Survivor: Cagayan — Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty

Kass has really played a horrible game. She is looking at third tops and I don't think she gets that far although if I were any of the other five I may take her to the end since she had exhausted her jury votes by turning on five people that are likely to all be on the jury.

Kass = dumb

There's still a chance for recovery, and I can easily still see the other side making a move and coming back in the game. From the previews it looks like that cracks in that alliance are going to start to show. Tony is getting paranoid of Woo. I would love to see Woo go, hopefully his tribe doesn't talk him out of it.

And again I would love to see LJ and Jefra go with Spencer, Tasha, and Jeremiah.

Spencer's got that idol, and there's still that idol with the special powers out there. If they get that the game falls right back into their hands.
I agreed to an extent with Morgan, personally would have voted out Tash because she can still be a threat in challenges. Now I'd be voting of Kass because she refuses to commit to the alliance and is psycho however with Kass they have the numbers for a split vote, why Tony is getting paranoid i have no idea, the coming week is the time to get rid of spencer if they can convince Kass to go along 6 to 3 with a split on Spencer & Jeremiah flushes the idol and sees a threat go as well.
LJ and Jefra going with Spencer and co. would be a fantastic twist, to be honest. But I think Tony might have everyone too wrapped up. Though, if LJ was smart, he'd be looking to get rid of Tony soon. Tony and Spencer are LJ's biggest threats to the million dollars.
If I was Spencer what I would do, or what I would've done last week but it's not too approach Kass and ask if I can flip with her. Kass needs an ally, she knows it's really just her at the bottom. And if she thinks she has Spencer with her then she'll feel more confident.

Let Kass tell Spencer who to vote for, ex. Morgan, and then Spencer can play his idol on that person. Tony goes home, and you at least get somewhat more of chance to fight back. Maybe it forces Kass to come back but if anything it cuts the head off the snake and causes everyone to scramble.
I really don't like spencer he carries on and gets lost in the moment but then cuz he's smart he realises he needs to fix it, like he flipped out at Kass but then was all like "that was uncalled for and I'm sorry" and the way he carried on during the idol hunt was ludicrous i'm glad he had the clue stolen from him
Just watched every episode so far and for the first time ever I feel like the entire cast is actually interesting (except Jeremiah I guess, he's been pretty bland). I'm a big fan of Tony because he gives me Phillip vibes without the absolute insanity.
I wonder where they'll head from here? Malcolm is going to be back, Reynold is another I wouldn't mind coming back spencer will be back as well, wouldn't be surprised to see Tony come back unless one of them manages to win it. Maybe LJ but I'm not sure.

Part of me thinks that one day Russell Hantz will make a return but only on an all stars type series and thats if any "hostilities" that may exist from Russell being accused of spoilers
Well, that was interesting.

Tony pretty much can't go back now. Everyone is realising that he's not trustworthy in the slightest. Which is a shame, cause Tony could've won had he kept his paranoia in check. He went all Russel Hantz on his tribe.

The other person who flipped was Woo, if I remember correctly. Either Woo owns it, and goes with Spencer, Tash and Jeremiah, or he crawls back to his alliance, saying he was manipulated by Tony. In the former scenario, he might get to the final three. In the latter scenario, he doesn't

Either way, I'm glad Spencer is still around. It's just a shame that it was at the expense of LJ, I liked him.
I wasn't a fan of LJ really, didn't mind seeing him go. If Tony and Woo are smart, they stick with Spencer, Tash and Jeremiah now because his former alliance won't take him back. Trish is a moron and will go crawling back to Tony and try to get back on his good side instead of working to boot him.

I see Spencer and his group blindsiding Tony and Woo with the idol when the time is right. Is there still another idol out there though? One with special powers? They haven't mentioned it yet.

Also I just saw an extended preview for the next episode, Tony is building another spy shack, that's so freaking dumb. I still can't stand him.
I don't know why Tony was running around trying to get people to believe in LJ being untrustworthy. By splitting the votes 3-3 he could have just cast his vote to LJ and he goes 4-3-2. At a 4-4 tie Trish and Woo would probably jump to Tony Spencer & co. leaving them in control to an extent
Next two tribals will reveal how the top 3 will settle I think Tony will go at the second vote assuming he doesn't win immunity and no more idols are found
I don't know why Tony was running around trying to get people to believe in LJ being untrustworthy. By splitting the votes 3-3 he could have just cast his vote to LJ and he goes 4-3-2. At a 4-4 tie Trish and Woo would probably jump to Tony Spencer & co. leaving them in control to an extent

Exactly. Remember a couple seasons ago on Fans vs Favorites II I believe it was, where after the merge Corrine wanted to switch sides? Her and Malcolm wanted to vote against the other side and take out Phillip or something. Well that alliance still thought she was with her at the time, and at tribal that night they wanted to split the vote...but Corrine had a big fit, told them it was a dumb idea. I couldn't believe it. Was she stupid? If she let them split the vote she could have easily gotten enough votes to take that side out, and than her, Eddie, Malcolm, and Reynold would've controlled that game instead. Instead she got herself voted out because she made it too obvious. If she would have just stayed under the radar and gotten her alliance to vote the way they were supposed to while the other alliance wanted to split the vote, then it would've been perfect.

She's got to be one of the dumbest people to play the game. I was flipping out at that episode.

Luckily in this episode it didn't matter. Tony is controlling the game anyways.
Good episode last night, starting to think that immunity idols are becoming too big apart of the game and strategy is just dwindling in importance, Tony's too busy trying to outsmart everybody with his bag of tricks that he's starting get ahead of himself, with the special idol he should basically make the top 3 from here
As far as last night's episode goes I can't complain. I like J, but I knew he wasn't going far. I still hope Spencer has a fighting chance. From the previews it looks like he tries to shake things up.

Now that LJ is gone, if Spencer goes I'm rooting for Tony all the way. I have to give him credit he's playing the game. He's finding idols, and he's controlling his alliance. Although I gotta give credit where credit is due, as much as I've grown to dislike her, Trish is holding that alliance together. She reeled in Kass, she convinced Jefra not to flip.

I'm hoping Tony and Woo (even though I hate Woo) go with Tasha and Spencer, and they take out the three remaining girls. Or even Tony and Trish. I just don't like Woo and Kass.

It would have just been so much better last night had they decided to try and vote for Spencer. Woo would have gone home, and then Jefra likely would have switched then. But oh well...come on Spencer!

Spencer or Tony. One of them wins I'll be happy.

I remember when Corine did that, made me so mad because if she wasn't a moron Malcom would've won that year.

Yeah exactly. And I was a huge fan of Reynold and Eddie too. I definitely didn't disagree with her idea to make a big move, but why did she have to open her mouth? If she would've played along and let them split the votes, it would've been so easy to take control of the game from that point on.
Does anybody else watch the videos CBS posts of the jury members after they're voted out? Going based off those you can kind of get a sense of how they feel about certain people and if they'd vote for them in the end. From what I've gathered, Kass will never get the jury vote of Sarah or Morgan, both seem to think shes an idiot (which she is) and at least one of them said she's a horrible person.

I have to say, I hate the special idol. Idols are already a HUGE part of the game but now you can forget about blindsiding Tony because he'll just pull that idol out and then gain his control back. Tony basically just secured his spot in the final 3 with that special idol, which in turn secures him winning a million bucks unless for some stupid reason he brings Spencer or Tash to the end. But lets be realistic and realize his final 3 will be rounded out by Trish and Woo.

I'm hoping next season they don't rehide the idols after they've been played, no special idol and maybe some returning players. When they have returning players (depending on who it is) it usually turns out to be a great season. A perfect example of this would be last year, I think Blood vs Water might be my favorite season ever.
I hate the special idol. I really liked Yul so it didn't bother me so much when he had the original Bullshit Idol in Cook Islands, but to this day it taints his win. If Tony wins it will be the same for him, but I'm more upset because it seems like Spencer is screwed now. Even more than usual.

I originally liked Woo but he's not the most exciting strategy player. I still think Trish has been very smart. Unfortunately if she gets to the final she'd be overshadowed by Tony. If she's with Spencer or Tasha she has no chance. She won't win this season, but I still think she's been under appreciated.

Kass is still an idiot and I will root for absolutely anybody over her if she's at the final, but I'm rooting for Spencer/Tasha mostly.
If Tony takes Trish she might just beat him. Sarah aint voting tony, LJ won't I don't think jeremiah will, Jefra wouldn't and tash & spence might even though they said they would. Meaning if Tony takes Trish and Kass/Woo Tony probably wouldn't win.

And when people say to Trish, "oh you didn't make any big moves you just rode Tony" she can easily say she stayed loyal and fought to make the alliance work and remain strong by keeping Jefra and recruiting Kass
If Tony takes Trish she might just beat him. Sarah aint voting tony, LJ won't I don't think jeremiah will, Jefra wouldn't and tash & spence might even though they said they would. Meaning if Tony takes Trish and Kass/Woo Tony probably wouldn't win.

And when people say to Trish, "oh you didn't make any big moves you just rode Tony" she can easily say she stayed loyal and fought to make the alliance work and remain strong by keeping Jefra and recruiting Kass

That's the problem with Trish though. The jury isn't seeing the work she is putting in and Tony is getting all the credit because he's the target so it is assumed he is doing the work to get these big plays happening. Best thing for Trish is if she goes with Tony and Woo. It'll come down to her jury speech and really pointing out how she got Kass to flip when Tony didn't really see the point because he trusted Sarah. She'll have to bring up Jefra having trust issues and Tony being aggressive when Trish was simply trying to bring Jefra back into the alliance.

Trish has a good chance at winning the game but it all comes down to her jury speech. I don't remember the last time a jury speech had this much influence on who I thought would win. Usually it's pretty clear, especially in recent seasons but if Trish gets to the end it'll be interesting.
The comments of Spencer and Tash saying they'll vote Tony is interesting, I very well could see both of them voting tony but I feel it was just a classic bullshit survivor line where the minority nows they have nothing and try anything they can to get someone to flip
Oh I think there was no question they just said they'd vote Tony in an attempt to save themselves.

But I really think that when it comes to the final speech they would probably value Tony's flashier moves & challenge performances. Watching at home though it certainly seems like Trish is the only reason why that alliance didn't get Galu'd out of the game by the brains on more than one occasion now. I'm not sure it would be so easy to convince the other players of that, she probably just looks like a floater who'd say anything at tribal to convince them otherwise.
That was a crap episode, I feel like there just trying to give tony the series at this point. Although he is doing his best to stuff it up I mean if I had two idols in an alliance of 5 I'd be fucking laughing, ride out the minority play ur normal at 5 to get to 4 then your special one to get to the three how fucking hard is it? This series will have to go down as one of the worst strategic series in the history of survivor, the only three people with a strategy seem to be Spencer, who couldn't do anything because he was in a minority, Kass, whose strategy was just go crazy and Tony who has had the easiest ride into the final three and hasn't blown it but now he hasn't guaranteed it either
Spencer did brilliantly to prey upon Tony's paranoia. All that was happening was the four girls hanging out on the beach, and Spencer used that to save his own ass. And now, based on the teaser for next week, everyone is going to turn on Tony. But Tony has the OP idol, so it's basically whoever Tony votes for will be going home. Which might just be Kass.

But as easy as Tony's ride to the final three seems to be, Spencer, while trying to save himself, is making Tony quickly destroy his chances of winning the jury vote. Half the jury already hates him, and I'm sure Jefra isn't a fan either.
I honestly think Spencer is home and hosed. Going by the promo everything is about to implode, if even woo is going to flip Tony is going to be by himself obviously Tony will play one of his idols meaning unless he writes down spencer, it'll be more than likely Tony vs. Spencer, Tash and probably Trish and Woo. Tony hates when he thinks people are flipping so he'll get angry and try and eliminate his alliance he's gonna fall one vote short unless he wins an immunity challenge and then Spencer will win as he's basically single handedly responsible for dismantling the power alliance

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