**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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It's certainly true that Cena is at a level in his career where he doesn't need to be champion to be a mega star. He's proved that especially over the course of much of the past year.

However, I do think that Cena will eventually win as many World Championships as Flair, at least those that are recognized. We all know that Flair has won over 20 World Championships in actuality, however, even Flair himself doesn't seem to "count" some of those runs. Even in TNA, he's called himself a 16 time World Champion. Cena's only 35 years old, I think, and barring severe injury that takes him out, he's going to have a lot of time left in WWE. If anything, I do see Cena eventually, possibly, winning more World Championships. He's just too valuable, has so much time left in his career and, quite frankly, it's not as if he doesn't deserve it.

I'm not a mega Cena fan but I do like the guy and you'd have to be a fool not to recognize how hard Cena's worked for WWE over the years. You'd have to be an even bigger fool not to recognize that Cena deserves the spot that he's got and that he's had. In terms of star power, he is on the level of someone like Austin or Rock no matter how much hate he might get from some fans. Personally, I'd rather not see Cena get more runs with the title, he doesn't need them of course, and WWE's got good things going with Sheamus & Punk right now. It's just not a realistic hope, however, because Cena's too young, too viable and too relevant to never have anymore runs as a World Champion at some point down the line.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, Cena easily has another 5-10 years left as a full time competitor. Even with him taking extended time away from the title picture (it's been 8 months since he held the belt currently) I would be very surprised to see him not get another 5 title reigns before he retires. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to Cena become a 20 time champion before he retires.
Like the first person said above, I too think they will just move on to another superstar whom they will push to that level. For example, they already have CM Punk who is Cena's closest competition. Apart from him, they also have Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler, who will be loved by the crowd anytime they turn face.
The matter of concern in my opinion, would be in finding giants like Show, Henry or Khali... This generation doesn't have too many tall guys, and even if they do, I don't think there would be too many willing to take a dying business as a profession.
Cena will probably break this record, but I don't think it'll be because Cena or the creative team are chasing it. I don't think they care that much. If it makes sense storyline-wise to give Cena the title, they'll do it. If it makes sense to have Cena hold the belt briefly, get screwed out of it, then win it back, adding a 'cheap' 2 reigns to his total, they'll do it.

And honestly, they probably shouldn't concern themselves with stuff like that. Worry about what story works in the moment.
This is a topic I've been thinking about for the last month or so, just what is John Cena's role in the WWE? Let me just run you through some facts here...

- The last time Cena held the WWE title (or any title for that matter) was Hell In A Cell (2nd October 2011). He lost the title to Del Rio in a triple threat match involving Cena, Rio and Punk.
- The last time Cena was involved in a title match was Vengeance (23rd October 2011) where he lost again to Del Rio in a last man standing match.

So that's a little over 7 months where John Cena hasn't been involved in the WWE title scene. So what has Cena been doing?

- Survivor Series - Teamed with The Rock in a tag match against Awesome Truth (Miz and R-Truth)
- TLC - Not even involved in a match
- Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber - That dreadful feud with Kane.
- WM28 - Icon vs Icon, Once in a lifetime, blah blah blah, match with The Rock
- Extreme Rules - One off match with Brock Lesnar, who loses and disappears again (good booking WWE)
- Then we have a feud with Johnny Laryngitis, ending with a match at Over the Limit.
- Now we have a feud with a heel Big Show and a match at No Way Out.

So what are WWE creative doing with Cena? How do they see his role in WWE? Will he ever be in another title match this year?

For me Cena is still the number 1 guy. Like it or not, he's the biggest star they have. I always believe that the biggest stars should be in and around the title scene, not saying they should always have title matches, but they surely shouldn't be out of the title picture for 7 months! But is this a sign of where WWE is going now? Maybe Vince honestly doesn't know how to create a new Rock or Cena, so instead they're relying on dream matches between old stars (taker, lesnar, rock, austin, etc). Is that how they see Cena now, just one of the old guard? And what does this say about the importance of the WWE title?

Really interested in getting your opinions on this...
Well, I dont think Cena is out of the title picture permanetly. I Just think the WWE are trying soo hard to get Fans to like him more. Like if he had any fan base b4 the rock came back the rock basically swiped 1/3 or maybe half of his fans. Right Now Like it or not Cena is the star of the WWE most ppl when they think of the wwe they think of cena now. Just my opinion.
And not only that it will be good to give Cm Punk sometimes with the title he really earned it last year and deserves some time. I think after CM punk loses the title he will be more of a smackdown guy like wwe did to orton. For soem reason they just wnt CENa at the top. Im not happy with cena being at the top, but u cantdeny he is the biggest star in the wwe outside of the rock and legends etc.
You ask a good question. I honestly don't know what they are doing with cena right now. After his loss to the rock at wrestlemania he was suppose to have lost everything. At least that is how they built the match up to be. I thought that cena was actually going to get sent back down to the bottom and have to work his way up again, but yet he still remains the focal point of raw.

You mentioned that cena lost the title to del rio when i could have sworn he lost it to punk. Even though punk beat him 2 times both times were not clean pins. The first on he had is foot under the rope and I can't remember the 2nd time.

The only reason cm punk has the title right now is because
1. They are pushing his best in the world gimmick right now and having the title only helps the gimmick.
2. He is suppose to be introducing a new title soon.

Not sure who he will lose the title to, but I bet anything at wrestlemania 29 it will be the rock and cena for the wwe title where cena will get the belt considering the rock is leaving again after wrestlemania 29 anyways.

Just my opinion.
I find myself questioning Cena's role at this moment in time, too.

He's still THE guy around these here parts, no doubt about it, but he seems lost now. He's just jumping from feud to feud like nobodies business.

Rock, Lesnar and now Big Show/Johnny Ace. The way I see it, WWE are really trying their hardest to keep him away from the title scene, maybe so more people will warm to him?

There's no consistency whatsoever. He said, regarding his match with Rock, that if he loses, he "loses everything". He lost the match. It's barely mentioned.

I just don't know what the hell's going on with Cena right now. He's all over the fuckin' place.
Cena is not a guy that needs to be in the title picture at the moment. He's busy being WWE's franchise player, being the guy involved in the big money matches when they come along, such as Brock/Rock. The reason he hasn't been in the title picture is because he has had bigger things going on for the last few months.

He will return to the title picture one day, but not for a few months. His fued with John Laurinitis will start to revolve around keeping him away from the title for a few months until Cena wins Royal Rumble and regains the title at WM, as happened in the Vince/Austin fued. (unless John Laurinitis starts fueding with Punk again, and does this to him instead).
I agree with the above poster. WWE is trying extremely hard to get the fans to rally back behind Cena. He already lost a lot of the older (attitude era) fans over the last few years and took even more of a hit against Punk last summer and the Rock recently. The problem for me is that we all know that he is the face of the company and the company's main guy, but WWE and Cena try to convince us otherwise.
But right now he is in the holding pattern of trying to regain some steam and momentum and I am sure it is only a matter of time before he is right back in the title scene.
Right now like many others said Cena is jumping from feud to feud without any real direction. I also agree with the those saying the WWE is trying to make some of the fans start liking Cena again which isn't going to be easy. But I have to say that I'm starting to get the feeling thy are trying to keep him away from the title scene as possible, which is a good thing cause new people can fight for it. But as we know sooner or later he will be back in the title picture and will dominate(not like he isn't dominating now). But if Vince is trying to turn the fans on his side again he should not only keep him away from the title but he should also give Cena some time off . He has been going for a very long time and surely has some injuries plus he is having a divorce at the moment.
After reading the news that the E (Vince) was having a heart attack over last week's RAW ratings, one of the reasons being no Cena, I wasn't surprised to see most of last night's show revolve around him. And if the ratings continue to be stagnant, or don't move up like they hope, I think they will eventually kick Punk to the curb and put the belt back on Cena again in the hopes he draws those viewers back.

Last night was an obvious attempt at getting fans back on his side after going up against Cole.
Well as much as I dislike Cena, I hope they find a clear direction for him one way or another because I do not want to see him bouncing all over RAW. I know that is only my opinion, but WWE gets the best out of Cena when he was focused feuds. Perhaps the ratings drop isn't from the lack of Cena, but that the PG fans go to bed before 10 pm at night.
I think Cena is just taking a break from holding the belt, i think that at this moment the WWE is trying to do two things, give other superstars a chance to be in the title picture for the time being, in other words, he's trying to build top heels to feud with Punk, Sheamus, and of course, Cena in the near future, and the other one, they want to give Cena a break without giving him much time off, last week is an example, he's going to have a day off here an there, so he can settle his personal stuff (injuries, his divorce, etc.), after all that is taken care of, then he will be back in the title picture again, i don't think this has to do with the fans liking Cena again, i think is personal.......
I actually think the plan WAS for Cena to take some time off to heal up some nagging injuries after his match at Mania with the Rock. It's no secret that Cena is having some problems both in his health and in his personal life right now, and the man hasn't been "away" from the WWE scene for more than a week in I don't know how long now. I think he has worked basically non stop with pretty much no time off since his "rehiring" at the Nexus angle, and that was what, over 2 years ago now?

It's things like this where I wish the Cena haters had more respect for him. I know his character is stale and tired, but that really isn't in his control, and the man freakin works his tail off for the company.

As far as all of the recent angles, like most people I'm not sure what the deal is. There is a lot of uncertainty in the WWE right now, and there are a lot of people right now that Cena simply can't feud with. Even if Cena WAS to go after the title, they wouldn't put him in with Punk as they are both faces.

This is where the WWE really needs a strong stable of heels that can keep Cena busy for a good while and be in the same basic storyline. Maybe that's what they are trying to do with Johnny right now but I'm not sure if it's going in the right direction.
I actually think the plan WAS for Cena to take some time off to heal up some nagging injuries after his match at Mania with the Rock. It's no secret that Cena is having some problems both in his health and in his personal life right now, and the man hasn't been "away" from the WWE scene for more than a week in I don't know how long now. I think he has worked basically non stop with pretty much no time off since his "rehiring" at the Nexus angle, and that was what, over 2 years ago now?

It's things like this where I wish the Cena haters had more respect for him. I know his character is stale and tired, but that really isn't in his control, and the man freakin works his tail off for the company.

As far as all of the recent angles, like most people I'm not sure what the deal is. There is a lot of uncertainty in the WWE right now, and there are a lot of people right now that Cena simply can't feud with. Even if Cena WAS to go after the title, they wouldn't put him in with Punk as they are both faces.

This is where the WWE really needs a strong stable of heels that can keep Cena busy for a good while and be in the same basic storyline. Maybe that's what they are trying to do with Johnny right now but I'm not sure if it's going in the right direction.
You Bring Up A Good Point. I am one of those Cena Haters, but there is no denying what he does for the company. He works so hard regardless of whats going on in his personal life and its impossible to not respect that. He is indeed a stale character n he isnt exactly in my fav 5 because i dont like him. But I respect him.
I absolutely agree. I am a Cena hater as well, but he does more than most for the WWE. He is loyal to them and his fans and that can't be denied. And yes, it isn't his fault that he doesn't have time off, because WWE is afraid to let that happen, but sometimes it needs to happen for the long term good of characters and angles. That said, unless it is a legend like the Rock, WWE will not have a current heel on their roster overcome Cena in any major feud. Part of the problem that there are no real strong heel talents that have climbed the ranks, is because the WWE books Cena to beat them in the end every time. It has destroyed a lot of credibility.
John Cena's role in WWE is quite simple: he's still the face of the company.

John Cena is still THE overall top guy in WWE, he's the franchise player and that's a role that can't simply be based upon whether or not a wrestler is currently World Champion or not. Back in the day, when Hulk Hogan's 4 year run as WWF Champion ended, he was still THE overall top guy even though he wasn't champion. Even though guys like Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior & Ric Flair would have memorable title runs with the company & Hogan's grandest days in terms of championship dominance were behind him, he was still THE guy even during the title runs of other guys.

That's nothing that's especially new in pro wrestling. Lots of times, the top guys in a wrestling company can be guys who aren't necessarily carrying the World Championship. In WCW, guys like Barry Windham, Lex Luger, Rick Rude, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett & several others had World Championship runs without ever truly being THE guy. Just because they you have the strap doesn't automatically mean you're THE top guy.

The reason why John Cena is still the face of WWE is because he delivers and has delivered or more than 7 years now. I'm not just talking work ethic & devotion to the company, though those qualities play an important role, but I'm mostly talking about being able to deliver the goods in terms of drawing viewers, getting them interested in whatever program he's working, selling merchendise, selling ppvs, etc. Cena doesn't do it all himself, of course, but Cena does deliver most of the time. Some feuds & matches are going to be better & hotter than others, which is also how things go no matter what, but Cena can always be counted on to garner interest. Whether you cheer him or boo him, Cena garners interest like nobody else in pro wrestling today and that's why he's still WWE's top guy with or without a title.
Seems like the plan was to get a bunch of big money matches out of Cena, but now that that's over he's stuck fighting the Big Show. As a Cena fan I'd rather see him take time off than continue without a direction. I just don't think the WWE has faith in anyone else, and to be honest they shouldn't.
Seems like the plan was to get a bunch of big money matches out of Cena, but now that that's over he's stuck fighting the Big Show. As a Cena fan I'd rather see him take time off than continue without a direction. I just don't think the WWE has faith in anyone else, and to be honest they shouldn't.

WWE doesnt have faith in anyone else because they have no idea how to find and/or create new talent.

I dont really understand some of these posts about Cena not being in the title picture. It really doesnt matter if Cena isnt in the title picture because Cena is above the WWE championship. He has main evented every PPV (except the Rumble) since TLC. As much as I like Punk he is a 2nd rate champion. Not his fault of course.

Right now Cena holds the top title in WWE: the Being John Cena championship.
Quite simple his place is still the face of the company!!! Cena will eventually beat flairs record of 16 title reigns so that will happen. Cena still has what 10 years left in him and maybe 2-3 years as teh face before cm punk takes over as the top dog IMO!! Cenas place is fine and dandy the top face in the company.

He puts asses in seats draws merch and always draws a reaction from the crowd!! Sure his work ethic is top notch cannnot be questioned at all and busts his ass night in and night out! Thats why Cena is the top guy in the company
This thread was original put in the trash by Chuck, but since it was not a troll thread he said I could re-post it here:

I was planning on making this thread a few days ago, but as a relative new member of this distinguished board I try not to kick in open doors with a rant on topics that have already been covered.

It was after I read Mark Maddens twitter blasting Vince for impersonating good ol JR that I I decided to vent my frustration.

Cena - the face of the WWE, the anti-bullying and the make-a-wish-guy, but also a bully.

Yes. A bully. Growing up watching wrestling programmes in the 80's nothing gave me more satisfaction than to see Bobby The Brain and Jimmy Hart get their ass kicked in the ring. But that was it. They got their ass kicked. Period.

Today the ass-kicking is more personal, more humiliating.

Example: John Cena's humiliation of Big Johnny, his "match" with Michael Cole and most recently his McDonalds joke towards Big Show. "Are you gonne blame McDonalds for having ... on sale?"

Yes. This bothers me. Is this what we want to teach our kids? It's OK to bully if you're the good guy.

Candice Michelle... a beautiful woman but got sacked because she was to fat??!

Im probably gonna get red-repped for this... but I just can't stand this self-righteous bully named John Cena.

Every time he's on the stick he mocks people not for their doings, but for their personal shortcomings.

And, yes, yes, I know it's all scripted, and it's "only" wrestling, but as a father Im not indifferent to the values a entertainment company like the WWE is giving to our children.
You know, I sort of agree with you on the main arguement youre presenting.

If i didnt know any better it seems that John Cena likes to sweep the rug out from underneath other wrestlers.

He'll point things out that he shouldnt about other wrestlers in promos.

He doesnt sell in regards to reactions (didnt react convincingly enough to his loss to the rock/completely didnt sell brock lesnars return (he tried shaking his hand for gods sake)/attack the following week/cut a promo after recieveing a beat down from him in there match.)

Ive observed and personally beleive that he botches spots on purpose to make other wrestlers look bad.

I hope that most of these points I put forword are a result of creative telling him what to do cuz im sure hes not that much of a douche. I know not every1 is gonna agree with this or might even be able to elaborate a bit more on the points ive made.
Professional wrestlers are and always will be bully's. It's what sell's. it's what get's wrestlers over with the crowd. I know the hypocrisy of WWE's B.A. Star program is undeniable, but it's really us the fans who are to blame for the bullying.

The Rock used to call Kevin kelly a hermaphrodite nightly, and I don't recall people blasting him for that. So don't blame Cena or the WWE there just doing what sells.
Right, so it's pretty obvious that Cena still gets booed pretty much everywhere he goes but its also pretty obvious that it is nowhere near as passionate as it was a few years back. It seems to me that people boo cena now mainly because its a fun thing to do or because they simply dont like the character but a few years ago it seemed like people really hated the guy.

So im asking...Has Cena finally earned respect from his 'Haters'?

I'm asking this because i have noticed on many sites that Cena tends to get more positive comments than negative comments. Now wrestlezone users have always been clued in and respected cena for the man and performer he is but other sites like lord of pain and youtube and facebook ect tended to be full of passionate cena haters but now they are few and far between.

I have personally always been a fan and respected cena even if his character has and still annoys me every so often but that is mainly because i know he can do so much better than the goofy crap he does nearly every monday but i digress....


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