Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

Want to get the challenge up before I go off, so here it is:

You both have 18 Hours to create as many words from OUTWIT OUTPLAY OUTLAST as you can. You can't use outwit/outplay/outlast. Words must be at least 6 letters long. PM me with all of your words. Due at 6 PM EST (18 hours from now).
Day 36 – Tribal Results

Megatron: As a result of some extenuating circumstances, Crock will not be able to submit his piece in time. As a result, Crock is the Thirteenth person eliminated from the game and the sixth member of our jury. Crock, please bring me your torch.

Crock grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron. Drew Bledsoe is pleased that, for yet another night, he is alive in the game.

Megatron: Crock, your tribe has spoken.

Crock makes a wave back to Shotaro and wishes him good luck, although he has nothing left for the other two.

Megatron: In what was the most interesting tribal council yet, I want to congratulate Drew Bledsoe on winning the challenge and staying alive. Your guys' final immunity challenge will happen soon, so go back to camp and get some rest. Good night.

3 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Day 38 - Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Come on in guys!

The final 3 remaining members of the game, Jon Jones Jobber, Shotaro, and Drew Bledsoe, make their way over to the challenge mat.

Megatron: Ready for your final immunity challenge in the game? Here it is:

Yes, QWOP. I know how much of a bitch this game is. Here's the twist:

You must send me your TOP 5 scores, with screenshot, via PM. Highest total score wins. So yes, you should be spending some time on this game. You have 23 1/2 hours to send me your scores (by 12 PM EST) in. Good luck. You don't wanna risk your life in this game by not giving your best. So get on and start QWOPpin.
Just a heads up Megatron, traffic may hold me up tomorrow and might cause me to be a bit late with the PM. Shouldn't be more than an hour. (I finish work at 11 EST but friday night traffic is the WORST)
I'm maybe going to get one more run in if I am able to get an extra hour, but I've sent 4 runs to meg just in case.

PM me your total bud.
Day 38 – Immunity Results

Megatron: Alright time to see the results from our final immunity challenge...

Shotaro: 400.5 (only submitted 4 pieces)
JJJ: 472.6
Drew Bledsoe: 150.7

Megatron: As a result, Jon Jones Jobber wins the final immunity!

JJJ give a few more celebratory fist pumps, with Shotaro and DB giving him congratulatory hugs before he walks over to get his necklace.

Megatron: JJJ, you didn't let this get very far. It's yours and congratulations.

JJJ breaths a huge sigh of relief, knowing that he has a guaranteed spot in the final two now.

Megatron: Now the only question that remains is who do you take – Drew Bledsoe or Shotaro. I'll give you some time to think it over before we go to tribal later on tonight. As for you two, all you can do is wait and persuade him right now. You've gone 38 long days and should be proud of your efforts. Now both of your fates are in the hands of this guy right here. Head on back to camp. See you at tribal.

OOC: JJJ is the only one that needs to submit me a vote. PM it to me ASAP.
DAY 38


The final three of Jon Jones' Jobber, Shotaro, and Drew Bledsoe make their way into the tribal council area. With only JJJ having to cast a vote, it'll surely be a tense tribal council.

Megatron: Well, it's been 38 days and we're now down to our final 3. With JJJ winning yet another immunity today he isn't eligible to be voted for, and since Drew Bledsoe and Shotaro can only vote for each other JJJ's vote is the only one that matters. So, JJJ, it's time to vote.

“I made a promise for a final two alliance and i plan on keeping it to the end.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. Since there is only one vote, whoever's name comes up will be eliminated. I'll read the votes...

Megatron looks into the box before pulling out the lone vote.

Megatron: Fourteenth person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums and the seventh and final member of the Jury...


Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Shotaro, who had a hell of a run and may have still been in had he got one more submission in, grabs his bags and torch before making his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Shotaro, your tribe has spoken.

Shotaro gives a small sigh, knowing how close he was to winning this game. He won't be going very far, though, since he has to vote for a winner tomorrow.

Megatron: And here we are, the final two. You two promised each other an alliance till the end, and it has paid off. You've gotten as far as you could. Now we put the power into these seven members that you helped eliminate. It shall be fun. Grab your torches, and we'll see you tomorrow.

2 Survivors Remain. Who will be named Sole Survivor?
Day 39 – Jury Questioning

The final two of Jon Jones' Jobber and Drew Bledsoe make their way into the tribal council area, with the jury not present for the first time.

Megatron: Welcome back, guys. You've made it the entire journey and have gone as far as you could control. Now it's time to be fed questions from the guys that you knocked out tribal by tribal. Let's take a look at the jury members.

The clean shaven jury members all begin making their way into the tribal area, ready to tear apart the two still alive.

Megatron: Sitting apart of our jury is Thrash, Jglass, Crock, Stormtrooper, hatehabsforever, Dr. Zeus, and Shotaro, who was eliminated last night.

A few happy faces are seen, but there are some bitter ones as well. Let's hope to see some fireworks.

Megatron: Now let me explain to you all how this works. For the next 48 hours, you will have a free go at asking whatever you want to the two remaining castaways. It could be why they made a certain move or feature hypotheticals or whatever. I want you to use those answers and everything you've seen them do throughout this game to determine the first winner of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums. Once those 48 hours are up, you will PM me who your vote is to WIN the game. You can vote however you want. Your questions can just be posted in here and the castaway will answer the question when they can. There is no limit on the amount of questions that can be asked. Got it all figured out? Okay, start firing away!
I may have more questions later, but here's one each to get started:


You had arguably the most controversial play of the entire game, when you gave immunity to Drew Bledsoe during the final 5. Can you explain why you did it, how you came up with the idea, when the plan was hatched, and who came up with it?

Drew Bledsoe:

There was a period of a few challenges in which it seemed you were non-existent. It seemingly ended when JJJ played the immunity in your favor (thus giving the 2 of you a distinct advantage for the remainder of the competition). What happened during that time that caused you to not be active? (OOC: If you weren't on WZ at all during that time due to whatever personal reasons you don't need to go into detail).

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