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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

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RKO290's Cena idea would be fun to see unfold. I don't think it'll ever happen, but it's a good 1. By all accounts, Cena went to bat for Evan Bourne, so being the ringleader of NXT could be his way of not wanting to see so many young guys with love for the business getting put out on the streets by the E. It would make Cena interesting again to the older fans...but at the same time, I want to see these rookies stand on their own feet for as long as possible. I do think, just as in the old invasion angle, WWE may feel the need to have 1 of their pros become the voice for the other side.

Why are some complaining about the lack of logic? What's this fascination with needing everything explained and resolved immediately? Are these the same people that complain that storylines don't last more than 2 PPVs tops? Can't we at least what for possible explanations or see a bit more before we criticize it? It was a teaser, for goodness sake.
I didn't go through all 30 pages of posts, so I don't know if anyone else brought this up, but any chance Jericho is behind the whole thing? He was Barrett's mentor on NXT, he was the only main eventer on Raw left out of the fatal four way, he's the best in the world at what he does, so why not have the 2 biggest stars in wrestling (assuming the rookies were behind the Undertaker attack) taken out to cement your place. I can't see the rookie stable going too far without some sort of established leadership, and Jericho makes the most sense to me.
I didn't go through all 30 pages of posts, so I don't know if anyone else brought this up, but any chance Jericho is behind the whole thing? He was Barrett's mentor on NXT, he was the only main eventer on Raw left out of the fatal four way, he's the best in the world at what he does, so why not have the 2 biggest stars in wrestling (assuming the rookies were behind the Undertaker attack) taken out to cement your place. I can't see the rookie stable going too far without some sort of established leadership, and Jericho makes the most sense to me.

Having any established guys being their lead would be a mistake as they need to appear to be standing alone. Adding Jericho or any other established guys would just take away from them, one thought that has crossed my mind is that creepy ass promo Mr. McMahon cut on Bret the week before. Me thinks something is afoot in Greenwich.
they have a capable leader in Wade Barrett.. You get into pointless "shock " value esque swerves if Cena or Orton or some other wrestler is the secret leader of this organization..

I think you need to give Barrett, Danielson, and the rest of the NXT rookies the ball and let them run with it.. Its had a good enough start that if it starts to fall apart because they are not "experienced" enough you can always throw a swerve in to save the angle and put somebody else as the leader.. But for now just keep it the NXT rookies, no need to rush into secret leaders so soon.
Notice the one guy who didn't get attacked Monday, Michael Cole. I know its a stretch but I could definitely see this being the case with his recent semi-heel turn.
Hi all i just want to start off by saying sorry ive not posted for a while been major busy, anyways i had a brief look but there is way to much to catch up on so im going to appologize if someone else has already mentioned this.

I think that the end to Raw this week was brilliant and when i watched it back again today and im sure sum of u must have noticed that Michael Cole escaped untouched by any of the rookies whilst cena, punk, gallows, striker, king and roberts all got the crap beat out of them.

It kinda got me thinking that all this with Daniel Bryan on NXT and Michael Cole both argueing week in week out and with Cole kind of taking on the heel commentator as such on NXT that i think maybe Michael Cole is the man behind the NXT invasion on RAW to Cena and co.

It was just a thought i honestly dont know where this will lead or anything but i think this storyline has alot of potential if the wwe use it right. Plus we all know that Cena and Cole dont have the best history. I just thought id get your thoughts and see what you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea? could there be something there?
Having any established guys being their lead would be a mistake as they need to appear to be standing alone. Adding Jericho or any other established guys would just take away from them, one thought that has crossed my mind is that creepy ass promo Mr. McMahon cut on Bret the week before. Me thinks something is afoot in Greenwich.

As somebody who lives in Greenwich, Ct, i can assure you nothing is afoot :)

Having just seen this for the 3rd time on SD i have some interesting thoughts:

1) Gabriel seemed cold and calculating, and that staring type thing he did reminded me a lot of Backlund after he put people in the Chicken Wing, or Bubba Ray after putting somebody through a table.

2) While some have complained about the 8-1 being lame, stupid, cowardly, etc, i see it as it's Cena, he's there uber hero, and thus while getting destroyed, saves him a slight amount face by it taking 8 guys to kick his ass. plus, it was obviously all the rookies vs Cena. if there was only 4 rookies on nXt, then it would have been a 4-1. it there was 12 nXt rookies, then 12-1.

3) i believe that although the nXt1 rookies did not show up on the season 2 debut, they will seek vengeance for their fellow rookies beat down.
Why does this new faction need to have someone "behind it"? Wade Barrett could be a credible leader on his own and the "rebellion" motive is already there. Barrett is going to be the next WWE Champion, IMO. I don't care how he gets there, but he's going to get there.

As for the comments along the lines of "why didn't other Raw wrestlers come out to help Cena?", that would have taken the shine off the NXT invasion and the decimation of the WWE Champion. Of course, if it were TNA, that would have been rushed and a senseless brawl would have taken place, but WWE do not want to rush this, nor should they for that matter. Last Monday's Raw was all about the shock & surprise factor. That was the desired effect and it worked beautifully. Next week, perhaps they'll clash with other Raw superstars, leading to a multitude of new feuds.
I pray every night that Michael Cole is not the leader. That would absolutely ruin this entire thing, not to mention be a blatant nWo ripoff. Cole played a good heel ripping on Bryan, but can you imagine him trying to deliver heel speeches in the ring? Ugh.

As for who I think it could be, I'll throw out a name I haven't seen elsewhere. William Regal. His last few angles have involved trying to put together a destruction force (see Kozlov and Ezekial Jackson). He was one of the pros and was vocal in congratulating Barrett on NXT. Plus, Regal can cut a serious promo.

Hey that guy who made the world famous nxtwo video is mad at you guys and he's gonna sue your asses off, you better have some good lawyer.

1. He did not own the material to that video. He can't sue them for anything.
2. Under youtube's guidelines, even if he did own it (and he doesn't), the video becomes subject to the internet, and can be spread as long as the original video is still up. That means no one has to ask permission or give credit to the creator of the video.
3. They gave credit anyways, like the gentlemen that they are.

I hope you were just trying to be funny. :disappointed:


Also unrelated to the comment above- I absolutely love this angle's start. It's fresh for the era we're living in, but quite ancient really. It'll be an absolute work of art if they can pull this "invasion" off correctly.

The WWE has become completely unpredictable. After making Danielson a major face, they turned him and the whole NXT roster into heels in one of the most mind-boggling and crazy segments I have ever seen. I don't even know what to think. I was shocked when Barrett came out to interrupt Cena, but when the whole Season 1 roster including Danielson showed up through the audience I was stunned. I couldn't figure anything out. The words that kept flashing through my mind were "Utter Chaos", because that's exactly what it was.

I legit have no idea what is going on with this storyline. I almost want to think, with the armbands, that they're all a big heel faction. Wade Barrett can take Orton's spot at F4W, since Orton appears to be injured, and maybe even win the WWE Championship. Then, the whole faction can invade RAW and win various titles. How exciting would that be?!

I don't even care that they made Danielson a heel after he got over as a face. In fact, this may be even better for him since he's a really good heel. What a way to make an impact and WHAT a way to end a RAW!!

I am loving this, and I can't WAIT for NXT tomorrow, for Smackdown, and for RAW again just to find out what happens next.

UGH!! It is people like this...


That would be a great angle! Having Barret win the WWE title... Let us say that NXT did to that to Undertaker (the story) then they can have Barret and the NXT face kane a while, have them destroy him and so on.
Hah, yeah. Thanks for the compliment. :)

It's a good thing TNA isn't booking this. If they were, they'd say that the reasons behind the attack should not be explained until next year, thus removing any interest and momentum this angle ever had. Yay, TNA! Hey, why don't we throw in random superstars in the mix while we're at it? I think Primo should join the rookies, and Serena, and Gail Kim, and Luke Gallows, and a recently returning Batista, and they're all angry because Cena accidentally stole Jamie Noble's sandwich! Then the man behind the man will turn out to be Wade Barrett himself, who will promptly die due to his limo exploding as he enters it. The assassination was plotted by Hornswoggle, who is under the employ of Ted DiBiase Jr.

Anyway, time to discuss this angle. If the firing of Danielson is legit, then the angle lost a small amount of steam. Danielson was probably the second most over and charismatic guys in that group next to Barrett, and he sold the hell out of that "invasion". However, I'm sure the WWE will recoup and continue with an exciting invasion angle. They will just be minus one major member, and that shadow of "What Could Have Been" will hang over it for all time.

(Also, DigitalNight is a guy. Don't see why you'd be taking a shot at him in your sig...)
Bret Hart, brought in the Uso's, and the prev Raw he said the 3 hr Raw would be "A night you will never forget" and " a whole lotta fun". most of the night up to nxt guys was fun based. Had the random thought that Bret mighta had something to do with it.

Oh and off topic but didnt Vince look a hellova lot like Howard Cosell with his hair n that jacket?
They should do the angle where it was revealed the nxt rookies who beat up undertaker. It would hold some truth too as taker rarely puts over new guys so they could play up to the internet. They do the same to Kane and he comes back masked because of the beating he takes and gets one last big push. The rookies will have a pattern of taking down established stars like Cena, Ut, Kane etc. Cole should turn out to be their leader saying he was being held down by WWE and Vince in his headset all the time just like other announcers in past 10 years and just like the rookies and try to become the gm of sd or raw. He was putting down Bret Hart recently too so that would make sense. Triple H returning would also add fuel to the fire of old stars vs the rookies. Even bigger would be shane mcmahon getting involved saying he has stock or something in the rookies and its time for vince to move on. It would be like the invasion of 2001 but should be planned out better.
This is what TNA simply cannot seem to get in terms of storylines. List one thing found in all of WWE's storylines as of late like Orton's Face Turn, Undertaker is Dead, nXTWo, etc.: unpredictability. Profanity and 'backstage situations' only worked when used sparingly, which is what TNA fails to get. WWE gives us reasons to watch their shows. RAW with the NXT Invasion, NXT with the rookies, and SmackDown! with the Undertaker situation. TNA has Orlando Jordan.

Ya, bloody turrible. Turrible.
What about this for an angle...
Since the NXT Guys got 'fired' and can't be on raw, what if each week they show up, and people start to point fingers at who is helping them.. Then, they build a huge PPV with Wade vs. Cena, and guess who comes out as the NXT leader: TRIPLE H!!

Trips can say that he has had it with management and wants to helps these guys and blah blah blah, and almost makes it like DXT!
what do you think?
What about this for an angle...
Since the NXT Guys got 'fired' and can't be on raw, what if each week they show up, and people start to point fingers at who is helping them.. Then, they build a huge PPV with Wade vs. Cena, and guess who comes out as the NXT leader: TRIPLE H!!

Trips can say that he has had it with management and wants to helps these guys and blah blah blah, and almost makes it like DXT!
what do you think?

No to 'DXT', but yes to the possibility that Triple H might be involved. Why? He's stale as a face and I'd like to see a heel Triple H again. If he is behind the new faction in one way or another, I would not be opposed to it, although I think the spotlight needs to remain on Wade Barrett as he's a fantastic prospect.
It could be triple H and vince together. Remember their family relationship has now been brought up on-air. They could go on about needing new blood and that the old roster has gotten stale. Vince is trying to get back at Brett and eventually season 2 could join them to make them a supreme force. So many ways to go with this it can only get better
Raw is over and I may be the only one but if you watch closely The driver of the limo was wearing a hoodie and I honestly think it's Daniel Bryan. It even think I heard Barrett say "go Daniel". It only make since because if I was counting correcting everyone else was out of the limo and you can see the driver in a hoodie and at one quick point if you pay attention it looks like Daniel Bryan.

I may be wrong, but does anyone else feel this way. It only makes since because when someone is released for real they are no more mention of them. Barrett mentioned that we wouldn't have to worry about Daniel Bryan anymore which only tells me the whole thing is still a work. I see then causing a scene at Fatal 4 Way. Then next week on Raw hopefully we will see Bryan again or maybe they are holding out on us for a while to see how badly fans want him back. I for one can't wait because tonight would have been a lot better if he would have been with them tonight.
we may possibly may get a who was the driver angle ? Tonight still worked for me, but i do think he is needed for the future thought i do agree. I wouldnt count on him being back but you never know.
Let me just ask this question. Does the NXT group necessarily have to have a leader or mastermind?? I'm not saying no to the idea at all, but at the same time i think it'd work just as well, if not better, if the NXT guys are working on their own. Their motive is disliking their treatment by management and so forth, they even said "we have no problem with anyone in the locker room," and to me them having a leader of sorts that would be other names listed would change the momentum and reasons for raising hell, and put focus on their leader who went "rogue" against the company. To me i think it'd be better if it's just this set of rookies who are behind everything and the only masterminds, and their "we're taking a stand" motive would be stronger that way and make it more WWE vs NXT.
I may be wrong, but does anyone else feel this way. It only makes since because when someone is released for real they are no more mention of them. Barrett mentioned that we wouldn't have to worry about Daniel Bryan anymore which only tells me the whole thing is still a work. I see then causing a scene at Fatal 4 Way. Then next week on Raw hopefully we will see Bryan again or maybe they are holding out on us for a while to see how badly fans want him back. I for one can't wait because tonight would have been a lot better if he would have been with them tonight.

You're wrong. Sorry. But they HAD to mention Bryan. You can't have 8 people attack Cena and then suddenly only 7 show up for the next 3 months. You have to explain it away, and they did that. Now, when he comes back in 3 months (if he comes back), maybe they say he was involved. But he was definitely not driving the limo tonight.
Raw is over and I may be the only one but if you watch closely The driver of the limo was wearing a hoodie and I honestly think it's Daniel Bryan. It even think I heard Barrett say "go Daniel". It only make since because if I was counting correcting everyone else was out of the limo and you can see the driver in a hoodie and at one quick point if you pay attention it looks like Daniel Bryan.

I may be wrong, but does anyone else feel this way. It only makes since because when someone is released for real they are no more mention of them. Barrett mentioned that we wouldn't have to worry about Daniel Bryan anymore which only tells me the whole thing is still a work. I see then causing a scene at Fatal 4 Way. Then next week on Raw hopefully we will see Bryan again or maybe they are holding out on us for a while to see how badly fans want him back. I for one can't wait because tonight would have been a lot better if he would have been with them tonight.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I noticed the whole limo scene. All of the other NXT guys were outside when the limo was being driven. So who was driving it? Maybe Barrett said what he said earlier to make it think that Bryan was no longer associated with them, only to pull a swerve later on.

I figured something was up when Barrett mentioned Bryan by name earlier in the show. After all, the WWE has made it a habit not to mention recently released superstars. Think about it, how many times have Carlito, Shelton Benjamin, Mickie James, Maria, Gregory Helms or Mr. Kennedy been mentioned since being ousted from the E? At the last SmackDown taping, LayCool mentioned in their promo how they drove James out of the WWE, but McMahon decided to cut it out as to no longer mention her by name on WWE programming.
Jericho as the leader?

I don't know if I'm wrong, but I don't think I saw him on stage, and he's had a lot of "problems" and arguments with The Hitman since he became GM, albeit some very weak.

btw the Trips theory is nice as well...heel HHH >>> face HHH. but i hope not, coz i want to see him be the big savior, along with Taker.
I don't think Undertaker will be a savior. Maybe short term. But if they really keep this thing going, I would imagine one of the NXT guys ends Taker's streak next year.

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