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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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for everyone who's saying that Cole wasn't attacked, I think (its been a while since i saw it on TV) but on the outside of the ring, a man in a dark red suit (Cole was wearing it) was being beaten down by Daniel Brian Danielson and either Wade Barrett or Michael Tarver. Sorry if i'm wrong but to me it looked like Cole got some ass handed to him...I'm Just Sayin..
Did anyone realize that even though Darren Young was about to knock out the time keeper/bell boy that the bell still rang. I'm not sure but i think I saw someone in the crowd have the little hammer?
Not much too say that hasnt been said, but that crowd ...jesus...pure ******s...nobody even reacted like 1 bit when Bryan FkN Danielson SPIT in cena's face.I mean that was suppose to be a quick "Wow" moment yet people treated it with :|| . I guess too many kids were in the arena that night.And all they knew was too cheer a bit and boo a bit people that are established for 10000 years cause nobody in that entire arena gave a crap for others besides, MVP Jomo and Cena.Hell i think 2 guys were yelling "NXT NXT NXT" and that it...I hate these crowds who dont wanna participate in making the show better.

Baring in mind that people were probably witnessing the most shocking moment since Shawn Michaels hugged Bret Hart on January 4th, I think they are perfectly entitled to have some time to contemplate what they are seeing.

Now, don't get me wrong, I agree with you to some extent. I hate when people don't want to participate in cheering and booing but this moment was freaking shocking. Go look up the live Discussion from last night and see how people reacted to what they were seeing. It was an incredible moment and so surprising that I found myself unable to make a coherent thought pop into my head. To see the most dominant man in the WWE beaten up by 8 guys, that the went about kicking the shit out of all the production team and the commentators, it was pretty shocking.

They were a little quiet but with all right.
This was a fantastic ending. Cena vs. Punk was IMO a pretty boring match, and seeing Barrett walking down, I didn't know what to think. Then I saw Tarver, and then everyone else, and after that, I saw some awesome stuff. At first I just thought it was Barrett making it clear that he was going to challenge Cena for the WWE title at I think Money in the Bank, and then I thought it was just an attack on Cena, but it was an attack on everything and everyone. Justin Roberts got strangled with his tie for Christ's sake! I think this new stable will continue to appear on shows, raising hell, and then leaving. Are they all heel now? I guess so. But this was a great ending. Not the best ever, but the best one I've seen in a very long time.
Yea ya can't really blame the crowd for that reaction I was pretty stunned as well. It was luck that I even witnessed it. I have become a casual follower mostly keeping track of things online, but was bored an turned on to see the end. When the commentary stopped I was like wow. Gonna tune in next week for sure.
nuts I only have 4 posts, need to get up to ten so i can start a thread.

Cole is with NXT. Betcha a million bucks.

Wanna know why? Kevin Nashes powerbomb on Eric Bischoff when the Outsiders first made it to WCW.

Nobody thought Easy E would join the NWO after an ass kicking like that.
Well, I guess I'll throw in my two cents.

At first, I was sort of disappointed, because it seemed unnecessary... Barrett is convincing on his own, the Danielson storyline had a number of possible ways to go, and the rest of the NXT stars didn't really do much for me.

After thinking about it more and reading some of the comments, I guess it could be a good storyline. It was certainly surprising, and even disturbing. Gabriel is awesome as a heel... his expression after hitting the 450 splash was so creepy and cool. I'm just concerned that the majority NXT stars are not really engaging enough to keep the storyline interesting for very long, and I'm concerned about the constantly changing direction of Danielson's character.
what I don't get is why this thread isn't just burning up. It was going to strong now we are getting threads about Evans push. So Cena stuck up for him, so what. I was glad it was Cena who got the ass whipping, but I almost wish it had been someone else. Watching Orton and Edge get their asses handed to them would have meant more. Or Jericho even.
Having Cena get stomped just means that he will single handedly destroy NXT at some point. Sick to death of John Cena.
I would love to think that this was months in the making...all the shitty NXT episodes, a very poor RAW last night (before the finish), so on and so forth, that it was all a build-up to this. The fact that it's been SO LONG since something like this has happened makes it all that more refreshing, and in hindsight, it was probably smart to wait that long. It was definitely money.

I'm not going to proclaim anything just yet, but it has generated a buzz, and it's opened the door to so much more. I can't think of a better way they could have integrated the NXT wrestlers into the rosters, that's where I think I give the biggest props. More importantly, the rosters now are very lopsided in that most of the big stars are heels. Now those heels can perhaps turn face to wrestle the NXT guys and get even more over than they already are. It gives instant credibility to all the NXT guys (who all have an identity, IMO). The armbands signify that this could be a legit long term program, without them, I wouldn't be thinking anything into this. Very, very well done.

Again, not going to proclaim anything just yet: I think one of the biggest mistakes many of the IWC does is try to figure everything out before anything happens. I think that instead of trying to dissect everything, it's better to just enjoy the ride. If it's a successful program, it's going to be very long term, and it's going to happen slowly. Don't rush anything.

If successful, all 8 of the NXT guys will be relevant, lots of fresh faces will freshen up the program, force the guys who aren't drawing to start drawing or be replaced, and enhance the WWE guys that take them on. Also, now it gives us more incentive to continue watching NXT, to introduce the new guys, and then see what or how they are integrated into the program, and how they are integrated with the first season of NXT guys.

I've been beating the "WWE is for kids" drum for a while now, but after watching the first 170 minutes of RAW, it really did seem like the whole crowd of kids only cared about one thing and one thing only: John Cena. They weren't interested in ANYTHING else and were just waiting the whole time (3 long hours) for him. Even the Edge/Orton match got virtually no reaction, of any kind, and that had build behind it. Cena can't carry a whole 2 hour show singlehandedly, no matter how popular he is, and Vince knows he needs more than that. Hogan alone in the 80's would not have been enough to sustain a product.

I'll be watching, and hoping for compelling television. I'm really hoping they prepared for this long term (unlike the seat-of-their-pants booking of TNA), because they just hooked a lot of people here would are probably thinking this is WWE's last shot to lure them back. If WWE lets those people down, they might lose them for good.
I'm thinking back to all the stupid "rookie challenges" they had to do each week. I think back to the way, since day 1, Cole just basically verbal embaressed Danielson. I think back to the way they eliminated Danielson and Tarver. I think back to how The Miz abused Danielson and Punk trying to force Darren Young to join the S.E.S. All this leads me to believe the WWE has been planning this "invasion" from the beginning of season 1. Reasons are there to support such aggravation from the rookies.
I heard FCW is gonna be at SD tonight with NXT. So maybe NXT teams with FCW to go to war with WWE. If WWE does another hugh invasion angle hope its way better then what they did back in 2001 with WCW and ECW.
I heard FCW is gonna be at SD tonight with NXT. So maybe NXT teams with FCW to go to war with WWE. If WWE does another hugh invasion angle hope its way better then what they did back in 2001 with WCW and ECW.

I wonder is there a chance the vision and overall point of "WWE NXT" goes through an official overhaul tonight? Is if possible Season 1 rookies come in tonight and with season 2 rookies and the FCW roster "over-throw" this seasons pros and "WWE NXT" officially becomes the 3rd brand?
...The FCW guys are going to be backstage, and it'll be irrelevent. People who aren't going to perform are backstage every week, Hell Val Venis was backstage when they were in Phoenix. They're there to be shown the ropes, because one day they will be there, and the sooner thay know about what the backstage of the big leagues is like the sooner they'll be ready for it. A little moral support for the debuting rookies is always nice too.

There will be some nXtWo involvment on the show, buit it wont be bringing in the FCW crew to stage a coup.
Anyone think that Justin Gabriel seemed kinda emo before and after he 450 splashed Cena? He had this kinda sad look on his face. Vince should put all the belts on these guys and just dominate WWE up until Survivor Series (back to where it all began) and have Triple H and Taker return around that time, and set up WAR GAMES. Plus they should have Michael Cole part of the NxtWO and bring back good ol' JR. But I'm kinda worried with all the interest and hype this angle has that WWE may overkill it. Hope not because I love this.
I just read thru 24 pages of this thread & I have to throw in my 2 cents.

First of all- I totally loved the ending. It was suprisingly fantastic. Cuz the over-all show blew major dick! Worthless as worthless can be! The ONLY "vote" I got wrong was the CM Punk vote- cuz I expected champ Vs champ. They were all pretty much 100% predictable. What else: Um...the crowd in Miami sucked just as much as most of the matches (if thats what u wanna call them) did. & they want a Wrestlemania there? Gimme a fuckin break! After lastnite- Miami deserves nothing but houseshows! Im not jsut talking about the end either. They were dead pretty much all night.

Micheal Cole: PLEASE dont even think about making him the leader of this group! I think that would honestly be the worst possible thing to come out of this! Im hoping it was just Cole saying to himself: "I see where this is going- im getting the F outta here!" GOD- I hope so!

The 1 and only thing that disappointed me about this angle last night was the fact that I wanted the SES to grow into a BIG stable(at least 6 or more). & now that this has happened- I can pretty much forget about that happening! SOB! The Straight Edge Savior needs more minions dammit!!

Other then that- I loved the ending! I guess I woulda liked to have seen M.Cole take a ass-whopping too, but we've seen that recently- I guess.
For the people complaining about how they only brought out one stretcher for Cena. That made sense Punk, Lawler, Gallos and Roberts, really didn't get injuries that bad that needed a stretcher for them kayable wise.

Roberts I can see needing stretcher since he has no in ring backround and he basically got choked out. But Cena really was the only guy needing a stretcher because he just had a match with Punk before hand was oviously tired and then he gets jumped by Nxt guys and then getting finshers done by him on a woodfloor. Also that stiff kick by Bryan he could of broke his sholder or jaw kayable wise.
I just read thru 24 pages of this thread & I have to throw in my 2 cents.

First of all- I totally loved the ending. It was suprisingly fantastic. Cuz the over-all show blew major dick! Worthless as worthless can be! The ONLY "vote" I got wrong was the CM Punk vote- cuz I expected champ Vs champ. They were all pretty much 100% predictable. What else: Um...the crowd in Miami sucked just as much as most of the matches (if thats what u wanna call them) did. & they want a Wrestlemania there? Gimme a fuckin break! After lastnite- Miami deserves nothing but houseshows! Im not jsut talking about the end either. They were dead pretty much all night.

Micheal Cole: PLEASE dont even think about making him the leader of this group! I think that would honestly be the worst possible thing to come out of this! Im hoping it was just Cole saying to himself: "I see where this is going- im getting the F outta here!" GOD- I hope so!

The 1 and only thing that disappointed me about this angle last night was the fact that I wanted the SES to grow into a BIG stable(at least 6 or more). & now that this has happened- I can pretty much forget about that happening! SOB! The Straight Edge Savior needs more minions dammit!!

Other then that- I loved the ending! I guess I woulda liked to have seen M.Cole take a ass-whopping too, but we've seen that recently- I guess.

Yeah I was dissapointed in the Miami Crowd,usually they are a Decent bunch but not sure what there deal was last night. Now they were into the Opening Segment,The Cena/Punk Match,Orton/Edge,Popped for MVP,Chanted Matt Hardy's Name,and Cheered Hornswoggle plus were into the Dance Off. Rest of the time though they were kinda quiet for some reason. I don't think WWE should ignore the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area nor should they.
It was a great ending to RAW and a great way to start whatever angle they are going with here but some people are getting a little ahead of themselves. These guys are still all rookies so don't just start giving them titles and have them dominate the company. Keeping doing the 8 on 1 or 8 on some low number attacks and then go from there. These guys shouldn't be dominating anyone at this point if it's a fair fight. Keep building these guys slowly and hopefully when the angle is through it will have made some stars.
I don't get all of the hate towards the Miami crowd. If I was there I probably would of been dead silent too. Until the very end, the entire show stunk worse than my nuts do after playing basketball.
I'm going to throw my own $.02 into this discussion. I only read the first 80 or so posts, so not really sure if I am repeating anything or not.

Something occurred to me last night as I watched the ending of Raw. The WWE has successfully pulled off a full six month swerve, and most people still haven't fully realized it. Here's what I mean...

Most of us accepted NXT as what it was portrayed as, another in a long line of reality shows to determine the next great...whatever. In this case, we all knew that the ending was predetermined, that the writers had at least a semblance of an idea of where they were going with it in the end. Still, however, there was talk about who would win, and which of the other guys would get contracts when it was over. We basically treated it like Diva Search with wrestling ability.

Now I realize that the whole purpose of NXT was never about the contest. The WWE justr spent the last six months or so developing characters right in front of us, getting guys over without us even realizing that the entire show was part of a storyline. The show wasn't about the competition, it was about building this group as a faction without us realizing that it was happening. Think about it: they all come out to the same music, whenever you see any of them they are always referred to as "one of the NXT rookies," whenever you think about any of them (with the exception of Danielson) you automatically think of NXT. These eight men have six months of history as a collective group before they ever have their first (non competition) match.

It makes me think about the entire show in a totally different light. Instead of all the rookie challenges being contests to win immunity or improve their standing in the pro's polls, they were ways that the pros were "disrespecting" the rookies, embarrassing them, making their lives hell...all motivators for their current actions.

I fully believe that this is the single best storyline of the decade, and I can't wait to see how it plays out.
i joined the site to talk about this first time so go easy
there have been a few replys that reminded me of something so i dug through 120 pages worth of wrestle zone updates to find one from feb 1 2010 "ProWrestling.net is reporting that WWE is still planning on overhauling the ECW brand, however the changes won't likely be made until after WrestleMania this year. Many SyFy executives have been pushing for WWE to make changes to the brand, and at this point the feeling is that the company will drop the ECW letters, rename the show, and focus it more on younger superstars, which is something WWE has already put into motion. It's also being said that SyFy is pushing for WWE to incorporate more Science Fiction oriented story lines, and conspiracy theory type angles.
" key word conspiracy im not saying that the whole first season was a big consiracy leading to this but there might be something to the idea of someone pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Here's what you do with the "Why did no one come out to help Cena" problem.
When Raw goes on the air monday, you recap the carnage then mention that most of the stars had already gone home for the night but for the few that were still in the back we have footage of why no one came to Cena's aid , and it's footage of Bourne, Rey, etc. either laid out or maybe even some mid attack before the NXT faction came to the ring.

Basically saying that the NXT guys jumped anyone who was left in the building so they could take out Cena and run rampant with no interference. WWE will probably not even address no one helping but theres a decent idea
Cole is with NXT. Betcha a million bucks.

Wanna know why? Kevin Nashes powerbomb on Eric Bischoff when the Outsiders first made it to TNA.

Nobody thought Easy E would join the NWO after an ass kicking like that.

I think you mean when the Outsiders first made it to WCW. TNA wasn't even a pipe dream then.

I hope Cole is not involved. He needs to stay behind the announce table spewing his disdain for the Nxt rookies.

WWE dropped the ball again. With the inter mingling of the shows, NXT should have showed up again and taken apart one of the big names, maybe the big show. Pummel the Big Show.

An what the hell was the point of beating up the new rookies?

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