Survivor: Cagayan — Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty

Really everything Kass does just reeks of 'please bring me on for the next all-stars'. She acted way too vile and over-the-top and it was embarrassing to watch. She's too old to be such a desperate camera-mugging clown.

Goodbye Trish :-(. I look forward to her jury speech.

Also, I thought Probst was very annoying this episode.

I would honestly consider boycotting if she is on an all-stars, all-stars are usually challenge beasts, completely moral and honest, super strategic or devious backstabbing liars. Kass is none of these, for someone on the brains tribe she has shown nothing on puzzles especially the reward challenge where they had to spell out the phrase on the oars. She hasnt been moral hasn't strategic at all and has not been a backstabbing liar.

Why did you find probst to be annoying?
Edit: Did anyone else find probst annoying?
I would honestly consider boycotting if she is on an all-stars, all-stars are usually challenge beasts, completely moral and honest, super strategic or devious backstabbing liars. Kass is none of these, for someone on the brains tribe she has shown nothing on puzzles especially the reward challenge where they had to spell out the phrase on the oars. She hasnt been moral hasn't strategic at all and has not been a backstabbing liar.

Why did you find probst to be annoying?
Edit: Did anyone else find probst annoying?

I think they would consider Kass a villain and that would be enough justification to bring her back. I mean the original All-Stars had a couple iffy contestants on there and one of them ended up winning.

I'd boycott it too, though, just because there's been way too many returning player seasons lately. Especially since it's always the same people that come back... there's yet to be any original (i.e. not Stephenie) cast members from Guatemala to ever make a return, and I'd take half the players of that season over Kass.

RE: Probst, I think it's starting to become clear that he's fanboying over Spencer pretty hard now, just going by his commentary during challenges and tribals. I like Spencer but it's hard to root for the guy that Probst is cheerleading for in the corner. He can get pretty biased and overbearing.
I thought the immunity challenge seemed a bit iffy Spencer stood there then made what appeared to be 5-10 moves and bang done. Then Probst did go on and on about how you never give up blah blah
He basically said he knows that Woo and Trish will vote for him from the jury, but Kass won't so he might as well take him with her. And he said he also knows Kass won't get votes from a lot of people on the jury, so that's why he made that decision. I wouldn't be surprised if Tony was actually behind the entire plan to get rid of Trish this episode, and the way the producers edited it they just wanted us to make think it was Kass.

That makes no sense. The voting was 4-1 against Trish. Even if Tony had voted for Kass, it'd be 3-2. Trish would've gone home, and Tony wouldn't have betrayed his closest ally. If Trish finds out that Tony voted for her, he might lose her vote. Unless he was just trying to appease Woo, which is stupid.

Either way, Tony would beat Trish or Kass in the finals. Trish hasn't butted heads with anyone other than Kass, but she's got no game. Same with Woo. Kass is universally disliked, and her strategic game is insanely flawed. Tony's only major threat is Spencer, and that's who he should be focused on getting out. And if he had kept Trish around, he would've guaranteed himself someone who'll vote with him regardless while also being very beatable, rather than potentially leaving his fate in the hands of the insanely irrational Kass, or Woo, who can't seem to think for himself.

I thought the immunity challenge seemed a bit iffy Spencer stood there then made what appeared to be 5-10 moves and bang done. Then Probst did go on and on about how you never give up blah blah

We don't know how much was edited out. Plus, slide puzzles like that are in a lot of video games. I could do any puzzle like that pretty quickly because I'm a huge Zelda fan, I've done them a hundred times. Maybe I'm stereotyping, but I'd be willing to bet that Spencer is a gamer.

I would honestly consider boycotting if she is on an all-stars, all-stars are usually challenge beasts, completely moral and honest, super strategic or devious backstabbing liars. Kass is none of these, for someone on the brains tribe she has shown nothing on puzzles especially the reward challenge where they had to spell out the phrase on the oars. She hasnt been moral hasn't strategic at all and has not been a backstabbing liar.

There are always a handful of duds on All-Stars seasons. Amber, Alicia and Sue freakin' Hawk on Season 8. Danielle DiLorenzo and Candice on Heroes vs. Villains. Even Amanda was a pretty lame choice for that season.

Point is, if you packed the All-Stars seasons with only brilliant players, it would almost become too much in my opinion.
Also, the finalé preview says there's going to be 3 tribal councils. It's officially a final two for the first time since Survivor 18.

I can feel the producers practically begging for a Tony vs. Spencer final showdown. And I desperately hope it happens. Neither Kass nor Woo are good enough to be in a final two.
If it's a final two, Tony has to get rid of Spencer ASAP then hope Woo doesnt win immunity and realise he would smash Kass at a final two
I was very happy to hear about Blood vs Water II. Last season was a huge success and one of the best seasons ever so you knew they'd do it again at some point. I'm glad they're doing it now while it's still fresh in peoples minds instead of waiting a few years.

Personally i'm already hoping Ciera plays again, she was one of my favorites in Blood vs Water.
Spoiler on next season

It's rumored to be all new players, which I don't care for in this format. BvW I think would be best off if we already came in with an attachment to half of the players. Also felt a few seasons in between would've been better since it was literally the last season that this occurred. Do think we'll see a huge all star season for #30 (I think I'd prefer no winners but maybe they could be allowed if they only were on once).
They keep showing the jury rolling their eyes at Tony. I'm not sure if this means anything. Spencer and Tasha have proclaimed that they would give Tony the money if he makes it to the end. If Spencer isn't there in the end, I don't know how enough people could vote for Kass, Woo, or Trish. Kass has just pissed people off and played out of spite. Woo is too quiet and has barely played the game. Trish isn't terribly likeable and her value to the game is going unnoticed next to Tony.

I could see LJ voting for Tony out of respect. Jefra could follow. Spencer and Tasha owe more to Tony than anyone else. Morgan has no love for anyone and either does Jeremiah. The other cop girl has to recognize how well Tony played and can't blame him for her own failures.

I'd be happy if Tony wins. This season would have sucked without him.

And yet last night I was rooting in my head for Woo and really thought he would win.
Spoiler on next season

It's rumored to be all new players, which I don't care for in this format. BvW I think would be best off if we already came in with an attachment to half of the players. Also felt a few seasons in between would've been better since it was literally the last season that this occurred. Do think we'll see a huge all star season for #30 (I think I'd prefer no winners but maybe they could be allowed if they only were on once).

Yeah I don't care for BvW if that's the case. One thing I loved about it was the returning players and the fact a good chunk of them we're ones we hadn't seen play many times before. Plus the new players really stepped up to make things interesting.

For the love of god do not bring back the special idol though.
And yet last night I was rooting in my head for Woo and really thought he would win.

Funnily enough, Tash was the one who voted for Woo.

I like Blood vs. Water, but I'm not sure how it'll turn out if it's all-new people. Then again, BBB was such a success, they'd be stupid not to have an all new cast again.

I'm feeling an All-Stars season at 30 or 31. Old School vs. New School would be pretty awesome. The last two seasons alone have given us 5 or 6 new players that would be worth seeing again.
From this season, Spencer, Tash and Tony will without a doubt play again if they want to. Not sure who else would.

Obviously last season gives us quite a few who could play again including Ciera and Hayden.

All-Stars at 30 would probably give us 1 more season of Malcom as well.
Tony played better than everyone and that's why he got all but one vote.

Oh without a doubt I agree for the most part, though I'd argue Spencer played just as well if not a little better if he had made the final 2. But they were all pissed at Tony and Spencer might've made 1 or 2 realize it's not personal he was just playing the game.
If BvW is to work i dont want everyone to know who is related to who, it could make things alot more better when a blindside occurs because people don't know if they can trust each other because they could have family in the minority and be willing to turn
If BvW is to work i dont want everyone to know who is related to who, it could make things alot more better when a blindside occurs because people don't know if they can trust each other because they could have family in the minority and be willing to turn

The token black and Asian competitors would like you to reconsider your plan.

The token black and Asian competitors would like you to reconsider your plan.


They should make it so all the BvW family members are adopted and/or stepsons/stepdaughters, all different races. It'd make the game more interesting, and rile up all the racist rednecks that freaked out over that Coke ad.
Good seasons, one of the better ones in awhile. Glad Tony won, although Spencer was still my fave Tony played a good game. It'd be awesome to see a Tony vs Russell season. Spencer definitely has to be brought back, if he wants to come back. Dude was one of the biggest fan favorites in awhile. I for one would jizz myself to see him again.

Wasn't thrilled about them doing the Blood vs Water season again. I would agree that it worked the first time, and it was enjoyable. Definitely see why they want to bring it back, but it's WAY too soon, not sure what the producers were thinking. I know they like the concept, but they needed to wait at least one, maybe two more seasons at least till they did it again.

Personally I would much rather see Heroes vs Villains again. The first one was my favorite season of all time. Why they did Fans vs Favorites and now Blood vs Water again over it is beyond me. Maybe because they don't want to do a full all star season again yet, and they'd rather have it mixed with half all stars half new players. But hopefully it's coming up soon. I actually hope they don't bring back redemption island though for this next season. Although it played a much bigger role the first time around, and I think it might lack a little if it isn't there, but I just don't care for the concept so much.

As far as whether it'll be all new players, or half of them all stars...I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I think I'd be OK with either, though kinda leaning towards returns because it'd be nice to see some familiar faces. Then again I'm sure there's going to be a couple faces that I don't want to see either. One of the big problems though about the last Blood vs Water though, was that the family members were sort of watered down. There were some good players like Hayden and Edward Norton (can't remember his real name but I always called him that) but the rest just seemed really watered down and to me would've never been on if it wasn't for their family members. I hope Russell and his brother are on it actually.
Definitely need to have another heroes vs villains, hopefully they BvW is still all new players so that we can get another heroes and villains, because do we really want to see someone stroll in and play for 7th time and do nothing risky, I mean i could watch a Russel or Tony just play year in year out provided they play hard BUT Rupert just pisses me off "the whole I'm noble and wont play strategic" is crap.

Any chance of a Hantz duo on a Hero v Villain season?
I don't want Heroes vs. Villains yet, we haven't seen enough new villains in the last few years. There was Abi Maria and Pete from 25. Kass from Cagayan. There was no real villains from Fans vs. Favourites 2. One World was too boring to have any real villains, apart from Colton, who'll never be back again. And the only real villain from BvW was Culpepper, but I doubt he'll be back. We have plenty of new heroes, just no villains.

I want Old School vs. New School. I wanna see Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach again. Maybe even Ian from Palau. There's some really good players who never got a second game. (No, I don't count All-Stars as Rob's second game. He got a terrible, terrible edit.)

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