Springer + Wrestling = Redneck Raw on 2/15/10

Good god I hate how much fucking TV time the WWE wastes. This is the SECOND recap of the same event that happened not TWO fucking weeks ago on Raw in the SAME HOUR.

See, you should be glad you got in here late. Everyone else seemed to love it. It was fucking hilarious. To each his own, I guess, but that shit was pretty funny to me.

It was just bad acting all around. From the moment Kelly said she was pregnant you knew it was a joke. Then Santino comes out and I haven't found him funny since he lost his Intercontinental title. The Bellas come out and Bri is acused of being a man that made me chuckle a bit as I've always wondered... But when Cole and Lawler got involved it really started to go downhill. When Horny was revealed to be the father I thought it couldn't get any worse till Mae Young came out. Then I knew it had. It just seemed so forced the way everyone in the ring kept begging the crowd to chant for Jerry so it wasn't a complete fail. In the first hour of Raw we had two matches in 60 minutes and a ridiculous segment where Hart obviously wasn't hurt due to everyone from Cena to Bourne's terrible acting. In the second hour we got 2010's Gooker of the Year award. Trust me I normally love Raw I'm not one of the people who whine every week about the comedy I usually enjoy it. But tonight I was not a fan. It was dreadful. Stuff like that is why people look down on wrestling fans and I was thinking man if I wasn't a fan and I was watching with a friend I'd wonder why he watched this crap too.
my digital cable just shit the bed. Funny. I pay all this money for the service, barely watch fucking TV, and now is when it decides to cut out

that sucks when that happens. I'm on a Slingbox, and my digital Cable box is 4 hours away. If I need it to be worked on/reset, I have to call my parents/brother and have them do it for me.
It was just bad acting all around. From the moment Kelly said she was pregnant you knew it was a joke. Then Santino comes out and I haven't found him funny since he lost his Intercontinental title. The Bellas come out and Bri is acused of being a man that made me chuckle a bit as I've always wondered... But when Cole and Lawler got involved it really started to go downhill. When Horny was revealed to be the father I thought it couldn't get any worse till Mae Young came out. Then I knew it had. It just seemed so forced the way everyone in the ring kept begging the crowd to chant for Jerry so it wasn't a complete fail. In the first hour of Raw we had two matches in 60 minutes and a ridiculous segment where Hart obviously wasn't hurt due to everyone from Cena to Bourne's terrible acting. In the second hour we got 2010's Gooker of the Year award. Trust me I normally love Raw I'm not one of the people who whine every week about the comedy I usually enjoy it. But tonight I was not a fan. It was dreadful. Stuff like that is why people look down on wrestling fans and I was thinking man if I wasn't a fan and I was watching with a friend I'd wonder why he watched this crap too.

Aw, sourpuss.
I miss Roadkill and Danny Doring.

It was just bad acting all around. From the moment Kelly said she was pregnant you knew it was a joke. Then Santino comes out and I haven't found him funny since he lost his Intercontinental title. The Bellas come out and Bri is acused of being a man that made me chuckle a bit as I've always wondered... But when Cole and Lawler got involved it really started to go downhill. When Horny was revealed to be the father I thought it couldn't get any worse till Mae Young came out. Then I knew it had. It just seemed so forced the way everyone in the ring kept begging the crowd to chant for Jerry so it wasn't a complete fail. In the first hour of Raw we had two matches in 60 minutes and a ridiculous segment where Hart obviously wasn't hurt due to everyone from Cena to Bourne's terrible acting. In the second hour we got 2010's Gooker of the Year award. Trust me I normally love Raw I'm not one of the people who whine every week about the comedy I usually enjoy it. But tonight I was not a fan. It was dreadful. Stuff like that is why people look down on wrestling fans and I was thinking man if I wasn't a fan and I was watching with a friend I'd wonder why he watched this crap too.

I saw it. I laughed.

You watch wrestling for the acting?

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