**MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

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After his feud with Lesnar is done, I see this as a possibility. I remember a few years back he and Cryme Tyme were going to have a stable but it never really materialized. Cena could use it as a vehicle to freshen up himself and give some others a way to be on TV and develop...
Face stables don't do that well. There are exceptions but the best ones are always heel (Four Horsemen, Original NWO, Legacy). Other problem is it would mostly benefit the mid-card guys he's associated with. It would be more weight for him to carry.
Giving him backup would be nice so it isn't the same formula (beat down by bad guys, come back and defeat them all superman style).

p.s. I did enjoy when Cena was with Cryme Tyme for awhile.
Cena could turn his Lesnar feud into a faction full of young faces who are getting screwed by Ace and some veterans who are pissed Brock came back and got preferential treatment. I think ultimately this faction would grow to five people when Cena vs. Lesnar culminates at Summerslam (say Brock wins, earns title shot at CM Punk, Ace interferes and screws Cena), wwe could develop Cena's storyline for the next major PPV, Survivor Series, around this storyline. Say Ace sets his group at Otunga, MH, Christian, Del Rio, and Miz. Here's a possible Cena team.

Cena- obvious leader
Rey Mysterio- another established guy who once he returns will probably be involved with Del Rio or maybe Christian (I'm guessing Rey returns at draft night and goes to Smackdown).
Ryder- Cena's buddy, getting some heat from Ace.
Michael McGillicutty- Call him up as a face, feud with Otunga for the US Title, this faction could be the push he needs.

And, in surprise fashion, on the Raw before SS, Cena can reveal his final team member as a returning John Morrison, who was written off Raw due to being injured by the Miz.

So, Otunga and McGillicutty would benefit from this.
Miz and Morrison could each try and revive their main-event careers.
Ryder could get pushed.
Rey and MH have something to do (sorry, but neither one of them really has a role right now in the main event scene)
and WWE gets to keep Cena face and continue to push Ace.
No. Cena should not create a faction in any way, shape or form.

It just doesn't sound like a good idea for me. Face faction are normally get stale to soon. Take TNA's Fortune as an example if you will.

A faction is just is not anything that would help Cena.
I see it as once Cena is done with his rivalry with Brock (hopefully around Summerslam) he continues to be screwed by Mr.Excitement except this time Laurinaitis has a gang to help him consisting of Otunga, Tensai, Ziggler, Swagger,Maybe Christian, Maybe Kane, Maybe Barrett, Maybe Rhodes. They could interfere in a WWE title match that John is in and cost him. Cena can try going superman on all of them but can fail, so he creates a faction to fight them (Ryder,Clay,Kingston,Truth,Marella,Maybe Punk, Maybe Sheamus, Maybe Big Show) These factions could feud until Survivor Series where a traditional survivor series match could take place. Book It.
WWE have tried this on two occasions in recent years with CTC (Cryme Tyme Cena) & Nexus and both faded quickly, CTC when Cena injured his neck at SummerSlam 2008 and Nexus and who knows the reason why WWE cut Cena out so quick.

Bad idea, if WWE want to have Cena part of a stable have the group be an unofficial stable like Shamrock/LOD from 1997/98 they teamed together maybe 3 or 4 PPV's within a matter of say 8 months, but they were never an official team. Cena doesn't fit the stable mode.
The only way Cena could start a stable would be in response to a heel stable! Maybe a group of hateful superstars (though maybe not Kane, cause he works best as a loose cannon type!) But having a group like Miz, McGillicutty, McIntyre, Barrett, Christian and somebody big, like a heel Mason Ryan (he's gna be like china in DX) or Mark Henry (beth if we need a diva)! If jericho's around till summerslam he could probly join, but i'd leave him out as he's too good not to be the leader! Dean ambrose too if he's around

Johnny could have his guys too Brock, Tensai, Otunga, Eve, Del Rio etc!

Then in responce after getting trounced too often Cena could set up a group (and hey they could all salute?) Cena with Tyson Kidd, Zack Ryder, Kofi Kingston, R-truth, Sheamus or ryback and Natalya, with maybe some of the up and comers like bateman or the kings or wrestling!!

Can't see it happening, but if i did, thats how id expect it to go down! It needs to be cross promotional though! They need to want a man on EVERY title, not just raw!!

Seriously people...get off the stable kick. Cena DOES NOT need a stable. Period.

Cena is doing just fine on his own.

If Cena and some faces want to team up and "fight the power" that is JL...then that's fine. But none of this "hey we're teaming up now, let's call ourselves *insert some craptastic faction name* and we'll fight JL and his goons on a weekly basis." NO!!!

Aggain, as I've said before this week in another thread about stables...it is pretty much certain that JL will somewhat create a NEW corperation stable consisting of him, Otunga, Lord Tensai, and Lesnar. Maybe throw someone else in there too. Im actually ok with that cause it fits the story.

But for Cena to create a stable and lead it is redonkulous (that's beyond rediculous for those keeping score).

A CENATION stable we need not.
VinnieSunshine, as you say "Cena is doing fine on his own", does this mean that you enjoy the whole John "One Man Army" Cena style that he has been doing for years?
Maybe this time it would be good, for him to have a team to help him battle people, especially if the opposing faction is onethat has many big "destroyers" in the team such as lesnar, tensai and mark henry, i mean come on, surely it would be a better angle for cena to recruit people in his fight against Johnny Ace and his minions?

Factions are usually groups of wrestlers that need other wrestlers to help them either get over, get better in terms of skill or to hide flaws. Factions are also usually groups of heel wrestlers, because it plays on the fact that heels tend to fight in numbers in an effort to appear strong. The story is always how the face defies the odds against a multitude of heels to prevail.

As flawed as we all believe Cena's character is, he doesn't need a faction.
Cena is in the Hogan category. He can team up for awhile, but always stands on his own. To have the biggest face in a faction wouldn't do him any justice. The only way I can see it work if more older wrestlers come back to the WWE and he leads the charge for the current guys in the locker room. Thats the only way I can see it working.
VinnieSunshine, as you say "Cena is doing fine on his own", does this mean that you enjoy the whole John "One Man Army" Cena style that he has been doing for years?
Maybe this time it would be good, for him to have a team to help him battle people, especially if the opposing faction is onethat has many big "destroyers" in the team such as lesnar, tensai and mark henry, i mean come on, surely it would be a better angle for cena to recruit people in his fight against Johnny Ace and his minions?

Cena never really bothered me. The whole "SuperCena" thing that was made up by the IWC is dumb. Back in the day no one ever chastised Hogan for being the Superman of his era. Cena is a modern day Hogan. No one chastised Austin for overcoming adversity either.

The IWC and fans love to hate on Cena because he is the good boy of the WWE. He is someone kids can look up to. He is the superhero that always beats the villian.

BUT...do I want him to turn heel? Of course I do. I believe that every wrestler NEEDS that at some point in their career. Will it ever happen with Cena? Eventually. Cena turning heel would be the Hollywood Hogan of this generation. Eventually Cena will get there.

But to quote the man above me in regards to a Cena stable...
Factions are usually groups of wrestlers that need other wrestlers to help them either get over, get better in terms of skill or to hide flaws. Factions are also usually groups of heel wrestlers, because it plays on the fact that heels tend to fight in numbers in an effort to appear strong.
Cena, nor any of the top mid-card faces NEED this. They are already over. It would be dumb for Cena to turn around and get a bunch of rookies to fight along side him.

When you go to war, do you want a bunch of inexperienced guys watching your back, of guys that know how to handle themselves? The guys that know how to handle that situation dont need to be placed in it.
I could not stand a friendly stable... it would be so boring to watch ryder,kofi and cena whats the point? just no. if cena is in a stable it needs to be with laurinaitis in a major heel turn.
I agree that there is a reason why just about every succesful stable I can think of consisted of heels, face stables don't work and are pretty boring.

Having said that one interesting scenario I could think of would be that Cena gets squashed by Lesnar, Otunga, Henry etc, the guys Laurinitis seems to favour when trying to face them on his own. Thus he winds up having to team with other heels, guys dislillusioned with Laurinitis, or who feel ignored like Miz, Del-Rio, Christian, Ziggler people who are being overlooked in spite of their service to him.

This could be pretty interesting and unique in that cena would remain face but would have to form an unstable relationship of necessity with guys who hate his guts but simply hate JL more. The main draw-back to this would of course be the issue of why he would choose to team with these guys other than faces like Ryder.
If the goal is to win more of the audience back in to Cena's favor a stable needs to include Marines, Make-A-Wish kids, puppies and anything else that reminds people of the things that make a man like Cena hard to despise. His ass kissing promos, enemies and ring work are not doing it.
After his feud with Lesnar is done it would make sense, but who knows how long they plan on carrying that feud.

I am not totally against factions and think that a strong one with Cena as the leader might work ... but it would be tough to pull off. A couple of years ago when they had him running around with Cryme Time it seemed to work all right, but they abruptly ended that angle. Then when he NEEDED a stable to fight the Nexus, they didn't really give him anything.

I think in the right situation against Laurinaitus it might work. I just don't know who you could put in the stable that would make a lot of sense. Remember, faces always team together anyway ... so calling it a "stable" might be kind of odd.
When you go to war, do you want a bunch of inexperienced guys watching your back, of guys that know how to handle themselves? The guys that know how to handle that situation dont need to be placed in it.

In my defence, i never said that it should be inexperienced guys who need a boost, he could bring back some of the seasoned veterans who could help him after he gets decimated week after week, and maybe throw in a new guy or two, just to get them over with the fans, but i understand where you come from, if he doesnt bug you, then you arent gonna be bored of him.

BUT...do I want him to turn heel? Of course I do. I believe that every wrestler NEEDS that at some point in their career. Will it ever happen with Cena? Eventually. Cena turning heel would be the Hollywood Hogan of this generation. Eventually Cena will get there.

As for the heel turn, i really cant see that happening any time soon, he is too over with kids and the armed forces, for that reason alonel a mass exodus of fans would ensue and also sales of cena merch would plummit dramatically.

Cena, nor any of the top mid-card faces NEED this. They are already over. It would be dumb for Cena to turn around and get a bunch of rookies to fight along side him.

Now as for this, they may not need it, but say cena brought in HHH or even taker, these guys are super over with everyone, from the kids to the attitude era fans and even beyond that, these arent gonna be around forever, so he brings these guys in, and then "rookies" aswell to try get them over with the fans, or even they could bring a rookie in, who does there bidding and gets pissed off with how the "legends" are treating him and turns on them, thus giving them instant heat, especially if they were to do this with someone like Mason Ryan or Ryback, who could take henry's place as a monster heel as he is getting on a bit now aswell.
I just want to say... this isnt about getting the fans behind Cena... this is about making Cena more interesting... Cena lost to Rock because he didnt need to win... he is JOHN CENA, The biggest name in pro wrestling today. this is about grooming the future. yes I mentioned that cena was losing appeal... turning him heel would just be more of what wrestling fans have seen before

For a long time I was one of those people who said "Cena needs to turn heel" not that I disliked cena I thought he needed something to freshen up his character... I no longer feel that way after being hyped up and disappointed so often, that a heel turn at this point would just be disappointing and not live up to the hype.

Everybody seems to be saying face factions never work... I disagree... they are few and far between but the nWo had 2 points where it was most interesting... the original formation and hogans heel turn... the other being the split, now correct me if Im wrong but was the wolfpac not almost the entire time a face stable?

do I see a stable like this being a long term thing? no not really but it could be givin a good 6 month- a year long run
Ever since Wrestlemania 28 WWE poster child John Cena has been on a some-what major losing streak lately. John Cena has only had one victory since WM and that was against David Otunga on RAW. But the following week on RAW John Cena lost a match against Lord Tensai. Letting to John Cena's epic showdown against the returning Brock Lesnar.

Now it's highly doubtful that Brock Lesnar will lose his in-ring return match in WWE wrestling to many wrestling fans. So is John Cena on his way to being tossed in the WWE shuffle? Brock Lesnar did have a strong point in closing to his epic promo video from this past monday on RAW. The only reason why John Cena had became the man in the WWE is because Lesnar had left the WWE.

John Cena has been very loyal to the WWE and the WWE has been very good to John Cena. So where is this losing streak to John Cena coming to?
Cena won nearly 90% of matches since 2005.

Had an year long title reign in 2007.

Cena has been the top guy for the last 7 years.

7 years of Cena being on top isn't enough for you ?
I believe it's a bit of a change in direction to refresh his character. A babyface is only as strong as the heels he wrestles. People have been tired of his invincible Superman schtick and soner or later they will go from booing him to not watching at all. What's the point of watching if you already know what's gonna happen? Another thing is sooner or later fans get tired of the same old same old and want to see other wrerstlers be the center of attention.
I'm torn on the subject personally. Yes I remember when Cena could never lose no matter what happened but if you think about it, in 2011 Cena didn't win THAT much either. He lost to Punk, Miz and okay maybe it isn't like his current losing steak, there were moments. The problem I'm torn on is not so much Cena but Lesnar. I know I'm the very little minority but Lesnar was never anything great and from what I remember back in 2002-2004 was him mostly being shoved down our throats because he has that look. He leaves to do other stuff and then comes back and everyone goes ape shit because it's Brock Lesnar. Yes I'm sure Cena will lose to further the storyline which is entertaining but there will be a day when Cena wins again. As far as Lesnar's comment about Cena only being a star because Lesnar left is complete BS. I fully believe Cena would have done just fine regardless of Lesnar leaving. Now one can argue if Cena would have had his super Cena gimmick but there are plenty of other superstars at that time that were on the rise too, whose to say Lesnar wouldn't have gotten lost in the shuffle due to guys like Batista, Orton, HHH, Beniot, Eddie, Edge and JBL.
I'm torn on the subject personally. Yes I remember when Cena could never lose no matter what happened but if you think about it, in 2011 Cena didn't win THAT much either. He lost to Punk, Miz and okay maybe it isn't like his current losing steak, there were moments. The problem I'm torn on is not so much Cena but Lesnar. I know I'm the very little minority but Lesnar was never anything great and from what I remember back in 2002-2004 was him mostly being shoved down our throats because he has that look. He leaves to do other stuff and then comes back and everyone goes ape shit because it's Brock Lesnar. Yes I'm sure Cena will lose to further the storyline which is entertaining but there will be a day when Cena wins again. As far as Lesnar's comment about Cena only being a star because Lesnar left is complete BS. I fully believe Cena would have done just fine regardless of Lesnar leaving. Now one can argue if Cena would have had his super Cena gimmick but there are plenty of other superstars at that time that were on the rise too, whose to say Lesnar wouldn't have gotten lost in the shuffle due to guys like Batista, Orton, HHH, Beniot, Eddie, Edge and JBL.

Brock Lesnar was the top guy on Smackdown when HHH was the top heel on RAW. Batista,Randy Orton, Edge were all pushed on RAW.

Brock Lesnar was the top guy when WWE was filled with stars like Goldberg,Kurt Angle,Kevin Nash,Chris Jericho etc.

Unlike Cena who became the top guy when WWE had very less starpower left.
I dont know where they're going with this and to be honest I dont think they know where they are going with this either. Its not a bad decision either. For the first time the Cena hate is being acknowledged for what it is on WWE TV. Cena's star is fading and WWE is making no effort to hide it. I'm not saying Cena cant still draw and isnt one of WWE's top stars, but I think this is WWE's way of saying "ok 7 years was enough. you can go back to being a regular superstar now". When you have other guys like Rock, Brock, and Punk around it takes the pressure off Cena for a while and lets them freshen up his career a bit. I think of it as a working vacation.
Cena's rise to glory was a lot like hogans! He was the only viable option, so he won and he won often!! But like the guy above me said the face is only as good as the heels he fights!! Its a complete waste of time on everyone's parts to watch Cena beat everyone!

The point has to be that the bad guy looks tough! Wrestling works like dragon ball z! Goku's gta get beat by the guy so he gets tougher and eventually overcomes! Thats whats more than likely hapenning now, he's being shown that he needs to toughen up!

Thats being said... Its two matches... and they werent even in a row, so this is in no way a losing streak! Drew McIntyre, he had a losing streak, not Cena!! Cena beating everyone is like everyone beating Hornswoggle, not entertaining. He needs a challenge, and thats brought about by having people kick his ass... And I'm all for it!

Its going to at the very least see him overcome, which is the purpose of the face of the company, or it might leave him with a more aggressive not so much a pushover attitude!!

For the sake of you guys who are marks to the business and think everythings a conspiracy, do you think Cena's getting buried because he said wrestler instead of superstar and vince is going to ruin his career??

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