**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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The Jim Carrey stuff from the 90's was lame. The kids in the audience probably don't know who Ace Ventura is, so they probably got a kick out of thinking Cena was being a comedy genius.

Plus as already discussed, people were behind Cena because they were so against Johnny Ace, especially after the Big Show firing stuff.

I'd love to hear someone like CM Punk, Jericho or even The Rock rip Cena a new one about that promo. That comedy skit just makes me want to watch anyone BUT Cena.

I, too, thought it was awful. I hate the corny Cena trying to be funny. I love the serious Cena after JL slapped him in the face, that's the only Cena I care for (the rapping one is cool too). He just make me ashame to watch the show when he tries to be funny, like you want to hide yourself under the carpet or hide your eyes with your hands because you can't believe how embarrassing it is.

I think the only reason why Cena was getting cheered almost by everyone is because he's feuding with JL and because of the make a wish package they showed earlier.

Cena didn't really change or become more comic or more this and less that, he's just feuding with a true heel.
I didn't like it either. It was the same ole Cena being a big corn dog for the kids, but that promo did absolutely nothing for me.

And the biggest problem with this is why are cheap cheers. Once Cena moves away from JL and onto another guy, he won't be getting cheers like that again. Right now, the crowd is picking the lesser of two evils.
Ok, we all know the IWC hates Cena with a passion. No matter what he does, we'll pick it apart and say how much Cena sucks and the 5 Moves of Doom and all that wonderful stuff. Hell, I've admitted here that I'm not really a fan of Cena as a wrestler. But he's not bad at promos. He has a great personality and can play to a crowd pretty well. Yes, most of his crowd is the younger kids, so why not play up to that? Work to your demographic.

As for the crowd reaction last night, yes, I think putting him in a program with Johnny gives him residual cheers that he wouldn't usually get. The corny cheap pop Cena can sometimes be entertaining, as he was last night, IMO. But it can also get old and predictable very quickly.
Are you kidding me? That was the worst promo ever. So, they wasted this entire promo with John Cena making weird faces and awkward gestures to appeal to much of a little kids? I was sitting there, thinking "WTF is this?" So, you actually think this Cena is better than the edgier Cena when he's kinda serious??
It was funny the first couple times because of the obvious jim carey impersonation....but then he kept on doing it and it annoyed me. I wish the segment was shorter.

But atleast it wasnt as long and boring as firing big show. God it took like 30 minutes of big show crying before he finally died.
Well personally I think JL is awesome. I'm not a troll, but I'm always happy to see him because he's such an idiot that he makes me laugh.

Also I don't think JL got Cena any more cheers than usual. The crowd seemed fully behind Cena to start with, it looked like a "pro-Cena" crowd. I think that means that people are automatically gonna laugh at his jokes (which for the record I kind of skipped through cuz it made me cringe. I mean if you saw somebody in a TV show talk crap like that would you find it funny??)
The entire time, Cena seems like he's one of those internet white-knights who defend women to be politically correct and to get cheap praise for doing what is popular. I say that in the sense of how he said everything that an IWC "smart-mark" would want to say. He also, quite publicly, cherished and soaked up any tiny bit of positive that he got from that crowd. It came off as desperate as an indie wrestler when he does a taunt after a high spot. John Cena was getting a good reaction but that entire night was pretty damn extravagant in terms of crowd reactions. People are beginning to dig a little bit of Cena after the Lesnar feud and The Rock feud, but night's like this are just going to make him get boo'd like Hell once again.

Cena just got destroyed by Tensai two weeks ago, AFTER getting his arm broken by Lesnar. Why is he fine again?

Lauranitis is still the douche bag he is, he just fired Big Show, and is gaining momentum against Cena for the pay-per-view. Why is Cena smiling?

People are cheering Cena, surprisingly, but his shtick this last couple of years, more prominently the last couple of months, has been the fact that the crowd hates and loves him. Why does he get way too cock-hard when the fans just remotely enjoy something that he said and he has to go balls to-the-wall kiss-ass about? He pointed the mic to the fans and cheesily smiled at least four times during that promo. It's annoying.

This is simply not going to go well and I really do hope Cena just gives up this persona because it's getting to a point where it's not even redeemable. It can still be changed and he is young enough to establish a brand new character for him to play, or at least a new dimension to the character. But Goddamn, why is the creative team taking so many steps backwards? This is the very first month of the year where the product has kinda' sucked. The fire's about to be put out.
The entire time, Cena seems like he's one of those internet white-knights who defend women to be politically correct and to get cheap praise for doing what is popular. I say that in the sense of how he said everything that an IWC "smart-mark" would want to say. He also, quite publicly, cherished and soaked up any tiny bit of positive that he got from that crowd. It came off as desperate as an indie wrestler when he does a taunt after a high spot. John Cena was getting a good reaction but that entire night was pretty damn extravagant in terms of crowd reactions. People are beginning to dig a little bit of Cena after the Lesnar feud and The Rock feud, but night's like this are just going to make him get boo'd like Hell once again.

Cena just got destroyed by Tensai two weeks ago, AFTER getting his arm broken by Lesnar. Why is he fine again?

Lauranitis is still the douche bag he is, he just fired Big Show, and is gaining momentum against Cena for the pay-per-view. Why is Cena smiling?

People are cheering Cena, surprisingly, but his shtick this last couple of years, more prominently the last couple of months, has been the fact that the crowd hates and loves him. Why does he get way too cock-hard when the fans just remotely enjoy something that he said and he has to go balls to-the-wall kiss-ass about? He pointed the mic to the fans and cheesily smiled at least four times during that promo. It's annoying.This is simply not going to go well and I really do hope Cena just gives up this persona because it's getting to a point where it's not even redeemable. It can still be changed and he is young enough to establish a brand new character for him to play, or at least a new dimension to the character. But Goddamn, why is the creative team taking so many steps backwards? This is the very first month of the year where the product has kinda' sucked. The fire's about to be put out.

Agreed on all counts.

The crowd reaction to me seems to be mostly apathy. Instead of using the criticism to tweak his character, they just decided to fight the crowd. Who fights their crowd? Now I think the passion has been sucked out of the situation.

Laurinitis is firing on all cylinders, yet all the heat is going to Show instead of Cena. Show knocked it out of the park, yet Cena continues to phone it in week after week. Smirking and smiling like a buffoon. This idea that no one can dispute how popular the guy is is laughable.

Ok, we all know the IWC hates Cena with a passion. No matter what he does, we'll pick it apart and say how much Cena sucks and the 5 Moves of Doom and all that wonderful stuff. Hell, I've admitted here that I'm not really a fan of Cena as a wrestler. But he's not bad at promos. He has a great personality and can play to a crowd pretty well. Yes, most of his crowd is the younger kids, so why not play up to that? Work to your demographic.

False. The IWC hates whatever it's trendy to hate and for months now, it's been pro-Cena all the way. The poor little underdog who shouldn't have to turn heel because he sells t-shirts and kids love him and isn't that what it's all about?

Know what would stop the criticism? Changing what you're doing wrong.
Honestly, Cena has always been getting cheers no matter what.. The ONLY reason he was hated all last year and boo'd was because EVERYONE knew he was going to go up against The Rock.. And in all that 1 year build he got boo'd.. When he went up against Brock, his cheers came back.. That's all it was.
Actually it seems like the crowd has been with him since Extreme Rules. Even the Chicago crowd warmed up to him by the end of the match. I was sort of thinking it was his Rocky IV moment when Rocky turned the Russian crowd to his side, but truth is it takes a lot of effort to keep the hate campaign going when there is little real reason to warrant it. The guy always has a good match, delivers on his promos and is an all around likable human being. He'll always have his critics, but if you're doing everything right it's only a matter of time before people get off your back.
I thought the crowd reaction to Cena's promo was appropriate and not very shocking to be honest.

It's a nice contrast than the Cena we have been seeing the past couple of months. It has to do with the fact the for the first time in awhile (since February I think) that he isn't feuding with an IWC/Smark favorite (as in Lesnar before the last promo before Extreme Rules) or a guy that no matter what he does will always be cheered over him (The Rock). In other words this isn't the John Cena that is centered around Rising Above the hate nor is the feud with Laurinitis remotely about his crowd reaction spare the "Cena's your idol, then you are a loser" line from last night. Naturally since this feud is simply heel boss vs Mega Face and not much more complex compared to his feuds in 2012 so far, naturally the crowd is getting behind him. This also has do to with the great job Ace has done to get the crowed to loathe him even with that awkward Big Show segment earlier in the night. While there will always be people that boo him I can see his response to the reactions returning to the state it was before Rock's 2011 return: him not mentioning it as much.

In the simplest terms I say that the reason the crowd was warmer to him than anytime in the past year is because we weren't seeing this Cena:


We were seeing this Cena:

Cena has had quite a few factors in his favor lately that are helping him get positive reactions:

1. Great heels - no one in there right mind is going to root for JL. Every time he starts to seem cool he goes and does things that are annoying. Lesnar is another guy that did a solid job being a great heel.

2. Kids - the kids in that Pitt. audience stood out. I know that doesn't always stop the smarks from being negative but I think it makes it harder when you see a kid react so positively to a guy like Cena. Seeing the kids in their Cena gear having fun and dancing with Brodus really reminds you who wrestling is for.

3. Loss to Rock - smarks have to admit that Rock beating Cena and Cena's willingness to do the job he is supposed to is hard to put down.

4. Divorce - hard to boo a guy after you find out he is getting divorced.

5. Make-A-Wish Promos - this is the biggest for me. I can't boo a guy or say a guy sucks after watching one of those Make-A-Wish promos that WWE puts together.

Overall, for me the promo had some funny moments but dragged. But then again, the promo is not written for me.
i'm sorry but I did not like the promo at all. It was just too corny and the whole time I was hoping it would stop. I think Johnny does a great job at what he does but Cena I feel like kills promos. I don't understand why people eat it up so much all Cena ever does he try to make people look stupid while in fact looking childish and stupid. Cena honestly hurts the people he works with in my opinion because of how corny is promos get. He will never cut a promo like the rock, jericho or even Punk
Before i say anything, is obious that the IWC is never happy with anything, so why do they even bother to watch wrestling in the first place?? Now, let's get back to Cena's crowd reaction, i think he had a good one, i'm not exactly his biggest fan, but i respect the guy and what he does, and last night's promo was good, he was awesome, people got entertained, isn't that what matters?? Why is there people who always find the negative on everything??
Because some people aren't entertained by Cena's weekly BS. Last night he was about as annoyingly unbearable as he has ever been. Just because the crowd cheers doesn't mean everyone in the stands was enjoying the segment. I'm sure quite a few were hoping that Johnny's slap took the goofy grin right off Cena's face.
Its all about what you like or how you take your Cena, if you want to put it that way.

Some people say Cena is too corny too often and want him to be more serious like he was with the Rock leading up to Wrestlemania and during his feud with Brock. Others prefer the funnier, make-fun-of-people Cena. I do find it funny how the people who are criticizing Cena for being too silly last night or playing to the crowd too often are probably the same ones who said the Rock's promos against Cena were genius, when he did nothing except point to his goosebumps every 3 minutes and make up ridiculous phrases just for the crowd to chant. And then pause every singe time the crowd started to chant anything. I have nothing against Rock by the way, but its the same thing. You can't praise one and deride the other.

I thought the promo was good, I enjoyed it. Did he go overboard with the "losers"? Maybe a little. But good promos are often over the top. And really, you got a litle bit of both Cenas. For most of the promo, he was silly and making fun of Ace, but after Ace slapped him, he got serious pretty quickly. Granted, he didn't speak after that point, but I thought his facial expression said it all.

Plus, for the people who wanted him to be more serious..... why would he be? Going up against one of the greatest superstars ever in the Rock? Having to defend what you stand for in the company that's so important to you? Sure, serious works there. Going up against the "legit war machine", a guy that destroys people for a living? Sure, serious works there. Going up against an older guy who hasn't wrestled consistently in God knows how long and was never even in Cena's class when he did? Getting to physically get your hands on your douchebag asshole of a boss and beat his ass for all the shit he's pulled? No, serious doesn't work there. Who wouldn't be giddy in that situation? Who wouldn't be all smiles? It doesn't make sense for Cena to have the same attitude here that he had against Rock and Brock. Ace is nowhere near the threat that they were. Of course we all know it's not going to go down as a simple one on one match in reality, but as far as the storyline goes, what does Cena have to be serious about here?

So yes, I think he got a better reaction than normal last night. Maybe some of that was simply because he's going against Johnny Ace. But so what? Austin's most memorable moments were things he did against McMahon. I'm not saying Austin wouldn't have been one of the greatest anyway, but what if he never had those feuds with McMahon? The WWE hasn't done Cena's popularity any favors over the past year, putting him up against one of the greatest superstars ever and another guy who fans were rabid to see come back, even though he was supposed to be the heel. I don't think there's anything wrong or cheap about now giving him a feud with Johnny Ace.
WWE did a good job of doing damage controll with Cena. He got beat by the Rock and beat up by Brock Lesnar and Johnny Ace (with help of course) and how can you boo a guy who does so much for kids through Make-A-Wish? WWE is making a point of putting all that heart warming footage on TV now. With that being said, I didn't like the promo. After the interview via sattelite, with all that intensity, he comes out and does his best Fresh Prince Of Bel Air goofy promo. The only good part of it was watching Johnny Ace try to control his own laughter. I like John Cena. I don't mark-out for the guy but sometimes I think fans are too hard on him. I do think he should be a bit more intense, espesially During those Rock promos leading into 'mania. I think a few years after he retires, he will be one of the guys we'll look back and say, "DAMN, he really had some classic matches, and he really bust his ass everynight!" I also think the cheers are coming because there is no REAL fan favorite involved in the feud. Nobody like Johnny Ace, he's an asshole!
Lmfao that was as corny as cena's promo tonight, now that's cena sounds like your the leader of the john cena fan club, your only response will be something about grammar thats the only response people have on this forum

A response about grammar would be fitting, since yours is garbage, but I won't go that route.

I'll go this way instead. Her response was thought out, well stated, and on topic. Your response was miles away from all of those. You contributed nothing to the conversation, you only wanted to be a troll and tear down someone with a view that differs from your own. You didn't present one fact to back up your argument, probably because there are no facts to back up an argument so devoid of meaning, quality and intelligence.

Go be a douchebag somewhere else.
The last 15 minutes of Raw last night was among the worst endings to WWE television in years. Possibly ever.

Nobody is buying Cena vs Laurinaitis. When you have the establishment trying to screw the worker over, it should be someone that looks and acts the part. Ala Stone Cold and C.M. Punk. Not someone who is also the establishment, John Cena.

It is a lot like the last D-X run. You had D-X, who are billed as anti-establishment, anti-rules battling the establishment, the McMahons. Yet by this time in their careers HBK and HHH were the establishment.
There's always going to be those who hate Cena so much that they're not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when most other people do. I for one found last night's segment to be fairly entertaining. Did he go a bit far with the "loser" bit? Possibly, but I've seen the so-called "God of Promos"(Punk) do something similar and the people in here ate it up. I'm not some card carrying member of the CeNation, hell I cheered hard for the Rock at WM, but I definately respect Cena for what he does. Both with the Make-a-Wish and with the way he busts his ass for WWE.

He had the live crowd eating out of his hand last night and there's not much anyone can say to dispute that. You guys are SO against the comedy bit that you don't seem to really understand something. John Laurinaitis looks like the biggest goof ever, how can you not make jokes at his expense? The point is, all the haters are hypocrites, because when C.M. Punk makes fun of Johnny Ace it's funny, but when Cena does it you all call him down for it. The guy that calls it the worst ending in years or ever is way off, there's been many worse endings to a WWE Raw, and some even before Cena even came on to the scene.
i'm sorry but I did not like the promo at all. It was just too corny and the whole time I was hoping it would stop. I think Johnny does a great job at what he does but Cena I feel like kills promos. I don't understand why people eat it up so much all Cena ever does he try to make people look stupid while in fact looking childish and stupid. Cena honestly hurts the people he works with in my opinion because of how corny is promos get. He will never cut a promo like the rock, jericho or even Punk

Because some people aren't entertained by Cena's weekly BS. Last night he was about as annoyingly unbearable as he has ever been. Just because the crowd cheers doesn't mean everyone in the stands was enjoying the segment. I'm sure quite a few were hoping that Johnny's slap took the goofy grin right off Cena's face.

Other than these two posts (Which seem to be damage control for the anti-Cena crowd) everyone seems to have had a positive reaction to the segment. It's obvious that some people are invested too deeply in hating him, and while I'll admit this was not my favorite Cena promo it still played well with the general public and the members of this forum which hardly ever happens. As for never cutting a promo like Rock, Jericho or CM Punk with exception to the Rock none neither of those guys will ever be the draw that John Cena is so what is your point?
I don't hate Cena at all, but I'm not a fan of his either. Yes, he does entertain me some times. Last nights promo though, was very irritating with the constant "loser" remarks. It was funny at first, then just got on my nerves. Last night's Raw was terrible. I hated Big Show's bubbling as well. There's nothing worse than seeing a Giant cry like that. He should have brought his hand up and choke slammed Johnny Ace to the mat and walked off. Everyone knew he was getting fired anyway. Should have got fired for something more than just making fun of his voice. Surprised no one has mentioned it, but ever since Johnny Ace came to WWE, I've always thought he sounded like Super Dave Osborne. :)

I know not many people are fans of his, but I actually like Johnny Ace. I think he's hilarious. He's Mr. Excitement. :)
He got such a good crowd reaction because he was speaking against Laurinitis whom the crowd was massively hot for following the Big Show incident. I thought Cena's promo was absolutely terrible, one of the most cringeworthy things I have ever seen on a WWE program. He looked as if he was on crack and his ridiculous over the top reactions and interruptions, combined wth the bad jokes made me feel like I was watching Cartoon Network rather than a wrestling show.

During his fued vs the Rock and the build to his match with Lesnar I thought Cena had finally developed and turned a corner with his more serious, intense promo style. Yet it seems he has done a full 360 and went back to the goofy, cliched, cartoonish routine that has garnered him so much hate over the years. He should take notes from Paul Heyman who delivered another masterclass last night.
Hell,if ryback went up against big johnny,he'll get big pops too.Cena cut the promos of his life last three months.But with this feud with JL,he washed it all down the drain,his promos with brock,rock(though he got held back) and even kane were good.Cena has proven many times he can be a amazing mic worker.But last night he made me hate him more than ever.
You are hearing it here and now...Lauranitis wins against Cena...As stated at Raw, no employee shall interfere in the match or they will be fired...Big Show, wants his job back so he interferes, next night on Raw, Johnny rehires Big Show as his personal bodyguard and future lackey...

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