Survivor: Heroes vs. Villians

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The twentieth season of Survivor was announced and I am very excited for this season, knowing that Russell has a good chance of returning to the show and being given a chance to win. I also believe we will see some of our favourites like WZFs Jonny Fairplay return. The show returns to Samoa, which is interesting after the tsunami. Richard will not be retuning to the show, as he is in house arrest still.

Rupert Boneham
James Clement
James "J.T." Thomas, Jr.
Colby Donaldson
Cirie Fields
Candice Woodcock
Amanda Kimmel
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper
Tom Westman
Stephenie LaGrossa


Tyson Apostol
Randy Bailey
Sandra Diaz-Twine
Danielle DiLorenzo
Russell Hantz
Jerri Manthey
Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano
Parvati Shallow
Benjamin "Coach" Wade
Courtney Yates

So discuss who you think will be on the show, and as the show comes on, who will win and the such.
Russell better come back. He played the best game in Survivor history. Other then him, I would probably say brink back Jonny Fairplay. They will probably bring back the other Russell because he got injured and had to leave.
Russell will definitely be back, but I don't think the other Russell will because he wasn't around long enough to earn "hero" status, and he certainly wasn't a villain.

I don't expect Johnny Fairplay back either, he appeared on the season where 1/2 of the people were new and 1/2 were former players, and he asked to go home on the first episode of the show. Theproducers won't want him back for this reason.

I do expect Coach to be back from a season or two ago. Rupert and James arre two "heroes" I expect back. That's all that come to mind so far.
The cast has been announced, and it is a great one. A few people missing that could have been great. Johnny Fairplay isn't on, but that is to be predicted after his early departure on the earlier redux season. Yau-man isn't on, not sure why, but he was a great contestant. Ozzy isn't on, but I am alright with that. Elizabeth Republican is also off.

I am excited to see people like James and Rupert worknig together. Also excited to see people like Randy and Russell working together on the other team.
This looks like it is going to be a fun and exciting season. Just look at all the names that are coming back. Since day one, of the respective seasons, I was a fan of Coach, Randy, Rupert, James and than of course Russell, who quickly became one of my favorite players of all time. Also you got guys like Boston Rob, being a Yankee fan, I grew quick hatred for the little Boston hat that sat on his head during the time he was pretty much running the All-Star season. Colby was the perfect good guy to root for. Same with JT.

Then we have Tyson back, not really sure about that he always seemed to run behind Coach, but he did have some pretty entertaining moments.

As for who I will want to win. Probably have to go with Russell, I really thought he had played one of the best games in history but because people's egos where "hurt" was the reason he didn't win. But I think he could be seen as a quick threat and be voted off quickly

Anyway should be an interesting season, how each team trys to work together more importantly the "Villians" is what I am interested in.
I'm really excited for this. I stopped watching Survivor awhile ago but the Samoa season got me back into the game and I'm really interested in the Heroes vs Villains concept. I want to see what Russell can do this time around and if it can take him as far as it did last time. Same with Boston Rob. After All-Stars, I'm wondering if he's still got it in him to make it all the way.
One show down, and unlike many other survivors, only one person is gone after the premier. We got two injuries, but no one left the game. The biggest shame so far is Rupert's poor performance. He was never on the chopping block, but I would have put him there. He now has a broke tow, he didn't catch any fish, and he failed at starting the fire.

Right now, the Villians are the less cocky team, and that is funny, and I think I will pick them as my team. Also, Sugar annoyed me in the last survivor, so its good she is gone. She was picked by everyone to go, although other guidlines were thought of.

Smart play, former winners, and of course, former alliances have to be looked at. With many people on another show with someone else, it is interesting to look at.

Also, great to see some of the guys. Rupert looks like shit, all skinny and shit. While Jayson looks fucking pumped. I felt sorry for Boston Rob having to try and tackle him. But after seeing Boston Rob in the look to for the next episode, it doesn't look good for him.
The first episode did not disappoint for me. Right off the bat we had a pretty intense reward challenge. Stephanie I believe had the Dislocated shoulder in the first round. Randy wasn't going to be able to catch JT once he broke away....same with Rob and James. James could have had to run right through Rob it looked and he would have just continued on. Coach just manhandling Colby to his mat was pretty funny, just poor thing it had to happen to Colby.

Rupert has been a big disappointment to me. It probably was the broken toe, but he just wasn't the same person many had grown to love in the past seasons. He could start a fire with flint, meanwhile the Villains are over on their beach getting fire started like that with no flint, something I was surprised they didn't mention at all before the Immunity challenge. His personality just wasn't the same and in the Immunity challenge, God knows WTF he was doing when working on the puzzle, just staring at something off camera.

Anyway I loved the Villain team as I thought I would. I thought it was funny to see The Black Widow and The DragonSlayer, but after thinking about it, both kind of match well together, at least imo.

The Immunity challenge was pretty disappointing for the Heroes, but very good for the Villains who after getting behind large battled back and came from behind to make it a blow out.

As for Tribal, glad Sugar went home, almost thought Tom was gonna be able to persuade people to vote for Cirie. And than of course the incident with Rob doesn't look so good.
Well the Villians lost their first member this week. I really hated how right from the getgo you knew who was going to lose the immunity, just from the entire episode focusing on the villians. I also hate how there was only one challenge, then again, the reward was shitty. I also really think the challenge was stupid, being a physical challenge, when there are people like Colby, James, JT, Tom, and Rupert being on the team. the previous challenges were a mixture of intellegience and strength, making it fair to the smart villian tribe.

Randy was eliminated, wasn't much behind that, but as long as Russell can start shifting the game his way, the tribe should be fine.
Two more gone from the heroes since I last talked Survivor. I think by this point it is obvious that if the game goes into skill or intellect, it is for the Villains to win. If its a pure physical challenge, it is going to go to the Heroes. Well this might change now. James was hurt bad this week, but not to the point he had to leave. His knee is heavily taped up and he cannot run. But instead of voting James out, partly because of necessity, partly because of breaking up the power team that is sinking the tribe. But unlike last week, when there was a blindside on Cirie, it did not go as plan, as a very good player, a former winner, in Tom was voted out.
I was a bit disappointed in last week's episode in J.T. I think he is either doing 1 of 2 things, he is either trying to make everyone happy or is to worried and just can't pick a side. That and I was really hoping for Tom and Colby to stick around a bit longer. Also James as been an ass this time around but I guess getting voted out with two hidden immunity idols and than coming back before and failing again.

On the Villain side, I think it's really only a matter of time before Rob and Russ collide with their egos. Besides the fact that, that should be really entertaining I'm curious to see another favorite of mine Coach would fall to which one's side to keep alliances which we really haven't seen much of because the Villains haven't had to gone to tribal except once.
How's Danielle DiLorenzo doing on this show?

I couldn't be arsed to devote a minute to this show and haven't since the second season. However, she used to babysit me when I was younger. Is she considered a favorite to win? If so, I'll try to make more of an effort to check it out. My aunt still talks to her mom, and I guess Ray Liotta sent her a bouquet of flowers and they went out for a little.
How's Danielle DiLorenzo doing on this show?

I couldn't be arsed to devote a minute to this show and haven't since the second season. However, she used to babysit me when I was younger. Is she considered a favorite to win? If so, I'll try to make more of an effort to check it out. My aunt still talks to her mom, and I guess Ray Liotta sent her a bouquet of flowers and they went out for a little.
I didn't watch Panama and had to google her to figure out who she was. To the best of my knowledge, she's received very little screen time on H v. V. She's a completely non-factor at this point. Which might be a good thing as she's not the massive target that Rob and Russell are. That could be to her benefit, much like it was for Brett for a little while last season.

Also, that Ray Liotta tidbit was extremely random. So keep up the good work.

Everything involving Rupert this season feels like a slow-burning wrestling angle where he makes a heel turn. He "injures" himself, then he rants about unity like he's better than everybody, then Jeff calls him out on his motives... It all adds up to shady and he's really not coming across as well as he did in Pearl Islands (to the best of my recollection).

The Villians are pretty damn stupid. First, they decided as a group not to go after the hidden immunity idol. I like this and think it was a great decision for strengthening unity on the team. But to not throw it in the ocean and allow Russell to snag it is a little much for me. Didn't anybody watch last season? Why would anybody listen to a word that comes out of his mouth? Coach... seriously? The team is good at puzzles because the display unity, but that doesn't make the "smart."

JT is my favorite at this point. He's played both sides well so far, gotten rid of the leaders of two different alliances, and still has a reunion with Coach and Tyson to look forward to (Both of who voted for him in Tocantins, and Coach who should value the warrior in JT... or whatever). I like that he was the swing vote to keep James. He still has that massive injured target on his team so he can keep flying under the radar, and it'll be easy to pick off that strong guy if he makes it to the merge now as well.
Wow, what an episode, almost everything that I wanted to happen did. Seeing how I am a HUGE Mark for Russell I pretty much got soo pumped that his plan worked at tribal tonight and got Tyson sent home, I like Tyson and all but, better be Tyson than Russell. I think Russell has pretty much catapulted himself into a league of his own. Now sure alot of people can and probably will say oh but he's didn't win, which was Bullshit IMO, but in all of the seasons of Survivor I have never seen someone play a better game. Where does this leave the Villain tribe? I'm not sure, I would hope that maybe Coach will flip to Russell's side, which would make things even and maybe Coach could bring Jerri would him, although after the first episode we haven't seen much of them together. That's still alot of maybes so Russell and his alliance with Parvati and Danielle will probably need 1 or more move to switch the power in the tribe.

Anyway as for the rest of the show, I'm happy Colby is still in and they voted out James, who has been a complete ass this season and has a bum knee. Now only if they voted out James out before Tom I really think this tribe would be much better off, but where they go from here I don't know, I still think they are pretty disorganized and not at all cohesive but a couple challenge wins can do alot for a tribe.
Yeah, episode of the fucking show. No one is as good at this game than Russell is. He should have already won one show, and there is no fucking way he is going home early. Russell's plan only took a minute to deliver, more of a keep me for one night, and get rid of Parv, only to save Parv, leaving Tyson to fall off the cliff. What a fucking great show that was, My heart was pounding all night.

James did the dumbest thing in history by trying to show he can run, instead of letting Colby just go away, he put his own neck on the line, and it got cut.

I think a merge is coming, too bad that Parv and Amanda cant reunite with James, and bring in Russell. Russell, Parv, and Danielle HAVE to do something if they do not merge, they need to bring someone over. Rob wont, Dragon slayer and his woman won, Sandra wont, meaning there is only one person left, all 67 pounds of her...
ROB IS GONE I was so happy to see him go.It's like one of the movies were theirs a evil king and their only one warrior that can defeat him and during the whole movie the king try's to kill the warrior.Russell was that king and Rob was that warrior.the funny thing is that if coach kept his word to Rob their would have been a tie.I love Russell and want him to win.but he one likes him besides parv and Danielle.This season has been a little light but i hope it will get better after the merge.
Are you really discounting Russell? The man who was down 8-4 in his alliance after the merge last year, and went to the finals, where he placed second, only because the people voted on who they liked more, and not more deserving.

The man who was down 6-3 this year, and has turned the tide, to keep his alliance of three, break off two more, and through some of the greatest gameplay, make it 5-2 for his side.

If a merge doesnt happen this week, Russell will allow Dragonslayer to vote off Courtney here, just to pat the alliance. At that point, he still has 5 against 5 against 1, giving Sandra the one shot left. Colby can be moved as well, and I hope Russell sees it.

I am so happy that hypocrite Rob is gone. That tribe wasnt united, but it wasnt cutting off the weak, it was cutting off the other alliance. Rob just lied through his teeth, and was very disrespectful to Dragonslayer just for him playing the game.
I'm not happy with Candice's move this week. Sure, it was probably the right move. She has more of a chance to win the $1,000,000 against Russell (like it or not, the social aspect is part of the game) than she does against just about anyone on her tribe, so aligning herself with the Villians was probably the right move for her.

Why does Russell fail so hard at the end of the game? He fights without honor. Coach in particular will be disgusted by this. Some of the heroes will despise this. Some people on his own tribe will despise this. I just can't see him getting the numbers he would need. Heaven's sake, did you see the way he rode Parvati for keeping a secret from the high and mighty King Russell? HOW DARE SHE?!... I swear, Russell must not have a clue how he comes off. I can't imagine him letting himself react like that if he really considered what his loss in Samoa was about.

JT getting voted out last week sucked. I liked him and saw him as a contender, but his idiotic move with the idol as well as the Heroes inability to get Sandra on their side quicker seems to have turned a solid five person group into fish in a barrel.

Who am I cheering at his point? Oddly, Jerri's seemingly overwhelming happiness after last week's tribal council and this week's immunity challenge have turned her into a sentimental favorite of mine. She really seems to appreciate the good things coming her way, and I dig that in comparison to ***** like Russell acting like puppet masters.
Because this is Heroes versus Villains, a greatest hits reunion show featuring the best of the best vying to essentially be known as the best Survivor player of all time, I just hope whoever wins it is deserving of such an honor.

With all due respect, it would really be a shame if Candice, Jerri, Sandra, or Danielle win it all, they could hardly be seen as the best ever. Rupert, Russell, or Colby would deserve such recognition, but the true best player ever is clearly Parvati, I hope she wins it all. The fact that everyone knows her angle, her strategy, yet she succeeds anyway is remarkable. I hope it comes down to Russell versus Parvati (either way a deserving victor) with Parvati winning. Again.
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