**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Randy orton is a similar age to Cena....why are you fools even considering him as a replacement for Cena? Not to mention Randy does'nt know how to use a Microphone!
Wooden Character that is Over simply because of his Look and his RKO.

Possible replacements for Cena on the Roster right now?
Would have to be young, able to use a Mic and have a Marketable Look.
I am not his biggest fan....but ALEX RILEY fits that criteria. If WWE could do a U turn on his career creative wise he could have a good shot at the big time in WWE.
when cena is gone i expect orton punk and even del rio to be gone as well [orton because hes been in the wwe about the same time as cena, and punk and del rio because they have said they dont want to be in the business into there late years].. i dont think cody will take the role of cena, but i could see maybe sheamus, miz, or ziggler having a shot to be that guy, if not then they will have to create the next big superstar or hope he falls right into their lap
I think if he retires in 15 years wwe would have a suitable replacement by then but if Cena say gets a career ending injury at No Way Out then WWE would be in a pickle. I think with how will he's been doing as a face CM Punk would be a good choice but hes really a more adult fan favorite. My guess would be Orton, even tho he doesn't have the mic skills as Cena he's still way over with the young ins and could be made to be more PG friendly.
It's probably ten years off (inless injury forces him to finish earlier).

As it has been said he is roughly the same age as Orton and Punk so they're not replacements. I've read on a couple of sites that Del Rio isn't too keen on wrestling for many years, still that could change Micheals said he was going to retire sooner after he came back in 2002 and Booker T said he was finishing full time before he actually did. Retirement really is just a nonsense word in wrestling apart from the guys that get injured badly, most don't know the right time to go but then again everything is 20/20 in hindsight.

I would suggest to WWE and Cena to take him off TV until Summerslam from this point onwards and give him generally a two month break each year, I would also rotate this method with other guys on the roster like Punk and Orton. In that time others should 'step up' and attempt to fill the missing stars place and during this time it gives said wrestler an off season to rest up and hopefully prolong their careers.
I think the person who will take John Cenas place will be......Ted Dibiase....Jr. Cm Punk will not take his place based on the fact that he said, via twitter, that he will retire 2016.
To be honest, the same thing WWE has always done. Business will continue on. Cena will tell them well in advance that he's going to retire at X time. They can start now by building new guys to take his place as far as being the top guy and whatnot. They can't ever replace the person though, that one's obvious. I think as long as Cena wants to be active in the company (even when he decides to quit wrestling weekly) he will still be a draw like Austin, Rock, et al.

Great thread btw.
This is a very good thread and a topic that will always cause agree and disagreement. But in my opinion I think wwe dropped the ball on Cenas long term replacement last year with Zack Ryder when he was the buzz of the wrestling industry and everyone was paying to see him and buying his merchandise up like hot cakes. Ryder is only 27 was 26 around all that hype wwe should of pulled the trigger on his popularity back then...yeh his gimmick is goofy and a bit for the kids but Cena's was when he was young and still kinda is now. At the end of the day people was paying to see Ryder and was paying to see Ryder team with Cena they should of built Ryder full steam for another year before a big wrestlemania/summerslam showdown with Cena to further more cement him in the top spot. Ryder could have evolved in the ring and on the mic and get better in the long term but wwe should of believed in him and gave him that push he deserved for all his hardwork.
Yeah I didn't really need to see that big of a picture of Ryder lol. I think you have a point there with Ryder..I read somewhere tho that vince thinks of him as a underdog kind of story someone like Santino unfortunately. But that could always change if they have him win the MITB and forcefully and aggressively push him. WWE has shown that they can make anyone as long as there over with the fans and Ryder is still over.
Hell Cena hanging his boots is a long time away barring injury. Anyone could pop up and rise to the top in that time. If I'm gonna name someone who might be there in ten years at the top rather than one of Cena's peers I'm gonna go for Bo Rotundo (Dallas)
I forget where I read it but I had read that Seamus is being groomed to be the next big face of the company. I can truthfully see this happening have you noticed the pops or on raw this week the little kid with the face done like Seamus? His T-shirt sales are moving up with the Brouge Kick Houlligans he is becoming very popular. He is also a vince type of prefered company face. Big, lots of muscles and tall he does well on the talk show circut he was great on Conan a time or two. He has also started doing the Make a wish stuff and is supposidly second in requests to John Cena. So I see him as the choice that is being made.
The wwe is a machine.CeNa retiring wont slow anything down.Look @ the late 80's they had Hogan,Macho Man,Andre The Giant,Roddy Piper,Snuka,Ted DiBiase,Ultimate Warrior,Ric Rude,HTM.Then the early 90's came & they replaced the 80's stars with Undertaker,Bret Hart,Shawn Micheals,Yokozuna,Diesel,Razor Ramoan,BamBam Bigelo,Owen Hart,1 2 3 KID,Lex Lugar.Then the attitude era CAME.they still had Taker & HBK,but they retooled with Stone Cold,The Rock,HHH,Mankind,KANE,Kurt Angel,Jericoh,GoldDust,Ken Shamrock,And they reinvented the tag division with EDGE&Christian,The Hardy's,The DudleysNew Age Outlaws, & the APA.Then the 2000's came with Brock Lesnar,John CeNa,Batista,Randy Orton,CM PUNK,Rob Van Dam,
Booker T,Shelton Bengamin.Now look @ the future stars-Sheamus,Ziggler,Wade Barrett
& Cody Rhodes all will be legends in the WWE.Plus you got Daniel Bryan,
Alberto Del Rio,Miz,Kofi Kingston.I would say R-Truth but he will prob retire before CeNa.You got Sin Cara,Jack Swagger has already been a WHC before,he is young & has plenty of time to turn his carear around.Brodus Clay,Ryback & Antonio Cesero is a seasoned vet even though i hope the KOW reunite,but i think Chris Herro will be a star because Punk has pull & im sure Bryan is gaining pull and they will be in Vince's ear about the KOW, espicialy Herro,thats Punks boy.Now Alex Shelly(who is great friends with petey williams &Xavier woods in wwe developmental) & Matt Morgan are coming over soon & if i were a betting man i would expect Samoa Joe,Bobby Roode,James Storm,AJ Styles,Austin Aries,Kaz,Chris Sabin & TALENTS LIKE Crimson & Gunner all jump ship in the next 2 years.To bad Daniels is to old.They broke there no hiring any1 over 30 rule for Lord Tensai.Maybe they will bring fortune all in thier cruiser weight show & give Daniels a chance.I havent even mentioned developmental & all the potential super stars down in FCW.Ambrose is better than 85% of the active roster now.And the boy can promo with any wrestler in the world.Seth Rollins(i liked it when he was going by tyler black better) but he is better than more than half the roster right now,ambrose has the edge because he has top notch promo skills,Rollins needs to improve in that department.Richie Steamboat has big shoes to fill but he is getting it done down there. WWE officials are raving over the Rotunda Brothers.They are both playing different gimicks.U might remember Husky Harris from season 2 of NXT & his short time in the NeXuS.His brother was the FCW champ for a few months but when they get called up i think they should drop thier gimmicks & just be the Rotunda Brothers & be a tag team.Byron Saxton is a jack of all trades.He can wrestle,commentate better than cole,booker,&striker.Him & Regal are gold at the commentator table.Briley Pierce(dolph Zigglers brother) And Leo Krugar he is like an Australian Wade Barrett or Sheamus when he was heel.The FCW trainers think he has the most potential out of the super heavyweight wrestlers.Xavier Woods already has 5 years on TV from his time with TNA,So when he gets called up i think he will impress the higher ups with how comfortable he is on TV so early in his debut.They also got a beast called Big E Langston,he looks like Ezekeil Jacksons brother.They should tag up.Oh & last but not least they can raid all that talent in ROH.The Prodigy Mike Bennet will be in the WWE I can garuntee that.Then u Have the All night EXPRESS Rhett TiTus & Kenny King & The Briscoe Brothers(if WWE is serious about revamping the tag division this is the perfect time,they got the Rotunda brothers,Kofi & Truth,They have the KOW, they can sign Chris Sabin then they will have the MCMG"s,WWE has intreast in the Briscoes,bring back Worlds Greatest Tag-Team,& sign ALL NIGHT EXPRESS) That would be the best tag division since the 80"s.Maybe better.Lets not forget John Morrison will be back in a year & he is going to be rested & in his prime.

So in closing,if you read all that the WWE will do what it always does.Develop talent in there developmental territory,raid talent from ROH & TNA) & Develop there own stars. The "E" wont miss CeNa 1 bit.Anyways i think CeNa loves this biz more than any other wrestler ever.You see how much Stone Cold & HBK come around, CeNa will be around double.Mark my words CeNa will be Raw GM. Then 10 years after that he will be Smackdown GM. BOOK IT!!!
The wwe is a machine.CeNa retiring wont slow anything down.Look @ the late 80's they had Hogan,Macho Man,Andre The Giant,Roddy Piper,Snuka,Ted DiBiase,Ultimate Warrior,Ric Rude,HTM.Then the early 90's came & they replaced the 80's stars with Undertaker,Bret Hart,Shawn Micheals,Yokozuna,Diesel,Razor Ramoan,BamBam Bigelo,Owen Hart,1 2 3 KID,Lex Lugar.Then the attitude era CAME.they still had Taker & HBK,but they retooled with Stone Cold,The Rock,HHH,Mankind,KANE,Kurt Angel,Jericoh,GoldDust,Ken Shamrock,And they reinvented the tag division with EDGE&Christian,The Hardy's,The DudleysNew Age Outlaws, & the APA.Then the 2000's came with Brock Lesnar,John CeNa,Batista,Randy Orton,CM PUNK,Rob Van Dam,
Booker T,Shelton Bengamin.Now look @ the future stars-Sheamus,Ziggler,Wade Barrett
& Cody Rhodes all will be legends in the WWE.Plus you got Daniel Bryan,
Alberto Del Rio,Miz,Kofi Kingston.I would say R-Truth but he will prob retire before CeNa.You got Sin Cara,Jack Swagger has already been a WHC before,he is young & has plenty of time to turn his carear around.Brodus Clay,Ryback & Antonio Cesero is a seasoned vet even though i hope the KOW reunite,but i think Chris Herro will be a star because Punk has pull & im sure Bryan is gaining pull and they will be in Vince's ear about the KOW, espicialy Herro,thats Punks boy.Now Alex Shelly(who is great friends with petey williams &Xavier woods in wwe developmental) & Matt Morgan are coming over soon & if i were a betting man i would expect Samoa Joe,Bobby Roode,James Storm,AJ Styles,Austin Aries,Kaz,Chris Sabin & TALENTS LIKE Crimson & Gunner all jump ship in the next 2 years.To bad Daniels is to old.They broke there no hiring any1 over 30 rule for Lord Tensai.Maybe they will bring fortune all in thier cruiser weight show & give Daniels a chance.I havent even mentioned developmental & all the potential super stars down in FCW.Ambrose is better than 85% of the active roster now.And the boy can promo with any wrestler in the world.Seth Rollins(i liked it when he was going by tyler black better) but he is better than more than half the roster right now,ambrose has the edge because he has top notch promo skills,Rollins needs to improve in that department.Richie Steamboat has big shoes to fill but he is getting it done down there. WWE officials are raving over the Rotunda Brothers.They are both playing different gimicks.U might remember Husky Harris from season 2 of NXT & his short time in the NeXuS.His brother was the FCW champ for a few months but when they get called up i think they should drop thier gimmicks & just be the Rotunda Brothers & be a tag team.Byron Saxton is a jack of all trades.He can wrestle,commentate better than cole,booker,&striker.Him & Regal are gold at the commentator table.Briley Pierce(dolph Zigglers brother) And Leo Krugar he is like an Australian Wade Barrett or Sheamus when he was heel.The FCW trainers think he has the most potential out of the super heavyweight wrestlers.Xavier Woods already has 5 years on TV from his time with TNA,So when he gets called up i think he will impress the higher ups with how comfortable he is on TV so early in his debut.They also got a beast called Big E Langston,he looks like Ezekeil Jacksons brother.They should tag up.Oh & last but not least they can raid all that talent in ROH.The Prodigy Mike Bennet will be in the WWE I can garuntee that.Then u Have the All night EXPRESS Rhett TiTus & Kenny King & The Briscoe Brothers(if WWE is serious about revamping the tag division this is the perfect time,they got the Rotunda brothers,Kofi & Truth,They have the KOW, they can sign Chris Sabin then they will have the MCMG"s,WWE has intreast in the Briscoes,bring back Worlds Greatest Tag-Team,& sign ALL NIGHT EXPRESS) That would be the best tag division since the 80"s.Maybe better.Lets not forget John Morrison will be back in a year & he is going to be rested & in his prime.

So in closing,if you read all that the WWE will do what it always does.Develop talent in there developmental territory,raid talent from ROH & TNA) & Develop there own stars. The "E" wont miss CeNa 1 bit.Anyways i think CeNa loves this biz more than any other wrestler ever.You see how much Stone Cold & HBK come around, CeNa will be around double.Mark my words CeNa will be Raw GM. Then 10 years after that he will be Smackdown GM. BOOK IT!!!

How in the world is anybody supposed to read all that? Paragraph, sentence structure, grammar and punctuation are your friends. You should reacquaint yourself with them sometime, my good man.

Now onto answering the thread........there is no cause for alarm when that day comes. If the WWE survived Stone Cold and Rock leaving at around the same time, it can move on after Cena as well. The only loss that will significantly alter the long-tem future of the WWE is when Vince McMahon is no longer in control, a topic that has been discussed ad nauseam on these forums.
Ted Dibiase Jr. would be a Good choice to take his place. He has a good physique, wrestling background.. Needs to work on the mic skills though
He has the looks of a Good Boy like Cena n a Solid Wrestler also.
I've just finished reading the thread about HHH wining another title. In that thread many people talked about HHH beating Flairs record 16 World Championship and that not HHH(who has 13) but Cena(who has 12) will do it.
And after thinking about it I have to say that I don't think Cena will beat that record and here is why.
It has been almost a year since Cena was champion and as it looks he isn't going to be in the title picture for the next 2 or 3 months. The current title picture is full with young guys like Punk and Bryan who are doing very good job. We see Kane who is being added to it and if thing go well maybe Ziggler will join. Now don't get me wrong Cena will probably win the title 2 or 3 times(at most) but that will be it. He has reached that level in his carrier wear doesn't need the title. He is being used for big feuds and matches which simply don't need it. And in the future he will be in the title picture only to give someone a rub. Another thing that makes me believe this is that (in my eyes) the WWE is starting to focus more on the new guys like Punk, Bryan, Barret(when he comes back), Sheamus, ADR, Rhodes.
Now that is what I think and I don't want to make anyone think as me. All I want is to hear your thoughts about this. And don't turn this into another one of the I hate Cena thread please.
If you honestly think cena only has 2 or 3 more belt runs in him you're insane. It is only a matter of time before Cena is back in the title scene, and, if the ratings keep tanking, whether we like it or not, that will probably be sooner rather than later. Cena or HHH will take Flair's record. Maybe both. It' going to happen.
Given the fact that they're "in panic mode" about TV ratings, as one report on here said yesterday, I could easily see them flipping a switch and throwing Cena back into the title picture. He'll probably have to play out his feud with Big Show but then maybe they give Bryan the title and he feuds with Cena. I wouldn't put it past WWE at this point.

They may continue to push they younger talent that you've mentioned (I would LOVE to see Barrett come back and immediately get into the title picture) but I don't think they're going to put the title on any of them at the moment if they're really worried about TV ratings.

They know Punk and Cena are currently the only guys they have that can draw, and evidently they're not too interested in investing time or energy into creative, and even if they were it would take a while to plant the seeds of quality stories/feuds/angles again, so they're left with very little choice with Rock/Lesnar out of the picture at the moment and Orton/Jericho suspended.

Will they make Cena champion as a knee-jerk reaction to low ratings before the end of the summer? My best would be yes, you'll see it.
Hopefully Cena will never win the Wwe or World Title again, since i started watching Wrestling in 2005 all i have seen in the main event picture for the World Title is John Cena, at the beginning it was good but now i get bored just at the thought of Cena winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

However, i would love to see Cena go after another title like the United States or Intercontinental Championship, because you rarely so him fighting for them and seeing as Wwe is planning on unifying the titles then i think Cena would be the perfect person to defeat both champions and be the one to unify them.
HHH will never hold the WWE championship again.
Cena will certainly beat Flair's reccord because before he retires....this is the accolade they will be sure to slap on him so that they can make him an even more big deal when he makes the odd appearance as a "legend" in the future.

Cena = Ratings.
Weather you can bare his SuperHero Patriot garbage or not.... the man is a commodity that WWE cannot ignore.
He will beat Flair's reccord....and it will be a big big deal.
Maybe 5 years from now Cena would be used to put over talents so he'll most Likely win more titles. Hope he puts over talent and retire if he doesn't then that'll make me just hate him a lot more than i do now
You guys really need to chill out. Honestly, all the anger and stress is really bad for your heart. Especially over things you can't control, like John Cena winning the WWE title. I just read some guy say "it'll just make me hate him even more."

Why would you hate something that is not meant for you? Clearly WWE is PG, and PG is a rated typically, not officially for 10/u. That means WWE does not care how you feel about the current product. WWE has made clear that its product is made for kids. So you, if you being a 20, 30, 40 year old man or woman enjoyed the AE product, you need to MOVE ON. :banghead:

You know kids love John Cena. So if they are really concerned about the TV ratings, then you know with everybody suspended, super John is coming back. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't but my point is that everybody getting physically upset and being angry. STOP. This product is not for you, you're probably looking for an independent promotion. The more you watch WWE, the more you're bringing on an early heart attack. I know most of you are 40 year old AE fans that watch WWE to see how boring John Cena is. Then come here to complain because you think you can do a better job. I understand, how hard it is, and how much time it took to gain the expertise you have attained from watching old WWF videos on youtube. And I know how hard it is to force yourself to like a product aimed at kids half your age... Okay well, I don't. Because Cena or not, I just go along for the ride. As a person like me, who sort of feels like a graduate from the AE, I feel like it's nice to see other people, a new set of wrestlers etch their name in WWE history. Just enjoy the ride, there will be an era without John Cena. Where you can hate Sheamus or whoever is the top face, because they don't curse or use a wide variety of moves. And I know by saying that, there's going to be people that say, "NO!!! I hate John Cena cause blah blah blah."

If the TV ratings go up, expect John Cena back in the title picture. If the TV ratings go down, expect John Cena back in the title picture. If you are still watching a television product aimed at 10 year olds, in 5 years, expect John Cena back in the title picture as the 18X WWE champion.

I know what you're thinking. Yes you can bow down now :worship:. lol
The atrocious use of grammar in this thread makes my eyes bleed.

Cena will easily beat Flair's record. It's not like he's old, and Cena is the face of the company. I'm certain he'll be holding one of the belts again before the fall. Besides, as Skinsley said, the 'E will take full advantage of showcasing Cena beating Flair's record.
It depends.If his divorce doesn't get nasty like hogan's he'll do it.But if it spoils his image,then i wouldn't be surprised to see him being cut of the top of the company.As the E has proved time and time again,they'd do anything to save their image.But even if he breaks the record,i won't have much problem with it.
As much as I hate Cena it doesnt matter to me if he breaks Flair's record. WWE has already ruined the prestige of both world titles and they will never get it back. Cena 12-time champion, HHH 13-time, Edge 11-time, and I think Orton is like a 7 time champion.Taker had to wait 5 years to get his fifth title. Swagger, Miz and Ziggler are former world champions and are now booked as jobbers. The WWE/WHC title means nothing. Cena could be a 30-time champion, he will still be a joke to me.
Imo Cena has about 5 good years left in him. He has essentially has been wrestling for 9-10 straight years with little to no time off. His body will start to break down. HHH, Michaels and Taker wrestled into their 40s only because they were wrestling part time. And who is to say Cena wont just retire sooner because he wants to start a family (yes I know he's divorced) or he is just burnt out?

Also what makes everyone so sure that WWE will survive when Cena retires? Im not saying that they are going to go out of business but I can see the WWE not being that big 10 years from now. All I have to look at is my DVD of Wrestlemania 28: On the cover is Rock (part time), HHH(part time), Taker(part time), and Michaels who is retired. Cena the only full time wrestler. In other words at their biggest and most important event of the year the WWE is still relying on old established talent. And when these guys hang it up for good, WWE could lose a lot of older wrestling fans.

I just dont see where WWE is going to get future stars. Sheamus is 34, Orton 32, and Punk is 33. So they dont have a lot of years left in them either. Miz, Swagger, Ziggler, DiBiase, Kofi are pretty much booked as jobbers. How is anyone going to take them seriously as main eventers?

Also Vince thinks that if he targets a younger audience now, they will still be WWE fans 10-15 years from now. The only problem with that is the younger audience could grow tired of wrestling, and move on to other things like UFC, NFL etc, technology and video games will be even better 10 years from now.

tl;dr WWE has no long term plan for when Cena retires.
they have taken Cena out of the title picture for now so WWE can build up credible main event opponents for him to make the company money down the track. Do you not know how the business works????? WWE will make plenty when Cena vs Punk happens again, or Cena vs Bryan or Cena vs Sheamus or Cena vs Del Rios. WWE for the longest time had Cena, HHH, Taker, Edge, Batista and Orton and nobody else in the title pictures. Now all bar Cena and Orton are finished in the title picture and why bury Cena in matches with these guys yet??? Dumb dumb dumb. Have to build credibility and to get that, they need to be viewed as main eventers thus needing to have runs with the belt first. Simple wrestling booking

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