Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*

DAY 27


The seven remaining members in the game make their way to the tribal council area, with Stormtrooper, with his third immunity win in a row, leading the way.

Megatron: Welcome back everyone. Yet again, Stormtrooper ran away with immunity and is ineligible to be voted out. Everyone else is fair game.



“This was easily the toughest vote of the game, as I really think he's a good guy, but I had to stick to the original alliance. Sorry, man.”

“I'm afraid his alliance with JGlass, JJJ, and Drew Bledsoe is gonna vote me out.”

“It's been a while since he won a challenge - nothing personal”

“You're a major threat in the game who should have been voted out earlier. Things have gone your way these past couple of votes but now it's finally time to vote you out. He's got to many friends on the jury already and if he makes it to the end then this game is over for me. Thanks for the help with taking out the green team.”

“Can't trust him.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If someone has the idol and wishes to play it, now would be the time to do so...

Nobody steps up and plays the idol.

Megatron: Alright, I'll read the votes...

The Crock
Mr. J. O'Material
Mr. J. O'Material
That's 1 vote each for Crock and 2 for Mr. J. O'Material. It takes 4 to be eliminated.
Mr. J. O'Material
That's 3 votes for Mr. J. O'Material and 1 for Crock. If either Mr. J. O'Material or someone other than Crock receives a vote, then Mr. J. O'Material will be voted out.

Megatron: Tenth person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums and the third member of the Jury...

Mr. J. O'Material

Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Mr. J. O'Material grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Mr. J. O'Material, your tribe has spoken.

Haiku, who was an early threat and leader on the green team made a heck of a run, but seems more than a little surprised by this vote.

Megatron: It's clear that there's one strong alliance in this game that is still running the show. For some of you, these next few immunities will be crucial if you want to stay in the game. Good luck, and head back to camp.

6 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Challenge to be posted tonight around 7-8 PM EST (3-4 hours from now). I already have the challenge planned, but I need to know how many of you will be around here during then. I'd hope for all of you to be here, but I can change the format of it.
Ah, then I'll change up the format a bit. Only way it'd work the first way I had it planned was if everyone was here. No worries.
I'm doing the fed Podcast in about an hour. I imagine a few of the fed guys will be listening in live so you can probably assume most of the guys from the fed will be pre-occupied for the next three hours (at a maximum)
Day 30 – Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Well, we've made it to the final 6. Lord knows you guys are sensing the finish line coming up soon. Today, we're taking out our #2 pencils and doing some trivia! Remember back on the first day, I told everyone to send me 3 facts about themselves and that those facts may be used in a future challenge? Well, today is that challenge! Here's how it will work:

Every castaway but Phatso sent me in their clues, and since the 6 of you are still in it, your clues won't be used. Ergo, these facts apply to the 9 eliminated castaways (Phatso excluded). The top scorer will win immunity. In case of a tie there will be a few more questions asked. PM me with your answer sheets by no later than 8 PM FRIDAY. Yes I'm giving people 48 hours since the holiday tomorrow. There should be no excuse for not answering.

1. I work in an HR Department on the outskirts of Haverhill, Massachusetts.
2. I have a Yorkshire Terrier Dog who's 13 years old.
3. I'm a guitarist, have been playing for 10 years.
4. My job is considered a Cook, but I do many things.
5. I'm currently in college studying business while working as a barman in a 4 star hotel on the weekends.
6. I had six back surgeries in a year.
7. I hope to play games professionally for at least a year before starting a real career.
8. I am a health care professional.
9. I'm going to be a freshman in college this fall, majoring in sports management; Id like to crack into a big league front office.
Day 30 – Immunity Results

Megatron: Alright you've all turned in your answers, let's see how well you actually did. Here were the answers to the questions:

1. I work in an HR Department on the outskirts of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Mr. J. O'Material
2. I have a Yorkshire Terrier Dog who's 13 years old. Rated-R Nightmare
3. I'm a guitarist, have been playing for 10 years. Thrash
4. My job is considered a Cook, but I do many things. I Harm Walrus
5. I'm currently in college studying business while working as a barman in a 4 star hotel on the weekends. Captain Morgan Freeman
6. I had six back surgeries in a year. klunderbunker
7. I hope to play games professionally for at least a year before starting a real career. Tiger Chaos Theory
8. I am a health care professional. hatehabsforever
9. I'm going to be a freshman in college this fall, majoring in sports management; Id like to crack into a big league front office. Jake Smizzy

And the results:

Jon Jones Jobber: 2/9
Stormtrooper: 2/9
JGlass: 5/9
Shotaro: 3/9
The Crock: 7/9
Drew Bledsoe: 1/9

Megatron: With a fantastic 7/9 answers correct, CROCK WINS IMMUNITY!

For the first time in what feels like forever, Stormtrooper isn't the one collecting the immunity necklace. Crock does a few celebratory fist pumps before walking over and collecting his immunity.

Megatron: Crock, I know you're excited to have this, so here you go. You are safe from tonight's tribal and have guaranteed yourself a 1 in 5 chance of winning this game. Everyone else, I wish you good luck. You all can head on back to camp. See you at tribal.

OOC: Votes are due by tomorrow at 8 PM EST (24 ½ hours from now).
DAY 30


The six remaining members in the game make their way to the tribal council area, with The Crock, who ended Stormtrooper's 3 immunity win streak in the last challenge, leading the way.

Megatron: Welcome back everyone. For the first time in what seems like weeks, Stormtrooper doesn't have that immunity necklace as a safety net for him around his neck. With Crock holding immunity, he is ineligible to be voted for. Everyone else is fair game. It's time to vote...

“He's too good at the immunities.”

“He's won three immunity challenges in a row and is the last green member in the game. I need to keep my alliance strong so he has to leave.”

“Crock has immunity so he's the next on my list.”

“I have to stick to my original alliance here. The five of us said we'd make it to the end and I see no reason to deviate from that. [Contestant] played one hell of a game, though.”

“He's just too good and needs to go while there's an opportunity to make it happen.”


Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If someone has the idol and wishes to play it, now would be the time to do so...

Nobody steps up and plays the idol.

Megatron: Alright, I'll read the votes...

That's 2 votes for Stormtrooper and 1 for JGlass. It takes 4 to be eliminated.
Drew Bledsoe
That's 2 votes for Stormtrooper and 1 for JGlass and Drew Bledsoe. It now takes 3 votes to be eliminated.

Megatron: Eleventh person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums and the fourth member of the Jury...


Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

Stormtrooper grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: Stormtrooper, your tribe has spoken.

Stormy, long the challenge king at this game, had a feeling this was coming once his immnity streak ran to an end. He doesn't bear any ill will, though, knowing that lasting as the final member of Mean Green is an accomplishment in it's own right.

Megatron: With all of that, we are down to the final 5. For the past few tribals it's been clear who the strong group in the game was. Now it's time to see how you all do when you are pitted against each other. Good luck and head on back to camp.

5 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Day 33 – Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Well guys, you've lasted 33 days together as a unit of one. Today you all will have to begin to turn on each other. With a chance to go to the final 4, here is your immunity challenge...

Megatron brings the castaways over to a puzzle board before giving out instructions.

Megatron: Each one of you will be assigned a spot on this board:


Going one by one, you will move to a new piece in either direction, removing the piece that you had previously been on. The new piece that you move to must be touching the piece that you currently stand on. Just connect the lines together so that we know that piece is out of play. Once you run out of pieces to move to, you are out of this challenge. Last person to run out of pieces wins immunity and is guaranteed a 1 in 4 spot to the final tribal. Any questions? Alright then, here are your corresponding colors to which you'll start at:

Crock – Blue
Drew Bledsoe – Red
JGlass – Black
Jon Jones Jobber – Green
Shotaro – Purple

Whoever wants to can start off the challenge, and then that is the order in which they will make their move (example: JJJ goes first, then Crock, Jglass, Shotaro, and Bledsoe. That would be the order in which you would go from then on.) You must wait for everyone else to make a move before making another, though. You all know what's at stake. Good luck.
Can anybody give me a website or something to use to color my spaces in? I'm on a Mac, so I can't do this with MS Paint or anything.
I'd sooner watch you fail ha ha ha ha.

Nah just kidding. Do you have iPhoto by chance? That may help

Edit; usin talk text makes me look like a real dick

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