**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Cena is still the biggest post Attitude Era-Monday Nite Wars guy they have. Batista might have rivaled him but he quit. Orton has been close but in terms of main stream casual fan appeal Cena is bigger. Thats why they brought Rock back, to milk the last SuperStar Dream Match we havnt seen, especially with Hart, Austin, Hogan, Flair, & HBK all retired or too old-too weak and injured to perform anymore.

Punk is a hard worker, can wrestle different styles, and can change from fav to heel with very little change in his character presentation. He is a legit talent. Another high profile feud vs Cena could only elevate his status in the minds of casual fans, regardless of wether Cena gets the belt in the end or not as long as he gets good opportunities to showcase himself throughout the feud. Punk fans should be happy WWE wants him feuding with Cena, especially at a premiere event like SummerSlam. This a huge chance for Punk to rise a level in acceptance and be seen by the average fans as a legit force in the company and not just the guy who is main eventing during slow business times while they save Cena & Triple H for bigger things down the road.
A great rivarly, probably the best since Rock/Austin but the only thing i am not happy about is that this is a Wrestlemania-worthy feud and would like this to happen more at Wrestlemania 29 than at Summerslam.
CM Punk fans should be thrilled. Punk did his best business with Cena and now he gets to do it again. Of course from what I've been reading around other parts of this site the Punk fans aren't happy with this at all because they're terrified their guy is going to lose the championship. Yes, they're worried their guy who by that point will have held the title for nearly a year will lose a fake title to the guy he works best with and some how this is going to ruin his career. People amaze me sometimes.

Perfect post.

If the last year of WWE has proved one thing to me, it is this: wrestling fans want to complain. A year ago, everyone was bitching that John Cena was being given the title over and over again and that every WWE Championship reign was short. A bunch of people wanted Punk to be the main attraction. Fast forward to today and Cena has been deliberately kept out of the title picture and Punk has held the strap for 215+ days. So now what happens? People complain that Cena is headlining pay-per-views, essentially outraged because of the difference of an hour between when one match starts versus another one. Punk wrestles at 9:00 and Cena at 10:00? Forget that Punk's got the strap and Cena is in his own separate universe isolated from the belt; this shit is unacceptable.

The bottom line is this: people can complain until they're red in the face about Cena, but it isn't going to accomplish anything. He isn't going anywhere. He will main event pay-per-views and win titles long into the future. Instead of getting up in arms about it, find something else to get excited about. If little kids are cheering for John Cena, that should be enough for most people -- grown ass adults who should know better -- to tolerate his spot in the company.

Anyway, yeah, win lose or draw, Punk fans should be pumped about another feud with Cena. It brings out the best in both guys and even if Cena inevitably goes over, it's not like Punk's resume will suffer irreparable damage. His record against Cena is better than almost any superstar that has ever laced up the boots. That alone should be good enough, but the last year of whining has proved that no matter what happens, enough will never be enough.
ok punk and cena, two top faces, DYNAMIC DUO going at it. OO great two big star going at to see who is the best for the title HURRray. NOooo.

Lets face it, this match is being considered is because the wwe have no other "top star" that can pair up with cena just so cena wont get overshadowed. It is a recycle feud. Regardless of How differently ppl sees it, it is a recycle feud

The two of them delivered last year, with a great storyline, and great build up. This year is not gonna deliver lets face it. What makes this year going to be appealing, unique like last year. Why wreck a storyline of Dbryan and punk just for the sakes of getting cena in? Cena and punk have fought too many time last year. They need to stay away simple as that. These two are great rivary. And that whenever great rivary collides it should be some special, unqiue and rare.

Its too early. Same with hhh and orton, hhh and cena, cena and edge, cena and orton. WWE splited these guys up cuz it was done to death
All i ever hear anymore is people complaining about Cena being the main event at all these ppvs instead of CM Punk and the WWE title. Well at SummerSlam I guess that changes. However, I am sure many people will find something to complain about such as it looking like they are gonna put the strap back on Cena soon and that he's had it too much. I do not believe that he will win at SS however, there is a chance they give him the title in Boston at NOC only to have him lose minutes later to the MITB winner. Maybe the MITB winner can be some up and coming heel named Dolph Ziggler so that he can brag how he beat the face of the company for his very 1st WWE championship.
I am very excited about the possibility of CM Punk vs John Cena once more. Both men are fantastic wrestlers when against the right opponent and they work well with eachother. Will the match have the drama of MITB? Probably not but it will still be a fantastic match up.

As for John Cena in Money in the Bank, I'd say let him be in it. He doesn't need the win but the person who wins the Money in the Bank in that match can say that they beat the face of the WWE for Money in the Bank. I'd love to see what he can do in the match.
Im sorry but i have no faith in WWE Creative to do anything positive between Cena v Punk 2.

Sheamus is having some trouble shaking the heat he got since Wrestlemania screwing over D Bryan, they were chanting Ziggler instead of Sheamus.

Turn Sheamus heel, have John Cena vs. Sheamus at Summerslam for the WHC - Bring some legitimacy and light back to the WHC. Then Orton can come back and do Orton v Sheamus.

Give the people what they want, turn the Summers best fued, D Bryan vs. CM Punk, heat it up at MITB and put the boiling point on at Summerslam, Iron Man match - WWE title.

Lesnar w/Heyman v. Triple H

There you go, Theres your card

Punk v Bryan - Iron Man - WWE Title - Main Event
Lesnar vs HHH - Paul Heyman gets the dirty win for Lesnar - A Main
Sheamus vs. John Cena - WHC - Sheamus wins, gets rub from Cena - B Main

Bryan wins the title and goes onto a program with Ziggler
CM Punk can go onto John Cena, No titles, just Best in the World fight
Sheamus can move onto Jericho or Orton

I know people might disagree, but i will bet my last dollar that its better than whatever WWE Creative comes up with.
Anything that involves Cena in the championship landscape excites me. Its about time. Since Lesnar he has been wasted. But, I suppose that time did help Punk elevate himself. Thus, the past 3 craptastic months should give us an even better Punk v. Cena around Summerslam and NOC. Cant wait.
Im sorry but i have no faith in WWE Creative to do anything positive between Cena v Punk 2.

Sheamus is having some trouble shaking the heat he got since Wrestlemania screwing over D Bryan, they were chanting Ziggler instead of Sheamus.

Turn Sheamus heel, have John Cena vs. Sheamus at Summerslam for the WHC - Bring some legitimacy and light back to the WHC. Then Orton can come back and do Orton v Sheamus.

Give the people what they want, turn the Summers best fued, D Bryan vs. CM Punk, heat it up at MITB and put the boiling point on at Summerslam, Iron Man match - WWE title.

Lesnar w/Heyman v. Triple H

There you go, Theres your card

Punk v Bryan - Iron Man - WWE Title - Main Event
Lesnar vs HHH - Paul Heyman gets the dirty win for Lesnar - A Main
Sheamus vs. John Cena - WHC - Sheamus wins, gets rub from Cena - B Main

Bryan wins the title and goes onto a program with Ziggler
CM Punk can go onto John Cena, No titles, just Best in the World fight
Sheamus can move onto Jericho or Orton

I know people might disagree, but i will bet my last dollar that its better than whatever WWE Creative comes up with.

This works for me too. Of course I still have no problem with Punk vs Cena. Either way Cena MUST be in a title match at SUMMER SLAM because it makes no sense to have your top guy in a midcard match on the 2nd biggest show of the year. If I were Punk I'd be begging for this match, but at the same time if I were Sheamus I'd be doing the same.
I have no issue with WWE going this path, I just don't want to see another face vs face feud for the WWE Title. I do not see WWE turning Cena heel, and Punk as champion should stay face, so it will be interesting to see how this pans out. I guess the simple way would be to have Cena booked in, and win, the MITB match and announce the following night on Raw he plans on cashing it in at Summerslam, like RVD did with his shot in 2006 announcing which show he was going to cash it in. This way face vs face will work, and with a dodgy ending and Punk getting the victory, a rematch is justfied in September. As WWE will hardly promote the matc h in favour of promoting the hell out a fued involving one guts who will be both competing in their 2nd match each of the year...........hope the undercard is solid
i think that this needs to happen becuase Punk has grown pretty much what he described last year in his shoot a kiss ass to the company and if this does happen i hope Punk can go back to be a Tweener i belive thats where he's best at not a Face or a Heel and cena should be back in the title picture hes been gone from it for almost a year now
I think that John cena vs CM Punk II could be the "big summer angle" that were looking for. I mean look last year punk did his rant on WWE and had 2 great matches with Cena at MITB and SummerSlam. Remember CM Punk's first night back in the contract signing with Vince Mcmahon Cena came out interuppted it and Punk told him that one day it wouldnt be John Cena looking down on CM Punk. Punk said "John Cena will go down to CM Punk". Punk could say that he proved himself by beating him twice but Cena still thinks hes the best Punk could bring Lesnar into it saying Lesnar beat the piss out of u while i was winning the championship or something like that. Punk could cut great promos in this fued with Cena. I mean Punk's best promos was wen he was fueding with Cena and HHH anyways..
But i'm not sayin it wont have the same effect but maybe this fued could be bigger than we expect it to be.
And know it wont involve Cene turning heel, believe me i've wanted him to turn heel for a long time but ive just given up on a heel turn haha. If WWE can do this fued right it can be a great blockbuster angle for the Summer as well as Lesnar/ Heyman vs HHH etc. Whatever
The only problem i have with this match is it wouldn't have half the momentum that it had last year.It had a lot of steam a year ago.Now it'd be i want your title-no,it's mine storyline which wont have much heat in it.
I think this has the potential to be a great feud. They are both excellent mic workers, good in the ring and draw a lot of interest from fans. I hope that any matches they have result in clean finishes (preferably with Punk winning),

I just find it a bit strange that WWE seems to have been doing as much as they can to silence the Cena-haters recently, but putting him against Punk will surely start all that up again.
i think that this needs to happen becuase Punk has grown pretty much what he described last year in his shoot a kiss ass to the company and if this does happen i hope Punk can go back to be a Tweener i belive thats where he's best at not a Face or a Heel and cena should be back in the title picture hes been gone from it for almost a year now

This is all on the shoulders of the writers, VKM, and I am SURE Cena because he's got a lot of pull. The guy is boring as hell and now stealing CM Punks against the establishment routine. That's why Punk isn't doing what he did last year, they gave his whole act to Cena. Except CENA is a joke doing it as he's the most company man there is.

I don't know WHY anyone would want HH Jr. to bring down another younger guy in his path. I am SOOOOO sick of Cena main eventing ANYTHING. Not to mention all this will do is cause MORE HATE for Cena as most fans will boo him even more again. Cena should stay with his meaningless feuds and retreaded stories they do for him. I agree have him fight Sheamus. Leave Punk for DB and other young talent. This brings really NOTHING positive or exciting out of it other than Hey John let's give you the belt to make up for us keeping you on the road and ruining your marriage.
I'd like to see Cena back in the WWE title picture for a short while, but I just don't think he needs to be there for long periods of time. He's achieved all he needs to and doesn't need to hold a title.
Cena vs Punk II would be great. An addition of Cena's star power will definitely spotlight the WWE title once again at PPVs. It just occurs to me that for the past 6 months, the WWE title match hasn't been the main event!

1) Royal Rumble
2) Elimination - Kane vs John Cena
3) WM - Rock vs Cena
4) Extreme Rules - Brock vs Cena
5) Over the Limit - Cena vs Big Johnny
6) No Way Out - Cena vs Big Show
I cant wait to see how this will go down, I think it will work out very similiar to how the Rock/Stone Cold feuds were, this just proves that you can still have two faces fueding. I always love watching two faces or heels going at it.
I absolutely love that this is being considered for Summer Slam. 2 great workers who had the best fued last year come full circle almost a year later. The only flaw I have with this is by doing this you are leaving out that third big match. With Lesner facing HHH and Punk defending the belt the third big match on the card would be Cena versus who ever he would be fueding with. Sure Sheamus and the WHC would be considered for that big main event status match to WWE but lets be honest are we really buying into that?
If wwe can find a way to fill out the rest of the card then I cant wait to see this fued again.
I can definitely see Cena winning the belt at NOC. It would make sense to have him win in front of his home-town fans. Regarding MITB I would think he will be in a throw away match against a mid-carder. Maybe a handicap match. There would be no point in him being in the actual ladder match.

After NOC i would let Cena keep the belt for a few months and then let the winner of the MITB briefcase cash it in (hopefully Ziggler).
My biggest probelm is, If Cena is already the Main Event then why face Punk for the title?

We saw this last year, they continued to feud for awhile and Cena doesnt need a single World Title soon, so why?????

CM Punk vs. Kane for the Title would be awesome!
CM Punk vs. Bryan in any kind of stipulation could be great technically!
CM Punk vs. Ziggler always delivers!

I quess because of Lesnar they are assuming this won't be the match that people buy or don't buy the PPV for but i dont see the point. They had the best matches they will get out of each other, they already faced at this PPV in the main event, and Cena doesnt need to be anywhere near the title pic to be relevant, so why????

It's sad how much WWE depends on Cena. I feel like they didnt even depend on Hogan, SCSA, or HBK this bad when they were on top!
I'm thrilled at the prospect of Cena/Punk at Summerslam. Sure you can call it a recycle feud but I really don't care. Watching their feud from last summer showed me that these two bring out the best in each other, both on the mic and in the ring. A rematch between these two has been a long time coming. I mean, who else is there for Punk to fight against? He's already beaten everyone who has stepped up to face him. The only thing that's left is to bring a clean, definitive end to his great rivalry with Cena. Don't really care how it starts but I would like to see it end in a decisive win for one of these guys. No interference, no distractions, no bullshit. Just a straight up match with a definite victor.
This is all on the shoulders of the writers, VKM, and I am SURE Cena because he's got a lot of pull. The guy is boring as hell and now stealing CM Punks against the establishment routine. That's why Punk isn't doing what he did last year, they gave his whole act to Cena. Except CENA is a joke doing it as he's the most company man there is.

I don't know WHY anyone would want HH Jr. to bring down another younger guy in his path. I am SOOOOO sick of Cena main eventing ANYTHING. Not to mention all this will do is cause MORE HATE for Cena as most fans will boo him even more again. Cena should stay with his meaningless feuds and retreaded stories they do for him. I agree have him fight Sheamus. Leave Punk for DB and other young talent. This brings really NOTHING positive or exciting out of it other than Hey John let's give you the belt to make up for us keeping you on the road and ruining your marriage.

Did I read a report anywhere stating that Cena was going to win the title? Find me this report and I will erect a statue in your honor. Otherwise, shut the hell up. Cena put Punk over more than anyone ever has and maybe he'll do the same thing again. They had great matches last year and have real chemistry so I don't see the damn problem here. You're just afraid that Punk will lose and let's face it. He's not exactly been setting the world on fire so tell me about how it's Cena's fault.

My biggest probelm is, If Cena is already the Main Event then why face Punk for the title?

We saw this last year, they continued to feud for awhile and Cena doesnt need a single World Title soon, so why?????

So you have inside information that Cena's going to win the title? Good to know.

CM Punk vs. Kane for the Title would be awesome!

I can see people breaking down the walls for that matchup.

CM Punk vs. Bryan in any kind of stipulation could be great technically!

So you blast the prospect of Cena/Punk because we saw it year, yet you want Punk/Bryan even though they've been feuding for the past couple of months?

CM Punk vs. Ziggler always delivers!

So has Punk vs. Cena. What's the problem?

I quess because of Lesnar they are assuming this won't be the match that people buy or don't buy the PPV for but i dont see the point. They had the best matches they will get out of each other, they already faced at this PPV in the main event, and Cena doesnt need to be anywhere near the title pic to be relevant, so why????

So you're saying that Cena vs. Punk won't be a bigger draw than any of the prospective matches you listed? You're not this dumb are you? I guess you had a problem with Undertaker's past 4 Wrestlemania matches.

It's sad how much WWE depends on Cena. I feel like they didnt even depend on Hogan, SCSA, or HBK this bad when they were on top!

Keep telling yourself that.
I don't really care. I'm happy this is the idea, because It'll deliver, it is a solid match that delivered two great matches last summer, which revolved around a phenomenal storyline which brought to life the rise of CM Punk.

Punk can only continue beating the likes of Daniel Bryan, Kane, Chris Jericho and others for so long before he runs into John Cena again. John Cena is still "the man," John Cena and CM Punk can deliver another good match on what so far looks to be a promising Summerslam card with Lesnar versus Triple H already down.

I have no complaints. Could do a lot worse, and you can't really do better.
I am going to disagree. Did you even watch his match with CM Punk at Money in the Bank last year? Did you watch his match with The Rock this year? Obviously you didn't. And by the way, that beat-down and comeback thing you are talking about, was also part of Warrior's style of matches. And also Hulk Hogan became famous thanks to that type of booking. That's how you book a star. Same booking was done with guys like Undertaker (late 90s), The Rock (early 2000s), Stone Cold (late 90s). It what made many stars look great in the eyes of the fans.

Claiming that he is a sloppy worker is as ridiculous, as Mae Young's appearances in WWE nowadays. The fact you come in here trying to compare him to Chris Benoit, is none realistic. Benoit was a first class technician, who worked his ass off in the ring. Yet, look where Benoit is now, and where is John Cena. Yeah, technique makes matches better, but most of those technical matches makes tons of injuries for the wrestlers involved. The WWE tries to be careful with Cena, because he is valuable for them, and that's why the matches are booked the way they are.

Your right, I have never seen Cena wrestle. I know nothing of him, just hear everyone rip on the guy and figure I'd join in. That MITB match against Punk was one of Cena's better efforts, but still Punk carried a majority of the match. I'll give you that Cena carried most of the match against The Rock, but what exactly did he do in that match? Cena is limited in the ring and it shows in his matches. You mention the same type of build for other superstars. But the big difference is the other guys you mention after taking a beating dish one out. They exectue move after move during there comback.

I never said he was a sloppy worker. He can take any bump. But when executing moves he is sloppy and thus they look bad. That's why I made the Warrior comparison. At least when Warrior did a move it looked good. And I'm not comparing him to Benoit or trying to say he should be as skilled in submission wrestling as him. Just making a point about how sloppy (again) he is when applying submissions, and how bogus it is that he makes top stars submit when even the very best (Benoit) struggle to do so.

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