Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums *Gamethread*


Stormtrooper can't be voted for at Tribal Council. Everyone else is fair game. Votes are due by 12 PM EST Wednesday (aka 26 hours from now). Get them in!
DAY 24


The eight remaining members in the game make their way to the tribal council area, with Stormtrooper, with his second immunity win in a row, leading the way.

Megatron: Welcome back everyone. Let's get right to it with the voting. Stormtrooper has immunity and is ineligible to be voted out. Everyone else is fair game.


“I fear the target is on me this time, and you've received votes in the past, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping you get more votes than me this time around. Otherwise I'm likely screwed.”

“I feel like he's laid pretty low for most of the game and has only been truly chasing immunity this round now that Thrash has been eliminated. He's not a weak competitor, but I think he knows his time is short.”

“It was between he and Stormy, and Stormy won immunity -- plus, Habs is a good competitor, so it'll be a solid move at this stage of the game. Nothing personal.”

“The Bruins lost and I just want to add to his misery.”

“He another guy that knows a little to much about how this game works. He's a big threat to win immunity at the late stages of the game so he has got to go. Hope you had fun during the game.”

“He is a competitor that worries me the most at this point in the competition and for that reason he needs to go.”

“Gotta get you out now.”

Megatron: Once the votes are read the decision is final and the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribe immediately. If someone has the idol and wishes to play it, now would be the time to do so...

Nobody steps up and plays the idol.

Megatron: Alright, I'll read the votes...

The Crock
Mr. J. O'Material
That's 1 vote each for Crock, habs, and Mr. J. O'Material. It takes 4 to be eliminated.
Drew Bledsoe
That's 2 votes for habs, 1 for Mr. J. O'Material, 1 for habs, 1 for Drew Bledsoe. It takes 4 to be eliminated.

Megatron: Ninth person voted out of Survivor: Wrestlezone Forums and the second member of the Jury...


Megatron: That's enough votes. Please bring me your torch.

habs grabs his torch and bags and makes his way over to Megatron.

Megatron: hatehabsforever, your tribe has spoken.

habs, who brought great effort in the last immunity, shows disappointment knowing his time was coming.

Megatron: A lot of votes spread out, but it still appears that there's a loyal contingent among the 7 of you left. It'll be interesting to see if that contingent is able to be broken. That's all I have for you. Head on back to camp.

7 Survivors Remain. Who will be eliminated next?
Well what a bunch of bastards, the whole lot of you! I'm going to burn your huts to the ground. I'm going to piss in the rice, and then pour it out all over the ground. I'm putting out the fire, by pouring all of your fresh water all over it. And I'm going to fight every single one of you.

And now with my inner Brandon vented out, I'll quietly sulk and slink away :)

All joking aside, I wish all of you guys the best of luck for the rest of the game. It was a lot of fun, and it should be interesting to see who can survive right till the end. Thanks to Megatron for taking the time to organize and run the whole thing. We'll see you guys at the final Tribal Council (where vengeance shall be mine). assholes lol
DAY 27 -- Immunity Challenge

Megatron: Alright guys, today's challenge isn't a complicated one at all. You'll have 24 hours to play Tetris in the arcade. You may start at any level, I'll just need your highest score with proof. Preferably a screenshot. That's it. Winner gets immunity and has a 1 in 6 chance of winning the game. Carry on.

EDIT: For the especially lazy, here's the link to get to it:
Day 27 – Immunity Challenge Results

Megatron: Alright, let's see everyone's submission to the immunity challenge...

JGlass – 0. No submission.

The Crock – 0. No submission.

Drew Bledsoe – 0. No submission.

Jon Jones Jobber – 20669

Stormtrooper – 41299

Mr. J. O'Material – 4890

Shotaro – 29317

Megatron: For the third challenge in a row... STORMTROOPER WINS IMMUNITY!

The guy who has been running this game in the individual challenges does it again, and yet again walks over to claim his immunity trophy.

Megatron: Here's your prize, Stormy. Congratulations, you have now gotten one step closer and have a 1 in 6 shot at winning the game. For everyone else, your neck will be on the line tonight at tribal. Go back to camp and figure out what you're going to do, and I'll see you then.

OOC: Votes for tribal are due by 9 PM EST tomorrow. 24 hours from now.

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