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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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I think it has potential, it could very well become a thing to look forward to watching every week in a while, without necessarily dragging it out.

I don't see it as a thing continuing to the lengths of NWO, but I do see it as something that could temporarily get the NXT rookies over, as long as WWE keeps it controlled, I don't want to watch them rip a part the set of both NXT, SmackDown and RAW every single week for example, I don't want them to start wrecking chaos around the shows in the way they did tonight.

As long as they can keep it looking good, looking interesting, without repeating themselves and therefore making it boring, I definitely see this working out in a good way, at least for the RAW ratings for now.
20 pages is a lot to read thru so if this was mentioned already I apologize. What if Jim Ross is behind this? He just agreed to a new deal. He doesn't want to get involved in the traveling anymore, however you simply have him backstage once out of every 3 or 4 weeks and pre-record segments for future weeks. It would make sense following Danielson's verbal attack on Cole as well as attacking Striker.
Incredible. Just incredible. The biggest 'mark-the-fuck-out' moment i've had since I started watching wrestling. It was just perfect.

You saw Wade Barrett come out with some armband. I just thought that he was going to come out, cost Cena a match and then kick him in the head and say "I'm going to take your title soon". But then you see Michael Tarver with the same armband. And then it gradually builds. I thought it might just have been the heels but then you see Justin 'nice guy' Gabriel and Daniel 'wrestling god' Bryan. I'll be honest, I just thought they were 'making a statement'. Mainly because I didn't want Daniel Bryan to be a heel. But then I saw him choke the announce with his own tie and spit in John Cena's face. Just unbelieveable. Wearing the armbands was a fantastic touch. Trashing the ring was a fantastic touch, too.

I can't wait to see where this goes. The armbands made me really want to see what happens next. Do they turn up on SmackDown? I hope so. I'm sure there is going to be an explanation. WWE creative don't create an angle with no reason behind it.

On a side note, I loved the marks in the audience looking all upset and covering their mouths because Cena got taken out. If they weren't plants, they were fucking idiots.
And in that same time, Hornswoggle/Khali, Hornswoggle/McMahon, Hornswoggle/Chavo, Hornswoggle/Finlay, Hornswoggle/DX. :rolleyes:


I'm not just referring to story lines, man – look at the show last night from an objective POV. Look at the "choices" that were given to the fans in the first ever "Viewers Choice" RAW. Yeah... that wasn't scripted at all. No one on earth could have predicted that Santino/Kozlov would have a dance-off, or that the crowd would vote in the "mystery opponent" who's shadow performed Matt Hardy's taunt, or that the fans would vote Kane in to face Sheamus after they had an altercation minutes before back-stage, or that John Morrison would be voted in as R-Truth's partner considering they were just a tag-team not a few months ago, etc. etc. That's the shit that insults my intelligence.

I was getting pretty disgusted with it myself. I kept wondering what the point of Viewer's Choice was since the selections and outcomes were pretty much obvious. It was pretty gutsy of WWE to put on such a crappy show, thinking people would stay until the end for the shock. Seems it worked.

Outside of the NXT invasion, the only entertaining quality of RAW last night IMO was the promo the Miz cut about how stupid the "WWE Universe" is, because it bordered heavily on reality.

:lol: Miz said what many of us at home were thinking.

That's not the point, man. The point is that it was done on the drop of a dime, and logically made very little sense.

All of a sudden John Cena doesn't have a friend in the world and no one from the back would dare come out to help him?

All of a sudden the ultra baby-face "rookies" Justin Gabriel, Skip Sheffield, etc. all angered with being eliminated from a competition turn on the company that offered them the potential for a job because they want revenge? Where was the foundation for this in Gabriel's exit interview? Did I miss it? What I heard was more along the likes of a baby face exit when he spoke about how he'd just keep trying to win a job – certainly no prelude to "I'm going to snap in the coming weeks and join a renegade group who will take over" by any means.

The follow-up is what will make or break this angle. From now leading to the next Raw, they will have to come up with a sensible explanation to the questions you posted above for this angle to really work. But the point of the attack is to get you interested. I'm pretty sure there's a long-term idea for this angle, and I feel alot of the success will depend on the rookies' abilities to play their roles convincingly.

I admit that like you, I found it unusual seeing all 8 rookies act heelish. I guess they can go with the notion that even good people when placed in a difficult situation can yield to temptation if it shows them a way to attain their goal. It's not like that is an implausible concept. These guys are feeling down on themselves for not winning, they're watching other guys go straight to the main roster e.g. Usos, Wade comes along with an offer on how to make an impact, and there you have it. Temptation is always present in human nature, and even good people have succumbed to it, so why wouldn't you believe it possible in this case? Also, because certain rookies were cast in certain roles in Nxt, doesn't mean that it is a true reflection of them personally. Maybe Gabriel is cut from the same cloth as "The Model" Rick Martel.

I just hope these rookies are up to the enormous challenge and opportunity presented to them. I fear alot of it will require mic work from all of them at some point. Hopefully, they're all capable. Here's hoping the E doesn't get carried away and botch the storyline.

I can actually see Wade Barrett becoming champion sooner than Shaemus did, and not many people screaming bloody murder about it. I do not want to see the rookies capture all the belts in a short space of time, as that would make the main rosters look absurdly weak, imo. The tag team division may have gotten some new blood in these rookies as well, so that's also a good thing.

I got Skip Sheffield as the dark horse. I don't know if he'll ever be a main eventer, but his passion for wrestling comes through strongly. David Young seemed to be the only rookie who looked awkward in the whole thing. All the others seemed fully delved into their heel personas. Maybe that's a potential storyline as well. Maybe David was tentative because his mentor was also being attacked. Who knows. Point is, we're talking, we're curious, and we'll be tuning in to the rest of this week's shows.
I think this storyline could go down (if written and used properly) as one of the best ever! Now, I just thought of something, what if this were set up by Vince McMahon? I am thinking back to his promo with Bret last week, and Vince said "I will certainly be watching..." Could that have been a hint, only none of us would have fathomed something like what we witnessed! Not sure I want Vinnie-Mac at the helm of this group though, thoughts?
For me, this could be the invasion storyline done right. The way I look at it, if the WWE's creative team handles this properly, this could be their best storyline within the last 10 years. Since the NXT roster is really the future of the WWE they aren't going to completely bury them like they did with the WCW roster in '01, they should be smart enough to figure out that the NXT roster is gonna have to look really strong in order for this storyline to work (unlike the WCW storyline where the only people who looked strong were Austin and Angle (and Austin didn't even look that strong during this time)).

I would definitely having them do similar things to what they did on RAW over the next month, month and a half, having them destroy the WWE's biggest stars before they get into any real confrontations with anyone (much like Hall and Nash did, they were there 2 months before their 1st match), just come in, run rampant over the locker room and leave. Then at money in the bank, I would give either Barret or Bryan the briefcase which will add to the storyline, then eventually one of them cashes it in to win the title, if they keep this up I think Barret or Bryan could definitely be seen as a world champ material in the fans eyes within 4-5 months. Of course the WWE will have to win eventually, but in doing so they could really make a lot of new stars in the process, which is what you need to do (especially with so many of the top guys careers winding down).

I just hope this goes for a while, because this has legs to go for a long,long time.
It could be that the GMs kept everybody in the back at bay because they saw the benefits of the impact of the rookies' plans. Or maybe Vinnie Mac greenlighted the assault. I just wonder if this had been the plan long ago or if the recent depleting of them ME due to retirements or injuries, and the need to freshen up the product prompted this storyline.

If this angle is successful, look at all the new merchandise the E will now have available to push...mainly those armbands. Tarver's bandana/mask would probably sell well too. Heck, I'm surprised that Bryan doesn't have a "You Tap or You Snap" t-shirt already. This angle is screaming major moolah for the E, if they don't screw it up.
This is WWE taking an old story-line and doing it the way it should be done. This is not the nWo but more like the New Blood angle that WCW botched 10 years ago. And for everyone who says this angle doesn't make sense, it makes perfect sense. Why would baby faces like Bryan, Gabriel, and Slater turn heel and side with Barrett? SIMPLE! It was their dream (in kayfabe) to be in WWE. They all except for Barrett are technically out of a job. Do you think they would be perfectly happy just walking away? Barrett offered them a chance to make an impact and they took the opportunity. Temptation can often make good people do horrible things. This is a perfect example of that.

Since in storyline their dream is over, they are going to force their way into WWE. Makes sense for Barrett to recruit them because he is looking for the easiest way to the top. This angle has so much potential because it makes so much sense. Sure it is a recycled New Blood angle but maybe they can do it right this time.
I honestly feel like they Need to take over NXT.. I mean make it NXT's factions basic home-base of operations, destroy Striker, Both anouncers, Kick everyone the hell out of the building and take over the show, like they had planned for NWO during it's sucess.. That makes the angle Bigger and actually draws people over to syfy, the place smackdown is moving in October.

I want to see a FULL SCALE invasion of the WWE, and a Major storyline that lasts a few months.. It has been a while since we saw a major angle/ stable - war
IMO, this was the best Raw ending since X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws joined DX (Triple H and Chyna) and beat the crap out of Chainsaw Charlie (Terry Funk) and Mankind. Very few people saw it coming and it was awesome to see the heels dominate.

RAW has ended with stare downs and teases FAR too much in recent years. That or a heel standing over a beaten down face. Same stuff over and over.

This turn of events was really cool to watch. Nobody at ringside was safe! The only thing that could made it better was having a 'Fan' (probably a planted no name wrestler) come from the crowd only to get beat up.

I thought it was funny as hell that Cena was the only person being attended too. Poor King was buried under the announce table. The paramedics walked right by the knocked out referee without evening glancing at him hahaha. like really? the guy with no in ring experience and a weakling is cared for less than a pro wrestler the size of Cena? hahaha wrestling makes me laugh sometimes.

Anyways the best ending in years!

The ending on Raw was one of the best endings I've seen in a long time, even better when Jeff Hardy did the Swanton Bomb from 18 feet onto Randy Orton back in 2008. With the NXT stars from season 1 all acting on the part of a Heel, attacking John Cena and SES to make a statement was great. Not only did they attack SES and Cena, but the announcers, the ref, everyone. All eight of theses guys beat the holy hell out of Cena.

What does this mean in the future? I think it means that Wade Barrett and the other NXT stars will be jumping onto Raw/Smackdown, possibly 4 staying on Raw while the rest go to Smackdown. I also have a feeling that they will make an appearance tonight on NXT Season 2 and Smackdown to further the statement.

I saw a lot of discussion about if NXT stars took out Taker. I don't think that all eight of them did, but maybe Wade Barrett himself did. I have a feeling that CM Punk was the one who took out Taker, not NXT.
Why does Michael Cole have to be the mastermind? I would be perfectly happy with the 8 being a rouge group with a driving sense of camaraderie rather than an outside leader steering the helm. If they are so ticked off at the WWE, why would they be led by a crony like Cole? I think Cole saw what was about to unfold and got the hell out of there. Let Danielson and Barret age in their prospective roles. As has been said, they are great on the stick, and both are oozing charisma. Let them do it. These guys have been either with FCW or the independents for years. They can handle the promos and mic work themselves. As I've read, Vince, Michael Hayes, and Nipple H (love that nickname for Stephanie) were thrilled with how everything fell into place. They have faith in the nXtWo and their abilities to carry this out, maybe we should too. Cole should stay where he is at his (mediocre) best, behind the announce table. The light should shine on Barret, Danielson, Otunga, Gabriel, Slater, Young, Sheffield, and Tarver (had to remember Mike's last name.) Let these 8 get the exposure; they were given the last 15 minutes of Raw just for that purpose.

I mostly agree. Michael Cole being the leader just wouldn't make sense for a lot of reasons. For starters, what makes him credible as the leader of this group? I got nothing. He's an announcer and the butt of a lot of people's jokes. Not only that but to say that the whole DB/Cole feud was a red herring would require some pretty far-fetched logic and I doubt that something like that could be pulled off correctly.

Just keep it as those eight, and maybe have them try and recruit the season 2 rookies. Don't stick them on Smackdown or RAW, because that wouldn't be believable as none of them have WWE contracts save for Barrett and after last night I don't think WWE would want to. Just keep them as a renegade faction that fucks shit up on all shows. I know eight guys is a lot, but whos the say all eight have to come out every time?
When a heel is to turn face or a face is to turn heel – generally speaking, of course – a build is required, even if that build is marginal. There was no build for Gabriel. He cut a babyface promo like he just retired prior to joining this NXT renegades group. There was no allusion to anything other than the idea that he was going to continue to "work hard" and one day return as an active roster member under the same disposition he left under – a babyface.

Not to target you specifically, but this quote is a good representation of what many people disliked about the angle. Agreed that such would be the more typical and logical storytelling method generally used by the WWE nowadays.
The problem is, however, that if you introduce allusions and heel promos and foreboding before the act, people will just complain about how predictable it all was. We've grown accustomed to the WWE's style of plot development, and it's very difficult if not impossible for them to genuinely shock us within that formula. For the WWE to really shock and surprise us, they had to be unconventional. Focusing attacks not just on wrestlers or referees, but on announcers as well. The attackers not just targeting faces, but heels as well. The destruction of the ring, the lack of commentary, everything was designed to make the attack feel unscripted, and to take us away from the safety and predictability of the familiar. I suspect the plotline will proceed in this fashion as well.

In any case, it's not always about whether a motivation is clearly apparent beforehand that determines the logic of a story, but about whether or not one can be established afterward. We've seen numerous examples over the years of secret-heels cutting face promos to throw the audience and protagonists off guard. The traditional problem with this has been with finding a believable motivation for such actions after the turn occurs. In this case, there are plausible options. For one, it's been established that NXT rookies were being forced to adopt personality traits and gimmicks by the WWE management, so it can be reasoned that anything we saw previously was them 'playing along'. Also, they were just put in the position of losing their livelihoods, which can be a game changing equation (particularly for a young person). Or lets look at peer pressure or group dynamics as motivators for the turn; again, this works very well for a group of young guys.

Other factors, such as why noone came to help, can be easily explained. We've seen access to the ring blocked off before (pretty sure someone barricaded the ring entrance with a forklift at one point in WWE history). The video feed backstage could have been cut off as well. Or perhaps (as I predict) they were ordered not to.

I think the individual(s) behind the attack will be revealed as having higher levels of power within the WWE. It could be Bret Hart, or Teddy Long. However, i'm going to come out with my prediction: The person behind this is Mr. Mcmahon. That would be the logical choice. If Vince (or the 'higher power', whoever it may be) could promise the NXT guys contracts in exchange for running wild over the WWE, they would certainly do so. That person would also have the power to prevent the locker-room from coming to the rescue. The motivation for doing all this? I hate to speculate, but if it turns out to be Vince, it's already been established that his character does seemingly insane things just to reassert his authority or take vengeance through elaborate means. He tried to 'kill' the WWE years ago, if you'll remember, when he brought in the NWO ("I'm going to kill it!"). Perhaps it's all just a setup to drive Bret Hart crazy? If it's not Vince, it could be someone with an axe to grind against him or the company. Such as Bret.

Regardless, I do believe there are plenty of ways in which the plotholes can be logically resolved. I won't hold my breath that they will do so, but I will tune in and give it a chance.
It's an interesting story line that saved one of the worst Raws in history. It also helped elevate the NXT rookies because lets be honest, the audience was really never behind or took the rookies serious to begin with. I would rather see Skip as a heel destroying things then a bumpkin redneck. The same can be said about the bland personalities of Tarver, Gabriel, Slater, etc. The only ones that stood out to me were Otunga and Barrett.

Maybe there will be a leader to give the faction even more credibility. I am interested to see how this plays out. I just wonder if Season 2 of NXT will have the same faction as Season 1?
For those hoping for something great in the followup I would be worried. So Cena tweets about two guys he likes or sees something in, Bourne and Kaval. Bourne gets a push (theoretically at least) and it comes out it is likely due to Cena and they used cena in his "push.". Now Kaval tweets that it looks like cena might need some help against those season 1 guys. It is far from a lock but it is starting to look like there will be something like Cena and NXT2 vs mystery established wrestler and NXT1. Which if happens is about the least exciting way they could take this angle IMO.
nXtWo was one, if not the best endings to RAW since i can remember. I knew Barratt would do somthing in the night after what he said to Savanah, but when every NXT star came in the ring and absolutly destroyed Cena, My jaw dropped! Everything they did was unbelievable, unexpected and amazing. what made it better was they involved everyone...literally everyone, Bell-Keeping man, Matt Striker and Justin 'Jeeeeeeffff Harrdyyy' Roberts!
Of course, people would hate it...Cena Fans, end of. If Cena gets hurt they riot. It ruins matches when 7 year old scream 'Cena,Cena'. Still worst Raw ever (No Wrestling involved, But Kozlov made me laugh big time) that was until the Greatest moment of this year and one people would be talking about for ages...I'm Just Sayin...
You guys crack me up. Most of you complain over and over about how TNA reuses storylines that have already been used and how boring and stale it is and how it makes the promotion look second rate, but it's okay for WWE to do it? As a matter of fact, WWE does it and "It's the best ending on RAW in a long time" even! Tes, I guess it's okay for WWE to do it because they are WWE and you all are a bunch of marks and this proves it. You don't hate TNA because of it's unoriginality. You hate TNA simply because it's TNA and not the WWE. A bunch of hypocrites. the lot of you.

The ending was cool, to be honest. I can see where WWE is taking this and all I can say is that I hope they do it right because it just might shake some of the staleness out of the WWE it has had for quite some time now. I give them an "A" for effort because the rest of the episode really sucked, and badly, I might add.
You guys crack me up. Most of you complain over and over about how TNA reuses storylines that have already been used and how boring and stale it is and how it makes the promotion look second rate, but it's okay for WWE to do it? As a matter of fact, WWE does it and "It's the best ending on RAW in a long time" even! Tes, I guess it's okay for WWE to do it because they are WWE and you all are a bunch of marks and this proves it. You don't hate TNA because of it's unoriginality. You hate TNA simply because it's TNA and not the WWE. A bunch of hypocrites. the lot of you.

The ending was cool, to be honest. I can see where WWE is taking this and all I can say is that I hope they do it right because it just might shake some of the staleness out of the WWE it has had for quite some time now. I give them an "A" for effort because the rest of the episode really sucked, and badly, I might add.

When was the last time this angle was truly ran? 1996? "New Blood" wasn't ran the same way and neither really was the wCw/ECW invasion angle.
Shocking. Nothing else can really be said about it. Well, except awesome.

I was already marking out when Barrett came out. I thought that he might have been planning to challenge Cena for the WWE title. But then the other rookies came out and the shit hit the fan.

I've never seen anything like what happened last night. Everything and everyone was destroyed, regardless of who they were. Poor Justin Roberts got destroyed, King had the announce table flipped on top of him, and the SES (minus Serena) were devestated. But Cena completely got his ass handed to him. After reading through most of the post here, some thoughts:

-I'm surprised Cole wasn't harmed. I expected Bryan to go straight for him or for the rookies to feed Cole to him. Unlike most posters, I HIGHLY doubt him fleeing means he's involved somehow. He hates Daniel Bryan so why would he want anything to do with him, especially if it involves destroying the show? He's gotten his ass-handed to him by Bryan so many times, it makes sense that he'd high-tail it as soon as he saw him, especially after seeing both Striker and King go down.

-These guys could very well be the ones behind The Undertaker's attack. They seem to be rebelling against the entire WWE and took out it's golden boy. Why wouldn't they go after it's cornerstone too?

-While I can understand the other rookies doing this, why was Barrett involved? He won NXT so he doesn't have anything to be bitter or angry about. Realistically, involving himself in something like that could get him suspended or cause him to lose his title shot. Very interested to see the reasoning there.

- Was anyone else marking out to Bryan yelling at Cena? It was like a representation of the smarks colliding Vince and the marks. I hoped he would put Cena in Cattle Mutilation, but the kick to the head was great too.

-I'm also a little surprised that more superstars didn't come out to help. At the least, the NXT pros from Season 1. No, it wasn't needed necessarily, but it could've been a nice touch and would've made sense.

-It was pretty funny watching Cena get all the medical attention while Punk, Gallows, the ref, and several trainers were laid out at ring side, ring announcer Justin Roberts choked out with his own tie, and King, who was buried under the damn announce table, got nothing.

While not the "GREATEST ENDING TO RAW EVA", it was definitely one of the most memorable and one of the best endings I've seen in some time. I can't wait to see what happenes on all three shows and pray the WWE doesn't fuck this up.
This was the most exciting and bewildering end to a Raw in many a year. Possibly of all time. No one thought NEXT was going to do this. This will without a doubt not only increase ratings but keep people interested for weeks to come. This is the one thing that has got people talking more than ever in recent times. The WWE is doing a great job of making us hungry for more from this situation and we may crack up if there are no answers tonight. As for the angle itself? It's a very enjoyable idea. It sees 8 new people get a shot at the lime-light. These guys are looking for an impact and this was one hell of a way to do it. This makes for some interesting watching.
It was a nice ending but people need to put their diapers back on and come back down to earth, it was not the best Raw ending ever, not even close. It was definitely a surprise after the shitty fan "voting" thing failed(did we really think WWE would put us in charge, yeah right)

lol I felt so bad for Justin Roberts, the man was killed and he didn't even do anything wrong. Matt striker being owned was funny, king getting laid out was sad, did anyone notice that Micheal Cole dissappeared

I really hate Daniel Bryan, the man is conceited and thinks he's the best, he sucks big time imo. Gabriel looked like he didn't want to do it but thats because he's a good guy. Tarver, Sheffield, and Young just suck, did they have to bring them back???

I would've perfered WWE only using Barett, Otunga, Gabriel, and Slater for this segment but it was okay.

WWE is only doing this so they can get these guys ready for when they join the roster
It was a nice ending but people need to put their diapers back on and come back down to earth, it was not the best Raw ending ever, not even close. It was definitely a surprise after the shitty fan "voting" thing failed(did we really think WWE would put us in charge, yeah right)

lol I felt so bad for Justin Roberts, the man was killed and he didn't even do anything wrong. Matt striker being owned was funny, king getting laid out was sad, did anyone notice that Micheal Cole dissappeared

I really hate Daniel Bryan, the man is conceited and thinks he's the best, he sucks big time imo. Gabriel looked like he didn't want to do it but thats because he's a good guy. Tarver, Sheffield, and Young just suck, did they have to bring them back???

I would've perfered WWE only using Barett, Otunga, Gabriel, and Slater for this segment but it was okay.

WWE is only doing this so they can get these guys ready for when they join the roster

If you hate Daniel Bryan, then that just proves that he is doing his job well, with the way the guy has acted in front of the camera's there is no real reason to like him (except for beating on Michael Cole of course).

But I agree with what you said, a good ending but definitely not the best they've had (my personal favorite was when Foley won the title), but definitely one of the best in recent memory.
the only thing i was thinking during that entire ordeal was just " holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit WTF WTF WTF WTF" i thought it was awesome but was sort of wondering where serena went and when she left cause i didn't see her. also i'm glad no one came out to save them cause it would have ended in one of two ways.

one: for some reason all eight of the former nxt rookies would have spontaneously become ******s and ran off

or two: they just would have beaten down on them and it would be meaningless.

either way would have sucked so i'm glad that they gave everyone a brain and made them stay in the back.
also i, like everyone else, am so ecstatic to see wat happens next.

also kudos to cena for being up for this sort of humiliation, really shows just how much he cares about our entertainment.

oh yea, and also, last thing, i really dont think this is the end of the DBD vs cole/miz feud thing .odds are it'll just escalate it :D
Whoever says this was the best Raw ending of all time...is nuts. It was a GREAT ending, best in months, maybe even years...but not ever.

I love it. As singles competitors, I couldn't care less about any of them minus Barrett and Danielson. But as a group, using the group concept, this could be great. Will it last long? Probably not. But for the mean time, I'm going to enjoy something that is..fresh.

When I say fresh, I don't mean "forget the old guys, use younger ones!" or any shit like that. What I really like about is that they are a stable that is wreaking havoc. No, they aren't a "stable" yet, but they might be on their way. I'm not sure where this is going, or why they are doing it, but I like it.
Not much too say that hasnt been said, but that crowd ...jesus...pure ******s...nobody even reacted like 1 bit when Bryan FkN Danielson SPIT in cena's face.I mean that was suppose to be a quick "Wow" moment yet people treated it with :|| . I guess too many kids were in the arena that night.And all they knew was too cheer a bit and boo a bit people that are established for 10000 years cause nobody in that entire arena gave a crap for others besides, MVP Jomo and Cena.Hell i think 2 guys were yelling "NXT NXT NXT" and that it...I hate these crowds who dont wanna participate in making the show better.

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