Survivor: Cagayan — Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty

That's why the social aspect is probably the most important aspect of the game. If you're a master manipulator while still being likeable, you'll always go far. And if you're Russell Hantz, you'll never win the game, then complain that the game is flawed.
Parvati Shallow is the perfect example of that. Her and Boston Rob are up there as some of my least favorite to play the game. I won't deny they were good, especially at manipulating morons, but I just disliked them. Ironically Russell Hantz is my favorite to have ever played.

I have to disagree with you on Parvati, I think she's the best female player in Survivor history. She was always good at comps and was the queen of getting people to do what she wanted. She was a great player who I'd love to see play again sometime just so she can get a second win since a bitter jury screwed her over during Heros vs Villians.

The way Rob ran his tribe in his winning season was just insane, granted that can be chalked up to a fair amount of idiots afraid of him but lets not forget he would've won All-Stars if he didn't hand the win to Amber.

On the topic of Russel, it's sad when he seems like the most normal one in that family based off what I saw from his brother on Big Brother a couple years ago and from Brandon over his 2 seasons.
Hm. I'm wondering if J'Tia may be the worst player of all time. She had literally no redeeming qualities.
Glad to see Cliff finally out. To be fair he didn't get the best edit, but it still didn't seem like he did much. I also didn't like how during the award challenge Cliff got to back to back, and Tony went against a girl twice in a row. A tad unfair, but humorous they lost the next one even with all those guys.

I'm glad Tony wised up and went with Trish. From his standpoint getting out LJ first made no sense. It's clear Lindey, Woo amd Cliff were together. At that point was the only time they'd have to get rid of at least one of them. Had they voted LJ out then that leaves Tony in the minority. Trish likely would have been next, then him. Now if they want to take out LJ next they can afford to because they'll have the numbers still, then again Jefra could side with Woo and Lindsey if that happens and still screw them. Their best chance is taking out Lindsey, and bringing boring Woo with them. Also I'm glad LJ made it past this episode without using his immunity idol.

Also love how the Spencer and the Brain tribe has suddenly taken control if their tribe...without even trying. Although the bad side of that is that awful Kass will now likely make the merge, and once that happens she'll slide through.

So next weem, a Lindsey quit?
Firstly, great episode.

But I completely disagree that Tony was smart to go with Trish. It could backfire on him completely, it's too soon to tell.

I mean, now, Tony and Trish have no choice but to take out Lyndsey and Woo, two members of their own original tribe. And they have no choice but to be fully aligned with LJ and Jeffra now, who have three other potential allies on the other tribe. Tony and Trish only have Sarah.

If Lyndsey or Woo do survive to the merge, they'll jump to the Brain alliance without hesitation. Tony could've made himself a hero among Cliff, Woo and Lyndsey by betraying Trish. The three of them hated Trish, but they seemed to want to work with Tony. Instead, he's made the move that'll destroy Brawn, strongest tribe in the game.

And now, the other three members of the Beauty tribe are completely self-destructing, throwing themselves at the Brains tribe. So Tony and Trish will either now be 1) at the bottom of the Beauty alliance when the tribes merge or 2) be at the mercy of the Brains alliance when the tribe merge, because they've voted out all their Brawn friends. Sarah is the only real wildcard in this, and there's no guarantee that she'll even make it past the next episode.

But I have a shit ton of respect for LJ's game. He played Trish like a damn fiddle. He's my second favourite to win after Spencer.
Those are good points Blade, but I think he's better off aligning with LJ and Jefra anyway in the short run and long run. Cliff, Lindsey, and Woo seemed tight and I could easily see if they were to have gotten rid of LJ, Jefra playing them and trying to take out Tony which they might do if she points out how he's been running the game. However I admit that I think if Jefra did not succeed in this, but the three still wanted to take over, then Woo could have been fairly swayed.

The merge is coming up, but if they take out at least Lindsey, I think Woo will go right back with Tony. He seems very easy to convince to me, although he could also be stolen by another alliance the same way. Woo was on board with getting rid of Cliff last week, so I don't think he'd take it too harsh especially if staying with Tony seems like the best way to stay in the game longer. Not to mention I think the way things play out, they won't be going back to their pre-swap alliances once they merge. I can see LJ and Jefra staying with Trish and Tony, but I also think Sarah if she makes it will end up back with Tony. Then you have the Brains and whatever remaining beauty is left.

I see where you're coming from there, but Cliff was also a threat too. He didn't do anything around camp, and he's likable. Personally I think he'd have been one of the first to go after the merge if he did make it, but he didn't and he's already gone now.

Woo though to me just seems like another Erik or even a watered down Fabio. More so Erik, and he actually made it all the way to the end in his second season. He doesn't get a whole lot of exposure at all, and is someone who will just follow along. No personality whatsoever.

Spencer and LJ are definitely my favorites. Also does Tony remind anyone of Russell Hantz? We'll see if he can make big plays like Russell did, but as far as the aggressive gameplay and so far idol finding they seem really similar. Although Tony had a clue didn't he? Russell could go out and find an idol without even a hint.
So this episode was crazy. Not sure what to think of it. First of all I always hated Kass, and her move tonight just makes me despise her even more for turning on her alliance...especially when her alliance had the majority. It was similar to Cochran's betrayal in his first season, but if I remember correctly they were tied then as opposed to having the majority. Anyway at the same time I'm glad Sarah went too, but the fact that she ended up staying with her alliance like she was going to makes me regret that. I also like LJ, Jefra, and Tony from the other side, so I'm glad Jefra is still there. But at the same time Spencer is my favorite person in the game with LJ and Tony a close second and third. If one of those three wins I'm settled.

But this is really the second bad move that Kass has made. The first was voting with Jet'ia and Tasha and voting off Garrett. I mean Garrett did put himself in that hole, but it wasn't the right move at that time and keeping Jet'ia only hurt them more at that point in the game. And now this move, I can't see how it helps her in the game. Now she's put in a position where she can't win either way. There's too much truth to that for her to squeeze out of this. The alliance she just abandoned won't forgive her, and the alliance she just joined is too tight to put her into their final three picture. I think Kass just wanted all the attention on her so she made a big move. But I don't think it was the right move.

I'm still rooting for Spencer to win the game, but at this point it doesn't look good. They've now got Tony, LJ, Trish, Woo, Jefra, and Kass going against Spencer, Tasha, Morgan, and Jeremiah. Of course all it takes is an injury, or a flop, or something to change the game. LJ and Jefra would honestly be better off going with Jeremiah and Spencer and taking over the game. I think Tony would take out LJ the first chance he gets once he takes care of the other tribe. Spencer is probably first on the chopping block though if things stay the same. Maybe Kass didn't exactly jump ship though, maybe she just wanted Sarah out. It's not like the other tribe would refuse to let her back in, they would desperately need her vote. the same time she'd be one of the first ones gone once they could afford to do so.

As far as Woo goes he's in the middle. I don't know with that guy he reminds me a lot of Erik from a couple seasons ago, I think I've said that before. I don't like him at all though, honestly Kass is the one I hate the most, then Woo is close behind her. Then probably Tasha right behind him. The guy obviously doesn't win the game, he doesn't have the edit for that they barely give him any confessionals at all. And was anyone else kind of irked by the shoes he was wearing in the immunity challenge this episode? They obviously gave him a HUGE advantage. But I guess there's no rule against it, if you're smart enough to bring them than I guess kudos to you. But I just didn't like it at all.

Anyway like I said this episode was a blockbuster. So many twists. First Tony and LJ pull out the idols, and you're like oh damn. Then the first name out if Jefra, then you're like oh damn again. Then Kass ends up flipping and for a record breaking third oh damn I just don't know what to think.
Wow. What an episode.

Dammit Kass, you absolute moron. She let her ego get in the way because Sarah had to feel powerful for one vote. After that vote, Sarah would have no power left, and Kass could feel like a big deal again. But she couldn't let that happen. They had the game in their hands, Kass was a lock for final three, and she threw that all away.

Tony is sitting on top, and he has goats in Trish and Jeffra, I'm guessing neither of whom have the brains to take him out. Woo probably doesn't have the strategic awareness to position himself better. LJ is a pretty big threat, but Tony will be able to get him out. And even if Kass makes it to the final three, she's lost votes from Sarah, Spencer, Morgan, Tash and likely Jeremiah, so someone might drag her to the final three as a goat.

I'm still rooting for Spencer, but it doesn't look good. I wouldn't be upset with Tony winning either. He's a knob, but I respect his game.
Tony is definitely a watered down version of Russell. They have a lot of similarities in their game, and if you're right with him bringing Trish and Jefra with him then it'll be even more similar. Which he will he won't take LJ.

Spencer is going to be back. I think no matter what happens to him this season, they'll bring him back.
Tony is going to have a hard time keeping jefra but still getting rid of LJ, Jefra could easily get pissed if LJ gets blindsided.

Btw, it may not be appropriate but fuck i love jefra she may not be bright but damn she smokin and the emotions she would have went through at that last tribal as well fuck me i could fap so hard
Tony is going to have a hard time keeping jefra but still getting rid of LJ, Jefra could easily get pissed if LJ gets blindsided.

Btw, it may not be appropriate but fuck i love jefra she may not be bright but damn she smokin and the emotions she would have went through at that last tribal as well fuck me i could fap so hard

Morgan's boobs think you have questionable judgement.
Tony is going to have a hard time keeping jefra but still getting rid of LJ, Jefra could easily get pissed if LJ gets blindsided.

Btw, it may not be appropriate but fuck i love jefra she may not be bright but damn she smokin and the emotions she would have went through at that last tribal as well fuck me i could fap so hard

I do agree that Jefra does look quite physically attractive.
Tony is definitely a watered down version of Russell. They have a lot of similarities in their game, and if you're right with him bringing Trish and Jefra with him then it'll be even more similar. Which he will he won't take LJ.

Spencer is going to be back. I think no matter what happens to him this season, they'll bring him back.

I've seen other people say this (and I think Tony compared himself to him before the season started or something) but I'm not really sure I agree. At least I'm not sold yet. To me it looked like Tony had nothing to do with the good outcome today - he and LJ's idol uses were useless unless you count building each other's trust useful- and it was Trish that was responsible for the flipped vote

I didn't like Sarah so I'm glad she's gone, but Kass is an idiot and I hate her more than Sarah.

I think they'll definitely be bringing Spencer back too.

I completely underestimated Trish. She's a weirdo but she's smarter than a lot of them out there.
Am I the only one that felt trish tried to force Kass to switch, like she walked up and basically tried to bully her she was real aggressive
I'm not going to complain about who went home last night. If anyone from that alliance had to go home, I would have definitely prefered it have been Morgan.

But the truth is that was a disgustingly awful move strategy wise. What threat does Morgan present to anyone's game? She isn't good at challenges, she doesn't strategize, she's hardly even in with her own alliance. Would have been a great person to take to the end of the game, or at least vote off later once all the other threats were gone. From their standpoint, I would have voted off Jeremiah. He's a strong guy, and he still could have connections down the line to LJ and Jefra. He could definitely win some Immunity Challenges too. I'm glad he didn't go, because I like him and Spencer, but hey I'm just say it wasn't a move I would have made.

I already said how I disliked Woo, but now I hate the guy even more. I can't stand him. Just the crap he was saying, he just annoys me. Just the way he moves around, and acts like he's some sort of Ninja because he's Asian or whatever he is, meanwhile he was born in the United States. But him going into Spencer's pants and taking the clue disgusted me, but that wasn't what pissed me off...the fact that he threw them in the water did. What a douche. I'm so glad Spencer ended up finding it anyway, but apparently it wasn't the "Special" idol with the special powers.

Btw, not sure if it's true or not but I heard the special power for the idol is

You can play AFTER the votes are read, but you can't give it to anyone. So it's basically like an extra life. You get voted off, you can whip out your idol and the person with the next highest amount of votes goes next. Pretty crazy, but like I said not sure how true it is.

Anyway like I said before I'm at a crossroads. I like LJ, Jefra, and Tony. But at the same time I also like Spencer and Jeremiah. LJ, Jefra, Spencer, and Jeremiah, and Tasha should all just get together themselves and take over the game. Then again LJ probably feels endited to Tony because of the idol thing, but the truth is Tony will stab him in the back and take Jefra and someone like Trish or Kass to the finals.
Ninjas can't be from the United States? Fuck you!

Good episode. At this point eliminating Morgan is a good move. Hindsight is 20/20 but as a group you can get rid of the strongest folks when you have twice as many members. No need to get screwed over by an idol when you can split 50-50 next week and go to a revote if someone plays an idol. Although CBS is promoting that the group of six will implode. We'll see.

I expect Morgan's boobs will appear in Maxim. They may even put the rest of her in the magazine as well.
Spencer to go on an Ozzyesque challenge run, gets all the jury votes, becomes remembered as the greatest player ever.

Or, y'know, he's voted out over the next two episodes and Tony or LJ win.
I agree that getting rid of Morgan was a stupid move. No clue why they didn't target Tasha like it seemed to be discussed. So glad Spencer found the idol, now I want him or someone in his alliance to get the special idol and pull something awesome like Malcom did with his alliance to boot Phillip during his last season to get rid of Tony.

I still can't stand Tony, I admit he's playing the game fine but he drives me nuts and I think he's a moron. Based off the preview, he really is if he's trying to get rid of Woo already. Hope that group implodes and things get a big shake up.
I agree that getting rid of Morgan was a stupid move. No clue why they didn't target Tasha like it seemed to be discussed.

Another reason eliminating Morgan was the best move was because Kass had beef with Morgan and before last night keeping Kass happy was the most important strategy. She flipped because she didn't want to play by Sarah's rules. She may have flipped again if Tony's group didn't do what she wanted.
Another reason eliminating Morgan was the best move was because Kass had beef with Morgan and before last night keeping Kass happy was the most important strategy. She flipped because she didn't want to play by Sarah's rules. She may have flipped again if Tony's group didn't do what she wanted.

While that's true, Kass is just a moron. She's voting out people she doesn't like instead of the threats in the game. If she used her head, she'd know Tony will not take her to the final 3. I see him bringing Jefra and Trish if it's up to him cause he knows he can crush them in the votes. I really think Kass is only saying shes a "free agent" because she likes getting to be the swing vote every time and not having people know which way she's gonna vote.

I seem to remember somebody else doing that one year and it lead to both sides turning on them and booting them since they all agreed they couldn't trust them. If she had flipped back to her original alliance she'd have a spot in the final 3 instead of fighting for 4th or 5th.
I think there's a chance Kass will still flip back, but I don't know. I hated her since she voted out Garrett though. That was a bad move, and last week was a bad move as well.

And I'm not sure if I covered this already, but I don't understand the idea of voting someone out because they aren't working at camp. This has always been a premerge reason to boot someone, you don't see it brought up often after the merge.
While that's true, Kass is just a moron. She's voting out people she doesn't like instead of the threats in the game. If she used her head, she'd know Tony will not take her to the final 3. I see him bringing Jefra and Trish if it's up to him cause he knows he can crush them in the votes. I really think Kass is only saying shes a "free agent" because she likes getting to be the swing vote every time and not having people know which way she's gonna go.

Kass has really played a horrible game. She is looking at third tops and I don't think she gets that far although if I were any of the other five I may take her to the end since she had exhausted her jury votes by turning on five people that are likely to all be on the jury.

Kass = dumb

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