**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Why would he get a new ring attire? Did Hulk Hogan change his ring attire? Steve Austin? Ric Flair? Rock?

Unless you're undergoing a significant character change, I really don't see the purpose in changing the style of ring attire people are used to seeing you in.

yes, Hulk Hogan did change his ring gear. He wrestled predominantly in white in the early to mid 80s, and still did on house and arena shows and Sat. Night Main Events. For the major ppvs(when there was only 1-4 a year, Hulk would wear the yellow and red, then stuck with it from 1987 onwards to the heel turn in 1996, when he overhauled his entire look.
yeah,. as a main eventer, I feel that when he is actually competing, he should wear a more smarter ring attire. Wear what he wants during promos etc, but for him to be taken seriously as a actual "wrestler" and not just a sports entertainer, he should make some form of efort to look the part

I think people who think John Cena should wear more smarter ring attire should stop getting into stuff over their heads.

This is fine... who cares what kind of shorts he wears. It's different I get tired of seeing everyone in trunks.
We got of a lot of men here wanting Cena to change his atire.You want him to wear tights?Are you in that kind of thing that u really must see John Cena in smth else?If you are, good for you, but dont share this with us as "we" didnt ask for it.

But seriously

John Cena is fine.Dont fix what aint broken.
yes, Hulk Hogan did change his ring gear. He wrestled predominantly in white in the early to mid 80s, and still did on house and arena shows and Sat. Night Main Events. For the major ppvs(when there was only 1-4 a year, Hulk would wear the yellow and red, then stuck with it from 1987 onwards to the heel turn in 1996, when he overhauled his entire look.
No, he changed the color, not the gear itself. John Cena changes his colors all the time too.

This thread is talking about changing attire, not color. Hogan had the same style until his heel turn.
John Cena said himself last year during the once in a lifetime build with Rock.

"I'm coming out here talking to you people wearing Knee Pads, There is a thousand jokes there"

Cena probably says lines like this to piss off more of his haters. They will go out and BUY Cena Sucks junk, or We have Cena nuff crap. I think it is awesome that he can annoy people and still make money from it.

Should Cena change? Nope.
I see this as another reason to bitch about Cena. I didn't see people bitching about guys like Raven and Justin Credible when they wore jean shorts. Balls Mahoney?
I didn't see people bitching when Steve Austin would come to the ring to do promos in jean shorts. No one was saying "I can't take him seriously because he's wearing jean shorts."
If his attire really bothers you that much then you're taking wrestling way too seriously. He's not the first to wear them and he won't be the last.
What exactly would you prefer him to wear instead op? What would make him look like less of a goof to you? What would bother you less?
I see this as another reason to bitch about Cena. I didn't see people bitching about guys like Raven and Justin Credible when they wore jean shorts. Balls Mahoney?
I didn't see people bitching when Steve Austin would come to the ring to do promos in jean shorts. No one was saying "I can't take him seriously because he's wearing jean shorts."
If his attire really bothers you that much then you're taking wrestling way too seriously. He's not the first to wear them and he won't be the last.
What exactly would you prefer him to wear instead op? What would make him look like less of a goof to you? What would bother you less?

First off Raven, Credible, and Mahoney are all shit compared to John Cena! Cena is the face of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world for crying out loud! And Stone Cold NEVER wrestled one match in those Daisy Dukes he calls shorts. He fought Eric Bischoff in a street fight match in early 2003 at a PPV, but that's as far as it went.

Who are you Slash John Cena's lawyer?
First off Raven, Credible, and Mahoney are all shit compared to John Cena! Cena is the face of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world for crying out loud! And Stone Cold NEVER wrestled one match in those Daisy Dukes he calls shorts. He fought Eric Bischoff in a street fight match in early 2003 at a PPV, but that's as far as it went.

Who are you Slash John Cena's lawyer?

Learn to read.

I said when Stone Cold came out to cut promos in the jean shorts no one was saying they couldn't take him seriously.

You also didn't answer my question.
What attire could Cena switch to that wouldn't make him look like a goof?
It's been pretty clearly stated in this thread that people for the most part wouldn't want to see him in trunks or tights.
:lmao: One out of every ten Mack_Swagger threads are hilarious, this is the one.

No, John Cena shouldn't alter his ring attire. What would be the point? It's not like he looks bad in the shorts and sneakers combo. It's his typical look and people recognize him for it. Hes probably comfortable competing in it too so why care whether two in a couple thousand fans give a damn? Do people want him to come out wearing bedazzled spandex tights like Dolph Ziggler, so he can look as generic as three-fourths of the WWE roster?

Hulk Hogan altered his attire from the shorts to tights with age. Majority of the examples used in this thread as to why he should change are redundant. Their not John Cena, most aren't half as good. Get over it.
Learn to read.

I said when Stone Cold came out to cut promos in the jean shorts no one was saying they couldn't take him seriously.

You also didn't answer my question.
What attire could Cena switch to that wouldn't make him look like a goof?
It's been pretty clearly stated in this thread that people for the most part wouldn't want to see him in trunks or tights.

I can read and I can read what kind of wrestling fan you are. An emotional one.

Wrestling and cutting a promo are two different things. The top guy from every era never wore a pair of Jean shorts in a match. Not Hogan, Flair, Austin, or the Rock. Bret Hart wore the jean shorts in his street fight match against "Mr. McMahon" at Wrestlemania 26, long after his prime in a non-wrestling match against a non-wrestler.

John Cena shouldn't go back to wearing tights nor trunks. He needs some different. Something that he wouldn't look like a "goof" in. That's all I'm saying. This isn't worth a John Cena argument.
John Cena should not change his attire because it is part of his character. He wears what he wants because he wants to. For years people have been wanting Cena to change in one way or another but he always refuses because despite what is said about him he is true to himself. He's always made it perfectly clear you can love him or hate him but he is who he is and he's not going to change. It goes right along with 'Rise above hate', or 'Be a star', or whatever else you want to say. He's not going to change something he likes about himself because others make fun of it. It's all about accepting himself for who he is.
I can read and I can read what kind of wrestling fan you are. An emotional one.

Wrestling and cutting a promo are two different things. The top guy from every era never wore a pair of Jean shorts in a match. Not Hogan, Flair, Austin, or the Rock. Bret Hart wore the jean shorts in his street fight match against "Mr. McMahon" at Wrestlemania 26, long after his prime in a non-wrestling match against a non-wrestler.

John Cena shouldn't go back to wearing tights nor trunks. He needs some different. Something that he wouldn't look like a "goof" in. That's all I'm saying. This isn't worth a John Cena argument.

So no shorts, no tights, no trunks...but something "different". What would that "something different" be?
You're saying he should change but you don't know to what so why change?
So no shorts, no tights, no trunks...but something "different". What would that "something different" be?
You're saying he should change but you don't know to what so why change?
If you read my post at the beginning I said basketball shorts or something. Brock Lesnar is rock'in the MMA shorts for a legit reason. A year in a half ago when the WWE went on tour in Japan John Cena wore a pair of San Francisco 49ers sweatpants? Cena was suppose to be paying tribute to wrestlers who came before him who traveled to Japan from the states. The dojo's out there are truly hardcore.

John Cena is a true main eventer in the WWE as well as the face of the company. So in a way him wearing a pair of jean shorts to wrestle in kinda is low budget. If the Undertaker can switch his ring attire around like the way he has in the past, why can't the leader of the CeNation?
If you read my post at the beginning I said basketball shorts or something. Brock Lesnar is rock'in the MMA shorts for a legit reason. A year in a half ago when the WWE went on tour in Japan John Cena wore a pair of San Francisco 49ers sweatpants? Cena was suppose to be paying tribute to wrestlers who came before him who traveled to Japan from the states. The dojo's out there are truly hardcore.

John Cena is a true main eventer in the WWE as well as the face of the company. So in a way him wearing a pair of jean shorts to wrestle in kinda is low budget. If the Undertaker can switch his ring attire around like the way he has in the past, why can't the leader of the CeNation?
Cena has worn the cargo shorts and the camo shorts in the past year along with the jean shorts so he has mixed it up.
Explain to me how basketball shorts or sweat pants wouldn't look "low budget".
Cena's attrie needs no change. But if we're talking about what most of the fans want to see, I don't see why not. The kids will still support it and the naysayers would welcome the change.

I'm not sure what it is about jean shorts that anyone thinks has anything to do with his character.
He should wear boots and tights and ditch the look that has made him iconic and look just like everyone else. Yup, fantastic idea. Also, Lemmy from Motorhead needs to shave his moustache, Stone Cold should grow his hair out, and we should change our national (I'm American) colors to green, orange, and black.

You guys need to realize that pro wrestling is a business. Look at the growth/market share matrix. Cena is a cash cow. He's going to draw. McDonalds isn't going to change the big mac, Cena doesn't need to change. Obviously, the boos are more a love to hate kind of thing. I was at an indy show and before the main even they had a raffle. A little girl with a cena shirt won a bret hart dvd. Guess what happened. 200 people in a junior college gym started dueling chants of "let's go cena" "cena sucks". You don't change the formula for coke, you don't change Cena until it actually stops working. Not when you don't realize you're being worked.
The IWC wont like this at all but I think everything points to this been a huge year for John Cena. Lets be honest, 2012 was pretty terrible his standards...losses to Rock, Ziggler, Laurinaitis, Big Show, CM Punk is some high profile matches - his only win of any note coming against Brock Lesnar.

2013 has already started off huge for him by winning the Royal Rumble. This will be coupled by a win at Elimination Chamber to build him for Wrestlemania 29 where he gets his huge rematch against The Rock. I can't see Cena losing his 3rd Wrestlemania in a row!!!

As for the rest of the year, I predict high profile fueds with Randy Orton (heel), Ryback and possibly Brock Lesnar.

Hope you are all ready for Super Cena :)

Moderator Note: Let's get some real discussion going, folks. Cut out the spammy "Cena sucks" posts and actually try to contribute to the conversation (regardless of your stance on Cena -- love, hate, whatever).
Every year for the past 5 or so years has been Cena's year. He may win have a longer championship reign than he's had in a while but he's still been in every main event in the past god knows how long. Saying it's a big year for Cena doesn't really mean much cause every year seems to be a big year for Cena.
...or we can continue to NOT like him and speak out against giving him more undeserved chances? Is he gunna win the RR next year too? He surely couldn't earn his way into WM by winning on a consistent basis so they have to have a sure fire way to have him in the show.

IMO, I'm hoping they have a big deal at WM where he gets "hurt" and leaves the company for a while. Give some other guys a chance at the spot light for a while.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they didnt have the same bland story line/character figure for him.

I wouldn't mind watching Punk beat up on him for a couple months tho :lmao:
Silly question, the answer is yes because EVERY YEAR IS CENA'S YEAR. He was in more main events and therefore made more money than anyone last year, and he wasn't even champion, a win or a loss does nothing to diminish Cena's star power(even if he couldn't sell to save a dying child)
I have no problem with Cena winning but it would have been better if they used his winning as a heal turn. They should have had The Shield help eliminate Ryback and have it be announced tonight that Census was the one behind their constant involvement. They would still get their Rock v Cena main event but would have Lao had a legit face v heel match. Either that or they should have had Ziggler go coast to coast and compete for the title. It would have been cool to see the Rumble winner also holding Money in the Bank. Golden opportunities missed.
2013 will be John Cena's year
As opossed to 2012 when he was maineventing almost every PPV. :rolleyes:

Just because he had couple of loses doesnt mean that he had bad year. He had standard Cena/face of the company year except he wasnt a Champion in a while. And I am willing to bet that it wasnt Rock/Punk at RR that he would go over against Punk and be the Champion by now.

Want to talk about bad year, look at Orton last year. Now that was a bad year. :)
LMFAO isn't EVERY YEAR a John Cena year? I mean he may have lost a few matches in 2012 but he did main event ever PPV and RAW! Did he even lose "cleanly" in 2012? I really wish John Cena would fall off the face of the WWE map.

I can't stand Ryback but even I felt bad how he had to lay down for Cena last night. I loved how Cena buried Ryback last night with one quick toss over the top rope.

VKM needs to get a clue and stop jobbing others for the benefit Cena.:banghead: Newflash A MAJORITY of fans can't stand Cena.
Yeh i am with everyone in this thread so far. Since when was it not John Cena's year? It's time for others to have the spotlight now, enough of Super Cena, I think its selfish he continues to allow himself to have all these opportunities, like maybe Vince gives him them but I wish he would let others have some of the limelight.
i wont mind seeing a Cena 2013 IF and that's a big IF, he starts acting serious and takes his opponents serious. it's not entertaining to see Cena lower his opponents and not take them as serious threats. that's why Rock vs. Punk was good, sure Rock insulted Punk, but he saw him as a threat and Cena was at his best vs. Punk, however, there are times when he's not his best when not feuding with Punk....also if Cena is going to be champ again (and i think he will) he needs to tone down his joking or actually be funny. sorry, but his rumble promo wasnt good at all and made me roll my eyes....his feud with Rock wasnt awful, but it could've been better and hopefully this one will be better.

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