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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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Or did someone else think that not only was the Survivor Series promo package amazing, and actually made Wade Barrett seem even more "legit" than he already is... but, the whole fact that he brought up that there is a "Bigger Picture" involved with this? They've said that before, when they originally came out... and now it's back again, and being reinforced considering how many times that is going to air.

I wanna know what's on everyone's mind, as to what you think this "Bigger Picture" could be?

Triple H? John Cena possibly being behind it the entire time? Get your thinker caps on, ready...?

I agree. The promo was pretty amazing. I really like the whole Nexus thing. Im very happy they are sticking with the storyline. Cena being apart of them all along would be a great way to turn him heel. HHH being the leader is also a possibility (IMO). I personally like Barrett as the leader, hes GREAT at it.
i think kane could possibly be the nexus leader and after a while undertaker will return with the biker gimick and beat kane for whc which can lead to a unification match undertaker(WHC) vs. wade barret(wwe champ)
at WM!!!
i think kane could possibly be the nexus leader and after a while undertaker will return with the biker gimick and beat kane for whc which can lead to a unification match undertaker(WHC) vs. wade barret(wwe champ)
at WM!!!

I would love to see the Nexus lead by Kane, it would fill in a lot of open issues, such as the announcers saying no one man can take out Taker when he broke his orbital. And the fact that Nexus attacked Taker on Raw a couple a months ago and then tonight. But I see Taker staying Deadman, and eventually returning with mind games like the old MOD thing, abducting and crucifying members of Nexus. to lead up to a show down a Mania, even though it has been said they scrapped the Kane vs Taker match idea I mean we already know they do lie to try to keep suspense.
sorry but wade barrett doesnt deserve the wrestlemania match cena does or orton but wade doesnt

Why doesn't he exactly? He's been a great heel, he gains real heat. Why does John Cena or Randy Orton deserve it? They`ve had a combined number of 13 wrestlemania main events. They honestly had enoough.

ON TOPIC: Wade Barrett has proven himself the real deal. His promo skills are fantastic, and his in ring ability matches against any main eventers. Putting him in that SS video was a great idea. It made him look dark and somewhat of a serious contender. This totally beat that comical promo last year with DX.
ON TOPIC: Wade Barrett has proven himself the real deal. His promo skills are fantastic, and his in ring ability matches against any main eventers. Putting him in that SS video was a great idea. It made him look dark and somewhat of a serious contender. This totally beat that comical promo last year with DX.

Huh? Are you insane? I really really wish someone would explain to me why so many people are so keen on giving barrett the belt. I've said it before, he is horrid to watch in the ring. He lumbers about (quite clumsily) in the ring like some sort of demented organgutan. Outside of brawling, it seems he has 3 moves and his finisher looks incredibly weak. Right now, he just does not have the technical ability to hold his own in a main event (or even really a regular match) without someone like Cena or jericho going out of his way to make barrett look good.

Granted, he is a good nexus mouthpiece and plays the arrogant heel character very well. And while I know many on here seems to think that is enough to make you suddenly be worthy of championship status (see any of the few dozen miz threads for example), I would definitely argue that folks need to slow down and not be so quick to throw a title because a guy is good in a current storyline.

Now I will admit that I did not order bragging rights, but based on what I've read online it sounds as though my previous description of barrett applied to his performance at bragging rights.

So someone please explain why so many feel that this guy is future world champ, or should be given the title, or whatever, please, because I seriously don't get it.
Huh? Are you insane? I really really wish someone would explain to me why so many people are so keen on giving barrett the belt.

Because he's ready and it would end the current situation of Nexus being booked over the WWE championship.

I've said it before, he is horrid to watch in the ring. He lumbers about (quite clumsily) in the ring like some sort of demented organgutan.

While I disagree that he's horrible in the ring, that was an awesome similie.

Outside of brawling, it seems he has 3 moves and his finisher looks incredibly weak. Right now, he just does not have the technical ability to hold his own in a main event (or even really a regular match) without someone like Cena or jericho going out of his way to make barrett look good.

What has technical ability got to do with how good someone would be in the main event? Absolutely jack shit. Especially in WWE, where Vladimir Kozlov main evented a PPV and holds a clean pinfall victory over The Undertaker.

Granted, he is a good nexus mouthpiece and plays the arrogant heel character very well. And while I know many on here seems to think that is enough to make you suddenly be worthy of championship status (see any of the few dozen miz threads for example), I would definitely argue that folks need to slow down and not be so quick to throw a title because a guy is good in a current storyline.

The thing is that this storyline has been specifically developed to give Barrett a monster push. That's been clear from week 1. That's the difference between Barrett winning the WWE Championship after a few months on Raw and Sheamus winning it. Barrett has had the bejebus pushed out of him to the point where he's pretty much fixed into the Main Event with or without the title. Sheamus was squashing Jamie Noble. Fact is that Barrett is going to win the title sooner or later (probably sooner) and it's not going to be one that comes the fuck out of nowhere like Swagger's, Sheamus' or most of WWE's first time WWE/WHC champions.

Now I will admit that I did not order bragging rights, but based on what I've read online it sounds as though my previous description of barrett applied to his performance at bragging rights.

Word of advise, don't comment on something until you've seen the evidence for yourself. And Barrett/Orton is likely far from the only boring match.

So someone please explain why so many feel that this guy is future world champ, or should be given the title, or whatever, please, because I seriously don't get it.

The massive push he's recieving, his charisma, look and his good enough ring skills all seem to indicate that he has a main event future. The fact that he's main evented 3/4 of the PPVs he's been in is a pretty big hint that he's there to stay.
AJ remix,

Thank you for your replies to my post. It does help me in seeing where all this outpouring of barrett support comes from. As a side note though, the reason I included that I didn't see bragging rights was to admit that it was possible that perhaps barrett did look good last night despite not having done so yet, but based on what I read and heard it didn't seem that was the case. However, I am basing my statements on barrett based on the matches and pay per views I have seen him in.

I guess in the end it all boils down to differences in opinion as to whether someone who is not technically sound should be given a title or not. Personally, I am against giant rushes and pushes for someone who is not ready yet in the ring, just because he happens to be the latest flavor of the month or is successful in interesting storylines. It seems to me that all these posts lauding barrett are the exact same posts we've seen a few months ago, except the name "miz" has now been replaced with "barrett".

You are absolutely correct though that main eventers and title holders have not always been that great in the ring, and it is unfortunate. I think that to be a title holder one should be able to put on a good match on their own. No one thought sheamus was ready, for example, and he was widely criticized on this forum. Yet I fail to see the difference between putting a belt on sheamus and putting a belt on barret, since the only difference is that barrett is better on the mic and has a more interesting story (I'd also argue that sheamus is much more solid in the ring than barrett). However, as far as barrett goes, I would be willing to concede that if he improves technically he is no doubt a main event contender, I just argue the wisdom in putting the belt on him right now.

Again, thanks for the replies above, they were appreciated.
okay I've been thinking about a reason why wade Barrett would help Kane and 1 thing comes to mind .. unification! barrett wants the wwe title and apparently he wants Kane to keep the WHC title , otunga spoke of a real reason but didn't say what it was .. they're unifying the titles and Kane might be leader of nexus and if Barrett wins it'll all come out , nexus doesn't need cena theyre just using him to stay out of their way .. tell me what you think .
My first thought is that someone needs to come close this.

My second thought is that maybe Barrett doesn't want Kane at all. Maybe he wants to be the one to end Taker's streak, and the best way to get a match is to provoke him into it..
So It's Been Made; Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton with Special Guest Referee John Cena. If Barrett Wins, Cena's Free but if Barrett loses, Cena is fired. For the first time since he's been involved in the title picture, I actually believe Barrett is going to win the WWE Championship. Wade Barrett is undoubtedly ready for this. Wade Barrett has good mic skills and is very solid in the ring. Wade winning, as Remix said, also solves the problem that is Nexus being booked over the WWE Championship, something that has been bugging a lot of people for months.

I Predict it Here:

Survivor Series: New WWE Champion: Wade Barrett
For you guys against giving the belt to Barrett, here is a mind blowing stat: Barrett had 44 minutes and 30 seconds of air time on Raw last night. Who cares if people on the internet doesn't think Barrett is "ready"? The guy's push started off as "almost as a literally kick in the ass as you can get" to "they might has well literally strap an ACME rocket to his back and light it."

The company is very behind this guy and to be honest, I don't see why they wouldn't. The guy has yet to falter in his push:

- Back in June, they asked him to cut serious promos and be a convincing leader as Nexus. Check.
- In July, they asked him to present himself as threat to Cena. Check.
- In August, they asked him not screw up in matches against "good" wrestlers. Check.
- In September, they asked him to not be the focal point, but still maintain his heat. Check.
- Now in October, they asked him to be a total jerk and make the crowd want to see Cena whoop his ass. Oh, I'd be damn if that ain't a check.

Granted he is working with Cena, the best main event wrestler the WWE has ever had. And I am expecting a slight fumble in quality because there is no one else like Cena.. But I am having a hard time believing that he will just instantly drop of the edge of the WWE when this angle is over.
I didn't really comprehend the amount of heat the nexus generates until today. As a joking haloween costume to annoy my girlfriend, i ordered a nexus t-shirt and today i wore it to school. I have never had more comments from people i don't even know about any shirt, let alone a WWE one. One of my friends told me she wasn't going to talk to me if i ever wore the shirt again, and my girlfriend was on the verge of tears talking about how much she hates the nexus and what they do to cena. I've been one who dislikes the nexus and was strongly hoping the writers would end the angle rather than having cena join. However, after today i feel that the angle needs to continue, the nexus has people who don't watch regularly talking about RAW and really getting emotionally involved in the story.
Remember how Barrett talked about there being a higher cause to all their doing.How the fact that it seemed he was taking orders from an evil mastermind.

Now, that they have finished the Undertaker, the revelation of the higher cause is even more urgent. They beat up the Undertaker on Raw to make an impact, but to bury him, they need some real reasons.

Your usual suspects guys?

Here's mine


The attack on Undertaker can be easily explained by this, but the overall attack on WWE needs some good backing up.

It's like this, the same reason Flair gave (non-kayfabe) when asked why he should wrestle in TNA.

They made HBK retire, he never wanted to. He had to say that he wants to retire, but he never wanted to. So he wanted revenge. He wanted to destroy the company top-down. He wanted to take the livelihood of the ones that took his. The attack on the every superstar is then solicited as well as the attack on Vince McMahon.

He could be revealed at The Royal Rumble and then buildup to a Barrett vs 'Taker match at WM. HBK would very well be in Barrett's corner.

Sound right?
On RAW, Wade Barret ordered Otunga to face off against Edge with the stipulation that if Otunga loses, he is no longer a member of Nexus. With that in mind we fast forward to tonight. The entire Nexus (minus Barret) invaded Smackdown with this match fresh on their minds. Obviously Vickie Guerrero (standing in for Long) had this in mind too and ordered that if a member of Nexus interferes, then Otunga would go home a loser thus no longer being a part of Nexus.

So the Lumberjack Match happened. The Nexus were outside the ring, so there was no true interference there. But coming to a close a member of Nexus (Harris I think, didn't get a good look) slid into the ring and recieved a Spear by Edge. I am almost certain the referee himself saw this transaction and didn't call for the DQ. The ref went back to what seemed to be a riot outside the ring so an unexpected Kane came in and slammed Edge, giving Otunga the win.

My question is simple: Given to what we saw tonight, is Otunga truly still in the Nexus, or do you think Wade will bring this up on RAW?
Honestly, I think they did this to keep the line blurred. A clean win for Otunga would just bury the angle of his finagling. If he lost cleanly, then he'd be thrown out and fade away. So, this keeps it's just blurry enough to carry on.

If done correctly, it could be carried out successfully in an interesting way.
Now we all know like every group/tag team disbands at some point even the most dominant ones. The ground is already starting to shake with Otunga and Barrett in Nexus especially. Anyways once the group does inevitably disband which members of Nexus will still be a part of WWE and possibly go after gold in the singles or tag team divisions?

Wade Barrett - We all know this guy will likely hold the the WWE title pretty soon and management likes him so he is a lock to still have a spot in WWE likely as a main eventer.

Husky Harris - When he was still a rookie on NXT season 2 management was high on him and we then knew even if they didn't have him win the competition they would have a spot for him which ended up being in Nexus. I am sure that management still thinks really well of him and I could easily see him going after and winning the Unified Tag titles with Mgillicuty or going after the IC or US belts alone once the group disbands.

I also think Gabriel may get at least a mid card spot once the group disbands but I don't think he is as likely as Barrett & Harris.
I know I know I know, theres like a million threads talkin bout Anti Nexus vs Nexus, but they never explained fully the details...I duno about you guys but I wanna see Cena vs Barrett come to a head at Mania 27 for the title...I think since its practically December, they could build up a match for the Royal Rumble...have Wade Barrett win the title at Survivor Series, Gabriel and Heath are already tag champs...then have Cena lead his team at Royal Rumble consisting of Daniel Bryan, Michael Tarver (now face), Darren Young, and Skip Sheffield who is now apparently not in Nexus anymore... thats 5 on 5, and then they could put David Otunga as special guest ref since his problems with Wade are building up...he could then screw Nexus, Barrett becomes thoroughly angry, Heath Slater and Gabriel say theyve had enough and break off as a tag team...McGillicutty and Husky Harris dont really fit Nexus anyways, and they could become a face team acknowledging their fathers lineage more to get the crowd behind them....Cena now gets Wade Barrett all to himself, and at WrestleMania, unfortunately Cena should win the WWE title from him to complete their story.....
So we all have heard Wade talk about the Nexus being a part of the bigger picture. Then it seemed that the bigger picture part of the deal kinda stalled and wasnt going anywhere. The Cena joining the Nexus storyline seemed to put the Bigger Picture on the back burner. Then we get the SS commerical with Barret again talking about the Nexus being part of a Bigger Picture. So any ideas on what it will be? I really hope we get a solid answer to what Wade's been professing as a Bigger Picture. Not to compare WWE to the show Lost. But that show ended with fans not getting what was promised, answers to the Bigger Picture. So I for one, will be dissapointed if WWE doesnt go thru with the idea of the Nexus being a part of the Bigger Picture. What it is I dont know. Id like to see it have to do with them doing the dirty work for someone behind the scenes, HHH or whoever it is. But for them to take what has been a great idea in the Nexus and leave us without any answers to why they've done what they've done for a Bigger Picture. Would be a dissapointment. I used to be a Nexus hater at first, when it started. but I think its Great. Misbooked in my opinion, should be more of a nWo style group. Then they put Nexus vs. Santino/Valdmir, which is a joke, so not sure what the deal is. But Nexus is a great idea. Just hope they pick up steam and dont end this thing abruptly with no answers and a deeper story behind all of this. What do you guys think of the BIGGER PICTURE????
I think we can scrutinize and conjecture all we want, but until the BIG REVEAL is finally announced, none of us will probably expect what the big twist is. My best guess is all of us will probably either BLOWN the hell away, or have the BIGGEST let down ever. I mean, isn't that how it Ususally is with these long, drawn out story lines?

All I know is that Barrett is THE star in Nexus. The rumors of Otunga getting a push...I'm sorry, I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but Barrett won NXT for a reason. To be honest if Nexus were to end somehow, let these other guys go do something else. Harris, McGillicutty, oddly, they are really standing out even about Otunga, Slater and Gabriel, and they've been brought in just within the last 4 weeks. But I know that Barrett will probably be the only member of Nexus with the longest lasting career (hopefully).
I've gotta say i'm not happy with skip being dropped from nexus because he had an injury. no reason he couldn't have returned to make th group look stronger. Even if you don't want the guy to say a word, allocate him a matt morgan insurance policy position where he can be just dumb muscle. He has a pretty feckin good clothesline and makes the nexus more aesthetically unerving so for me it was a bad move by WWE.
I've gotta say i'm not happy with skip being dropped from nexus because he had an injury. no reason he couldn't have returned to make th group look stronger. Even if you don't want the guy to say a word, allocate him a matt morgan insurance policy position where he can be just dumb muscle. He has a pretty feckin good clothesline and makes the nexus more aesthetically unerving so for me it was a bad move by WWE.

He was cut because he can't fucking walk. It's hard to look like a badass who throws awesome lariats when you're either in a wheelchair or propped up by crutches. Skip will be back, but not any time soon. Which is a shame because he was rather awesome. Completely disposable, but still awesome.
It's no secret that i think Nexus is the best thing to happen to the WWE in a long time, so are we looking towards the nWo end of the scale, lasting countless years with ever changing members. Or well Nexus be a Spirit Squad, same members and not last very long?

I have read some posts that think Nexus will be over or imploding within the next few pay per views, doesn't that seem a bit of a short life time for the group that terrorized the whole of WWE for a long period of time, even forcing the GM to remain anonymous. I think Nexus has a very long time before they disband. The whole Undertaker incident is still a complete mystery, and I believe it won't be sorted until Taker returns and confronts them, and some reports say he will miss Wrestlemania all together. There is no doubt that that feud will last a long time so that should take them to the 1 year mark, but how much longer will the continue?

What are everyone else's thoughts?

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