**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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Whenever people make a prediction of the outcome of Matches ,WWE tend to pull the total opposite. Everyone said Cena will beat Rock at WM, what happened? Rock Wins. Everyone is now saying Cena will lose to Lesnar at Extreme Rules. I think Cena may just win this one. Seems to me WWE don't like booking predictable matches, so they try and pull the total opposite of what people are predicting. Who would of predicted that Sheamus would of Kicked off Daniel Bryans Head in 18 seconds?

Lots are saying that Brock can't lose his first match since his return, why not? Lots of people are also saying Brock is only back for the money, so if he loses why would he care? his paycheck is still the same. Im sure WWE collect a lot of Fans predictions for Brock v Cena and we will see an outcome that no one expects. I wonder if Brock will use pure UFC style Grappling or the Power Slam syle of Wrestling he used before, will be interesting.
got im tired of reading the same stuff.(not that my take will be better) but idk what will happen. but everybodies saying he ll lose and should take time off and comparing him to hogan and so forth. lets start with one point, he did have a fued briefly with brock cause cena chose team angle over team lesnar for a survivor series. so heres my take.....cena gets the shit kicked out of him at e.r. then takes some time off. then during a huge match, lets say brock vs punk or rock. right when it looks like the hero cant last much longer, super cena returns and to everybodies surprise pulls a hogan and goes full blown heel by laying out in this case punk allowing lesnar to win the title and joining "team johnny". that way it gives most everybody there wish. stables, cena heel turn and sets up for brock/rock title match at mania.
The loss to Rock was a bit of a shock I really thought that Cena would be winning that one. Then he came out and beat Otunga as everyone expected. Then he lost to Lord Tensia.
So his losing streak at the moment is 1. Hardly much of a losing streak is it? But I do get what people mean he has been losing more than people are used to and as such it is being viewed as a losing streak.

He however doesn't look weak at all. He got sneak attacked by Lesnar the first week and then came out without hesitation and slapped Lesnar in the face (Lesnar is a former UFC champion and as such is viewed as legit able to knock someone clean out). So by Cena doing this he looked strong.

Will he lose to Lesnar at Extreme Rules? I would imagine he will, whether it will be clean or not I can't be sure it is an extreme rules match, so I suppose anything goes so it's all pretty much clean lol.

If he does lose to Lesnar (which I think he will) then he will begin to question himself and his ability. He lost to Punk, lost to Rock, lost to Lesnar. He just doesn't seem to be able to hang at the top anymore (Kayfabe obviously). And I know the Punk thing was a while back now but he lost both so would just be a bit to add if Cena does go down the route of I can't beat the top guys anymore.
As he questions if he is still able to hang at the top he would start losing lower profile matchs, I don't mean to Heath Slater or anything but to the likes of Ziggler, Rhodes and maybe Otunga as the final straw. As this starts to happen Brock continues to brag about the fact that since his return Cena is gone back down to where Brock believes is his rightful place. It eventually leads to Cena taking time off and Brock dominating heels and faces without regard for who they are. Obviously someone will need to be the one to look like they will be his downfall the whole time, the person he avoids, so that fans don't lose interest. Don't know who you could use for that really, anyone who is already a top star I suppose as long as they are built properly.

Then when Lesnar and said opponent finally meet and Lesnar beats said opponent and all hope seems lost, Cena's music hits and he comes down and hits the AA on Lesnar. The two fued again, over the title or not Cena could cost Lesnar it at some stage, with Cena finally coming out on the top.

I think this could be the way that it will go but as the Lesnar Cena match hasn't happened nobody really knows
So what? He's lost one or two big matches this past year. Doesn't mean he's going to go on some elongated losing streak and slide down the card... He will probably lose at Extreme Rules and get a month or two off. The guy deserves that after going nonstop over the past decade (aside from injury of course). If Cena was going to be shelved for the short term by anyone Brock is the best choice since like The Rock, Cena has had beef with in the past.

Does this mean the end of Cena? Hell no. He's going to be fine. Rallying the fans behind him will take some time... and if losing a few matches is the way to do it... its not the end of his career.
John Cena has been very loyal to the WWE and the WWE has been very good to John Cena. So where is this losing streak to John Cena coming to?

I'm going to answer this correctly for everyone so I hope you're all paying attention...

Cena has lost TWO televised matches in a row since Wrestlemania. What does this mean, you ask? I think it means that he lost two matches in a row.

Yes that's it. No big, elaborate answer. No "refreshing his character". No big swerve is happening. No heel turn. No conspiracy. It's just the fact that it IS possible for someone to lose two televised matches in a row, even if they are at John Cena's caliber.

It's not like this is monumental or anything. Stone Cold, The Rock, Bret Hart... they're ALL lost a few matches in a row in their careers. Why would it be any different with John Cena? Why is it such a big fucking deal? Why does this thread actually exist?

Come on guys... stop thinking the world is crashing down when someone loses a few matches. And when it happens, we shouldn't lose sleep at night. EVERYONE has to lose, once in a while... and in this case, twice in a while.
Exactly. I was waiting for someone to say the whole thing is an effort to boost Lord Tensai, which would have been ridiculous because if that were the sole purpose of the match, John Cena wouldn't be needed to do it.

Cena is the #1 man in the company. Due to his apparent flexibility in how his character is portrayed, there are so many things the company can do with him. I still believe a face change is coming; maybe not soon, but eventually. When that involves the top guy, it isn't done in a day, but rather is seen as something so monumental that events build up to it over a long period of time. For all we know, the problems with Rock and Brock, added to the unlikely loss to Lord Tensai, might be building blocks toward this.

If Cena is on a "losing streak" as you say, it is absolutely not because he's joining the ranks of the mid-carders, for heaven's sake. The guy is huge and will remain huge; don't let the "hate Cena" people make you think otherwise.

Not only is John Cena the whole package, he also cooperates with Creative and loses matches to boost other people. Can you imagine Hulk Hogan doing that back in the day?

Me, either.

The highlighted bit is exactly my view, there's a great article on bleacher report about it here people have expressed annoyance that the cena segments with Foley, Piper, and now Edge are all about reverse psycology, tricking the older fans into liking Cena, but I don't think that's the case at all. For me it all ties together in a subtle storyline thread that started when Rock returned last year, for the first time the boo's had a lightning rod, and that lightning rod was The Rock.
When you think about it, if WWE are determined to alter Cena's character in the long term, then a clean Rock win at WM wasn't just desirable, it was inevitable. After all, Roddy Piper warned Cena that if he continued to ignore the hate, he'd lose at WM to The Rock, and actually, that's .exactly. what happened.
This might not happen but this could be the start of a long awaited cena heel turn loads of people have turned heel after losing a match that was important
So on RAW, Edge came out and said he wants to see the Cena who threw him off a ladder into two tables,etc and compared him to Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker

So Edge was talking about the time when John Cena was what most people hate till now. So Edge wants to bring back the same old "Super Cena" which most people are sick of.

It was another way of making people to like Cena by the WWE like they did with HHH, Mick Foley, Rowdy "Roddy" Piper, Rock and now Edge.

Why can't WWE have Brock return as a "face"? Why always Cena has to stay as the face in whichever fued he is in ? 7 years as a face of the WWE is enough.

Thoughts ?
Its the the face part, I mean he wasn't really the "face" with Rock, he was just Cena.

The more troubling piece of Cena's role is that it seems he is out of current starts to fight so every return is a Cena feud.

Kane is gone for a bit and needs to return to his "mask" gimmick - fight Cena

Rock returns"-fight cena

A-Train needs a legit fight on Raw after being gone a long time and a new gimmick?-fight Cena

Brock returns after a long time?-fight Cena

Who does Cena fight now after all this is over?
Brock is a natural heel. He is a cocky guy and he is a new fresh heel. I think its perfect since there aren't many legitimate heels right now in WWE. Cena isn't turning anytime soon if ever. We just have to accept that...

And i think Edge's promo was based more on the fact that he's a WWE guy, Cena is a WWE guy. Edge wants Cena to stand up for guys like him against guys like Rock & Lesnar and go back to kicking ass. The segment was for two purposes, to get fans behind Cena more (which i think it did, for at least last night) and to get Cena fired up and continue this slow build of Cena snapping. I think Edge did a great job with his promo, it felt real and like he truly meant what he was saying.
I saw the name of this thread and thought that there would be something intelligent involved within this, and possibly featuring more of Edge. But no. Another boring, tired thread about "Super Cena" and the crimes to humanity that everyone believes he causes.

Edge was NOT asking for Super Cena. Edge was simply asking Cena to win, because Lesnar walks all over the beliefs of so many past and present WWE Superstars in the fact that Brock came back for the money and the fame because he retired his ass from UFC. As Edge said, "It's a slap in the face.." which is the complete truth. Nobody wants Super Cena back and I doubt it's gonna happen. The goal of that was to show the number of people relying on Cena in this feud and how "hurt and let down" they will be if Lesnar beats Cena. This is just being used to change Cena's character further.

God. Stop making the same damn thread over and over again. The redundancy kills everyones perception on Cena. You can't honestly expect Cena to lose every match in his career. What they're doing is leveling Cena's power level off to make him seem beatable.
I haven't been a Cena fan since back when he had a PHD in thuganomics. I thought I would like him even less in his feud with the Rock as the Rock is one of my all time favorites. However something started to happen in that feud. I began to sympathize with him. I was glad he lost to the Rock, but I came out of that feud liking him more. Then when Lesner came back I was pumped, but over the last couple weeks I have finally seen Cena as the company guy that he is, and the Edge promo really put me over the top. I don't think I am a full blown Cena fan yet, but I like his character more now than I have in a long time. What Edge was saying seemed real, and if Cena would finally snap (not turn heel) I think I would mark out. Sometimes we as fans need to be patient, and actually wait and see how the whole story plays out. I think Cena is going to come out of this finally with a fresh character, and like a poster above said he can't lose every match for the rest of his career.
I saw the name of this thread and thought that there would be something intelligent involved within this, and possibly featuring more of Edge. But no. Another boring, tired thread about "Super Cena" and the crimes to humanity that everyone believes he causes.

Edge was NOT asking for Super Cena. Edge was simply asking Cena to win, because Lesnar walks all over the beliefs of so many past and present WWE Superstars in the fact that Brock came back for the money and the fame because he retired his ass from UFC. As Edge said, "It's a slap in the face.." which is the complete truth. Nobody wants Super Cena back and I doubt it's gonna happen. The goal of that was to show the number of people relying on Cena in this feud and how "hurt and let down" they will be if Lesnar beats Cena. This is just being used to change Cena's character further.

God. Stop making the same damn thread over and over again. The redundancy kills everyones perception on Cena. You can't honestly expect Cena to lose every match in his career. What they're doing is leveling Cena's power level off to make him seem beatable.

Cena wanted to become a bodybuilder not a wrestler. Watch Punk/Cena contract signing in 2011 for that. And Isn't it a "Slap in the face" when Jericho returns everytime and then leaves again ?.
I think Cena already has a fresh character. If we take SuperCena as his character up until the Rock feud did that not show that that character had become too cocky, that it led to his downfall at Wrestlemania and lost him the biggest match of his career? He even admitted that he never thought he'd ever lose that match in a promo, and where is he now?

Lost to Tensai and is afraid of losing to Brock. That's not SuperCena, that's something else
Simple answer to what's going on...WWE is trying to find a realistic approach. They're trying to make the shows seem more realistic in what's going on.

Look at the following changes that have been occurring lately...

More bad language
More brawling and fighting
A few more weapons (HHH going to hit Taker in the temple with the sledge is a perfect example!)

They are shifting in to a more realistic approach. If someone has just trashed your whole family in public (Jericho on Punk) then you wouldn't be calm about it, you would be using bad language, you would brawl more instead of wrestle and you may use a weapon on your opponent.

But on to Cena. He's the face of the company, he needs a few tweaks and that's what you're seeing, they are being slow and methodical because if the new approach DOESN'T work then they need Cena close to what he was, however if it works then the gradual shift in Cena's persona and attitude can be intensified.

Edge cut a nice promo which helps shift Cena. The talk of wanting Cena to be more violent and aggressive are realistic things to say for who Cena is facing, the feud and the type of match.

Basically my two cents are that WWE is doing a great job, the shows feel fresher at times and it will take a while but they're moving in the right direction. Something between the PG Era and Attitude Era would be a fantastic balance. Nothing over the top is needed, just for it to be more realistic.
I happen to like what they're doing with Cena right now. He is showing that he's human and subject to emotions such as fear and disappointment. He came out on Raw, late, sporting his thuganomics chain and said nothing. Perhaps he is genuinely scared of Brock, or perhaps he is trying to lull Brock into a false sense of security?

I think it'll be intersting to see where they go with Cena's character afterwards, assuming he loses to Brock. Will he go away for a while, or perhaps "snap"?
I myself find myself on the fence with Cena. I am no longer a full on Cena hater, though I still dispise the character. I see what the WWE is trying to do with Cena. They're making him human after losing to the Rock which is a perfectly logic and smart thing to do. it will help get some of the haters off his back and possibly make some people like him though I don't think theire goal is to make people like him, as much as trying to make "Supporters" of the WWE current talent support him. Which in theory makes alot of sense. However, there are those like myself that favor the attitude era as well as characters with "Attitude" will probably not support but rather be against Cena for the simple fact that, we miss Brock and we love aggression and not smiles and corniness. I will say this, Cena has to some degree been silenced, especially after his loss to the Rock which I believe satifies quite a few of us. Not so much his talking, but rather the "Loudness" of his character. So basically what I am saying is, I love the direction they are taking Cena's character to now have to prove himself again to The Big Dog that ran shit before he left and Cena took over. This mountain here is a bit higher to climb than Rock, for losing to Rock really means nothing as Rock is still one of the greatest of all time. But losing to Lesnar, the same man that beat your ass time and time again before leaving and whipping ass elsewhere, thats more of a blow. Though I do fully support Lesnar in this fued as I am a die hard Lesnar fan, I do know and understand the importance of a win over Lesnar would mean for Cena. So then I am excited to see what the fallout will be in this one. I just really hope they don't turn Cena back into Super Cena again. To be honest after 8 years, it's really time for someone else to be the face of the company, but they need to step up. I wouldnt mind seeing Brock, but I rather it be someone different that rose from the bottom up, maybe Byran or Punk.

I've truly given up all hope for a Cena Heel turn. As long as they keep his character fresh and continue to enhance it and not let it get stale as it once was, I would be continually interested in watching him, though to win my support, may take a whole lot more. I've never cared much for his Make a Wish foundation or Support to the Troops, only because alot of superstars do that and more but they arent thrown in our faces like Cena, so what he personally does is none of my business and will not contribute to me being entertained or liking his character on TV. thats one of the arguments I've always hated when people use. You have guys like Edge, when he was heel or Otunga who go out and support charities and give and devote themselves to the WWE and dacrifice thier bodies as well as everyone on the roster but are never credited as much as Cena, yet we can like or hate them, doesnt matter but we can't hate Cena because he's such a "Good Guy". Well I can only say this. They crucified Christ, who was the holiest af all individuals ever to walk this earth..not saying it was right, just saying being a "Good guy" doesnt warrant being liked or hated. You must appeal to whatever audence to be liked or hated. Most people who call themseleves fans of a certain product of Entertainment should never, in my opinion, based their cheering or booing of a character from their "Real live" counterparts, but for what they put out there in front of you everytime you see them on your screen....oh well, it apprears I've digressed. Forgive me for that.
Last night was the first time in a long time I had heard most of the crowd get behind Cena. In a corny way he was quite funny with the stuff he was doing, especially his Jim Carey impersonation. And the puck you joke was good too.

Do you guys think that feuding him with JL is a good move, to get the crowd fully behind Cena again?
Def. i think this is a way to get the crowd more on Cena's side, give him more of a comedic edge with his promos and who else to go up against? A guy that just made Big Show "cry, beg for his job" and yet still fire him with a smile on his face! Johnny racks up a whole lot of heat
I think this is going to be the best way to get Cena some more cheers.
It's also a good way to get Cena past the whole business with the Rock. In all the months leading up to Wrestlemania, Rock was the one doing the ranting and raving while Cena's calm, determined approach was needed to provide contrast. While Rock did his usual trash-talking, Cena expressed his respect for his profession and it's fans. John performed admirably, yet had to depart from his normal ebullience to bring it off. He did it well, yet it wasn't really him. Now, he has the chance to be himself again and last night's tete-a-tete with Laurinaitis showed John Cena at his absolute best. Did you see the audience on their feet, waving their arms and cheering?

Now, that's Cena.
The Jim Carrey stuff from the 90's was lame. The kids in the audience probably don't know who Ace Ventura is, so they probably got a kick out of thinking Cena was being a comedy genius.

Plus as already discussed, people were behind Cena because they were so against Johnny Ace, especially after the Big Show firing stuff.

I'd love to hear someone like CM Punk, Jericho or even The Rock rip Cena a new one about that promo. That comedy skit just makes me want to watch anyone BUT Cena.
I don't believe it is the fact that he is fueding with JL, I believe it is because he is back to talking trash and being funny when he is making fun of his future/potential opponents. Think about it, lately when he was fueding Kane or CM Punk, there was no humor in his shoots. There was some in his fued with the Rock. But everyone remembers back when he was the Dr. of Thugonomics how he talked so much trash and it was funny, same thing when he fueded with Edge, talkin about how much of a **** Lita was and everything. Everyone is getting behind him again because he is is being funny once again. If he stays on this path and consistantly makes his shoot a stand up comedy act making fun of everyone, ratings will go up and so will his crowd reaction.
The Jim Carrey stuff from the 90's was lame. The kids in the audience probably don't know who Ace Ventura is, so they probably got a kick out of thinking Cena was being a comedy genius.

Plus as already discussed, people were behind Cena because they were so against Johnny Ace, especially after the Big Show firing stuff.

I'd love to hear someone like CM Punk, Jericho or even The Rock rip Cena a new one about that promo. That comedy skit just makes me want to watch anyone BUT Cena.

PROOF Ladies and Gentlemen that not everyone can be pleased EEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Fact the live crowed ate it up, fact Cena had some of the best facial expressions and anyone in their 20's or above can agree that he was channeling jim Carey pretty damn hard.

Another fun fact The only person who does not want to see Johnny Ace get his teeth kicked down his throat is the IWC troll chilling under the bride around the corner.

Seriously I use to think this guy was a waste of space and t.v time (honestly still is) However now he is a waste of space I want to see get tossed around.

I felt that between "big Johnny" being the "Undisputed Douche Bag" firing the big show dropping the stupid people power and embracing the fact that he is this alpha asshole I think it's worked well for the character and helped him become more stable on the mic.

Keeping this around is going to allow Cena to say EXACTLY what the fans want to hear getting them more on his side as let's face it no matter how kid friendly, corny, or just plan dumb Cena sounds Johnny Ace is becoming a character you can't even pretend to like. #HeelCMpunkheain't
I was there last night. I was in the minority, but I hated the Cena stuff. He was way over with the crowd, and I think that had to do with hating big Johnny. I prefer a more serious Cena, Ive liked him the last few weeks when he wasnt cracking jokes, but this is not the Cena I want to see.
He was over with the crowd but I turned off my tv. It was terrible. Should Cena use humor? Yes. Should the WWE write terrible segments like this one? No. And if you don't think Cena is getting cheers because he is feuding with Johnny you need to open your eyes. Why do you think Johnny moved on from mainly feuding with Punk, who is gigantically over in every city, to mainly feuding with Cena, who is the face of the company and gets boo'd every where? A few months ago we were leading up to a match between him and Punk and now we have a match between him and Cena. The WWE fully realizes Johnny as their main heel and know the face who "sticks it to him" is going to be the one who gets the most crowd support. Thats wrestling 101.

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