RAW LD 3/28/2016 - Something called "WrestleMania" is Sunday. Big PPV, amirite?

I'm kinda sorta softening on the idea of really wanting Triple H to retain at Mania.

Explain your reasoning with regards to that. Other than most probably being booed out the building, I still think anything other than a Roman Reigns title win would make storyline sense going forward... unless the plan is to bury Reigns ofc...
Explain your reasoning with regards to that. Other than most probably being booed out the building, I still think anything other than a Roman Reigns title win would make storyline sense going forward... unless the plan is to bury Reigns ofc...

They either have to ignore the crowd and give him the title or not continue this push. It's gone on long enough with no good results for Reigns. Not only that it's holding the rest of the roster hostage with all the concentration on it.

I say give him the title and let the chips fall where they may.
Well that's what happens when you debut them and the same IWC who wanted them on NXT boo the crap out of them... so yeah.

I think their main roster run could have been way, way better if they didn't turn them into a horrible version of the Road Warriors and then immediately have a bunch of fossils make them look like fools.

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