RAW LD 3/28/2016 - Something called "WrestleMania" is Sunday. Big PPV, amirite?

I love this feud. It's like that outcast kid standing up to his bully, only the bully keeps beating his ass. But because he watches and reads all of those "face your fears" stories, he just keeps coming back for more. I can't wait for WrestleMania.
Foley and Funk helped out Dean but had the Mountie given him the shock stick then shit would be on.
I found it very effective. Great promo and Ambrose being Ambrose. Nothing over booked.

Indeed. Tho, I am not surprised it went over people's heads. Any combat would have ended as it usually does... with Ambrose left lying on the floor after Brock beat his ass once again. The way they had him come out and 'stock up' was well done. Great segment.
LOL Dean was shopping. What Lesnar should have done was boinked him on the head with the keno stick while he was at ringside.

I expected this one to be personal, but Lesnar doesn't reall y care about Ambrose. And Ambrose hasn't really done anything significant to Lesnar as well. I heard people saying that this could be Austin vs Bret of 2016. It doesn't even come close.

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