WZ Big Brother Season 1


☮ Spidey ✌;4952275 said:
Oh wow forgot there was even a challenge already up.

Today the stoners took over the house. Let it be known.

Is the plan still on for you, M and I to burn everything inside the house on finale night?

JAM, you can't see this post. :suspic:
HOH Challenge #10 – Part 1 Results

Rated R Enigma


Therefore, your winner and advancing to part 3 of the HOH Challenge is.....
Spidey! If ever there was finally a time to win a competition, this would be it. You're now one step closer to being in the final 2. Congratulations! You have advanced to part 3 of the HOH challenge and will face whoever wins part 2.
There you have it folks. We're closer to finally seeing who the final 2 of this game will be. Part 2 of the HOH challenge will be posted shortly.

Playing in part 2 of the HOH Challenge will be.....
Rated R Enigma and M. Good luck to both of you!
HOH CHALLENGE #10 - Part 2
Here we are at part 2 of the HOH Challenge. We're gonna go back and play a classic game. We've already played it once before in the game but I've decided to play it once more. It's just so classic and what better way to be a deciding game huh?

There are really no instructions because you both know how to play this. The person with the highest score advances to part 3 to face off against Spidey to crown the final HOH of the game. You will follow the link to the game I give you in just a second. Then you'll be playing on level 4. When you lose, screenshot your score which can be seen on the right side. Screenshot that entire box which also includes the level you played on. Easy enough right?

You have 24 hours or more to get your score in. It's just the two of you so I hope this game doesn't take too long. So are you guys ready?

Click the spoiler for the link to the classic game. What classic game is it you may ask? Here you go.....
Spidey takes his flip-flop havin' ass over to a lounge chair with cocktail in hand. He watches M and Rated R play an exaggerated game of Tetris on the lawn and wonders if the grass is slippery due to all that zombie killin' they did with words.
HOH CHALLENGE #10 - Part 2 Results
Rated R Enigma's Entry:

M's Entry:

Well, we clearly see who the winner is here. Congratulations! Next up, it's two of you battling it out to be the final HOH of the season. With the winner of this challenge automatically advancing into the final 2. The next post I'll make is part 3 of this HOH Challenge and should be up shortly.

The matchup for part 3 of this HOH Challenge will be.....
Spidey vs. Rated R Enigma!
HOH CHALLENGE #10 - Part 3
Well guys, we're at the final part of this HOH Challenge. Congratulations on getting this far. How sad would it be to lose this challenge and lose the opportunity to automatically advance to the final 2. But oh well, it has to be done. Let's get down to the challenge.

If you're an avid watcher of the real Big Brother game on tv, then you should know what'll happen in part 3 of this challenge. However, I'll still explain everything here. Alright, so there are 6 members of the jury so far. I've asked them all to send me questions about the game. The questions will have two options and your job is to try your best and guess the correct answer. The person with the most correct answers will move onto the finale and will be the last HOH of the game. With this responsibility, the winner of part 3 will ultimately choose one of the losers of this final challenge to join him in the top 2. So as you can see, there is a lot at stake here.

I'll post the questions here in quotes. It's your job to copy and paste them and PM it to me. In case of a tie, I will make another questionnaire but it will be all questions from me in the same format as the questions you will see shortly. BOLD your answers to each question please. Here we go.
1. Milenko thinks the biggest surprise this season was.....
A) KB being eliminated
B) Milenko making it to the final 4

2. A11 thinks the most annoying player this season was.....

3. KB thinks the biggest loser in this game was.....

4. Blade thinks the most underrated player in this game was.....

5. Nightmare's "He's Lost His Marbles" Award for being the oddest duck in the house goes to.....
A) hyourinmaru. Besides the fact our producers had to accommodate his 'special needs' during challenges? When you spend an uncomfortable amount of time in the house naked & spend the rest of that time following the words of an imaginary pickled deity- something must be off.
B) KB. The guy thought he was Batman for a bit, spent way too much time in the 'basement' & well, we all saw what happened to the chicken. Lets not forget the time he just sat there slowly licking envelopes with that crazed, yet satisfied look in his eye.

6. Thriller thinks that the person who most deserved to be eliminated sooner was.....
A. A11
B. Milenko

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