Habs (and any other Survivor fans)

And give her the opportunity to potentially see it coming and find her barrings? No. Never.
Wouldn't matter if she could see it coming or not. 4-1 and she's gone. A clean and decisive elimination without a back stabbing. And without the hard feelings which will likely sway her in Eddie's favor in terms of a jury vote (along with Malcolm, Reynold, and Andrea at least) if he makes it that far.

I think you are just trying to channel your inner Cochrane. Of course, they are likely going to try to pull the exact same stunt on him next vote.
Your point regarding Eddie's potential jury votes is interesting. But at the same time, your plan involves giving Dawn a few days to think something over. That never leads to anything good.
I have no doubt that if Eddie survives until the final (two or three this season, I'm not sure), he definitely wins. I think the four I listed will support Eddie, and I'd say Philip will as well. If he wins individual immunity next challenge, it's a done deal.
I agree mostly with Habs. No reason to blindside a sympathetic attractive character like Brenda and send her crying back to the Ponderosa. I see Eric or Eddie winning this social game at this point, maybe even Sherrie.

I also don't see Brenda as a final three or two threat to Cochrane or Dawn. I don't see Brenda getting anyone's vote just because she won some challenges.
So it has to be Cochrane winning this tonight, doesn't it? Unanimously.

Cochrane definitely deserves it. He won the most challenges. He was the best strategist. He remained pretty popular while really alienating no one along the way (or at least, no more so than the other two).

Sherri was a coat tail rider who did absolutely nothing along the way. Same with Dawn, although she was annoying as hell in addition to this.

Here's hoping for Cochrane in a landslide.
Welp, that was certainly the right decision if there ever was one.

I actually wanted to see Sherri face more of a firing squad
If nobody asked Sherri questions, that's fair. People had pretty much resigned themselves to accepting how weak her shit was.

If people did ask Sherri questions and they were edited out, that's also fair. Fans are among the people who had pretty much resigned themselves to accepting how weak her shit was.
Well Cochrane deserved to win this season, no doubt about it, especially facing Sherri and Dawn in the final three. It would have been interesting to see how it may have been different if Eddie had replaced either of the women in the finals. Either way, the best man won. It would have been unfortunate if Dawn or Sherri had won because they were both useless.

Blood versus water, what do you guys think that means for next season? I wonder if it means some sort of family connection, possibly having nine or ten pairs of family members as opposed to 18-20 individuals?

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