Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums

Because I'm not expecting Crock and Shotaro to throw up any qualms about it, I'll let you go until 10 PM EST. No later.
If it's not something done over 24 hours I will not be able to compete due to the time difference. If the challenge is done on Sunday then it's a Monday for me and I have both school and work on that day. I understand if nothing can be done about it but I thought bringing the situation up would be best.

Same situation when it comes to the final immunity challenge. Next two days I'm at school and timezones would stop me from being involved in the challenge.
There was a misunderstanding by Crock in the challenge. To be fair to him, I gave him a 2 1/2 hour extension. Once he sends me in a list we can move on if everyone is on (JJJ, Shotaro, DB/Crock). Otherwise the challenge will be a 24 hour type.
I still haven't gotten out of work yet. Problems at the office. You will be able to guess what my additional score will be (and hopefully the evidence i have provided is enough to prove i can get a fifth one) but if you can't wait for me and go with four scores I understand.
Jury members I will be PMing you shortly about getting questions in. Just let me get up the post first (which should be in the next hour or so) and then have at it.
I should let it be known that if a jury member already has his mind made up and wants to vote, feel free to PM me with your choice. A small sentence as to why is the only thing I want with it. Thanks.

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