IMPACT Wrestling LD for 03.15.12

I'm going to respectfully disagree because I didn't and here's why. Aries is doing the arrogant "look how great I am and how long I've been champ thing" which is supposed to piss you off. Then a guy who is equally douchy comes out to argue with him. Why should I care that Ion interrupted. It's not like if Ion says "I'm going to end that longest reign", you are going to be like "yes! do it! we love you!" Guy is bad. It needs to be a guy the crowd can get behind when you do a segment like that and there wasn't. Thus, that segment, and the feud as a whole, just doesn't do it for me.

I get what you're saying but I don't root for anyone in a feud I just want to be entertained.
You know what ticks me off? When guys like Garrett Bischoff get to be in the ring with guys like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair despite having no talent that I can see whatsoever.
I get what you're saying but I don't root for anyone in a feud I just want to be entertained.

So do I, which is why that segment didn't work. It was decent from Aries and ok from Ion. I just don't have a reason to be invested in the feud which is what entertains me. A good story entertains me and a good story works when you have the right characters. A heel Ion is simply the wrong character for what happened today making it a weak story and a lot less entertaining than a month ago when Alex Shelley was the right character (who probably should have won the title btw)

You're difficult to please.

Not really. Don't do/say the same things every week and don't appeal to the lowest common denomenator ("Haha, she touched her vagina and he's in his underwear. They're different so they're funny!") and I'll probably be entertained. Also, being loud isn't funny.

Christy is looking good tonight.
Wow camera shot showed a scar under Mickie's ass... I must investigate that..

... wait.. that makes me sound like a sick fuck.

God I hate Mr. Anderson......Anderson.

He is better as a heel... when he debut he was fun, now he is stale as a face.

his promos are hit and miss (mostly miss) as a face.. during his debut to TNA as a heel his promo's were fun. I wish he would go back to doing that.

Much more tolerable.. I don't Hate Anderson but I liked him a lot more back then.

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