**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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I liked Cena on his debut against Angle for reasons I can't put my finger on.

However I was on a 'blackout' from WWE between about 2003-2011. There was only so many times I could stay up until 3am watching Raw before it affected my grades too much, but when I was bored I looked up WWE on YouTube and saw him doing his rap battles which I thought were hilarious, especially his one where Big Show came and rapped too. So I started using those lines in my everyday life, especially the You Can't See Me.

When I got back into WWE in 2011, I made a promise that I would initially cheer ANY of the old guys that I watched in the early 2000's, even if it was Billy and Chuck I'd cheer for them. So when I got back into it, I carried on liking him
The moment I first liked John Cena was one day roughly a decade ago, when Kurt Angle offered a challenge to anybody in the back. Out comes a guy no one has ever heard of, as noted in Kurt's response of "Who in the HELL are YOU!?". Cena had me interested from the RUTHLESS AGGRESSION line and I have been a fan of his ever since, following his entire career. He just made an instant impression by standing up to Angle on his first day there and I liked how that showed his potential. Wow.... Has it really almost been ten years already?

Most will probably say they began to like him when he was the rapper but then stopped when he became his current persona due to (insert random cena hater reason to dislike). The rapper was a cool character and is the main reason I kept watching WWE during a time that I nearly quit watching. Unlike many others, I really like his current persona as well. His never give up attitude is something most people can look up to. Cena is one of my favorite wrestlers and he likely always will be.
I thought he was alright when he first debut,though I never really cared about him then. Didn't really notice him until he started rapping and cursing,because he was one of the few people at that time who would curse,like "I don't give a *holds mic up in the air,crowd screams "FUCK!"*" or "You can suck my *holds mic up in the air,crowd screams "DICK!"* The feud with Undertaker was pretty entertaining,especially when he was standing in the middle of a pentagram and pissing on a gravestone. I didn't really start to like him until he wore the Ruck Fules shirt or the Word Life shirt with a modified version of the old WWF logo,whichever came first. I thought that was pretty cool. Then I became a big Cena fan in 2004(?) when he was feuding with Carlito,got "stabbed" in the kidney by Jesus and then came back at Survivor Series,chased Carlito and Jesus off and beat the living hell out of Jesus at Armageddon. Talk about ruthless aggression.

Long story short,I guess I've always liked Cena,but I didn't really become a big fan of his until late 2004.
His match with Brock at Backlash 2003 really opened my eyes to him. His feud with Undertaker was great. The old school vs. new school storyline was perfect. I really started disliking him around late 05- early 06 though. He just grew stale as every match was becoming eerily familiar no matter who his opponent was. But recently I've been finding it hard to hate Cena as I once did. With all his charity work and undying dedication to the business he has my respect as a man even if I don't like who he is on TV.
The moment I first liked John Cena was one day roughly a decade ago, when Kurt Angle offered a challenge to anybody in the back. Out comes a guy no one has ever heard of, as noted in Kurt's response of "Who in the HELL are YOU!?". Cena had me interested from the RUTHLESS AGGRESSION line and I have been a fan of his ever since, following his entire career. He just made an instant impression by standing up to Angle on his first day there and I liked how that showed his potential. Wow.... Has it really almost been ten years already?

Most will probably say they began to like him when he was the rapper but then stopped when he became his current persona due to (insert random cena hater reason to dislike). The rapper was a cool character and is the main reason I kept watching WWE during a time that I nearly quit watching. Unlike many others, I really like his current persona as well. His never give up attitude is something most people can look up to. Cena is one of my favorite wrestlers and he likely always will be.

How has Cena never gave up ? He tapped out to Chris Jericho in 2002 and Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit in 2003. His "Never Give Up" gimmick is pretty hypocritical. Another way of WWE insulting the intelligence of fans and some fans believing it.
Most people complain about Cena's in ring ability. However, Cena gets praised for his mic skills.

For me Cena is hit and miss with his mic skills. I feel if he belives in the storyline, he can get his promo across well. For example I liked his promos against rock, i liked his promo at the end of extreme rules. There are more promos but thats all i have in recent memory.

Now Cena is clear and easy to understand when he is on the mic. In my opinion, that doesnt equal good mic skills. I have to belive what is being said.

The majority of the time, Cena comes across cheesy. It is often cringe worthy watching him.

Sometimes I get the impression that Cena is reading exactly from a script, and if he belives the content is bad, it comes across that way. Fair enough Cena is most likely reading from a script, but it is up to him to try and make it beliveable.

The reason I post this is because of his promo on raw this week. That was an example of where i didnt connect with the promo at all. Maybe the problem is me and I just dont like the storyline.

Some people give out about Lesnar's mic skills. The complaints he gets is that he stumbles over his words and repeats himself. I dont have a problem with this issue once I belive what is ultimately being said.

So what is your opinion on Cena's mic skills?

Do you get the same cringey feeling off Cena's promo's?

I will say that Cena is not the only wrestler who has this effect on me. CM Punk is one of my favourites, but when he says shit like calling JL a toolbox, i be thinking "thats not funny Punk, calm down and get a grip there".
How has Cena never gave up ? He tapped out to Chris Jericho in 2002 and Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit in 2003. His "Never Give Up" gimmick is pretty hypocritical. Another way of WWE insulting the intelligence of fans and some fans believing it.

Oh my God. Do you mean to tell me that over the course of nearly a decade, his character has evolved?


You deserve to have your intelligence insulted. You're a moron.

I think I started liking Cena when he started the rapping shtick. Comedy is my favorite form of entertainment, always has been. When a wrestler can make me laugh, I instantly become a fan.
i meant for my previous post to be a thread on its own. i dont know how it ended up in hear. Im not bothered to delete it and create a new thread again.

Regarding this topic. I started to like Cena when he was doing his rap gimmick and fueding with the likes of eddie G and lesnar back in 03 I think.

I started to dislike Cena when I got a bit more mature and realised he was doing the same stuff in the ring all the time. Cena actualy played a big part in me stopping to watch wwe between late 06-09 because i was so sick of it. Sheamus brought me back out of interest in another country man.

I do still like Cena. I like the person more then the character from what i have read and seen on tv. I respect Cena the man.

I really only like Cena during certain storylines and hate him during others. For example, I liked what he had going with nexus. Then he got fired and was back the next week. This shit pissed me off, why do we have to see him every week. I understand that he is a cash cow for wwe, but then dont do a angle where he gets fired. It pisses me off how he gets pushed on the fans.

So yeah i started to like Cena back in 03 and still do to a certain extent.
Morons are those who believe Cena's character has evolved. Cena character hasn't evolved since 2004.

Wow. I've gone from thinking you have some sort of mental disorder to actually hoping you have a mental disorder. There's literally no possible way that you can be this fucking stupid.

Cena is no longer a heel rapper type. He's no longer a wannabe street thug.

The fact that someone would have to explain this to you is just... just baffling.

i meant for my previous post to be a thread on its own. i dont know how it ended up in hear. Im not bothered to delete it and create a new thread again.

When a bunch of random Cena threads start popping up, it's common for us to just merge them into one big thread. Easier to manage, prevents a mass of clutter.
I'm not exactly Cena's biggest fan, but i respect the guy a lot, but if i have to say when did i like him it was the wrestlemania that he defeated Bradshaw, becaues it was the millionaire vs the working class hero, and also the wrestlemania that he defeated Triple H basicly for the same reasons, because when it comes to sports or entertainment i always root for the underdog, and in those cases Cena was the underdog, because in his matches Cena is always bassicly the favorite.......
I have a lot of respect for John Cena. I've never hated him. There was a period where I didn't care about him all that much (particularly during the transition from rapper to hustle/loyalty/respect PG-friendly gimmick). I followed him during his rapper gimmick and loved his matches. I still can't believe he got a victory over the Undertaker (albeit with interference) in order to advance to the WWE Championship match against Brock Lesnar. And, I never thought he'd beat guys like Triple H, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels and Edge in just a few years. I certainly thought he had the potential to be a main event player, but man, he took the company on his shoulders. Even Randy Orton won his first World title before Cena and I thought Orton was the guy that was gonna move on ahead of Cena. But, with the work ethic and with what Cena has been able to do, there's a reason he's such a major star. The guy has the look and the charisma to be the top guy too.
The First time i liked Cena was when he wrestled Big Show at WM20!! I remember that match vividly. Dissed the big show cut him down verbally i thought that was so damn funny. True he used his version of brass knucks but when he FU'd the big show i knew right then and there he was a player to stay. Cena say what you will but he does bust his ass night in and night out and is not a phony at all!!
Ive been watching wrestling since 98 so ive seen wrestlers come and go, seen some good some bad and some great! and there has never been, IMO, someone who has received a reaction the same as his..... 50/50 everywhere he goes....

I initially didnt care for Cena until about 2004, but I became a fan of his but around 07 I just got tired of him doing the same old thing and basically his superman gimmick but lately since wrestlemania season ive been slowly becoming a fan of his....

Has this happened to you? has John Cena turned your opinion about him?
I myself became a Cena fan right after his whiteboy Vanilla Ice rapper gimick began. I thought it was funny, yet cool and different and it really got good when he began to show his skills that he can truly rap and even as a Heel got people on his side as they'd yell the last word of his raps...but I always liked him AND his opponents and enjoyed the show.......I've never really rooted for him to win but I enjoyed all his cameos and promos and so on....

I started disliking him after he won the U.S. Tilte and turned it into a Beadazzled piece of crap. I love my titles as they are the old school prestigious way so that kind of turned me off a bit but it was ok. Then he won the WWE Championship and turned it into a Bling Bling piece of shit, Hated it. and people were pretty much all on his side and he began acting blacker than ever and it just erked me...Not to say its a big deal because I'm black but it just looked stupid that he was taking himself seriously.

I preferred the comedy but when he started acting like he was one with the people and everyone was Supposed to be on his side...I kind of faded aways. First the changing of the titles then the opponents he began to face after he was drafted to Raw. I wanted him to stay on SD! the fresher and "cooler" show. then he came to Raw and started beefing with Jericho, whom I loved and knew was way more talemted and Christian, Angle, RVD, Orton, HHH, HBK and so on just annoyed the Hell out of me because he was going over ALL of them and at the same time his edgy rapper badass character dwindled down into this sissy like traditional face that stood up for all good and this shiny goody two shoes type guy that wasnt nearly as entertaining as the Rapper guy that I come to love that always had me laughing or happy in some way, this guy was more boring and wasted kind of like how CM Punk is now watered down from his Summer Pipebomb speech.

But alas throughout all of this I learned to respect John Cena the man but still dispise his character and I've pretty much been against him too. Can care less for the Man behind the mask as I dont watch wrestling to see the real lives behind the wrestlers, I watch wrestling to enjoy the characters, storylines and matches. And in that sense Cena just doesnt cut it for me...so well I'm certainly not a fan anymore since 2005
I liked him when he was rapper Cena in 2003 because his promos were funny. After he won his first WWE title and then for about 5 months he feuded with Jericho and Angle. Thats when I started to hate him. Cena's matches with them really exposed him. And Jericho and Angle are two of the best wrestlers ever, and even they couldnt make Cena look good.

The thing is Stone Cold and the Rock arent very good wrestlers either but unlike Cena they could still tell a good story in the ring. Plus they were both amazing on the mic.

The many reasons I hate Cena:

1. Cant wrestle
2. Mic skills are mediocre
3. Cant sell moves. See Wrestlemania 23 for the best example
4. Cant act.
5. The FU/AA is a terrible finisher
6. Has the STF as a finisher even though he's not a submission wrestler.
7. Has been face for nearly 9 straight years.
8. SuperCena gimmick where he never loses cleanly, and will get dominated in matches but still wins with his 5 moves of doom.
9. Has been in the main event of nearly every PPV for 7 straight years.
I liked him when he was rapper Cena in 2003 because his promos were funny. After he won his first WWE title and then for about 5 months he feuded with Jericho and Angle. Thats when I started to hate him. Cena's matches with them really exposed him. And Jericho and Angle are two of the best wrestlers ever, and even they couldnt make Cena look good.

The thing is Stone Cold and the Rock arent very good wrestlers either but unlike Cena they could still tell a good story in the ring. Plus they were both amazing on the mic.

The many reasons I hate Cena:

1. Cant wrestle
2. Mic skills are mediocre
3. Cant sell moves. See Wrestlemania 23 for the best example
4. Cant act.
5. The FU/AA is a terrible finisher
6. Has the STF as a finisher even though he's not a submission wrestler.
7. Has been face for nearly 9 straight years.
8. SuperCena gimmick where he never loses cleanly, and will get dominated in matches but still wins with his 5 moves of doom.
9. Has been in the main event of nearly every PPV for 7 straight years.

I'm kind of with you in this boat, Other than the whole cant't wrestle and such because people are going to argue with you on that being that people here are sooooo superior and believe that they know what a good wrestler is. I say being a good wrestler or rather an opinion on one being a good wrestler is subjective. It depends on what one likes in a wrestler. Hell, there's people that belive the Divas are good wrestlers.....:lmao: But alas it doesnt matter.

Like what you said, he was entertianing as Hell in his rapper phase, especially when he was heel. I mean, he was Cool and thats honestly what I like for the most part. Austin/Rock was Cool. Randy orton was cool as Legend Killer and somewhat as the Heel dangerous viper. I mean these characters made you want to cheer for them because they weren't so bland and voring. In my opinion Cena is boring. He has been for a long time. Ever since the whole Superhero brigade and comepletely turning his back on his old street yet comical like style. Now he's just cheesy, boring and Super's up when he needs too. It's like The Character in the video game that you only play when you want to when because you know he will be invincible, but he has NO style, NO delivery, Nothing to make you like him but the fact that you know picking him will garauntee victory, kind of like Eyedol in Killer Instinct or M. Bison in Street Fighter II. In my opinion theyre both lame characters but they'll OWN you just like that.

I don't really care if Cena goes Heel or not. I just want something to make me go "Wow" or something truly interesting. Punk had it with his imfamous shoot. Even in his SES days he was badass. Now he rarely drops Pipe bombs and he's a boring WWE Stooge. Don't get me wrong I still wach him, hoping he will surprise me but again with the current condition of the WWE everyone is made to be boring.

Back in the Attitude Era, even the era that followed and some of the characters even till 2009 wasnt too bad. The Attitiude Era with Austin who for the most part was an asskicker and fuckss his boss off so the gimmick never got boring. Also because he wasnt a title Hog. He went for the title alot but he had good opponents and other men holding the title that gave good storylines as well as matches with him. Not skilled matches but good because the characters were good. Which includes

Rocky: Trashtalker with a deep heritage who always had to have the finer things in life.

Undertaker: Scary as Hell motherfucker who'd own your ass and take your soul or make you join his ministry.

Mankind: Weird Bastard who'd lure you into Boiler rooms and beat your ass but also kind hearted and gullible.

Kane: FROM HELL. Will destroy you in seconds and though his movelist practually imitated Takers ihe had an awesome costume and mask which made him mysterious and all sorts of pyrotechnics

HHH: Badass yet caniving fuck with a bulked up Chick named Chyna by his side ready to own you and always hungry for more.

Thats just to name a few. SO if Ausitn ever got remotely boring one of these guys would get him in a n interesting storyling, not to mention the Mcmahon family running wild.

Then of course the Later years had Jericho, Angle, Booker T, Test, Goldberg, Rhyno, DDP, Benoit, Guerrero, Edge, CHsritain, Dudleys and so on. So I guess my pint was during those days there were alot more intersting charcaters and developing, which is rare in these days. So in all honesty, Cena's character is lame and washed up because of:

One. Being unable to go edgy hardcore because of the Make a Wish stuff and charities and kids looking up to him and blah blah blah

Two. No one interesting to fued with. After fueding with franchise players Rock and Brock....really, who to fued with next? I say maybe Bryan or Orton but make it good and Cena cant ALWAYS win or be some sissy pushover like he was during most of the Rock fued.

Three. The current state of the WWE trying to blur the lines between kiddy and adult. They don't seem to have a solid foot in either and they're trying to please all, whcih affects the fued and characters.

Four. The internet, dirtsheets and the fact that we all read them and by that we can safely predict what;s comeing next so there's no need to try to surprise us cus if they do what we expect we'll be bored and if they pull a fast one, we'll probaly say we knew it or even if we're surprised later on they'll fuck it up like they did with Brocks return

Five. Vince and the WWE can't keep a good thing going. Everything dies down and NOTHING keeps fire. They had a great season pre wrestlemania and a little after Mania and now its back to boring boring boring. As with Orton in 2009 after he kiced Vince's head off everything was going great and we were waiting to see what would happen next then Game comes back and buries him to Hell...boring.

Six. Cena's merchandise sells. Since he does so well with seels and makes the money so much company with practically everything that involves him because he's moons above all the other talent, due to WWE constantly pushing him. He can't really change to much or do anything drastic cus Vince loves the money and doesnt see a need to chance it.

Seven. Even if Cena does more moves we will still hate him cus he's Cena...he can have the movest of Dean Maleanko but the point is he's still Cena. He still is that name chanracter...Time for a change, a drastic one but like number six...Vince is like ha! Yeah right

Eight. As I said about the current state of the WWE,there are really no division. Just Cena and the few Main Event Players, the Midcard, The jobbers and the Divas...simple as that..Boring. WWE needs to rebuild the tag division and make the champs credible. Same with the "Divas" division. Same with the midcard. The U.S title should mean more. The IC title should mean more, but something entirely different. Jobbers will always be around...then enhacne the main even. Push all of the mian even players and kind of pull Cena back. I mean, they don't have to bury him but just give him less screen time and make him have other goals and such besides the title or whatever the "Mian" thing is.

Now I'm sure lots are going to disagree with me and you all have the right but I did explain myself well and these are my opinions. Shalom
I've liked him from the beginning and especially during his early days. While my opinion on his character tends to flip flop, I have mad respect for him as a person. Has there really been anyone else that people hate on a character level, but totally respect him as an actual person?
I was curious what everybody thinks will happen when Cena retires because Vince McMahon clearly refuses to give anybody Cena's untouchable status as the top main eventer. First I want to say I don't expect Cena to retire anytime soon. I just want to know because Cena has held this spot in WWE longer than anyboy in the modern era (Hogan, Hart, HBK, Austin, Rock, Lesnar and Triple H). This is the first thread I have started and unlike others, I want everybody not to take it easy on me and tell me anything I did wrong.
Seriously. What did they do after Hogan, Rock, Austin, Hart all left ? They evolve. Someone takes his place. That man may already be on the roster or he may still be young and undiscovered but there will be someone to take his place in the main event. Cena is massive for the WWE. Obviously when he leaves it will be a massive blow but they will survive.
My thought is they are already developing one or several people to step into Cena's shoes. The success of the CM Punk character, the growing popularity of Daniel Bryan and the attention WWE periodically gives other, younger wrestlers all bode well for the post-Cena era. Hell, let's not forget Randy Orton, who is already very established and could easily move into a full-time role as the WWE's #1 man.

No matter how dominant a personality/performer is in the WWE, the company is always looking for new and potential people to take his spot. It's smart business! They can't let the company be caught unaware or unprepared. Therefore, know WWE has a contingency plan already in place, just in case the unthinkable happens.

After all, they haven't existed and thrived for this many years by accident.
when cena retires or he might get really hurt and be forced to retire THAT GUY who will take his place will be Randy Orton no doubt about it imo
John Cena is 35 now and he will probably retire by the time he's 45 or maybe even more! That's 10+ years which is a heck of a lot time.

So, no worries about that now, because we don't know who is going to be left in the WWE in 10 years from now ;)
Well, you have to factor in a lot of things.

When will Cena retire? If he's not going to do so for 5 years for example, then who will still be around

Who will be old enough to carry it for an extended period of time? No point being the face of the company if you're only going to be around for 2 years

Who has the popularity/charisma to pull it off?

I'm sure there are more, but I've only just woken up and my brain isn't 100% functioning
I have to admit, I've not been the biggest Cena supporter through the years. However, that doesn't mean I can't grasp the obvious. John Cena is the face of the WWE and has been since 2005. He's been in alot of high-profile matches and has earned the respect of all the fans, whether they like him or not. I respect his accomplishments and can't imagine WWE without him. It is inevitable, though. WWE will do as they've always done. When one guy is gone, they make another to take his place. The machine goes on. Although it will be a sad day when Cena is gone.
I agree with what others have said so wasn't going to post, however one important thing has not been mentioned yet...

Orton, Punk, Bryan...They are all ONLY just younger than Cena! They will NOT ever become the "face" of the WWE.

I don't see any of the aforementioned 4 being around past early 40's. That means they will all stop at roughly the same time. Bryan is the youngest and he's only 4 years younger than Cena. Okay they could put him on top yet that really won't last long and soon enough they'll need someone else to step up.

The problem these days is the younger guys like Rhodes etc.. They just aren't put in feuds with the top guys enough to gain that experience. Why do we need HHH to come in for a match with Lesnar? Yes it will draw fairly well however why not use HHH to feud with a younger guy instead? Have Cody or someone get valuable experience from a veteran of the roster.

Quick fact for you... John Cena won his first WWE Championship in 2005, at the time he was just 27 years old (bordering 28!)

When you read that, think about the following. Ziggler is called a "young guy" when he's in fact 31 already. Rhodes is late 20's. Neither guy is ready to compete at the top level, in the top matches with the best guys.

I know age may or may not be a factor however when it comes to building the new face or big stars they have got to have these guys in the main event scene by the time they hit 30. If they don't, building Ziggler to that level will take a couple of more years by which time he's 33, get him established as a top guy takes 2 more and now he's 35.

Now to bring in some more facts; The physical and mental peak is roughly 27-32 years of age. That means Ziggler would be past his prime by the time he's become the face of the company.

In my opinion anyone who's already established should NOT and will NOT be the face after Cena. Rhodes would be my top choice right now. He's a great worker, still in his prime, still learning and has family history in the business. WWE needs to build Rhodes up for the rest of this year and all of next, get him in to the title picture and put the belt on him. Continue to push him and make him the face, else I see them being in trouble after Cena goes.

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