New E-Book: KB's History of Survivor Series


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This time we’re starting back in 1987 when there was only one WWF pay per view a year. With Wrestlemania III being a huge success, it was decided that another pay per view should be added to help bridge the gap between Wrestlemanias. The fact that it was able to cause major damage to the NWA was just a bonus.

There has been a long list of great Survivor Series matches over the years, including the tag team Survivor Series matches, Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels in 1992 and Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart. There’s also a big list of people making their debut with the company at the show. Names like the Undertaker, Kurt Angle and The Rock all stepped into the ring for the first time at Survivor Series. On top of all that Survivor Series had the most infamous moment in wrestling history that changed a lot of things forever.

In this new book, I’ll be looking at the history of the Survivor Series, breaking down each show and going over every match, promo and segment, providing historical context, analysis and rating each match and show.

The book is available from Amazon for just $3.99 (or the equivalent in any other currency) and runs 391 pages on a Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, there are free apps that you can get to read it on your phone, laptop, iPad, or any other electronic device you have. These can be found from Amazon here.

You can pick it up from Amazon here.

From the UK Amazon here.

From the Canadian Amazon here.

Or if you’re in another country with its own Amazon page, just search KB Survivor Series and it should be the first thing that pops up.

Also you can still get any of my previous books on the WWE Championship, Monday Night Raw from 1998 and 2001, Monday Nitro from 1995-96, In Your House, Summerslam, Starrcade and Clash of the Champions at my author’s page here.

I hope you enjoy it and thanks for checking it out.

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