IMPACT Wrestling LD for 03.15.12

I forgot what it looks like when a chick can do a bulldog without completely fucking it up.

(I'm looking at you Kelly Kelly)
Joe is coming off as more intense in the ring. Crimson is looking a lot more cool and caculated...

There he goes...
Keep that away from Kurt Angle. We all know what he does with a buzz on Twitter, but who knows what would happen if he was in the ring.
Really like that segment

I'm going to respectfully disagree because I didn't and here's why. Aries is doing the arrogant "look how great I am and how long I've been champ thing" which is supposed to piss you off. Then a guy who is equally douchy comes out to argue with him. Why should I care that Ion interrupted. It's not like if Ion says "I'm going to end that longest reign", you are going to be like "yes! do it! we love you!" Guy is bad. It needs to be a guy the crowd can get behind when you do a segment like that and there wasn't. Thus, that segment, and the feud as a whole, just doesn't do it for me.

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