for that week we're revealed I saw I had 2 votes against me and I was sure that Spidey's group didn't case them. That made it obvious in my mind who I could trust and at that point I decided to flip and be loyal to the pickle alliance with every intention to still bring M to the final 2 with the thinking that I could beat him easily.

Fallout quit shortly after this and exposed a ton of info, info I put to good use as I was quick to shoot M a message telling him he was being used by Thriller and Blade and that they planned to bring A11 to the final 3 and I believe I gained his trust further here by once again promising him I wanted to go to the final 2 with him, which again at this point I did.

So then came the MVP twist, having full trust in me Spidey revealed to me he was the MVP and asked me who he should put up. We debated between Blade and A11 since Thriller was HOH and in the end Spidey put up A11 in what was probably Spidey's biggest game move. I can admit this changed the game as we were able to get rid of A11 and I formed a final 3 deal with Milenko and Spidey. Also around this time I made a second final 2 deal, this one with Spidey with the thinking of "hey we're both superfans, lets make sure a fan of the show wins." This alliance was even named, The Chill Town Renegades after two of the greatest alliances in Big Brother history.

Getting Thriller out next was best for my game because I didn't think I could trust him anymore and I knew he would take Blade to the final 2 if he got that far. With Thriller out I thought for sure I could get M to turn on Blade and form a final 4 deal with me, Spidey and Milenko but he showed that wasn't the case when he nommed both of them. But luckily I won veto and saved Spidey which in turn forced M to nom Blade. M was blindsided by Blade going home and now I was in the final 4 with two people who I KNEW would bring me to the final 2 and Milenko, who I was pretty sure if I needed to I could convince to bring me to the end. Obviously that wasn't needed because M won HOH next and Milenko was sent packing as part of a final 3 deal me and Spidey formed with M. Which I masterminded by the way.

So now we're at the final 3, I know at this point I have a spot in the final 2 but that's not enough for me, I want the final HOH so I can get rid of M because I had a feeling if he was sitting here next to me I wouldn't beat him due to his many comp wins and no blood on his hands. Luckily me and Spidey fought it out for final HOH and while I may not have won, I made it here due to my Chill Town Renegade alliance.

In closing, I should win this game because I had what I like to think was a great social game, I flew under the radar to keep myself from being a huge target by throwing a few comps, yes I threw a few comps, I just didn't make it obvious. Spidey's biggest move was getting MVP and sending home A11, a move he couldn't have done without me. Spidey made it as far as he did because of me and Milenko watching his back and me saving him with veto, twice. My biggest move was flipping on Thriller and Blade or my final 2 deal with M that kept me off the block every time he won HOH. Every single person who's sitting on the jury right now (besides M because I couldn't vote and nightmare because I was nommed) I voted out of this game. Blade and Thriller say they didn't trust me fully from the start but yet when they got the chance to backdoor me they didn't because Thriller put up M instead of me. I had a great social game, I won veto a couple times, I won HOH one week and I almost won the final HOH.

Thank you for reading this long ass post and I look forward to the questions from the jury. Also good luck to my fellow Renegade, Spidey. Who by the way, said last week he doesn't care if he wins, he's just happy to have made it this far. Does someone who says that really deserve to win? Coming into this game I had 1 goal in mind, do whatever it took to get to the final 2 and have a strong case for why I deserve to win and I did just that.

Most of your points about me in this are extremely exaggerated.

1) The final 2 deal you made with me was out of nowhere for me. All of a sudden I started getting PMs from you about how we would be the final two, but I had no real input in that decision at all - as if revealing that Blade was my plan would do anything except put a terrible spotlight on me.

2) Again, one day I woke up to see some PMs saying that now I'm in some sort of final three deal with spidey? Was spidey informed in this? Why did spidey agree to this the day after I nommed him and thriller that time? I got nothing except a message about how the three of us would win which didn't make sense. Assuming alliances isn't the same as masterminding them - I should know, masterminding begins with M, but freely telling people your intentions was always going to be appreciated.

3) Fallout's little speech did nothing to me except extend the amount of time I'd be able to stay under the radar. Suggesting that I turn on Blade, if anything made me want to turn on you, but the pickle's majority saved you..... I probably should have told Blade about that PM. Whoopsie I guess haha

4) Spidey was the guy I was taking to the finale if I won HOH, just sayin' :p

If that sounds aggro it's not supposed to be, but there was a reason why I didn't mention any of those "alliances" in the RP thingy.
Here's the comparisons to actual players from Big Brother.

Cereal Killer: (Comparison: Lawon Exum)

Didn't do anything memorable during his time in the house and was a forgettable player.

Dynamite: (Comparison: Dominic Briones)

Wasn't in the house long, but tried to make moves while he was there.

TLC: (Comparison: Monet Stunson)

Went out early and didn't do much besides lay around during his time in the house.

nightmare: (Comparison: David Girton)

Formed an alliance right away and just wanted to have a good time. However the other side of the house taking the power ended up costing him his game before he could have too good of a time.

Fallout: (Comparison: Frank Eudy)

Was playing good, but ended up costing himself the game.

KB: (Comparison: Mike "Boogie" Malin)

Played a good game but was a huge target from the start and the house sent him packing the first chance they got.

Part 2 incoming right after this.

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