Survivor 32: Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty II

Last night was a pretty good move for Tai. Scott and Jason were cutting his throat once the numbers were low enough on the other side (my guess is after Aubrey and Cyndi got the boot) and I dont think he would've won if he did make final 3 with them since they were making all the decisions. Also doubt they would've played the super idol for him if it came down to it.

Just hope Aubrey finds a way to get him out after Jason so she can sit pretty in the final 3 and take home the money.

Also how stupid were Scott and Jason to focus on the super idol instead of Scott just playing the idol normally?
While I knew Scot and Jason would've taken out Tai around Final 5, I don't think Tai had to take out one of them just yet. He should've at least gotten rid of Aubry or Michelle first and evened up the alliances a bit.

Also, I quite enjoyed the pre-merge. They set up the characters and their arcs pretty well. Also, Alicia existed in the pre-merge, and that's a good thing.
Bold move by Tai. Got out a power player and Jason's idol.

However, this could blow up in his face. Aubry, Cydney, Michelle and Joe will not bring him to the end. Aubry is likely bringing Michelle and Joe to Final 3. Same goes for Cid. So Tai needs Jason and Julia back on his side, because they would have no choice but to bring him to the Final 3.

Not to mention the possibility of an idol potentially going back into play. Something tells me that extra vote might be huge.

Definately think it was a bad move by Tai. He had two guys who have pissed off the majority of the players left in the game and he has both the idol and the advantage. He's been beating both Scott and Jason in the challenges up to this point so I liked his chances to get to the final tribal council. Of course, if Tai makes the final tribal he's winning the game.

Now he's teaming with the people who are the ones challenging him in these challenges. What the fuck? These people who are the threats to win the game and they are the strongest challenge threats to you... so Tai goes and joins them? Insane move and I'd love to see Tai get dropped in two votes time. Think you have to take out Julia next vote, Jason isn't going to be viewed as a threat since he's got nothing go on atm while Julia is playing a good game. She's gone next, locks up the numbers and then you can cut Tai.

In reference to the extra vote we need to remember that this was filmed after s30 but before Second Chance. Fishbach had the advantage which was a vote steal so they've made a change after this season to make it a vote steal instead of an extra vote. Why? My guess is that the extra vote means fuck all this season. Two seasons in a row (World's Apart and this one) could have seen the extra vote really do nothing for the person who had it. They change it up for a reason and it's likely that this thing really has no impact on the game.

EDIT: Also keep in mind that the episode with Dan Foley getting the advantage would not have been seen by these people. So while we all know it's an extra vote and in future seasons people will assume it's an extra vote, these people have never seen the extra vote in Survivor.
I'm not great at picking a winner's edit, but i definitely feel that Aubrey is getting it. From losing her closest ally and an idol to down in the dumps wondering if she can continue and will eventually come full circle to being in complete control.

Also how stupid were Scott and Jason to focus on the super idol instead of Scott just playing the idol normally?
I dont think so. You never know 100% who they are targeting so thats why they were waiting to use the super idol, plus they were trying to use the paranoia of what if they play it and i get a vote and go home
I dont think so. You never know 100% who they are targeting so thats why they were waiting to use the super idol, plus they were trying to use the paranoia of what if they play it and i get a vote and go home

Which is why I think they were smart to do what they did at last weeks tribal, but this time they had 3 more days to prepare and knew where the idols were. And the super idol relies on the other person not screwing you over.

Also I still think Tai was smart to turn on Scott and Jason. He wasn't going to the final 3 with them and I think they would've turned on him next time he didn't have immunity. And the girls + Joe probably realize they need Tai if they wanna stop the other side from getting immunity every time. But he will need to find a way to move up the pecking order for sure.
Nobody is taking Tai with them to the end. So it probably doesnt matter what he does strategically. He probably needs to win immunity challenges to get there
Nobody is taking Tai with them to the end. So it probably doesnt matter what he does strategically. He probably needs to win immunity challenges to get there

And this is why it's a bad move.

Tai needs to win immunity every round. He's someone that's going to get jury votes because he's so kind to everyone.

Tai has beaten Jason and Scott easily in all the challenges other than the immunity last week. His chances of winning immunity were far greater with Scott and Jason which is key since nobody is going to let him get to the end. He's only been challenged by the people he joined up with this week. Makes no sense for him to flip. Could have voted out one of the biggest game threats and challenge threats but instead is now going to have a much harder time getting to the end.

Once again nobody is taking him to the end but his chances of winning immunity were far greater with Scott and Jason. Such a stupid move.
I agree for the most part but let's remember at some point that the group of Aubry, Cid, Michelle and Joe will split because someone is on the bottom, likely Cid. If Tai hangs around long enough he could take advantage of that with his extra vote.
I think Aubry is too smart to take her focus off Tai, especially since Jason will be telling her what a huge threat he is every day until one of them is gone.
I think Aubry is too smart to take her focus off Tai, especially since Jason will be telling her what a huge threat he is every day until one of them is gone.

It will be interesting to see if Michelle, old guy, or Cydney listened to Jason and Scot praising Aubry's game play and get threatened by it.
I think Aubry is too smart to take her focus off Tai, especially since Jason will be telling her what a huge threat he is every day until one of them is gone.

Agreed. But I think the other 3 aren't that smart.

Also for everybody saying Tai messed up badly, I think he could still sweep the votes if he sat next to Joe and Michelle. In fact I think he'd have a better chance of winning in that trio then he would've against Jason and Scott.

Don't under estimate the sob story of a veteran with a mentally ill child.
But also don't underestimate the pettiness and bitterness of a Survivor jury. His sob story could be too little, too late if he reaches FTC.
I think Jason has burned too many bridges and his game play had not been all that stellar to get votes.

Then again, I don't think anyone has had much in the way of stellar game play. Everyone seems to fallen ass backwards in to this final seven.
Then again, I don't think anyone has had much in the way of stellar game play. Everyone seems to fallen ass backwards in to this final seven.

Thats what happens when you have a themed three tribe start. You are better off having complete randoms, and after the last season i think you are better off starting with 2 tribes then into 3 and then maybe back into 2
But also don't underestimate the pettiness and bitterness of a Survivor jury. His sob story could be too little, too late if he reaches FTC.

This is true but from what it looks like Tai did whatever Jason and Scott told him, and if he got to the final 3 that way even his immunity wins might not be enough to save him.

Thats what happens when you have a themed three tribe start. You are better off having complete randoms, and after the last season i think you are better off starting with 2 tribes then into 3 and then maybe back into 2

I hate the Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty concept. Really hope this is the last time they do it.

Also keep in mind last season benefited from all-stars, any all-stars season is gonna be good no matter how they set it up most likely.
So how exactly did Joe solicit confessions from suspects? Did the people he interrogated just feel sorry for the guy and throw him a pity collar?
Out all of the gimmicks they've done, Heroes vs Villians has been my favorite. And for some reason instead of bringing that back, they bring back shitty ones like Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty, or Fans vs Favorites 5.

Just thank god they haven't retried the One World gimmick yet.

Actually, I have been happy with the winner in the last five seasons of Survivor. That is a pretty good streak for me, I wonder if I'm due for a bad one this season.
BvW and RI are the only gimmicks I really hate. I still haven't watched either BvW season all the way through. So much crying and cheesiness.

I prefer this season over last season. Every Cambodia episode was dominated by vote splitting talk, who-is-aligned-with-who talk, etc. Once Abi and Varner were gone I lost interest.

I think Tai is being overestimated as a jury threat. Anyway I am fine with anybody not named Jason/Kyle/whatever his name is winning. Even boring, grumpy Joe.
I think Tai is being overestimated as a jury threat.
Why? Thus far, he's pissed off Jason and Dog Lite. That's it. He's eminently likable, is clearly not a coattail rider (as proven by the last vote), and has made it deep into the game being almost completely true to his ideals.

He only loses to Aubry based on the fact that she was the real mastermind behind the last swerve. And that's only if she plays that the right way.

If it's not one of those two, Michele is your outside favourite.

I've been spending half of this season playing with my phone. Please tell me what I'm missing.
Why? Thus far, he's pissed off Jason and Dog Lite. That's it. He's eminently likable, is clearly not a coattail rider (as proven by the last vote), and has made it deep into the game being almost completely true to his ideals.

He only loses to Aubry based on the fact that she was the real mastermind behind the last swerve. And that's only if she plays that the right way.

If it's not one of those two, Michele is your outside favourite.

I've been spending half of this season playing with my phone. Please tell me what I'm missing.

I get the feeling any of the women remaining would vote for any of the women over any of the men. (Except maybe Julia.) Then you have people like Joe around... he doesn't care who is more likeable or who did what in the game, he is going to vote for whoever at FTC he was aligned with the longest. Tai loses Joe's vote to Cydney or Aubrey at the least if they are with Tai at the end. Probably loses it to Julia or Michele too.

I haven't been watching any secret scenes or other online content so I might be entirely off base. He definitely loses to Aubry but I don't think it is entirely because she caused the power shift, I think the jury/potential future jury members just plain like her better. At any rate I would not be surprised if Tai gets to the end and receives less votes than expected. There are a lot of strange players on the jury this season
Think Tai gets voted out next week. No reason for Aubry to keep him at this point considering she's got Joe, Michele and Cydney. Get rid of him at 6 because he'll play his idol at 5. Aubry clearly has Tai in the palm of her hand so she should be able to convince him not to play his idol at six.

Tai has very little value to Aubry from this point on which is why turning on Scot and Jason was so stupid.
So they just turn on this fucker and not actually vote him out? They didn't even need him just like I said last week.

My gawd.

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