*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or keep it in here. But I was watching raw the other night, and I wondered: What is the point of mcgillicuddy and harris being in nexus? It was a minor nexus side-story, but since they've joined, they've done nothing. I don't even think either of them have been in a match, at least otunga and gabriel and slater have. Which makes me wonder...first, for pure storyline purposes, why did they join nexus at all, and now that they have, why are they still hanging around? It's not serving any purpose or furthering their careers. In fact, I'd argue they've had more exposure before they joined nexus than they are getting now. I can't imagine that they are not at least wondering what they are accomplishing.

Second, even storyline aside and their persona's motivations ignored, from the WWE's perspective, why are they in nexus? I'm guessing that WWE wanted something to do with them but didn't know what. But the sad part is that these 2 have not been given any chances to showcase their talents or make names for themselves. Nothing about them stands out in any way, and they are delegated to mob members or standing in the background nodding whenever barrett talks.

Anyways, just some random thoughts I had.
Well WZ, the titles says it all. How would you break up Nexus? Here's what I would do.

First off, I would continue Nexus untill after Wrestlemania. Then I would have Barrett kick Gabriel out of the group. Gabrial then goes and creates his own Anti Nexus stable and this stable will include past members of Nexus. So it would be Gabriel, Shefield, Darren Young, Michael Tarver, and Daniel Bryan. Then the Anti Nexus would have 5 members and so would Nexus. They could feud after Wrestlemania for a few months. I would eventually have Cena join the ANti Nexus group and at Summerslam have a War Games match where if Nexus loses they must disband and if Anti Nexus loses, every nmember of there team will be fired. I would then have the Anti Nexus win the match and Nexus would have to disband. Then Barrett and Gabriel could continue feuding one on one and help both men be established as main eventers.
In my personal opinion, The Nexus storyline has been a missed opportunity. Now, before you start going “But X, Nexus is the greatest storyline in forever!” hear me out. The Nexus debuted strongly. They appeared on Raw, interfered in the main event, took over the show, attacked personnel, and destroyed the ring. They left a huge mark in little time.

Mistake #1: The firing of Daniel Bryan. Without a doubt, at the time of their debut; Daniel Bryan was the most over member of The Nexus. He had a strong storyline going during NXT and had the best crowd reaction from the audience. Do I understand why WWE fired him? Yeah, it’s PG. But FIRE? A simple warning and/or possibly a consequence booking-wise may have been suitable. But firing? Why? You have angles of people getting kidnapped and held hostage, thrown off buildings, ran over, etc. But spitting on someone or choking out with a tie (whichever reason he got fired for) is setting a bad example for kids? Compared to some of the stuff WWE does; I think not.

Mistake #2: Nexus has become watered down. How? They started off with a big bang and leave now nothing more than a little whimper. Nexus: disgruntled rookies looking to leave an impression on WWE by taking over shows. What have they been turned into now? Faceless names with the letter “N” on their shirt. They are cronies. For whom you may ask? Wade Barrett. Sure, I understand Wade is their leader. He won NXT after all, so it’s not that out of the question that he represents them as their leader. But they are faceless characters. The Nexus are a prop to Wade Barrett. You cannot have Nexus appear on-screen without the announcers talking about Wade Barrett or John Cena. It’s not about leaving a name for themselves anymore, it’s about Wade Barrett, WWE championships, and John Cena. They lack a gimmick except for the fact that they are in Nexus. They’re extras compared to the leading roles, so to speak. They’re just another group of heels working for a higher ranked heel now, much like how SES were the goons for CM Punk. But that angle worked: they were followers. Nexus was supposed to be an entity within the WWE Universe. That entity has now become Wade Barrett and company. Some mark they’re leaving on WWE, eh?

My Alternate Timeline: So, how would have I dealt with the situation past their debut? How would have I tried to keep Nexus a hot storyline for a long period of time? Surely not the way the WWE did. We all know how Nexus started, as it was the most talked about American wrestling angle in recent memory. I applaud WWE for coming up with such a creative debut. I think WWE should have played up on that angle a lot more than they did. Nexus could introduce themselves and why they did what they did: then go back to doing what they did (which WWE did for the most part at first). Cause havoc, cause destruction, attack the main stars, and interfere in big matches. Do what Nexus’ job is to do: leave a mark. Build this up to the point that WWE starts banning The Nexus from appearing. No matches, no BS; they’re banned. Then Nexus can start buying tickets to the show, appearing in the crowd, and causing more havoc within the company. Build Nexus as the Black Hole of the WWE Universe: sucking in and destroying everything in sight.

Now what can WWE management do? Nexus is appearing on the shows still, still causing more havoc than ever. WWE is left with no choice but to fire the members of Nexus, Wade losing his title opportunity in the process. They are banned from WWE events; they have no way to get into shows. Or do they? Nexus still begin appearing on shows, coming from the backstage nonetheless. This goes on for a while with Nexus causing more havoc than ever. But the WWE Universe asks how? Eventually, Nexus will reveal that there’s a mole within the WWE locker room. There is an inside job; courtesy of The Nexus.

How do you go about this? You don’t put a big name guy as this inside member, nor do you acknowledge who they are at first. WWE begins taking tight security measures to find out who this mole is. A security camera will reveal who this person is as they are caught on camera letting The Nexus in the arena. This person will be a mid-card wrestler, someone without an angle that needs a big push to make them a star. This someone needs to leave their mark within WWE, a similar goal to that of Nexus. Someone such as Bourne, Morrison, whoever fits the mold of what I just mentioned. This person is confronted and fired for their actions. But it keeps happening, over and over. Security cameras are being destroyed, production trucks getting raided for evidence. Nexus are taking out top guys, possibly even taking out the champion during a PPV and kayfabe injuring him. There are more midcard insiders leaking The Nexus into the WWE Universe.

Soon the management will be cornered from The Nexus’ power and show stopping capabilities. Nexus will make a simple proposition; if they get contracts and title shots they will stop the extreme acts of violence and destruction. WWE can’t risk not giving into their demands as their shows and stars could suffer greatly from it if not. Slowly the inside members will be revealed and Nexus will begin taking over the majority of the championship scene in WWE by going after champions who have been attacked already by Nexus, thus making the storyline not seemed forced. The champions will have a reason to hate The Nexus. But the venom of Nexus proves too much for most of these champions and they begin dropping their titles to Nexus one by one. Soon WWE IS Nexus.

Of course, you’d want to run with Nexus as the almighty force within WWE for a while to build the legitimacy of the group. You can’t keep doing that forever though, so how do you disband Nexus? With Nexus on top, how do you stop them? Greed would be the key. There will be a few members of Nexus without titles. There will also be a few championships not held by Nexus. Members of the WWE Universe begin plotting and bribing these members of Nexus with promises of future title shots if they work as insiders for them. This won’t be shown on TV of course, because it wouldn’t make sense to show that live because Nexus could view the show and simply kick out those members. But slowly The Nexus’ plans begin to be foiled on a constant basis, their cheating, and their interferences. Something is going on and they’re getting angry. Soon Nexus will begin dropping titles. The group will slowly crumble from inside, members accusing each other of being the traitors causing fights to breakout and members to quit. Once the group has dwindled down, the main champions of Nexus are left. This would most likely involve Barrett as some form of world champion (WWE or Heavyweight) as he is the spiritual leader of the group. He loses the title on a PPV, The Nexus’ plans of keeping the belt around him being foiled by a disgruntled group of the WWE Universe and the inside Nexus members turning on Barrett. Soon the master plan will be revealed and Nexus is dead.

The Alternate Timeline Payoff vs. The Real Timelines Payoff: What do you get out of this? An effective blend of an entertaining storyline with lots of twist and the buildup/creation of many careers/star names. The group would be dead of course but it would do exactly what The Nexus’ goal was all along: leave an impact and make names for rising stars. The version of Nexus we have now made a boom entry into the Universe, as I’ve mentioned. But they dissolved slowly after that into a rather bland storyline in my opinion. What may seem good to a lot of viewers and fans may not be so great once you analyze what exactly it’s doing for the group as a whole and the group’s image at the same time. Nexus was supposed to be a group of renegades; instead they’re just another bunch of heels whose careers are going nowhere slowly (apart from Wade Barrett).
Its not the WWE's fault that Darren Young sucked and needed to leave or that Skip and Tarvner both got injured. You are suggesting they continued to do random attacks? They were doing that for months. The members of Nexus (all 7) didn't all wrestle on Raw until the night after Summerslam where the show was dedicated to Nexus. You just wanted it to turn into nWoRookieVersion2010. Instead of what it is. 10 Rookies who all started this year (Minus 1 that quit, 2 that were kicked out and 1 injured) who tried to make an impact and did but are ahead of themselves and have slowly fallen out of grace. Don't think its over just because of tomorrows Raw. There are more options then just "Rehire Cena or Wade is out".

Also if you say WWE/TNA aren't wrestling. What is? The real wrestling? Yes real wrestling is real but if you tell me any other "pro wrestling" company is "wrestling" but WWE/TNA aren't then bloody hell.
Its not the WWE's fault that Darren Young sucked and needed to leave or that Skip and Tarvner both got injured. You are suggesting they continued to do random attacks? They were doing that for months. The members of Nexus (all 7) didn't all wrestle on Raw until the night after Summerslam where the show was dedicated to Nexus. You just wanted it to turn into nWoRookieVersion2010. Instead of what it is. 10 Rookies who all started this year (Minus 1 that quit, 2 that were kicked out and 1 injured) who tried to make an impact and did but are ahead of themselves and have slowly fallen out of grace. Don't think its over just because of tomorrows Raw. There are more options then just "Rehire Cena or Wade is out".

Also if you say WWE/TNA aren't wrestling. What is? The real wrestling? Yes real wrestling is real but if you tell me any other "pro wrestling" company is "wrestling" but WWE/TNA aren't then bloody hell.

How is it anything like nWo? The idea of Nexus was to make an impact and make names, as I said. Completely opposite of nWo's point. So I guess any stable that causes havoc is nWo in your mind? What about the fact that the nWo is a ripped off idea in the first place? Kind of ironic you claim my idea is a rehash of something it's nothing like while you use a ripoff as an example. :laugh: You say that all members of Nexus didn't wrestle until after SummerSlam, but they still wrestled plenty beforehand. So I'm missing your point I think? Also, they weren't doing as big of attacks as their first one; that was my point. They kept getting more minor and minor after the whole limo incident.

As far as the whole incident tomorrow is concerned; that has nothing to do with my post. My point is that Nexus has become much weaker from when they debuted because it's all about Barrett and the other members are obscure extras in the background. I don't know why you're ranting on about that but then again most of your post didn't make much sense according to my thread anyways.

Also: WWE and TNA aren't wrestling. They're soap operas. "Real" pro wrestling? Golden age, NWA, New Japan, NOAH, etc. I could go on and on. But WWE/TNA isn't pro wrestling, it's sports entertainment: a soap opera with a wrestling ring as the background prop. WWE and TNA's matches are 99% of the time a complete joke and laughable.
SSX, although you're starting to become one of the better rookie posters on this site (arguably the best), I think you've got a skewed opinion on this. Some of the things you're saying are true to an extent as there is a second side to the entire story.

Let's go with point one, the firing of Daniel Bryan. Yes, it was quite stupid as to the reasoning of his release, but the backlash for the angle that the Nexus produced got WWE by the balls. They were about to lose sponsors, which in turn would equate in a loss of income... I think we all know what a loss in revenue does to one Vincent Kennedy McMahon. This huge, quick ascension of angry people was counter-acted with a quick release, so the person who did the damage was gone. However, this was more than just a business opportunity. With what the WWE witnessed with Daniel Bryan being "the everyman" on NXT and making himself the most popular superstar (and to this date, the person to gain the biggest reactions on a consistent basis as a rookie) as a face. Why would they want to throw away something like this by creating him into a heel? The smarks in the audience were going to give him the Chris Jericho treatment and, in due time, the rest of the "Universe" will be cheering him too as his in-ring presence in all aspects are excellent.

Point two now... when an angle starts with a heel in charge, in this case the Nexus, they have to be booked stronger than anything at that point in time... thus the reason for the ending on the RAW of the Nexus debut. They destroyed everything in their path... literally. As time goes by, things change as like all things in life. You can't expect a group of vigilante's to band together for all of existence and not have any cracks... that's quite overkill. To make the Nexus interesting, desertion has to appear in the ranks. Barrett and crew got rid of weak links like Young/Tarver and such, yet brought in Harris/McGuillicutty to make up for lost members. Now with Otunga playing the second in command, it gives the group ongoing life because I definitely didn't want to see Nexus dominating week in, week out. And I have to disagree with how they went from recognisable names to the faceless "N" guys... it's actually the other way around. They were, at first, the Nexus controlled by Barrett. Now... it's Wade Barrett - the charismatic, yet vulnerable leader; David Otunga - the wannabe leader of the group; Gabriel/Slater - the former tag team champions; Harris - the ruthless big man; Michael - .... well, he might be a faceless dude because of how early he has joined, but it's one guy left out of the group so... not that hard to distinguish him.

Nexus has been a good angle and whilst it could have been executed better at times, it has dominated a lot of RAW's programming this year with exciting matches and storylines. It has kept John Cena and a couple of other stars at times away from the main event title picture, a positive in this youth movement era of the WWE. Don't forget, all of these men have only been in the E ranks for what... 6-8 months, if that? All of them have the boost from Nexus once they disband to be pushed to the ME/upper mid-card if the E wishes to. I'd say for these guys been quite green in the E, they've managed to draw out some emotions that we rarely experience these days.
Thank you for the reply and knowledgeable information you included in it. I had forgotten that there was rumored backlash for the angle that happened by sponsors. And your point about Daniel Bryan is very true about him being a very marketable face wrestler. I guess I am still slightly disgruntled over his release and didn't think that part through so clearly.

I also agree with your point that you can't expect a group of vigilantes to band together forever, as I made reference to in my thread I had mentioned that it would only be a matter of time before any group splits up. That's just how wrestling works. I also think that the axing of some members was a smart idea whether it be due to injury or lack of charisma, talent, and whatnot. I do feel the inclusion of Husky and Michael have added a fresher air to the group as they come off as more "Nexus-like" than someone like Young ever came off as, but my disappointment with the whole group playing cronies for Barrett still gets under my skin. Your point of Otunga not being faceless I'd have to agree with but I feel like the other members are incredibly lost in the shuffle even if they do have somewhat of a minor gig going on (big guy, tag team). Also, I never really mentioned they were recognizable names but I feel like their opportunity to develop more character has been overshadowed greatly by the likes of the Barrett-Cena being the center of all attention (and even being the center of attention on almost all of Raw as well).

I have to respectfully disagree with you on the part of that the members will have a boost once Nexus disbands as I feel that it will be the opposite. I feel that since majority of these men are ONLY recognizable personality-wise by the fact that they are Nexus members that they will struggle getting over new personalities and gimmicks because they never had the time to show their personality much via Nexus. I'm not saying Nexus is a complete failure, I just feel that it could have been a lot bigger and well-thought out than it is. But this is wrestling, any angle can and will be like that. There's always people who will think of better ideas (and a lot thinking of awful ones) and I just wanted to offer my two cents.
A good idea for nexus would be for them to split into 2 factions (akin nwo hollywood/wolpac) with say barrett (leader) , harris and mcgilicudy as the original heel version, with then otunga (leader), slater and gabriel as the face faction ( slightly different tshits ie red instead of yellow logo). Cena could even join the face version to try to take out the heel version. Would also increase merch sales for the big E.

"If its not broken, dont try to fix it, as trying to fix something that isnt broken is the same as breaking something that is fixed!!!!"
Not bad, SSX. Not bad at all. However I disagree on a few points.

The first is what you have said about Daniel Bryan. When Nexus began, Bryan was the most over member of the group. But he was over as a face. Had he been a part of the Nexus angle as a heel, it would have affected his popularity and hence his overness. So as far as Bryan is concerned I would say that his firing was certainly a blessing in disguise.

The second point where I have a problem is the fantasy booking piece that you have written. The way you have booked Nexus to break up with the inferior members taking bribes would elevate no one niether the WWE superstars who are handing out bribes nor the stable members who are taking bribes. Its not the most efficient way of breaking them up. It makes the WWE superstars look like a bunch of *****es.

Also I am not entirely upset with the fact that Nexus has turned into Wade Barrett and company. He is the only guy in that group who is ready to wrestle on the big stage on a regular basis. The rest either cannot wrestle or cannot talk so there is no point in elevating them even though I would say that WWE are elevating Otunga at least.
Thanks for the post. As I mentioned above, I completely agree now about the Daniel Bryan thing from a business perspective. That's not to say Daniel can't play a good heel, he sure as hell can. But from a money-making revenue it's a lot smarter of an idea.

As far as the "bribe" situation is concerned, my initial idea of that was to get some of the less talented wrestlers/promo cutters to get over with the audience by having a face turn (as faces are more marketable due to the younger audience). As far as elevating either WWE superstars or the inferior members, that wasn't exactly my idea; it was basically to A) sabotage Nexus and B) give the inferior members a role switch to be looked upon as "good guys" by the younger viewers, thus giving them a little push since they didn't win titles. I do agree it's probably not the most effective way to break them up, but most of this thread was improv thinking and writing anyways. Nothing I had ever actually thought prior to any of this.

I agree completely about Barrett being the only well-rounded member of Nexus though, hence why he won. Well, he won because Bryan was kicked off; but you get the idea. "The rest either cannot wrestle" <--- That's never stopped the E before. ;)

The amount of wrestlers who can wrestle but can't talk brings up an interesting point that I've been thinking off recently: WWE needs managers again! Managers are personally one of my favorite parts of wrestling that has slipped away in recent memory (at least in America) just like tag teams have in WWE as well.
Also: WWE and TNA aren't wrestling. They're soap operas. "Real" pro wrestling? Golden age, NWA, New Japan, NOAH, etc. I could go on and on. But WWE/TNA isn't pro wrestling, it's sports entertainment: a soap opera with a wrestling ring as the background prop. WWE and TNA's matches are 99% of the time a complete joke and laughable.

And every brand/corporation/company you've named is a business and is scripted, there wrestlers are paid for drawing a crowd, they arn't as high of a business profile as WWE (in western civilisation) which explains the storyline aspect to bring those draws, so please explain how WWE/TNA is a soap and these arn't??

I think your a bit over the top with this idea, from what I'm reading your stating the reason nexus was created was to establish Wade Barrett and all other members are goons, yet you know every other member of the Nexus' name right? and I bet your familiar with their moveset right? Oh for some reason they all get more air time than half the WWE roster... The WWE HAS established all these superstars as stars...

We can't keep comparing Nexus to the nWo, it's similar, NOT the same
And every brand/corporation/company you've named is a business and is scripted, there wrestlers are paid for drawing a crowd, they arn't as high of a business profile as WWE (in western civilisation) which explains the storyline aspect to bring those draws, so please explain how WWE/TNA is a soap and these arn't??

They focus on wrestling first, stories second. WWE and TNA are quite the opposite. When I watch New Japan programming, I watch two hours of wrestling. When I watch WWE/TNA, I watch over an hour of talking off a script and a few minutes of wrestling.

I think your a bit over the top with this idea, from what I'm reading your stating the reason nexus was created was to establish Wade Barrett and all other members are goons, yet you know every other member of the Nexus' name right? and I bet your familiar with their moveset right? Oh for some reason they all get more air time than half the WWE roster... The WWE HAS established all these superstars as stars...

I know their names, not their movesets. I know Gabriel does a 450 though! They lack personality and gimmicks other than being Nexus members, which was my point. WWE hasn't developed characters for them or given them a chance to showcase it.

We can't keep comparing Nexus to the nWo, it's similar, NOT the same


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