IMPACT Wrestling LD for 03.08.12

I would disagree.

Overratedness is not a statistical category that can be calculated and quantified. It's the opinion of each individual asked of it. Were you to poll wrestling fans and ask, I have no idea who they'd name — I just feel that that prestigious title belongs firmly engraved on the Miz. Tattooed, even.
I feel partly responsible for all this today. Mostly because I could say something SD inherently agrees with but he'll find a way to make it seem like it was an attack on anything TNA and turn around and support it.

I questioned his statement of "I don't get why anyone could hate Ken Anderson", and I simply said "why not?" essentially. It appears I'm not alone in find him bothersome to watch. I also am critical of his mic skills because I do public speaking and I know that stuttering through a speech isn't good. His delivery bothers me in that sense and if someone I worked with did that, they'd expect criticism as well.

Anderson may inherently not be terrible, but I think he's the type of guy (or at least it seems this way) that heard once that he was good (I believe from Paul Heyman) and instead of using that as a reason to reach for the top and work hard to justify that compliment, he took it and decided to never get any better and ride on the fact that someone said he had natural talent. Problem is, you have to back up natural ability with hard work and I don't think he does. Evidence is a lackluster body, botchy wrestling, and stuttering promos. All could improve with proper work beforehand.

As for Robbi Just no. The guys is FROM NEW JERSEY and he can't even do a Jersey accent. How is that even possible? When I first saw him I was like "wow, this guys is probably from Alabama doing a Jersey Shore gimmick because he is nowhere close to coming off like someone from our are (I'm from New York)" Then I found out he was FROM NEW JERSEY and he can't do it. That's just sad. That fact alone makes him suck worse than Zack Ryder could ever suck.

The main difference and the reason Ryder is 1000 times better though is that Ryder can actually work and that Ryder took the gimmick and made it fun. Robbie E is trying to use it as a serious heel gimmick as if it's still 1997. Robbie's gimmick sucks but MAYBE he could be ok with a different gimmick. Hard to tell though. I'm sure he can work a match but honestly, who can't? You don't get onto television if you can't (unless your name is Bischoff). Try him with something else and if he fails again, cut him.
The idea that Robbie E is trying to be serious is laughable.

He's a heel who uses his douche-ness to cheat and such, no?

The difference between the two guys again is that one is saying (by his actions) "this is my gimmick and I"m going to try and get people to believe in it." The other said "Ok, I did this gimmick which is close to who I am for a while but even I realize how cartoonish I really am. Why not poke at that and embrace the fact that I'm this ridiculous AND I'm nerdy". Major difference.

Let me rephrase since I know you'll get it wrong. One guy takes his gimmick seriously which simply doesn't work in 2012 and one guy pretty much told the world that he and the gimmick are ridiculous but it's who he is and he got insanely popular as a result. Considering wrestling is about getting over with fans, I'd say that based on that, there is absolutely, positively, 100 percent no way to make an argument that Robbie E > Zack Ryder. That's as silly as ROH fans saying for years that Daniel Bryan is better than John Cena.
there is absolutely, positively, 100 percent no way to make an argument that Robbie E > Zack Ryder.

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I don't recall ever claiming that Robbie E draws more at the moment fwiw. I don't see how taking your comedic gimmick seriously means you aren't being comedic. I don't see how you can define those sweaters the Robbie's were wearing on the most recent impact as anything but "embracing the ridiculous."

Also, if wrestling is about getting over with the fans then Anderson is clearly better than you give him credit for.
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I don't recall ever claiming that Robbie E draws more at the moment fwiw. I don't see how taking your comedic gimmick seriously means you aren't being comedic.

Also, if wrestling is about getting over with the fans then Anderson is clearly better than you give him credit for.

I never said he wasn't decent enough to garner some crowd support over the years. Heck, the Godfather had everyone saying every word of his catchphrases but that doesn't mean he was all that talented. In that time period, he got over though and that counts for something.

All I've said that is that I don't like Anderson and I feel his skills are vastly overrated. I've said it since he's in WWE. Reading this thread, I'm not alone in disliking the dude.

From the beginning, this was about me challenging your statement that "it makes no sense for some people not to like Anderson" to paraphrase. Your point was that Anderson is somewhat valuable and YOU like him so you don't understand why he gets hate. Going back to Godfather, I'm sure back then people commented on how he couldn't wrestle and his matches sucked and the like, but the IWC was smaller then (if it even was really around). He was more popular that Anderson (partly due to the time period) ever has been and I'm sure he was criticized. All I've argued is that everyone in this thread saying they don't like Anderson's work and that don't look forward to his annoying self being on screen have every right to feel that way. That doesn't mean the majority of people watching the show won't disagree.

You don't like Zack Ryder yet he gets a great pop. I don't like Anderson and he maintains some popularity. We're entitled to these opinions though, are we not?
It seems the problem is in the paraphrase. I pretty clearly stated in my initial post that I could understand how an individual wouldn't like Anderson. What was less clear was what I meant by hate. I was using hate as an explanation for why people say ridiculously exaggerated negative things about his talent level. You are clinging to this odd idea that the majority opinion of Anderson presently is that he is the next Stone Cold. I haven't heard even one person say that in months and am doubtful it was ever a majority opinion. Also, your insistence on waffling between crowd reaction and "talent" as it suits you is an unfair advantage. Pick a side of the iron.
It seems the problem is in the paraphrase. I pretty clearly stated in my initial post that I could understand how an individual wouldn't like Anderson. What was less clear was what I meant by hate. I was using hate as an explanation for why people say ridiculously exaggerated negative things about his talent level. You are clinging to this odd idea that the majority opinion of Anderson presently is that he is the next Stone Cold. I haven't heard even one person say that in months and am doubtful it was ever a majority opinion. Also, your insistence on waffling between crowd reaction and "talent" as it suits you is an unfair advantage. Pick a side of the iron.

I'm not sticking to anything. I'm quite clear in what I'm saying. You are not. This is the internet so obviously people use hyperbole. How many times have you heard "so and so is shit". Now, these are individuals who are performing on TV so they are better than 99 percent of wrestlers out there (seemingly) to even get that far. However, as viewers we are entitled to choose who we enjoy watching and don't enjoy watching.

With that in mind, lets go further. Let's say someone says "man, I hate Mr. Anderson, that dude is so annoying!" Is that not the same or very similar to "I hate John Cena! He's annoying and stale!" or "I hate The Miz. He's shit in the ring and he annoys me." The commonality in all these statements is that people are using the word "hate" to describe workers who get significant television time. We've heard them all. For every performer out there, someone has said that they "hate" them. And honestly, the "hatred" has nothing to do with talent level. It never has and never will. People "hate" the Yankees and John Cena because of the talent level. In Anderson's case though, I do believe his talent level has been vastly overrated, mainly by himself.

If we want to be clear, let's say that most people don't "hate" someone because they believe that person is entirely devoid of any talent in regards to the wrestling industry. I'd say they "hate" the idea that they have to watch this person when they prefer others. In Anderson's case, I think the thought process is that his last run (before he was taken off TV for a while), he got very annoying, repetitive, and uninteresting. People "hated" that he would come on their screens.

So when you hear people saying "I hate Mr. Anderson", it's not that they are questioning his abilities, which is a different conversation altogether, they hate WATCHING Mr. Anderson which is perfectly valid. Any wrestling fan anywhere is entitled to like or "hate" (which I know is a strong word but people will use it) any given performer. Not because they hate them personally, not because they feel they don't belong in a wrestling ring (unless their name is Bischoff), but because they simply don't want to watch this person perform.

In conclusion, people feel that way about Anderson. You may not, but at least some people do. The thing is, they are entitled to it. They don't HAVE to enjoy watching the guy or want him involved in storylines.

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