Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

I may have more questions later, but here's one each to get started:


You had arguably the most controversial play of the entire game, when you gave immunity to Drew Bledsoe during the final 5. Can you explain why you did it, how you came up with the idea, when the plan was hatched, and who came up with it?

Thank you for the question.

I’ll answer the question by going from the beginning of the idea and then how it ended up occurring. Firstly the idea was mine, I had the idol so whatever it was used for came from me. I found it by myself and later told Red Skull that I had the idol in my possession. I came up with the idea before I even had the idol. Once Thrash played his I thought that another idol would be added to the game and a clue would be given during a reward challenge. Then the auction came up and I went into that challenge thinking an idol would be up for grabs. I was correct and able to get it without anyone else trying to take it from me.

The bWo 5 was such a strong alliance and to me it was clear that everyone saw Crock as the leader. He was the top guy with JGlass as his partner. I was certain they would not turn on each other and that Shotaro wouldn’t flip on them either. Once it came down to the five of us it was clear that Skull and I were in major trouble. The only play we had was to use the idol and blindside one of them to keep ourselves in the game. Using the idol on me wouldn’t have worked because Crock knew I had it and he wasn’t going to vote for me at that point. I had to use it on Skull because all the votes were going his way and it was the only play that would see us go into the final 4. Something people don’t know is that the plan nearly went wrong before tribal council. Crock was the original target but since he won immunity a quick scramble between Skull and I had to take place.

Once I convinced Crock to get rid of Haiku Hogan the plan was in motion. If they saved him and gotten rid of Skull then my plan would not have worked at all. Skull and I started talking a lot more after HH was voted out and the plan was being set for the upcoming tribal council. Without me making that move then the game was over for Skull and I. It was my life in the game on the line during that move and I could have easily been taken out. I believe that move and the following plays I made should give me the title of sole survivor.
Thank you for the question.

I’ll answer the question by going from the beginning of the idea and then how it ended up occurring. Firstly the idea was mine, I had the idol so whatever it was used for came from me. I found it by myself and later told Red Skull that I had the idol in my possession. I came up with the idea before I even had the idol. Once Thrash played his I thought that another idol would be added to the game and a clue would be given during a reward challenge. Then the auction came up and I went into that challenge thinking an idol would be up for grabs. I was correct and able to get it without anyone else trying to take it from me.

The bWo 5 was such a strong alliance and to me it was clear that everyone saw Crock as the leader. He was the top guy with JGlass as his partner. I was certain they would not turn on each other and that Shotaro wouldn’t flip on them either. Once it came down to the five of us it was clear that Skull and I were in major trouble. The only play we had was to use the idol and blindside one of them to keep ourselves in the game. Using the idol on me wouldn’t have worked because Crock knew I had it and he wasn’t going to vote for me at that point. I had to use it on Skull because all the votes were going his way and it was the only play that would see us go into the final 4. Something people don’t know is that the plan nearly went wrong before tribal council. Crock was the original target but since he won immunity a quick scramble between Skull and I had to take place.

Once I convinced Crock to get rid of Haiku Hogan the plan was in motion. If they saved him and gotten rid of Skull then my plan would not have worked at all. Skull and I started talking a lot more after HH was voted out and the plan was being set for the upcoming tribal council. Without me making that move then the game was over for Skull and I. It was my life in the game on the line during that move and I could have easily been taken out. I believe that move and the following plays I made should give me the title of sole survivor.

I was working long night shifts and with a 1 year old and a pregnant wife it was hard to find time. I was active on the board but only on my phone really.

Thank you both for your candor.

Round 2:

This question is for both of you. The people voting for the winner of the game consist of Myself, HHF, Thrash and Dr. Zeus from Mean Green, but also your 3 bWo counterparts Crock, JGlass, and Shotaro. Are/were either of you worried that the tag team immunity play would hinder you guys in this Jury? I know if I were them I definitely wouldn't be happy with you guys. Sure the play was legal, but it is still one that leaves a sour taste in your mouth if you're affected adversely.
Thank you both for your candor.

Round 2:

This question is for both of you. The people voting for the winner of the game consist of Myself, HHF, Thrash and Dr. Zeus from Mean Green, but also your 3 bWo counterparts Crock, JGlass, and Shotaro. Are/were either of you worried that the tag team immunity play would hinder you guys in this Jury? I know if I were them I definitely wouldn't be happy with you guys. Sure the play was legal, but it is still one that leaves a sour taste in your mouth if you're affected adversely.

I was in a situation where if I did nothing then 4th was the best I could do. The idol play was my only chance to get to the end. I wasn’t going to survive without playing the idol and making a few people mad. The tricky thing is that I had a deal with Shotaro and JGlass to the final 5. My deal with them was done and anything after that I felt was fair. We never talked about the game, all my stuff with them was handled through Crock’s multiple PM thing he could do since he was a mod.

These sour feelings would have been the same for Skull and I had the idol not been played. It was a fair and strong move that ended up giving Skull and I the final two spots in this game. I don’t regret making the play because it was by far the biggest move of the game and secured me a spot in the final two. It changed the game and that’s what game winning moves do.

If the jury wants to give the title of sole survivor to the most deserving player then vote for me. I made the moves, I won the last two immunity challenges and I have played strong this entire game. I made moves from the moment the game started, some this jury doesn’t even know about. When we watch the show Survivor we always get mad when the person who does nothing wins and the person who actually made moves comes in second. Don’t let it happen here. I played the best and have earned the title of sole survivor.
I was in a situation where if I did nothing then 4th was the best I could do. The idol play was my only chance to get to the end. I wasn’t going to survive without playing the idol and making a few people mad. The tricky thing is that I had a deal with Shotaro and JGlass to the final 5. My deal with them was done and anything after that I felt was fair. We never talked about the game, all my stuff with them was handled through Crock’s multiple PM thing he could do since he was a mod.

These sour feelings would have been the same for Skull and I had the idol not been played. It was a fair and strong move that ended up giving Skull and I the final two spots in this game. I don’t regret making the play because it was by far the biggest move of the game and secured me a spot in the final two. It changed the game and that’s what game winning moves do.

If the jury wants to give the title of sole survivor to the most deserving player then vote for me. I made the moves, I won the last two immunity challenges and I have played strong this entire game. I made moves from the moment the game started, some this jury doesn’t even know about. When we watch the show Survivor we always get mad when the person who does nothing wins and the person who actually made moves comes in second. Don’t let it happen here. I played the best and have earned the title of sole survivor.

While I am not trying to argue with you, as I have no problem with the move, you could have just used the idol for yourself then won the challenges (which you won anyway). Skull would have been gone then the immunities would guarantee that it would be you and one of the other guys.

And just playing Devils Advocate 3J, quantity of moves does not equal quality of moves. You mentioned making all the moves should make you win, and that's a poor rationale to have. It's the RIGHT moves that should make you win. This is a popularity contest, remember. The people here are humans, meaning they will vote for whoever they LIKE more, not who "played" a "better game." And if the jury doesn't know about it, how am I supposed to put that in your favor?
While I am not trying to argue with you, as I have no problem with the move, you could have just used the idol for yourself then won the challenges (which you won anyway). Skull would have been gone then the immunities would guarantee that it would be you and one of the other guys.

How was I supposed to know that I would win the last two immunity challenges? :) Doing that never crossed my mind. Crock had won two immunity challenges in a row at that point and was the favourite to win the entire game. Getting rid of JGlass cut down the number of people that would have voted against me and raised my chances of winning the immunity challenges. Assuming I would win the next two immunity challenges is a risk I was never willing to take.

And just playing Devils Advocate 3J, quantity of moves does not equal quality of moves. You mentioned making all the moves should make you win, and that's a poor rationale to have. It's the RIGHT moves that should make you win.

You said yourself that I made the biggest move of the game. You called it brilliant strategy and even used the word "epic" to describe it. I understand that just because someone does a lot in the game that doesn't mean they should win. However I made quality moves and moves that secured my spot here in the final two. I think that earns me the win.

This is a popularity contest, remember. The people here are humans, meaning they will vote for whoever they LIKE more, not who "played" a "better game."

You're right. The jury can vote for whoever they like more and if that's the case then Skull will probably win this game. If it's who played the best then it'll be me. I've watched the show, the real thing, since the beginning and nothing is more frustrating to the Survivor fans then when the best player comes in second.

And if the jury doesn't know about it, how am I supposed to put that in your favor?
  • On day one of the game we were asked to pick tribes. When it was my turn to pick someone I picked Rated R Nightmare. First move I made in the game as it split up the alliance of RRN and IHW. They were tag partners in the e-fed and had sigs showing that they were a team together. Picking Nightmare on my tribe allowed me to get rid of him early and break up a two person alliance which could have been trouble down the line.
  • Pretending to flip on the blue tribe to gain information from Thrash. I was able to get information out of him about the green tribe and there plans once we merged.
  • I was able to convince Crock to vote out Haiku Hogan instead of Red Skull. Had that vote not happened then I wouldn't be in the final two.
  • For one challenge I got up at 2am in the morning and finished at around 10am.
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  • On day one of the game we were asked to pick tribes. When it was my turn to pick someone I picked Rated R Nightmare. First move I made in the game as it split up the alliance of RRN and IHW. They were tag partners in the e-fed and had sigs showing that they were a team together. Picking Nightmare on my tribe allowed me to get rid of him early and break up a two person alliance which could have been trouble down the line.
  • Pretending to flip on the blue tribe to gain information from Thrash. I was able to get information out of him about the green tribe and there plans once we merged.
  • I was able to convince Crock to vote out Haiku Hogan instead of Red Skull. Had that vote not happened then I wouldn't be in the final two.
  • For one challenge I got up at 2am in the morning and finished at around 10am.

To be fair the only thing you did that is noteworthy is the second bullet point, but even then you picked on the weakest member of the opposing side and one who you knew would be the most likely to fold.

Yes you did, you did get up early and play for a long time however you were far from the only player to do so.

None the less I have a question for each of the remaining players:

When you elected to stick with Red Skull (who has not been especially active in the game compared to others) was that a courageous and honourable maneuver or did you pick him simply because you thought he was the only person you would beat in the final?

Red Skull:
You've not been especially active in the game so far and for a few people (including myself admittedly) it wouldn't take much to convince us to vote for you. 100 words, impress us.
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None the less I have a question for each of the remaining players:

When you elected to stick with Red Skull (who has not been especially active in the game compared to others) was that a courageous and honourable maneuver or did you pick him simply because you thought he was the only person you would beat in the final?

It never had anything to do with beating Red Skull in the final. The alliance with Red Skull was the first alliance I had in the game. I made it on day one and told him I would stick with it until the end and that my goal was for us to be the final two. I made sure that I achieved my goal.
Congratulations to both Jon Jones' Jobber and Drew Bledsoe for making it to the end of the Wrestlezone Survivor game. You both played a great game. It wasn't an easy decision but I just placed my vote, and I'll give you a hint: he was a member of the original bWo team :)

Should be interesting to see which of you comes out on top. Good luck to you both!
It never had anything to do with beating Red Skull in the final. The alliance with Red Skull was the first alliance I had in the game. I made it on day one and told him I would stick with it until the end and that my goal was for us to be the final two. I made sure that I achieved my goal.

So what you're saying is that you've dragged the wounded soldier back to the base for the mercy killing?
So what you're saying is that you've dragged the wounded soldier back to the base for the mercy killing?

What I'm saying is that I made an alliance to get us to the final two and there was no reason to break it. Red Skull had some issues during the game but he was never totally out of it. We talked before each tribal council and I knew he'd still be good to go for the reminder of the game. He was never this "wounded soldier" or anything like that. We all missed a challenge or two, Skull was just an easy target for people to point out.

Did I carry Skull to the end of this game? I think that's an easy question to answer for everyone.
Thank you both for your candor.

Round 2:

This question is for both of you. The people voting for the winner of the game consist of Myself, HHF, Thrash and Dr. Zeus from Mean Green, but also your 3 bWo counterparts Crock, JGlass, and Shotaro. Are/were either of you worried that the tag team immunity play would hinder you guys in this Jury? I know if I were them I definitely wouldn't be happy with you guys. Sure the play was legal, but it is still one that leaves a sour taste in your mouth if you're affected adversely.

Not really. I was a team player throughout the entire game and only turned on them when I knew that I was going to be voted out, had to do what I had to do to stay in the game at that point. Plus I really only talked to Crock and the others about who we were voting out, I never made a clear cut promise or alliance with anyone but JJJ at the very beginning of the game.

Red Skull:
You've not been especially active in the game so far and for a few people (including myself admittedly) it wouldn't take much to convince us to vote for you. 100 words, impress us.

Don't need 100 words...

Day 39 – Final Tribal Council

Megatron: Alright jury, thank you for your questioning. It's been a long journey till now, but here we are with the final votes. Jury, I know you've been thinking about this decision for a while now, but it's time to vote. Remember, you are voting for a WINNER, so you want to see your name on these parchments.

“I think he played the better game of the two remaining guys. He was more active, more successful in challenges, and he orchestrated the game changing maneuver with the handoff of the immunity idol. [Contestant] played a great game too, but there can only be one winner, and I think it should be [Contestant].”

“[Contestant] did a great job making his way to the final, but he made the mistake of making too many enemies along the way. I'm voting for [Contestant] to win Survivor because he managed to keep his hands clean while making it to the final.”

“This is difficult. [Contestant] played a couple of dick moves that whilst not against the rules were not necessarily in the spirit of the game (for example cross-island communication was against the rules yet he was PMing members of the other tribe). I also know he will NEVER shut up about it if he won.

At the same time however [Contestant] made it to the final purely by the will of [Contestant] in order to ensure his survival.

My vote is for [Contestant]. He's played the best game and if nothing else he's worked the hardest to get it.”

“There's really no one else to vote.”

“[Contestant] played the game well – he gets my vote.”

“He has worked his ass off all game, had the biggest moves of the game, and never took a break.”

Megatron: Well, we got our votes. Let's find out the winner of the first ever Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums. First vote:

Jon Jones' Jobber

Megatron: Second vote:

Drew Bledsoe

Megatron: That's one vote for each. It takes 4 to be declared sole survivor. Third vote:

Jon Jones' Jobber

Megatron: That's two for Jon Jones' Jobber, one for Drew Bledsoe. Fourth vote:

Jon Jones' Jobber

Megatron: That's three for Jon Jones' Jobber, one for Drew Bledsoe. Fifth vote:

Megatron pauses for a second...

Megatron: The winner of the first ever Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums:

Jon Jones' Jobber

JJJ jumps up in down in jubilation as the crowd gives him a solid ovation. Drew Bledsoe, the man JJJ carried to the final, gives him a congratulatory hug before the rest of the members make their way over to congratulate JJJ.

Megatron: With clearly the biggest move in the game, it's no surprise Jon Jones' Jobber came away the winner here. He was the most consistent player in the game and is rightfully the sole survivor. I want to thank you all for participating and making this game as fun as I hoped it would be. It took a little longer than I anticipated, but we made it to the end and had a winner. I hope you guys enjoyed it and maybe in the future I will hold Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums 2 with some of you coming back. We shall see, but for now, goodbye and congrats to Jon Jones' Jobber!
Victory is mine! Very happy with the result and a big thank you to Megatron for setting up the game.

“This is difficult. [Contestant] played a couple of dick moves that whilst not against the rules were not necessarily in the spirit of the game (for example cross-island communication was against the rules yet he was PMing members of the other tribe).

This is actually wrong. I only talked to green members after the merge.
Hopefully I get invited back for the 2nd season. I need to avenge my early elimination this time.

Congrats again to JJJ on the win, what will you spend your winnings on?

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