*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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Wow. As great as the ending of RAW was yesterday tonights ending of NXT sucked. What is the reasoning behind lumping season 1 and season 2 together? They are seperate entities. God what a terrible answer to last night.
Wow. As great as the ending of RAW was yesterday tonights ending of NXT sucked. What is the reasoning behind lumping season 1 and season 2 together? They are seperate entities. God what a terrible answer to last night.

I agree there was no point in having the season 2 guys get beated up, and then to have the rookies no show nxt and smackdown, inexcusable. If they are out to dominate the WWE they should have shown up an left someone like the Big Show lying in a heap.

By keeping them off of both shows have already begun to lose momentum.
I'm fine without them appearing again this week.

Really, what sense would it make for them to show up on NXT tonight? Attack the new rookies?

As for Smackdown, there are plenty of reasons for them not to be on the show. Are they out to get WWE or is it just Raw? Were they "barred" from the building? Another attack would be unnecessary and certainly an "obvious" move for creative. It would make far more sense for them to explain themselves, and that would make the most sense on Raw.

They kept reminding us of the attack tonight, and despite others not liking it, they did advance it with the pre-emptive attack by the pros.

I'm sure on Friday they will continue the sense of "fear" throughout the locker room. It's a lot scarier not knowing when or where they'll show up than to just expect them to attack every show, every night. The attack is going to get plenty of airtime as is on Smackdown, and on Monday, I'm sure we'll get the answers. More people watch Raw than Smackdown, so if you want to advance a WWE-wide angle, it's best to build it up on Raw and then take it to Smackdown.
I agree there was no point in having the season 2 guys get beated up, and then to have the rookies no show nxt and smackdown, inexcusable. If they are out to dominate the WWE they should have shown up an left someone like the Big Show lying in a heap.

By keeping them off of both shows have already begun to lose momentum.

Yep. It took WWE 24 hours to screw this one up. Now the whole thing makes even less sense and the momentum is gone. Why did those same WWE superstars not just hit the ring last night and beat up NXT1 instead of this laughable, nonsensical response to replaying such a long clip all of a day later?
Sycro may have a point that the sense of fear...of never knowing when an attack will come is more intense, and makes for unpredictability. However, this inaction on Nxt and Smackdown may have caused the excitement in the storyline to dip just a bit. They'll have to come big on Raw to regain some of that lost momentum.

As for beating the season 2 rookies. It can be viewed as an overreaction or retaliation by the pros. They pros were basically embarrassed and disrespected and want to make a statement to the current and previous crop of rookies that that behavior is unacceptable and will have serious repercussions. It also adds more questions. Will the new rookies even pay attention to their pros now? How many will? Will they be angry at the previous set of rookies for making their lives difficult? Or will they be angry at the pros for victimizing them in order to make a statement to the previous rookies? So many questions...

With this new development, I hope that WWE isn't spreading themselves thin by having all these potential storylines open at once. I think many of us would like to have a coherent and cohesive storyline here. One of the things I sorely missed from the Attitude era was the fact that everyone, even the lowest wrestlers had storylines. This storyline can replicate that.
the ending to last night's Raw was sick.

Sick nasty!

it was disturbing.

Disturbingly awesome!!

seriously people, you hurt my soul when a non-blood filled, no use of weapons(cept a tie) beat down is such a vile disgrace that you turned away. Austin gets run over, Triple H trapped in a car and dropped from a fork lift, Mr McMahon's limo exploding, women being put through tables, Shane-O-Mac's nuts being electrocuted, all these and more could easily been seen as worse, and last night's beat down was too much??? what a bunch of *****es.

My dad used to love when Flair got his ass kicked cuz his blond hair rly showed the blood. we used to love when weapons(we called it plunder) were used to destroy anybody. nWo carnage(kernalage to my dad, lol) was the highlight of our nights.

George Carlin was right when he referred to the "*****fication of the american male". you people make me SICK. your reactions are DISTURBING. go watch whinne the pooh.

I really hope this lives up to the current hype. If they took out Taker, that would be badass. with the nXt2 Pros takin out the season 2 rookies tonight, hopefully revenge will happen. and i LOVE the idea of them taking over the nXt show.

Michael Cole does not need to be behind this, as that would make me a sad panda. One day when HBK and Triple H make it into the HoF, they will hopefully make a special DX section, where Chyna, Road Dogg, Badass Billy Gunn, X-Pac and Rude will have honorable mentions, and on that night, MC will join the HoF. not as an announcer, or an interviewer(he was that first) or as the leader of what we can all pray will be nXtWO.

No MC will get an honorable HoF entry as DX's bitch.

the only real problem i have with last night's end to raw is this: many on here(myself included) have used the name nXtWO. which is cool, and i obviously support the nWo, but nXtWO is gonna be really, really hard to chant. Believe me, i tried tonight during the beat down at the end of nXt. that DID NOT roll of the tongue at all. LOL
Cena got power clotheslined seemed like 10 times, got spit on, karate kicked in the back, got fireman carried slammed, spinebustered, stomped by 8 guys, and 450 splashed, while everybody else got hit once: thats why he was the only one who got a stretcher duh people. Then come on, it was obvious michael cole jumped in the crowd and ran and got away. Thats why he didnt get hit, he was gone you idiots.
It's a slight loss of momentum to not have the graduated rookies show up on SD!, but Barrett mentioned in his (well-delivered) promo to Savannah that she should ask him next week about what he's really accomplished, because he would accomplish in 1 week's time what has never been accomplished in the WWE. So while the rooks could have shown up in SD!, odds are good they will surprise us yet again (which can't be done on a taped show) to do something big on the next Raw. And who isn't looking forward to that?
This ending was fantastic. No doubt about it.

First run I was geniuenly a little scared. It was so robotic it was fantastic - like savages getting their way on their prey. No facial expressions, no emotion, just fantastically executed. This could be one of the biggest storylines in years, I hope they get this right.

To react to some of the issues people bought up about it -

Cole Running -It's not strange that he legged it. But I hope beyond anything that he isn't a part of this. I'm not totally against a non-NXT wrestler being the instigator of this, but I hope to anything that Cole isn't that man. It'd totally bring it down a peg or two because Cole isn't anywhere near big enough. Jericho would be an obvious choice if they wanted a leader. Although in truth I think in Barratt they have a perfectly good one.

No help from the back - we'll have to take a Kayfabe look at this one. 8 guys turn up, trash everything in sight - face/heels/non wrestlers. Unless you had a concerted effort between a number of wrestlers, no single person would be silly enough to go out there and get beat down too.

Faces turning heel - Gabriel and Slater didn't really have anything behind them, so their heel turns weren't exactly a big deal. As for DBD, he's a crusader for his own back, so he may end up being a tweener.

From a storyline perspective - as has been mentioned, I think it would have been great if Evan Bourne had have come out to try and help Cena. Reckon Cena should become his mentor.

But I'm glad nobody interfered, this was an incredibly well executed segment, and could go a long way. Lets hope they've got some great plans for it.
It's a slight loss of momentum to not have the graduated rookies show up on SD!, but Barrett mentioned in his (well-delivered) promo to Savannah that she should ask him next week about what he's really accomplished, because he would accomplish in 1 week's time what has never been accomplished in the WWE. So while the rooks could have shown up in SD!, odds are good they will surprise us yet again (which can't be done on a taped show) to do something big on the next Raw. And who isn't looking forward to that?

Exactly! This is one of the best storylines in a long time. Why was is so shocking and intense? Because NOONE saw it coming, there was no headline saying, "All the NxT stars are in the building.." or anything like that. We all knew Barrett was there but when all 8 rookies came out we had no clue what was going to happen!

It is Wednesday and we already know that they will not appear on Smackdown. By waiting, we all will turn in to Raw on Monday night and that is when we should pray that the WWE writers don't drop the ball on this one! They have a crown jewel in their laps, lets hope they make it shine!!
The beat down on the new rookies makes no sense whatsoever. By showing up on RAW the "gang" was out to make a statement, they will get what they want by any means necessary. No showing NXT did not bother me, unless they were to go there to stalk the Miz. They could care less about the new rookies, screw em they weren't there when the original rookies were getting pushed around by asshats like Jericho and the Miz.

By no showing Smackdown they have lost so much momentum, why not go to Smackdown and take down the biggest wrestler in the company. A beat down of Show would have meant so much, because lets face it Show never gets beat down. He could have put up one hell of a fight and they could have put his slow mo ass through a table. I could just see Smackdown going off the air with Show in a heap through a table.

Follow it up by bitch slapping Sheamus, quite possibly the biggest heel, next week on Raw. Take out the biggest star (Cena) biggest wrestler (show) and biggest heal (shamus) all within a week and half. It would have been amazing it would have given every guy in the locker room reason to fear and hate them. Hell Sheamus was probably in the back laughing his ass off eating a snow cone while Cena got the holy hell beat out of him.

As far as Michael Cole goes I think you are all missing the point. The guy has been laughed at his whole career. He has been as many of you have said (an Daniel Bryan pointed this out) the lamest announcer the company has. Why not turn him batshit and give him a shot on the other side of the table. Remember Vinnie Mac and Eazy E used to be kind of lame announcers before they went nuts and started running things. Use the same pattern for Cole.
On the other hand yea Daniel Bryan has been kicking him around and there were eight of them this time, so yea maybe he just saw the spray paint on the walls and got the hell out of dodge, but I would rather it be Cole than any other person in the company.
I was wondering if anyone else noticed the fact that Cole was mysteriously absent from the beatdown. Especially considering the the heat that has been generating between him and Danielson. You'd a thought that would have been a perfect time for a massive Cole beatdown.

I think it would be great if they made it out that the whole mess between Cole and Daniel Bryan was a work and that Cole somehow orchestrated the whole thing which was why he was saved from the slaughter.
I was wondering if anyone else noticed the fact that Cole was mysteriously absent from the beatdown. Especially considering the the heat that has been generating between him and Danielson. You'd a thought that would have been a perfect time for a massive Cole beatdown.

I think it would be great if they made it out that the whole mess between Cole and Daniel Bryan was a work and that Cole somehow orchestrated the whole thing which was why he was saved from the slaughter.

I don't want it to be that cut an dried. Would prefer to have Cole involved maybe not the ring leader per se, but for sure involve and with the group. He could be a great mouth piece for the inexperianced talkers in the group. Lousy commentator but think he could be great as an evil disgruntled advisor.
Most on here are talking to the shock value. And if Cole is involved. Well I too was shocked. But Cole seems too predictable. I think he just ran being who he is. But try this on.
Who was the only guy who we where never sure if he was in the real NWO?
Who could keep the rest of the locker room in the back?
Who has to make the TOUGH DECISIONS?

BRET HART.....just a thought
Most on here are talking to the shock value. And if Cole is involved. Well I too was shocked. But Cole seems too predictable. I think he just ran being who he is. But try this on.
Who was the only guy who we where never sure if he was in the real NWO?
Who could keep the rest of the locker room in the back?
Who has to make the TOUGH DECISIONS?

BRET HART.....just a thought

At first read I thought no way. But then after I stopped to think, it would be the perfect swerve! What better way to screw Vincent Kennedy McMahon than to destroy what he has built from the inside! He unleashes the NxT group on everyone, causing havoc for everyone.
If Cole got attacked the crowd might have cheered and fucked this all up that's why Cole was told to get outta there.
If Cole got attacked the crowd might have cheered and fucked this all up that's why Cole was told to get outta there.

I agree that IF Cole were to be attacked it would take away from the central theme of total destruction, it would have been seen as a continuance of Bryans beef with Cole.

I still however think that Cole would be the perfect choice.

Brett the more I see him, should just ride off into the sunset his primary assets were his in ring ability. Sad to say that those days are done, his mic skills have never been that good, and to put him as the mouth piece for this group would be a major mistake.
I agree with you on Bret...and I do think Cole could be a good heel figure but not the head of this new stable....they need to lead themselves.
Hey, does anyone else think that John Cena ruined that great moment with that gay ass thumbs up? I'm thinking that this is some awesome shit, I was actually feeling bad for John Cena then he did that thumbs up and I was like kick his ass some more please.:banghead:
Hey, does anyone else think that John Cena ruined that great moment with that gay ass thumbs up? I'm thinking that this is some awesome shit, I was actually feeling bad for John Cena then he did that thumbs up and I was like kick his ass some more please.:banghead:

couldn't agree more. That is the kind of stuff you see in professional sports when a player gets seriously injured. I thought it was a lame way to end the show by having Cena (who is as exciting to me as a failed erection) let his poor whining fan base know that he is ok. :icon_rolleyes:

Also wish it had been someone else who took the beating to be honest. Edge getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of lunatics would have been just as effective, maybe even more so.
Most on here are talking to the shock value. And if Cole is involved. Well I too was shocked. But Cole seems too predictable. I think he just ran being who he is. But try this on.
Who was the only guy who we where never sure if he was in the real NWO?
Who could keep the rest of the locker room in the back?
Who has to make the TOUGH DECISIONS?

BRET HART.....just a thought

Now that would be crazy.

He was accused of attacking the Undertaker by Kane on Raw, and he didn't deny it or anything. He also signed the Uso's, who attacked the Hart Dynasty immediately. Could he possibly have been behind that too? A heel Bret Hart would be a great swerve, and that would mean one face and one heel GM.
I think Bret Hart would be a bad idea as a leader of the nXt faction. The main reason simply because his mic skills aren't good enough. Strikes me that the leader of any faction needs to be able to cut long promos, particularly against the leader of the WWE response faction (likely to be lead by Cena). Hart would be severly found out in this role.

I don't really think this faction needs a leader (an external one anyway - obviously someone i.e. Barrett - needs to lead it). Their cause would appear to be people who are pissed with the WWE trying to get a contract type thing - why would they be lead by someone with a safe position within the company.
Bravo WWE Creative team! This was the best ending to Raw I've seen in years. It was unpredictable, nobody expected this but this is the type of stuff we want to see more of because we all know nothing is secret anymore with the IWC, but damn what an ending. This also gives the NXT young guys a chance to establish themselves in the E. Now I wonder where this storyline will lead to? There's so many questions such as who will lead the Pro team WWE against the rookies? Is Michael Cole part of the group since he didn't get a beatdown? Will Barrett lead the NXT guys? Did they take out the Undertaker? I'm staying tuned same Raw time same Raw channel.
Has anyone else thought of it this way?

The original "Invasion" storyline with WCW/ECW...guess who missed the entire thing.


Guess who's away right now? HHH

...heck like everyone else is saying, Undertaker as well.

This is setting up to be a HUGE return if anything, and with Survivor Series still intact, it will be the most exciting 5 months of WWE in a long time. I cannot wait for Monday.
Now that would be crazy.

He was accused of attacking the Undertaker by Kane on Raw, and he didn't deny it or anything. He also signed the Uso's, who attacked the Hart Dynasty immediately. Could he possibly have been behind that too? A heel Bret Hart would be a great swerve, and that would mean one face and one heel GM.

This is very interesting.

I kind of vaguely remember when McMahon came out the week before, that Bret had to make some "tough decisions, that people [including the fans] will not like" or something along those lines.

I seriously cannot wait for Monday's episode.

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