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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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I thought the plan was to kill of the McMahon character. I would really prefer it because it seems like to many things take a back seat whenever vinnie wants to be on TV.
IMO Im still gunning for Cole, the fact that he ran away from this all and was barely touched really makes me think, Cole had alot of issues with Daniel Bryan and really acted like a WWE smart mark on NXT season 2.

I believe that Cole will take charge and will be the person who allowed the NXT rookies to get into the building unapposed.

and In regards to the WWE wrestlers in the back, what about this, how do we know that they didnt clean house at the back attacking anyone and everyone there?, no one knows what extent the caose had left behind, what aftermath will be left in the ashes of this situation.

It's intriguing and also one of the best WWE storylines in years Kudos to the WWE.

And whomever wrote this all i have to say is this, let whomever wrote this take helm and write all the WWE storylines.
The NXT invasion has far more potential than the WCW/ECW invasion back in 2001. One of the problems with the invasion angle back then is that many of the former WCW/ECW guys were far too well known and more importantly, far too popular to be credible heels (e.g. RVD, Dreamer, Booker T). The WCW/ECW invaders really didn't make enough of an impact, in the sense of mass destruction and heelishness. The NXT invasion has far more potential, in that sense. Kayfabe wise, these are guys who are not popular or that well known.

I do not want Cole to be behind this in any way. If anyone is behind it, I would rather it be Bret Hart. He has done nothing as GM so far and maybe that's for a reason. He already has the motive to do this (what a way to REALLY get back at Vince) and it would be great to have this heel NXT invasion led by a heel General Manager, i.e. Bret Hart.

It's obvious these guys were behind what happened to The Undertaker too.
I actually would like to see Michael Cole be the one who is the man behind it all. Most people on here liked how he played the heel announcer on NxT and then he would show up on Raw and be normal Michael Cole all over again. Make him the leader of this group and make him a permanent heel character, I think it would make the announcing on Raw that much better.

As for the name of the group, I would stick with just keeping it NxT unless they can come up with a name that could be shortened much like DX.
but if it were Cole, how would they explain him backing Daniel Bryan when they hated each other on nxt. something else I find interesting about this storyline. I remember on some nxt shows, I think it was Tarver that at a nXt shirt on that looked like an nWo shirt. could that have told us something.
I don't think the storylines ever mentioned that these guys don't have contracts. They wouldn't be called "WWE Rookies" if they didn't have contracts. I just think they don't have contracts with the main shows, so for storyline purposes they are free agents. If anyone can clarify that for me I'd appreciate it.

There are some good points in this thread. I'm a little disappointed at those who find it either offensive, boring, disturbing, or feel that it isn't something that deserves a lot of publicity right now. The events that took place on Monday were not only surprising, they open up a whole slew of storylines for many people within the WWE outside of the 8 Rookies involved. A lot of the underused midcarders can also get involved in feuds off of this. If there is a mastermind behind the stable that could possibly take credibility away from Barrett and the others, as I think for storyline purposes it would be better if they come off as a rebel group. Hart really has no reason to turn heel, and having these guys ran sack Raw doesn't make any sense.

Less is more, keep it simple. They are pissed that they were humiliated and manipulated on NXT. They also feel they are under utilized and are better than those on the main roster. The storyline created itself with NXT Season 1 and the attacks. We don't need anymore, because the faces who will fight them will help with the story telling when they plot their revenge.

The unofficial name for now is nXTWo, but let's hope the "N" armband stands for something more original and powerful than that. Remember, they still have a show called "NXT", so to have a stable incorporate that into its name would definitely hurt the image in my opinion.

I think this was a great ending, and it is a very interesting angle that they are developing. It can go anywhere. The beauty of wrestling is that it doesn't have to make 100% sense, so to those who are being "professional analysts and critics", relax. So what there was only 1 stretcher, so what all of them don't have finishers, so what times infinity. The point is when you think of the June 7th RAW now you will not only think Viewer's Choice, you will think that was the day the NXT Rookies made a name for themselves and kicked some ass. This was a "moment" that we witnessed, in the mold of Austin spraying the McMahon's and Rock with Beer, HHH Returning at MSG, and Jericho's debut. We will always remember this, and as a wrestling fan if nothing else you need to appreciate it when history is made.
Ok I had to sign up and throw my input on this, so here it is.

Cole is probably the leader. Barret ends up winning. The whole idea of, "A NXT Superstar getting chosen by Superstars to have a choice at a title blah blah blah" Boom, Barret wins, and has a group of 7 other people hating the "Pros" so figures why not build a stable. Having Daniel Bryan go Face when the show started was a PERFECT idea. ECW off the air, no familiar faces. Boring new guys no one knows. Have the regs bash him and give him some credibility. Throw in a really good wrestler who doesn't say much(Barret), make the other guy who's getting picked on a good story with someone noticeable(Bryan and Michael Cole). As said before, Barret wins, Cole turns all of their anger into a new stable. Orton is out of the F4W, Barret wants Cenas belt. Case closed. Get people to hate, throw it around a bunch, bring in a new mean looking stable. Simple psychology.

Oh yeah, season two of next? Anyone smell a smackdown invasion?
The ending was beyond awesome. I haven't seen anything like that in years on any wrestling television. Yeah TNA had brawls and what not but nothing has been as good as this was in years!

The great thing about this is all 8 rookies will be involved, they were voted off the show but are not going to take no for an answer. And with Barret winning NXT and leading the stable it opens a lot of doors for him, main event feud, title win... the list could go on. I'm also excited about them being so heel, they were bad ass the other night, absolute bad ass's. I was marking out so bad.

As to what the name will be I'm really not sure. The 'N' must stand for something. The arm bands were another great idea. Danielson was awesome when he was yelling at Cena and spitting in his face, I was on the edge of my seat!

All in all this was a great ending to a bad show and really has me waiting for next week. Also, the FCW results are quite interesting if you want to check them out. I think it was taped so I won't spoil it but it builds on this story a bit...
Looks like the WWE is working hard on this storyline, none of the rookies nor Cena has said anything on their twitter accounts and according to the front page of wrestle zone, the NxTWo was @ it again in FCW, this time Miz and Christian were the victims, Slater used the kill switch on Christian, and Miz got his head kicked in by Danielson
I haven't gotten the chance to read through this thread yet, but WOW. I can honestly say I can't wait for RAW next Monday. What is the fall out of this huge attack going to be?

I don't think the nXTWo is going to be anything like nWo, I think it'll be more like the invasion angle, but hopefully more thought out with a better explanation. I like the idea of the NXT rookies rallying behind Wade Barrett who seems to have the look and feel of a leader. I also look forward to seeing the development of these characters into heels (I hope WWE puts in the time to develop them), as I am interested to know Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater's motivation for attacking the WWE.
I can't wait to see how this plays out!

As far as a name goes, I'd go old school and call them the NWO - only this time, it stands for Next World Order.
but if it were Cole, how would they explain him backing Daniel Bryan when they hated each other on nxt. something else I find interesting about this storyline. I remember on some nxt shows, I think it was Tarver that at a nXt shirt on that looked like an nWo shirt. could that have told us something.

Were you watching back when the NWO first got up an running? If so you should remember what happened to Eric when Hall and Nash showed up. They put his ass through a table.

Not long after he joined the NWO.
I was doing some thinking about this today and I had a crazy idea but the more I thought about it, to me it seemed like it would be an awesome way for this storyline to go.

Everyone on the boards has been saying it has to be Cole or Bret behind all of this, but what if in a huge twist the man behind all of it ended up being John Cena. Before anyone jumps on me about this hear me out.

During the original invasion back in 2001 the WWE had a team together and needed Stone Cold to be their leader, however he was not himself at the time, but he found himself and in one grand moment he came back and beat the entire alliance down. He then ended up turning on the WWE and became the leader of the alliance. So would be be too crazy to think that the inevitable John Cena heel turn could come in the form of him eventually being the leader of this nXt group? At first I thought it was a crazy idea but the more I thought about it, it sounded better and better and I feel would generate a response from the crowd that would rival if not be bigger than the Hogan heel turn when he joined the nWo.

I wouldn't get so excited about something like this yet. WWE has proven to turn something that could be great into the most awful thing you'll see that year. (ex. Bret vs. McMahon at WrestleMania) If they're really trying to impress the fans they'll actually have to MAKE an appearance next week and beat down the entire RAW roster. This ending to RAW lacked logic, where was the rest of the roster when this was going on? Wouldn't they protect their own show? Or possibly they're siding with NXT and have had it with Cena. As good as that sounds I doubt it will happen.
I was doing some thinking about this today and I had a crazy idea but the more I thought about it, to me it seemed like it would be an awesome way for this storyline to go.

Everyone on the boards has been saying it has to be Cole or Bret behind all of this, but what if in a huge twist the man behind all of it ended up being John Cena. Before anyone jumps on me about this hear me out.

During the original invasion back in 2001 the WWE had a team together and needed Stone Cold to be their leader, however he was not himself at the time, but he found himself and in one grand moment he came back and beat the entire alliance down. He then ended up turning on the WWE and became the leader of the alliance. So would be be too crazy to think that the inevitable John Cena heel turn could come in the form of him eventually being the leader of this nXt group? At first I thought it was a crazy idea but the more I thought about it, it sounded better and better and I feel would generate a response from the crowd that would rival if not be bigger than the Hogan heel turn when he joined the nWo.


While I agree that would be a big swerve, they wouldn't have beat him that severly if there was any chance that Cena could be behind it. They completely destroyed him.

The alliance thing was botched from the beginning and the guitar playing Austin was the joke of the century. That whole thing was Effed up.
Hey, do you guys think it was weird that the NXT rookies were wearing their gear? I just think it'd been a bit more effective psychologically if the guys that weren't there earlier as Wade Barrett was were in their street clothes.
ok so.... Great ending I must admit when I say Barret I was like ok... your hear great your going to try to kick cena's *** but then The cam went to tarver I was like ok???? maybe getting revenge then Otunga im like ok WTF then cole was like " There everywhere " and they just started destroying everything and beating up everyone I was like HOLY SHIT YES!!!!!! Im happy they got cena...... but where will they go from this? also I noticed CM Punk and luke gallows got back in the ring to try to help cena, a slight face turn? or he just didnt think it was right?
I enjoyed that ending very much. Probably one of the best in a looooong time .

I feel that either people absoulutly loved it or absoulutly hated it . Nobody thought that it was a okay ending and that it was nothing special but fankly it was amazing (IMO.)

But I loved it . It really gives a chance to the young stars .
ok so.... Great ending I must admit when I say Barret I was like ok... your hear great your going to try to kick cena's *** but then The cam went to tarver I was like ok???? maybe getting revenge then Otunga im like ok WTF then cole was like " There everywhere " and they just started destroying everything and beating up everyone I was like HOLY SHIT YES!!!!!! Im happy they got cena...... but where will they go from this? also I noticed CM Punk and luke gallows got back in the ring to try to help cena, a slight face turn? or he just didnt think it was right?

I don't think it was so much a slight face turn as simply doing the only decent thing you can do.

You might compare it to Bruce Willis's character in Pulp Fiction going back to save Marcelus Wallace. For all he knew Marcelus might still kill his ass, but he wasn't going to let him stay there an get his ass raped all night.

CM might be a heel, but he is still human. I would like to think that if I was that close to some dude getting his ass handed to him by 8 guys that I would be decent (an stupid) enough to help the guy out.
i loved this ending im glad i watched that episode of RAW which was only to see rampage since i dont watch as much since the guest host thing started but when this happened i was stunned nothing in WWE has truly surprised me since benoits incident and thats saying somthing
Hey, I have another question, has seeing the way John Cena stood up to all eight of those rookies made any of you respect him? I'm asking this because he could've easily gotten away when they were still putting the boots to SES but chose to stay and fight. BTW, way to stick up for the company Michael Cole. Also, why does everyone think that CM Punk was trying to save Cena? Maybe he jumped in because he'd just gotten his ass handed to him as well.
Hey, I have another question, has seeing the way John Cena stood up to all eight of those rookies made any of you respect him? I'm asking this because he could've easily gotten away when they were still putting the boots to SES but chose to stay and fight. BTW, way to stick up for the company Michael Cole. Also, why does everyone think that CM Punk was trying to save Cena? Maybe he jumped in because he'd just gotten his ass handed to him as well.

I thought initially Punk was trying to fight back because the nXt went at Gallows (Serena got away fast - no need for them to attack a woman).

But then Cena tweeted that he wanted to thank CM Punk for trying to fight them off.

It'll be interesting to see whether the nXt faction unites the Raw roster - faces and heels together. Don't think this is Punk going face.

Did I get any more respect for Cena, not really. To be honest I'm not a Cena hater - far from it - so maybe I'm not the best person to answer that question.
The thing that really solidified this for me was how Punk and Gallows didn't run, they tried to get back in and help the fight.

CM Punk and LUke Gallows tried to save John Cena

the thing that TRULY made these guys look like a dominant menace was the fact that the heel and the face tried to help each other for mere SURVIVAL. If thery continue with that, the NXTWO will be built futher and further into its own independant dominant force
This past Wednesday they actually continued the whole NXTWo angle at a FCW house show as Slater and Bryan had a match against Miz and Christian and all the NXT guys layed out Miz & Christian and then tore up the ring.

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