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*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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With Daniel Bryan gone someone has to step up alongside Wade Barrett to make this group credible and based on RAW's opening segment I think it will be Michael Tarver. I honestly believe out of all the NXT rookies he is the best on the mic and he definitely has an intimidating look. He didn't show any great in ring skill on the show but if he can be solid in the ring then he could step up and be the next guy in line after Barrett.

It looks like they are trying to make David Otunga that next guy but I just don't see much in him. He isn't too bad on the mic but other then that he is garbage.
I like Jericho getting involved. Wade Barrett was his pride and joy during NXT. They've just been demolishing him lately, jobbing him to anyone and everyone.. including Evan Bourne of all people this week.

Of course this could just be WWE slowly writing him off so he can do his game show garbage.

Everyone speculating about Danielson.. seriously.. wake up. You're being delusional and letting your own hopes cloud your judgment. I wouldn't be shocked to see him come back and oppose the faction in a month or two (if they're still around) but he won't be the leader, he wasn't driving the limo.. and he's nowhere near as over as some of you are making him out to be. IWC are literally the only people that give a damn about him at this point. Not saying he's garbage, or that he can't get over with mainstream.. but as of now, he isn't. If they brought him in to be the "leader" it would kill the angle. People would be wondering who the hell he even is. I'd imagine that 50% of the universe couldn't pick him out of a lineup at this point.

Halfway through raw I thought they might be killing the angle. I'm glad they salvaged it with another good ending. There is no doubt in my mind that Wade Barrett is the future of the WWE. He's as good as anyone on the mic, bar none. He has the look, he has a damn good finisher. He is the entire package. They don't need anyone to come make him legitimate. They don't need another leader, they've already got one of the best in the business leading them in Wade Barrett himself.
first of all id assume that wwe would hire a "professional" to drive the car, granted hes not doing much other than playing bumper cars, im sure WWE would want to be careful, im just assuming this maybe they did get a regular person idk

With that said.....@ 1:26 are the rookies saying go daniel go or go damnit go


anyways imo names for the possible driver/leader

Chris Jericho- has had his run ins with Bret Hart, and out of all the pro's on nXt he took the most pride in his rookie, and was the most "helpful"

Daniel Bryan- pretty obvious assuming his "firing" is a work or not

Vince McMahon- Since the NXTO are targeting Bret Hart his name pops up automatically
This angle is literally getting me excited as I watch Raw and that hasn't happened in quite a long time. Words cannot describe how much I marked out last night when the WWE roster came out to the ring to help John Cena and the King fight off the NXT rookies. Seriously, I had goosebumps from it.

That being said, I really dig the way that this is being put together and can't stop thinking about what the future holds for both sides of the war. The NXT rookies have something really good going on and need to keep looking strong. I would suggest enlisting an imposing figure to help them get over. Someone like The Big Show would be a good start. He can be the figurehead entity that NXT could use right now. He would also be the man who could strike some fear into the hearts of the WWE roster, who seem eager to take out the NXT guys.

As for the WWE side of things, it really is odd to see Edge, Sheamus, Cena and Orton come out to help each other and teach the rookies a lesson. Seriously, when I saw Edge land that spear, I almost passed out. However, it is interesting to see if this is the sort of thing that we should be expecting from now on? Are the WWE roster on an unwritten contract where they will defend each other? Or, at some point, are we going to see the end of this defence and the domination of individuals like John Cena?

Very intriguing.
I like Jericho getting involved. Wade Barrett was his pride and joy during NXT. They've just been demolishing him lately, jobbing him to anyone and everyone.. including Evan Bourne of all people this week.

Of course this could just be WWE slowly writing him off so he can do his game show garbage.

Everyone speculating about Danielson.. seriously.. wake up. You're being delusional and letting your own hopes cloud your judgment. I wouldn't be shocked to see him come back and oppose the faction in a month or two (if they're still around) but he won't be the leader, he wasn't driving the limo.. and he's nowhere near as over as some of you are making him out to be. IWC are literally the only people that give a damn about him at this point. Not saying he's garbage, or that he can't get over with mainstream.. but as of now, he isn't. If they brought him in to be the "leader" it would kill the angle. People would be wondering who the hell he even is. I'd imagine that 50% of the universe couldn't pick him out of a lineup at this point.

Halfway through raw I thought they might be killing the angle. I'm glad they salvaged it with another good ending. There is no doubt in my mind that Wade Barrett is the future of the WWE. He's as good as anyone on the mic, bar none. He has the look, he has a damn good finisher. He is the entire package. They don't need anyone to come make him legitimate. They don't need another leader, they've already got one of the best in the business leading them in Wade Barrett himself.
For onething Chris is only taping 6 show for the game show and its not garbage asshole .Chris has taped most of them last week and the other 2 this week .So stop being a sss clown .Chris isn't going anyway anytime soon .It was Chris he gets revenge and thats cool .He will be good for the rookies.
i think they will eventually have daniels be the limo driver. whether barrett said damn it or daniels, i think they will have him be the guy. you figure he was the most prominent of the group and the most well known.

the whole "remorse" thing barrett said didn't make a lot of sense though, but that could have been a swerve.
So everyone backstage needed a week to figure out if they wanted to help Cena or not? Sheamus wanted to be the one to take out Cena instead of some punks except 7 days earlier he twiddled his thumbs while they did just that. If they had such a desire it makes zero sense they waited a week to respond to the Cena beating. I know some people find this whole angle exciting but to me it is 1 maybe 1.5 guys that deserve some attention propping up the other 5 at this point without danielson in the story and all that really does is detract from someone like barrett. He had a contract and a title shot as a cocky heel. Why the hell should he care about the peons that did not make it? This thing is lazy stunt booking and it is not even pg friendly. I find pg raw usually unwatchable but if that is where you are marketing your product it should not continually involve gang warfare. I flipped over for the overflow and laughed at almost everything I saw. Not sure if that was supposed to be a comedic spot or not. My guess is it was not. the only thing that shocked me was how stupid it was and how little sense it made. A recurring theme is developing here.
I want to know how WWE comes up with the line for what can and can't be crossed for their PG rating. So the message to kids is not to choke someone out with a tie...but instead put them in the backseat of a car and get into multiple wrecks. Or at the one PPV when Batista backed the car up towards a lying Cena which would of probably KILLED someone in real life.

I just think it's completely ridiculous what they've done to their product, and even more ridiculous how they determine what's PG and what's not.
Did you guys see what type of controversy the NXTers created? They have destroyed Raw last week. This week they were kicked out by all the Raw stars then shocked the fuck out of Bret Hart because they want contracts with first class flights, best of all, they want the answer by Sunday (Fatal 4 Way). The WWE creative team is even thinking about making them the people that attacked the Undertaker and put him in a vegitative state. Imagine what type of storyline you'd get from that. The NXTers = Ratings, ratings, and ratings. Last week's end of Raw rose up to a 3.4 rating by the end, which Raw didn't get for months. Imagine what type of wonders NXT could do for SmackDown. Ratings would probably go beyond 2.0. What would happen if the Season 2 rookies were the ones who attacked Undertaker? Wouldn't that be a good surprise with Riley/Hennig being the leader. Endless storylines can come out of the NXTers (both seasons).
Yeah, I watched the entire RAW for the first time in lord knows how long, and I was quite entertained by the show as a whole. Some of it didn't make sense (Cena saying he had the day off, then wrestling in the ME; Miz winning back US Title) but I kept wanting to see what these NXT'ers were gonna do. I do wanna see what happens on the PPV, but I'm not spending $45 bucks to find out something I'll see the next day on RAW. They certainly have drawn my attention back to the RAW brand, at least for the time being. Let's hope that they don't completely fuck up this angle.
While this is a good idea, having both season's rookies attend some kind of storyline as in your case, beating down the Undertaker and dominating RAW/SmackDown!

But, what I'm worried about is that this will cause an influx of talents on both shows that will only be featured as important if they stick to a group while the leader of the group will be developed into a character with personalities. If this is the case, then having too many NXT rookies play a role will be detrimental to the show and the performers themselves because in the future when they do break up, we'll have many independent and unknown wrestlers that people hardly care about.

Let's hope that the WWE will somehow find a way to make every star shine while keeping down the possibility of too many talents and too little time to develop them.
Did you guys see what type of controversy the NXTers created? They have destroyed Raw last week. This week they were kicked out by all the Raw stars then shocked the fuck out of Bret Hart because they want contracts with first class flights, best of all, they want the answer by Sunday (Fatal 4 Way). The WWE creative team is even thinking about making them the people that attacked the Undertaker and put him in a vegitative state. Imagine what type of storyline you'd get from that. The NXTers = Ratings, ratings, and ratings. Last week's end of Raw rose up to a 3.4 rating by the end, which Raw didn't get for months. Imagine what type of wonders NXT could do for SmackDown. Ratings would probably go beyond 2.0. What would happen if the Season 2 rookies were the ones who attacked Undertaker? Wouldn't that be a good surprise with Riley/Hennig being the leader. Endless storylines can come out of the NXTers (both seasons).

Ratings for Smackdown will never exceed 2.0 as long as they stay with their current network. If the NXT season 2 rookies do the same thing on Smackdown, it will just seem a copycat thing. This should only stay on RAW because it's on live and people actually have the channel. It will not have the same effect on Smackdown.
Ratings for Smackdown will never exceed 2.0 as long as they stay with their current network. If the NXT season 2 rookies do the same thing on Smackdown, it will just seem a copycat thing. This should only stay on RAW because it's on live and people actually have the channel. It will not have the same effect on Smackdown.

That's not the case, the genious of all this is that Undertaker's attacking was before season 2 started but the names and everything were given for the season. The best part about this is, SmackDown's moving to SyFy on October 1st.
I think NXTONE will continue to raise hell on Raw, NXTTWO will do the same on SD. All that the actual NXT programme will do will be to establish the pecking order within NXTTWO.

NXT as a concept is a very good idea, and has (so far) been done very well, but there are only a limited number of rookies in WWE developmental territories.

I think we will see the end of NXT as a programme when SD moves to SyFy, which will be around the same time as NXTTWO is due to end.

Have Wade Barrett control NXTONE going against Raw, and the winner of NXTTWO lead them in a battle against SD

On a side note, am I the only person that thinks JoMo's rookie is a Khali tribute kinda like a mini-Khali lol
I agree with LJL here. the NXT season 2 causing havoc would be fruitless unless they actually join Wade Barretts group of rookies which IMO would probably oversaturate the group.

It would grow into NWO proporsions and instead of being epic may become drawn out, I like these group of guys who are called radicals and quiet so by the WWE, what I hate about this storyline is the fact they are trying to pass off one of the weaker workers in Otunga as the second in command in Daniel Bryans place.

he has no skills or ability in the ring, he can talk a solid game but even then hes not strong enough, he is actually only being carried by the fact that hes bedding Jenifer Hudson which doesnt make him a WWE main eventer.

My hopes for this angle is that they bring in someone strong to help with the mic work within the group maybe giving them a manager or a mouth piece who is hated by the fans imo Michael Cole would be a good example of this.

maybe if he is found out the be the mastermind of this it would help boost the angle even more, a disgruntled employee who is eager to show the WWE universe that he doesnt need them or JR.

As for ratings its pulling people in, I just hope that they bring Bryan back and involve him in this angle as he has potential to be the Next breakout star (no pun intended), in this whole angle with Barrett, the rest i see as midcard fodder once there time in this angle is over.
Ratings for Smackdown will never exceed 2.0 as long as they stay with their current network. If the NXT season 2 rookies do the same thing on Smackdown, it will just seem a copycat thing. This should only stay on RAW because it's on live and people actually have the channel. It will not have the same effect on Smackdown.

No no no. I disagree - this faction should be utilized on both Raw and Smackdown! Why? There's too much talent in this faction to reserve it for Raw. They don't have contracts, so theoretically, they can invade and wreak havoc on either show. Smackdown is actually short of big stars, IMO. Let them invade Smackdown too, especially as Kane is there and I have a feeling that this faction is behind what happened to the Undertaker.
Now I have been fishing around these boards and people tend to give their personal opinons on what will happen....now to my knowledge i havent seen a thread posted on this.....i wanna know what do you guys think the outcome will be.....me personally, mine are usually close to the actual thing but I will give mine anyways...
I think after the NXT guys attacked Bret Hart the following will happen:
Michael Cole will become the GM of RAW

I believe this because out of all the chaos that went down on RAW, he didnt get attacked and didnt seem concerned at all last night on RAW....he tried to brush the issue aside.....Bret was confronted by Vince who said expect the unexpected as if Vince porbably knows Michael is behind it....Michael was the only who managed to get out of harms way.....with Daniel Bryan most likely released in real life they mentioned him because he is 100 percent coming back.....his feud with Cole was great.....the NXT guys even mentioned him last night saying he didnt like doing the attacks.....this could setup is return as a face and side with Cena who tweeted that he should be reinstated.....now with the RAW roster beating down the NXT guys, theyre gonna need help...Enter NXT season 2 rookies with winner Alex Riley (maybe)....they will join forces with Cole who has been the constant heel on NXT.....it makes sense right? he could slander the fans saying he is tired of the constant criticism......and there you have it.....boom....classic storyline.....the attacker of the Undertaker will be Kane most likely and not the NXT guys.........share your thoughts on what will happen.....
Well you may have a good point on alot of what you wrote, but let's take a look at everything that has happened and look at the big picture. The true ending to all of this is simply Cena will defeated Barrett in a title match. That is where this angle is really aiming. By that time we will likely see all the NXT season 1 Wrestlers integrated into the wwe Roster on a permanent basis.

As for Danielson, i went on record saying, if they mention him at all, he will be back on the 91st day.

Im not sure the order of events, but if Bragging rights comes before Summerslam, they were talking about a wargames match to close out bragging rights, i can see WWE vs NXT in the finale of Bragging rights with The NXT guys winning with the stip that the NXT guys get contracts, and then have the Barrett vs Cena match at Summerslam to close the angle entirely.
Project Zero Wrestling brings up a great point. WWE has set up this angle really well. I posted yesterday saying that Bryan Danielson will return in 90 days or possibly sooner and help WWE battle the NXT Faction. As far as Alex Riley winning NXT Season 2 that is possible however I believe that either Riley, Kaval, or Joe Henning (I refuse to call him by his gimmick name) will win NXT Season 2 and join the WWE Faction as NXT Season 2 will be close to ending by the time Danielson's 90 day clause ends. but I do see Cena and Barrett feuding throughout the summer
I highly doubt they'll wait 90 days to put him on TV again. That would ruin all the work they've put into making people believing he was really released.

Bragging Rights isn't until October, right before Survivor Series. Money In The Bank is the only PPV between Fatal 4 Way and SummerSlam.

That is some intriguing evidence on Cole being the leader...but I think there's even more proof that Jericho is the leader. His relationship with Barrett, of course, but also he was the one guy that didn't come out during the fight or stand on the stage during the main event. That's very suspicious to me, when every other heel was out there. Although maybe Cole's involved too...he has been randomly making heel comments against Bret Hart lately. Either way, I would hardly say the outcome is obvious. Same the Undertaker's attacker on SD...it would be very WWE-like for Kane to be the attacker, and NXT almost seems too obvious at this point.
I will probably stop watching all together if Michael Cole is involved in any way. I will also stop watching if Michael Cole becomes the GM of Raw. I cannot think of a personality ever in the WWE that I can't stand more. Why or how he has become the voice of all three shows is beyond me. He must have zero life outside of the WWE.
Everyone keeps saying this angle will be closed out by Cena vs. Barrett. I disagree. I think that there is a mastermind behind the attacks, and it is a recently departed superstar.

A man that has an axe to grind with Hart, Cena, and the main event at fatal four way.

I think the mastermind is.....wait for it......Batista!

He quit because of Hart, he wasn't able to be at fatal four way, and Cena beat the crap out of him. I think this is all leading to Cena vs Batista, they are able to do a looser leaves WWE concept now that TNA isn't gonna be doing it at the same time. I also think this will lead to a Barrett vs. Danielson feud. For the record I do believe he was released and will be resigned after 90 days.

I think it's better this way. Batista can get a better send off, and Barrett and Danielson become relevant without being pushed to the main event too quickly.
Batista was a good guess but I doubt he's coming back anytime soon. That would be too soon if so. More than likely Cole is behind or in on this invasion but I doubt any other superstar is the mastermind. This is WWE's way into bringing in fresh superstars having this NXT invasion and giving contracts to the most over stars and axing the rest. Expect them to be at Fatal Four Way in some type of match. There are only four announced matched so far so there is room for this NXT angle. I dont see this contract thing dragging out to survivor series or even bragging rights. Either this PPV or Money in the Bank. Maybe some type of match like a hart dynasty vs. two NXT guys in a ladder match for the contracts would be cool but I doubt that. Oh another thing that could happen is different matches where each one earns there contract weekly
I do like all your points on this topic. I would also like to point out that theres no way theres not a big mastermind behind this. It's gonna come down to Sunday when we may find out who it is I think. Its either gonna be Jericho, VKM, or Sheamus. Reasons why:

Jericho-Besides being Barrett's pro, he also told Bret Hart he didn't want to make an enemy out of Jericho and basically since Hart has become GM Jericho hasn't gotten much respect from Hart.

VKM-Well not much of a story here, Vince and Bret don't get along. It will probably come down to Vince never wanted Bret as GM and was looking for a way to screw him out of the WWE.

Sheamus-No one hates Cena more then Sheamus and all he wants is to be WWE champion, hence why NXT would attack Cena. Plus he didn't do anything on RAW during the brawl in the ring other than run and have the pipe in hand.

Those are just some of the reasons I think who a mastermind could be. If WWE wanted to get this angle over you bring back HHH and turn him heel and side with NXT or have Cena turn at the PPV, but none of that will happen.
I agree that Jericho is behind it, and i also see jericho and barrett getting the two world titles eventually to lead a huge fraction with nxt getting all the titles. it will probably be survivor series that sees it come to a head and have the wwe beat nxt. you can even have daniel bryan come back to help the wwe win at survivor series.

on a side note, i hope that it was not kane that was behind the attack. that has been done before. the only way it would work is if kane actually went over the undertaker to give kane his much deserved run with the title.

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