RAW LD 3/28/2016 - Something called "WrestleMania" is Sunday. Big PPV, amirite?

That was better than last year's tug of war at least.

Though why even do the earlier in-ring fight? Why not start with Roman getting jumped backstage (retaliation for last week), then do this? Having them both come to the ring and fight twice in one night in basically the same kind of segment killed some of the impact the second time around.
That was better than last year's tug of war at least.

Though why even do the earlier in-ring fight? Why not start with Roman getting jumped backstage (retaliation for last week), then do this? Having them both come to the ring and fight twice in one night in basically the same way killed some of the impact the second time around.

Eh? They have fought loads of times in the past few weeks. Really, it has reached the point of get to the Mania match and get it over with and move on. This feud has been dead and buried for quite a while, given the "big moment" at the end is for Roman to win his 3rd WWE World Heavyweight title in the space of a few months...

I think the match will be great, but the feud on this Road to WM has been atrocious, so much so, they have had to spam the physical combat week after week until that served no purpose either.
And Triple H ate most of the shit again. He's retaining, isn't he? I'm okay with a Trips reign of terror.

Who faces him post-Mania? Lesnar again, or Ambrose who'll get his arse kicked by Lesnar, or a returning Randy Orton?

I just can't see the point in having Trips retain past Mania.
Cena. Let trips hold it until Summerslam.

I have no doubt Cena will get the belt soon after he returns, but he still has a few months. As much as Trips is being cheered by the crowd, I just rather a full-time guy have the belt after Mania till the likes of Cena/Rollins return and we get some proper title feuds again...
Trips is not incapable of working once a month for a little while.

I leave you all with that bit of false hope.
I have no doubt Cena will get the belt soon after he returns, but he still has a few months. As much as Trips is being cheered by the crowd, I just rather a full-time guy have the belt after Mania till the likes of Cena/Rollins return and we get some proper title feuds again...

I don't care about the part timers holding the main title. The title doesn't make the wrestler. The wrestler makes the title, and in reality, the current full timers aren't going to do the title any justice at this point.

And in reality, a Trips longer term reign of terror with the golden shovel would likely get even the douchebag smarks begging for Roman to end it.
I don't care about the part timers holding the main title. The title doesn't make the wrestler. The wrestler makes the title, and in reality, the current full timers aren't going to do the title any justice at this point.

And in reality, a Trips longer term reign of terror with the golden shovel would likely get even the douchebag smarks begging for Roman to end it.

You're really underestimating those guys, Bacon.

On topic, it's just personal preference in all honesty. I've always hated HHH since forever, regardless of his alignment.

So with that said, Bacon. This Sunday... Believe in the Roman Empire! :p :)
Reigns has been busting out that dive for at least a year, and you're just now making the connection?

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