**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Good information, thanks!

If Cena does win that belt at NoC, the feud will come full circle as Punk won the belt against Cena in Chicago.

IF Cena does win the belt later in the year, it almost 100% guarantees that The Rock will win the Royal Rumble so Rock vs. Cena II will be for the belt.
With John Cena's tweet saying he has a major announcement for tonight. What possibilities could he have in store? Could he be taking time off? Or being in his first Money In The Bank ladder match? Discuss...
Well..as the announcement ship has sailed and we know that it resulted in Cena placing himself in the MitB match, it means one thing:

Cena vs. Punk at Summerslam, as predicted by WZ.
I was thinking Rock/Cena 2 for episode 1000 or in a more perfect world his retirement, but no disappointment-paloza with being in the MITB match. Which means he wins MITB and then makes the match at Night Of Champions and somehow loses and then does something like put his career on the line at Summer Slam (rinse/wash/repeat). Just when I was enjoying the WWE title too...
The best thing they could have done to make a new star would have been to have the former champs in there and then have 2 other guys, and one of the new-comers wins it. Light the rocket and blast off a new star. BUT, they blew it.
For some reason I was thinking he would say he was divorcing his wife because he was gay but it's just him in the money in the bank so maybe it leads it Punk vs Cena at SS with Cena as the heel
For some reason I was thinking he would say he was divorcing his wife because he was gay but it's just him in the money in the bank so maybe it leads it Punk vs Cena at SS with Cena as the heel

I was with you until the last part. This isn't really as big an announcement as Cena led us to believe, but it might still be cool to see him in the MITB match.

I can see Cena winning and pulling an RVD and challenging punk for the title at a preset date (Summerslam) rather than doing a sneak cash in. I don't see the match being with a heel Cena. He will remain face.
I don't think Cena will win. I have a feeling more people will be added to the mix of former WWE Champions. Alberto Del Rio is eligible, to name a few. Heck, if Sheamus loses earlier in the night he is eligible. I think it will be Cena vs. Punk at Summerslam but I don't think that he will win MITB. Money in the Bank is always a wild card. But I figured he would put himself in Money in the Bank, which I don't mind.

For the record, I doubt Money in the Bank will be the main event. If it is, then Johnny Ace will come back to screw over Cena and Show.
What an Ego. An anouncement that will make history.

I know its true...but damn thats a bold statement. Because I think its pretty ordinary information.
I don't think Cena will win. I have a feeling more people will be added to the mix of former WWE Champions. Alberto Del Rio is eligible, to name a few. Heck, if Sheamus loses earlier in the night he is eligible. I think it will be Cena vs. Punk at Summerslam but I don't think that he will win MITB. Money in the Bank is always a wild card. But I figured he would put himself in Money in the Bank, which I don't mind.

For the record, I doubt Money in the Bank will be the main event. If it is, then Johnny Ace will come back to screw over Cena and Show.

We'll have to see who the other two superstars are because as of now John Cena is the only obvious pick.You say he probably wont win so u dont mind but if he doesnt who will? Big Slop vs Punk would be terrible Kane&Y2J just got off feuds with Punk so iff summerslam is Punk vs Cena idk what to say? Maybe Wade Barrett will return,only then i'll have hope.
I think there could be a lot more story involved if Cena doesn't win MITB. Problem is, Kane is the most likely to do anything with it of those announced, given Jericho's band commitments and everyone's general discredit to Big Show at this time. However, if he does, what are the chances he could be the first to cash in and NOT win the title? Just a thought...
If they are adding two more, I think it will be Orton & Rey. But I could be wrong.
Just my opinion.

Orton in the 2012 Money in the Bank is an impossibility. His suspension runs til July 30. I wouldn't be surprised if Miz got himself in there as well. It would be the only easy way to get him entered in the PPV as he has no real build around currently since he's been gone shooting that irrelevant movie.

But really, all that matters is Cena will win, challenge Punk, and we're on the road to Summerslam.
So now the GM doesn't mean anything? Wrestlers can put themselves in matches? Cena can put himself in the match and then Jericho can do the same? Then it turns out they can't, but the GM puts them in it anyway?

Any Big Show is unstoppable...cause he has a track record of that?

Come on, this was an awful announcement.
Whenever either fed says they have a major announcement it's almost guaranteed to suck. Tonight did not disappoint. I never understood why either fed has to mislead like they do.

I just shook my head when Cena made his big announcement.
I'm calling it right now. Cena wins MITB and becomes the first person to cash in and LOSE. Who else could do it without it completely destroying all their legitimacy?
yaaaaawwwwwnnnnnnn completly over the MITB PPV now. Thank you vince for ruining one of the most exciting matchs you have remaining. It was stated earlier today on a seperate forum that guys like Kane and Big Show have NO business in the MITB match. how do you expect those two as well as Kane to be doing some high flying attacks? Here is how the match will go down, Kane chockslams Cena......Kane gets a knock out punch from show.......Jericho hits the code breaker on Show......makes his way up the ladder at a pace not much faster than an old man with a checkered hat and huge sunglasses behind a steering wheel. By the time he makes it up the Ladder, Cena runs in, climbs the ladder.....trade blows and eventually hits the AA from the top of the ladder through a table to jericho. Super Cena Wins.

My BIGGEST problem with the match right now is that the WWE is going to rely on a guy who does not even have his heart in the business to do ALL of the high flying, shock and "oooohhhhhhh" moves. While the big guys punch each other
Cena is a heel that the kids like. Calling something that he's doing "historic" pretty much confirms it.

One thing I don't understand about WWE, and I'm interested to see if this point was ever made: Why does WWE think that kids can only like John Cena?

THEY'RE KIDS! If you tell them to like somebody, then they will. They're not adults. Their brains are still developing. They're in a stage of their lives where they can be molded into liking somebody. And so, for instance, what if Daniel Bryan was the face of WWE? He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, and he's a great wrestler. He's got a great head on his shoulders, a non existent ego, and he looks like the average guy except he went above and beyond to become as great as he is. That's a great message for kids! He's the role model that he says he is, even when currently he's just pretending to have an ego about it.

And so, saying all of this, it has me thinking: WWE is well aware of all of this, but they're very forward thinkers. They're thinking of when these 9 year olds Cena's talking about become adults. WWE has molded them into being fans of Cena, and it's quite the mad scientist kind of an idea. The adult male demographic? They're irrelevant now. It's all about the kids and their parents. In 9 years, I think we'll start to see more wrestlers in Cena's image because that's who the future ticket consumer will want to see. Vince McMahon is a genius because of it.

How old were most of you during the Attitude Era? I bet that most of you were still in middle school, am I right? Today's WWE is closing in on what Vince has always wanted it to be. Men with super hero physiques competing in his very own action soap opera. Hell, the Attitude Era only existed because of how competitive WCW got. They wanted to be edgier because they wanted to appeal to the adult male demographic. You could say that Billionaire Ted was more in the present - wanting to appeal to today's consumer, being that he had his own empire set in stone in the first place before entering wrestling. Dixie Carter is doing the same thing nowadays, but is failing for of course not having the resources that Ted had.

What Vince is doing now is molding the minds of the children that watch the show. Cena will always be the face of WWE because that's the kind of guy Vince will always want in the spotlight. The only reason why Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are successful in the business today? It's because of us - the adult male demographic, but after a several years when those two finally retire, we'll be back in the 80's - 90's style of WWE sports entertainer. The hulking personality will be back in the forefront of WWE, and unless another steroid scandal appears which I doubt will since Vince learns from his mistakes, then we won't see the likes of a small guy being considered as the face of WWE again.

You have society and Vince McMahon to thank for that. So get used to disliking Cena. Himself, and everyone like him will be around for a long time. We may very well be in the final decade of professional wrestling's existence until it becomes sports entertainment for good.


As for everyone talking about how boring the product is? That's exactly what they want you to think. The sooner we go away, the sooner Vince gets his way. Think about it.
I didn't expect much from Cena. But I expected better than that? Money in the Bank may not be the place for Wade Barrett then? Creative could have done so much better?

Is the 'past champions' only past WWE champions, or does it include ex-World Heavyweight champions as well? Because I'd love Dolph Ziggler to be placed in the same match as Jericho and Cena and win? It would become a huge thing for the show off to 'show off' about?

I would love one MITB match for past, and one for future? People who have won the title in the past in the WWE championship MITB, and people who haven't in the World Heavyweight championship MITB. Couldn't you see Kofi, Barrett, R-Truth, Ryback, Rhodes and Ryder have an amazing match? Maybe add in Otunga and Santino, or Brodus Clay? It'd be great.
If Cena is to be a part of one of the MITB matches, I think its pretty likely that he will win. I think thats the general belief from most fans, and it is something that WWE will probably go with.

However, I think it would be a much bigger shock if he didn't win. Everyone expects him to, so a Vince swerve as we have seen before could be used to fool us all.

1. Cena gets screwed by interferance. We have a new star holding the MITB briefcase with a title shot (hopefully Rhodes) and Cena has a ready-made next feud against the guy who cost him the match- possibly Dean Ambrose?!

2. Cena loses due to his own mistake. He gets frustrated and we see a heel turn- unlikely I know but it would be great to see!


If Cena wins (which I still think is the most likely option), he cashes in and loses. This gives us something we have never seen before- an unsuccessful cash-in of the briefcase, and Punk gets to remain Champion, keeping the belt away from the Golden Boy.
I dont think we'll ever see John Cena heel turn, i think if they were going to do one it would have been with the Kane feud just before Mania....
With guys like Cena, Kane and Big Show so far, the MITB match doesnt sound too promising thus far in terms of excitement values, hopefully some more agile stars can go in this along with Jericho.
We all know how this plays out:

He will win Money in the Bank then immediately after the match he will announce he's cashing in MITB at Summer Slam on whoever is the champion (CM Punk). Then he'll lose at Summer Slam but cash in his rematch clause at Night of Champions to win the belt in Boston.

There's only one other thing to consider: The Miz is done filming his movie a couple days before the MITB PPV. He is a former champion so he can compete in the match. I could see all the participants in the ring with the bell about to ring and then "AWEEEEEESOME."
He and Cena are the only two guys I see winning this match the way it's set up now.
I was fine with the announcement itself, I just thought the segment they had was awful. The whole Star Wars lead-in was agonizing and Chris Jericho has pretty clearly lost all interest in being there; was he drunk or something? He kept slurring his words. The crowd wasn't into his announcement at all.

Anyway, I would expect that the final two spots go to The Miz and Rey Mysterio.
By the look of things i feel Big Show will win MITB don't think Cena will. If Cena does then IMO Daniel Bryan should go over Punk so that heel vs face can be done.
I am just as sick of John Cena as a lot of other wrestling fans my age (33). And it really irritates me the spin control the WWE is doing right now to counter the news coming out about Cena being a womanizer and an adulterer. But I just don't think the WWE is going to unhitch the wagon from him. So here is how I write him.

John Cena wins the WWE Championship Money In The Bank match at MITB PPV. Cena comes out on Raw the next night and says "I vow to do the right thing with this (WWE Championship Contract). I am above sneak attacks or taking advantage of a champion who has just fought his butt off in a match."

After SummerSlam, Cena takes a few months off. Partly due to storyline reasons. Also to heal nagging injuries and get his personal life in order. In the meantime the WWE teases opportunities for Cena to come out and cash in on the WWE Champion on TV and PPV's. But Cena never shows up. Then Cena shows up around Survivor Series to be on Triple H's team against a Brock Lesnar led team. The December PPV (TLC) we see Cena officially end his feud with Big Show.

Then comes the Royal Rumble in which Cena wins the Rumble match and challenges the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 29. During all this time the WWE is not mentioning he still has the MITB Briefcase trying to get people to forget. In the meantime, Brock Lesnar wins the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber PPV. Over the next few weeks Lesnar runs rough shot over the WWE until about the first Raw in March The Rock returns and stands up to Brock Lesnar. We now have our main event for Wrestlemania 29, Brock Lesnar vs The Rock.

At Wrestlemania 29, John Cena defeats whoever the World Heavyweight Champion is to become the WHC. Then we have our Main Event, Brock vs Rock. In the end The Rock goes over and does what he said he would do the night after Wrestlemania 28. He becomes WWE Champion. The Rock has saved the WWE from Brock Lesnar and the New York crowd is going wild. After a decade, The Rock is once again WWE Champion. Then we hear Cena's music. He walks down the aisle and everyone starts to remember he has the MITB contract for the WWE Championship match.

But Cena isn't carrying the MITB Briefcase, just the WHC belt. He gets in the ring, and after a few tense moments, Rock and Cena shake hands and then do the 4 corner celebration. Cena salutes Rock and rolls out of the ring while Rock goes back to the far corner. Cena calls for a referee, goes under the ring to retrieve the briefcase, goes in and nails The Rock with the briefcase, cashes in, hits the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock and pins him to win the WWE Championship and avenge his loss to The Rock from Wrestlemania 28. John Cena now stands with both the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship Belts.
I am just as sick of John Cena as a lot of other wrestling fans my age (33). And it really irritates me the spin control the WWE is doing right now to counter the news coming out about Cena being a womanizer and an adulterer. But I just don't think the WWE is going to unhitch the wagon from him. So here is how I write him.

John Cena wins the WWE Championship Money In The Bank match at MITB PPV. Cena comes out on Raw the next night and says "I vow to do the right thing with this (WWE Championship Contract). I am above sneak attacks or taking advantage of a champion who has just fought his butt off in a match."

After SummerSlam, Cena takes a few months off. Partly due to storyline reasons. Also to heal nagging injuries and get his personal life in order. In the meantime the WWE teases opportunities for Cena to come out and cash in on the WWE Champion on TV and PPV's. But Cena never shows up. Then Cena shows up around Survivor Series to be on Triple H's team against a Brock Lesnar led team. The December PPV (TLC) we see Cena officially end his feud with Big Show.

Then comes the Royal Rumble in which Cena wins the Rumble match and challenges the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 29. During all this time the WWE is not mentioning he still has the MITB Briefcase trying to get people to forget. In the meantime, Brock Lesnar wins the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber PPV. Over the next few weeks Lesnar runs rough shot over the WWE until about the first Raw in March The Rock returns and stands up to Brock Lesnar. We now have our main event for Wrestlemania 29, Brock Lesnar vs The Rock.

At Wrestlemania 29, John Cena defeats whoever the World Heavyweight Champion is to become the WHC. Then we have our Main Event, Brock vs Rock. In the end The Rock goes over and does what he said he would do the night after Wrestlemania 28. He becomes WWE Champion. The Rock has saved the WWE from Brock Lesnar and the New York crowd is going wild. After a decade, The Rock is once again WWE Champion. Then we hear Cena's music. He walks down the aisle and everyone starts to remember he has the MITB contract for the WWE Championship match.

But Cena isn't carrying the MITB Briefcase, just the WHC belt. He gets in the ring, and after a few tense moments, Rock and Cena shake hands and then do the 4 corner celebration. Cena salutes Rock and rolls out of the ring while Rock goes back to the far corner. Cena calls for a referee, goes under the ring to retrieve the briefcase, goes in and nails The Rock with the briefcase, cashes in, hits the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock and pins him to win the WWE Championship and avenge his loss to The Rock from Wrestlemania 28. John Cena now stands with both the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship Belts.

That idea is so cool I'm kind of mad that it hasn't happened yet. Hopefully with Cena being the Undisputed Champion, it would be a great time to unveil a brand new championship belt. The Attitude Era belt had a 4 year run, the Undisputed Champion belt had about a 3 year run, and the current belt has been in effect for almost 7 years! Longest since the Winged Eagle, time for a change-up. But I digress.

Anyways, here are my thoughts on Cena. Why do people hate on him so much? I understand the hating him for cheating on his wife, but why do people hate the wrestler? People always talk about his "5 moves of doom"...so what? Its about storytelling and entertainment. When Cena is on TV, whether he is wrestling or cutting a promo, you damn well know you are paying attention, because he's entertaining. If he knows only 5 moves, so what? Its about storytelling, and storytelling truly shows how good a match is. John Cena has had many, many, MANY memorable matches in the WWE and they're all fun to watch.

MITB 2011 against CM Punk, WM 28 against The Rock, and the Raw after WrestleMania 23 against Shawn Michaels, and the list goes on of great matches. His matches (except against John Laurinaitis at Over The Limit) have become must-see because they're great and fun to watch.

So if people can stop hating on a guy who works hard, is at every single Raw day in and day out, and puts on matches people always enjoy, it would be great, because I really don't want to see how people react to a person in the top position that he's in, that truly doesn't deserve it. Unlike the way Cena deserves to be the top guy.

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